Caveat Emptor
Editor: Gene STEINBERG
Magazine:Caveat Emptor

A New Age Journal

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Issue:N. 23 Fall
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Tag PDF: ABDUCTION pp. 1,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,19,24,35,36,37,39,40,43 ADAMSKI pp. 24,37 ARNOLD p. 6 CE-1 p. 35 CONTACTEE pp. 4,8,14,19,21,24,39,40,43 KEEL pp. 4,7,8,33,40,43 MIB p. 4 PALMER pp. 5,6 VALLEE p. 43

Gene STEINBERGThe Myth-Makers
Whereas the 1950's vision of an alien visitor was a God-like being of infinite goodness and wisdom, such visions three decades later were often fodder for nightmares

On an even Keel...5
On a not so even Keel...5
... and more Keel...6
On my shoulders6-7
Moore to blame7

The Caveat Emptor Interview
Floyd MURRAYDr. David Jacobs8-12

The Ego Corner
Geneva HAGENThe Good, the Bad & the Weird13-16

James W. MOSELEYThe Howard Menger Story
On one occasion, three alleged spacemen were seen at one time, and were described as leaping and bounding about "like clowns" in Menger's apple orchard

Jon Erik BECKJORDThe Convention From Hell: A Personal View of the 1990 Guildford ISC/BFS Convention 23-29

Curt SUTHERLYHere it is: The MJ-12 Wrap-up
Do I detect a bit of fence-sitting? Does Stanton Friedman believe in the authenticity of the documents, or doesn't he?

Culture Corner
Victoria LACASOut There33
Review: Howard BLUM,OUT THERE - 1990
Victoria LACASThe Watchers: The Secret Design Behind UFO Abduction33-34
Review: Raymond E. FOWLER,THE WATCHERS - The secret Design Behind UFO Abductions - 1991
Ritchie W. BENEDICTExtraordinary Experiences (Personal Accounts of the Paranormal in Canada)34-35
Doug GIRLINGThe UFO Report 199035
Review: Timothy GOOD (ed.),THE UFO REPORT 1990 - 1989

Ed, we hardly knew ye!37-38
What's in a name?38-39
The tragic death of a California occult writer39