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Francesco Izzo

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Casistica UFO: Prodo - 10/10/1979 pp.27-30
Notiziario UFO
N. 4-5 Nuova Serie (40-41) Luglio-Agosto Settembre-Ottobr 1971
Name: Izzo, Francesco ; Bellocchio, Giorgio ; Galli, Ugo
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Inchiesta CUN: Gli avvistamenti italiani del 7 ottobre 1971 pp.7-9
Notiziario UFO
N. 43 Gennaio - Febbraio 1972
Name: Giudici, Antonio ; Dotti, R. ; Bertoli, A. ; Alva, G. ; Izzo, Francesco ; Quattrocchi, Angelo ; Benvenuti, F.
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Francesco IZZO, Quarta conferenza internazionale sulle origini della vita p.2
Notiziario UFO
N. 50 Febbraio 1973
Name: Izzo, Francesco
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Francesco IZZO, Nuovo libro di A. Hynek p.4
Notiziario UFO
N. 51 Marzo 1973
Name: Izzo, Francesco
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Francesco IZZO, Esobiologia pp.1+3
Francesco IZZO, Dossier retrospettivo: Un caso di italiano di avvistamento del 1954 pp.2+4
Notiziario UFO
N. 53 Maggio 1973
Name: Izzo, Francesco
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Francesco IZZO, State of Art? pp.117-118
VOL. I N. 1 1976
Name: Izzo, Francesco
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Francesco IZZO, Book Reviews: 1973 - Year of the Humanoids pp.184-186
Francesco IZZO, State of Art pp.204-205
VOL. II N. 1 1977
Name: Izzo, Francesco
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R. FARABONE, F. IZZO, R. CABASSI, Editorial: Why Still "UFO PHENOMENA"? pp.3-7
R. FARABONE, F. IZZO, R. CABASSI, IN UFO AREA: Official data request in Italy pp.315-319
Francesco IZZO, Read in Literature: Social Intelligence About Anomalies pp.332-333
Francesco IZZO, In Short: About OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje p.339
VOL. III N. 1 1979
Name: Cabassi, Renzo (1945) ; Izzo, Francesco ; Farabone, Roberto (1944)
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R. FARABONE, F. IZZO, R. CABASSI, Editorial: We Are Not Alone pp.3-12
Francesco IZZO, Book Reviews pp.169-176
VOL. IV N. 1 1981
Name: Izzo, Francesco ; Cabassi, Renzo (1945) ; Farabone, Roberto (1944)
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Francesco IZZO, SHORT COMMUNICATIONS: The Centrality of the witness pp.79-84
UPIAR Research In Progress
Volume 1 No 2 1982
Name: Izzo, Francesco
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Francesco IZZO, The Scandal is 0,7% pp.5-8
Author:Roberto FARABONE (ed.)
Serie:Upiar Monograph
Publisher: UPIAR, Milano 1983
Name: Izzo, Francesco ; Donderi, Don C. (1937) ; Evans, Hilary (1929 - 2011) ; Farabone, Roberto (1944) ; Keul, Alexander G. (1954) ; Lawson, Alvin H. (1929 - 2010) ; Maugé, Claude (1946) ; Mulacz, Wilhelm Peter ; Schönherr, Luis ; Scott, Malcolm ; Toselli, Paolo (1960)
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Francesco IZZO, El papel central del testigo pp.27-29 (UPIAR Resea¡ch in Proqress. Vol, l, No 2)
ufo press
Año VI N. 18 Octubre 1983
Name: Izzo, Francesco ; Barbetti de Vros, Lidia
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Image not available Notiziario UFO
Organo Ufficiale Bimestrale del Centro Unico Nazionale per lo studio dei fenomeni ritenuti di natura extraterrestre
N. 4-5 Nuova Serie (40-41) Luglio-Agosto Settembre-Ottobr 1971
CUN, Bologna

Editor: Stefano BRECCIA, Roberto PINOTTI
Name: Izzo, Francesco; Bellocchio, Giorgio; Galli, Ugo

R. PINOTTIPer una ufologia italiana1-4
G. C. BARATTINIPer una ufologia italiana4-7

Cristiano BATALLI COSMOVICIFuochi d'artificio nello spazio
Un nuovo metodo per la ricerca spaziale consiste nel generare nubi artificiali nello spazio allo scopo di indagare sui campi elettrici e magnetici iv sistenti

