UFO Research Australia Newsletter
Editor: Vladimir GODIC
Magazine:UFO Research Australia Newsletter

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Issue:vol 4 no 3 November-December
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Tag PDF: ITALY p. 3

Ethics in Ufology2

"Adventure under the Equator" 3
(Translated by Tiberius A. TOPOR)
(Reprint MUFON UFO JOURNAL 197 September/1984 Sighting Off Coast of Brazil, pp. 15+16)

"Mysterious traces near Pordenone may be UFO"? 4
(From: Il giornale di Brescia, 8/8/1983 Translated by Massimo GRECO)

"Another mysterious trace: is the UFO a military airplane"? 4
(From: Il giornale di Brescia, 9/8/1983 Translated by Massimo GRECO)

"Not UFOs but only varnishers" 5
(From: La Notte, 18/8/1983 Translated by Massimo GRECO)