R. PINOTTIUFO & mass media 16-23

Notizie UFOCUN
Assemblea annuale23

Casistica UFO
Reggio E.24-25
Prodo - 10/10/197927-30
René PIGEON, Jea-Claude GIRARDUFO su Quebec31-34
(From: AFFA N. 5 )

Dossier retrospettivo
Caso Ferrari34-36

U.L.Risponde il biologo
Esistono gli extraterrestri?
(From: La Fiera Letteraria N. 22 11/7/1971 )

Giuseppe JOSCAMa che lingua useremo per parlare con i marziani?
Biologi, astronomi, fisici, esperti di storia e sociologia non sembrano avere più dubbi: nell'universo non siamo soli, ed è giusto prepararsi a u dialogo. Intanto pensiamo a un "linguaggio cosmico", poi manderemo in giro per lo spazio dei robot dotati di emittenti luminose per attirare l'attenzione degli abitanti degli altri pianeti
(From: Domenica del Corriere N. 42 19/10 1971 )
Americani e sovietici a caccia di "marziani"44
(From: Il Resto del Carlino 10/11/1971 )
Mario G. FRACASTROROPerché gli scienziati non credono ai fantastici oggetti
Gli astronomi e i dischi volanti
Non è il dilemma fra conservatorismo e innovazione bensì la necessità di prove valide, I contrasti fra il progresso scientifico e un inconscio desiderio di ritorno alla magia e all'astrologia tipiche del Medioevo
(From: Corriere della Sera 26/5/1971 )

R.O.F. Rete di osservazione fotografica47-48
Fotografano il cielo di notte per scoprire gli "U.F.O."47
(From: Il Giornale di Sicilia 16/6/1971 )

Image not available Notiziario UFO
Rassegna documentaria a carattere tecnico per lo studio e l'analisi scientifica del problema degli oggetti volanti non identificati (UFO) e delle questioni connesse, organo del Centro Unico Nazionale (CUN) per lo studio dei fenomeni ritenuti di natura extraterrestre
N. 43 Gennaio - Febbraio 1972
Centro Unico Nazionale, Bologna

Editor: Stefano BRECCIA, Roberto PINOTTI
Name: Giudici, Antonio; Dotti, R.; Bertoli, A.; Alva, G.; Izzo, Francesco; Quattrocchi, Angelo; Benvenuti, F.
PDF manca pagina 15


Notizie Varie 2

G. ALVALe illusioni ottiche 3-5

G.C. BARATTINICSFC e CUN riuniti in una tavola rotonda
Prove? NO, solo un atto di fede

Inchiesta CUN
Gli avvistamenti italiani del 7 ottobre 19717-9

R. CABASSIDebunking 10-14

La Posta
Mail Livio PERINI15-16

Image not available Notiziario UFO
Rassegna documentaria a carattere tecnico per lo studio e l'analisi scientifica del problema degli oggetti volanti non identificati (UFO) e delle questioni connesse, organo del Centro Unico Nazionale (CUN) per lo studio dei fenomeni ritenuti di natura extraterrestre
N. 50 Febbraio 1973
Centro Unico Nazionale, Bologna

Editor: Renzo CABASSI, Roberto PINOTTI
Name: Izzo, Francesco

Jacques VALLÉEAttività U.F.O.s in relazione con le notti dei giorni della settimana1+3-4
(From: Stendek Año II N. 7 Diciembre/1971 Actividad OVNI en relacion con las noches de los dias de la semana, pp. 12-15 )

Bernard M. OLIVERProgramma CETI
Situazione tecnica della rivelazione di segnali extraterrestri intelligenti
(Translated by Francesco IZZO)

Francesco IZZOQuarta conferenza internazionale sulle origini della vita 2

'46: Umanoidi in Svezia? (2° puntata) 2-3
(From: Ufo-Nachrichten, settembre e ottobre 1972 Translated by Paola GIOVETTI)

Image not available Notiziario UFO
Rassegna documentaria a carattere tecnico per lo studio e l'analisi scientifica del problema degli oggetti volanti non identificati (UFO) e delle questioni connesse, organo del Centro Unico Nazionale (CUN) per lo studio dei fenomeni ritenuti di natura extraterrestre
N. 51 Marzo 1973
Centro Unico Nazionale, Bologna

Editor: Renzo CABASSI, Roberto PINOTTI
Name: Izzo, Francesco

Attività CUN
Regolamento per i rapporti tra sezioni e CUN1-2

Caso di tipo 1 in Argentina 1+3
(Translated by Nicolàs R. KROPACEK)

UFO nel mondo
Decine di dischi volanti avvistati nel Missouri2
(From: Libertà 25/3/1973 )
Nei dintorni di una cittadina del Texas
Fervono le ricerche dei frammenti di un "disco volante" caduto nel 1897
(From: Libertà 25/3/1973 )

Notizie inviate dalla SOBEPS
Martedì 4 luglio: un fenomeno luminoso attraversa tutto il Belgio

Francesco IZZONuovo libro di A. Hynek 4

Image not available Notiziario UFO
Rassegna documentaria a carattere tecnico per lo studio e l'analisi scientifica del problema degli oggetti volanti non identificati (UFO) e delle questioni connesse, organo del Centro Unico Nazionale (CUN) per lo studio dei fenomeni ritenuti di natura extraterrestre
N. 53 Maggio 1973
Centro Unico Nazionale, Bologna

Editor: Renzo CABASSI, Roberto PINOTTI
Name: Izzo, Francesco

Gli UFOs ad una svolta1

Francesco IZZOEsobiologia 1+3

Dossier retrospettivo
Francesco IZZOUn caso di italiano di avvistamento del 19542+4

Il senso della nostra azione 3

UFO nel mondo
Tre dischi volanti visti in Guatemala4
(From: La Notte 27/11/1972 )
Presidente dell'Uganda vede "disco volante"4
(From: Corriere d'Informazione 5/3/1973 )

libri ricevuti4
Book/Magazine:Carl SAGAN, Thornton PAGE (eds.),UFO's: A SCIENTIFIC DEBATE - 1972, Renato VESCO,OPERAZIONE PLENILUNIO - 1972

Image not available UFO PHENOMENA
an international annual review devoted to the scientific study of ufo phenomena
VOL. I N. 1 1976
Editecs, Bologna

Editor: Roberto FARABONE
Name: Izzo, Francesco

Roberto FARABONEEditorial1

Scope and Purpose 3-8

Instructions to Authors 4-8

Miguel GUASPEssay on the Possible Correlazion Between the Geographical Distribution and the Directions of UFOs Based on the Spanish Wave of 1968-196913-34
Abstract: A study of the frequency of occurrences and distribution of the flight directions of UFOs during the Spanish wave of 1968-1969 shows that, when the three parameters of direction, course, and frequency of occurrence of said direction, are considered as vectors, the resultant sum of these vectors indicates precisely the centers of maximum UFO information: that of aerial observations (NE Spain), when considering the directions in which the objects were seen to appear; and that of Type I cases (SW Spain), when considering the directions in which they where seen to disappear. Some subsequent considerations show that the line which joins both centers of information, NE-SW, seems to play an important part in the development of the geographical location of the sightings of the wave.

Richard F. HAINESUFO Apparence Recognition and Identification Test Procedure39-54
Leo R. SPRINKLEUFO Activity: Cosmic Consciousness Conditioning?55-62
Abstract: This paper describes a possible approach to the study of UFO reports: a tentative set of hypotheses which may explains the 'physical', 'biological', 'psycho-social', and 'spiritual' implications of UFO phenomena. UFO reports are considered in light of the hypothesis that the UFO experience tends to increase the level of cosmic consciousness of the UFO witness. Also, the emerging pattern of UFO reports is compared with the views of persons who claims to have obtained prophetic visions of events which are to occur during the next twenty-five years.

Ernst BERGERAre UFOs Poisson-Distribuited?65-71
Abstract: This paper introduces a new concept in the study of UFO waves. Little has been done with the abundant wave data of the past. The POISSON distribution, a statistical distribution for random and rare occurrences, is explained and applied to the author's data on the 1954 fall wave at Austria. It is shown that the 94 cases reported in the 12 week-period are not related in a casual sense and therefore no 'outside driving force', but a heavy publicistic amplification effect on the reporting of new cases is likely to have produced the 'wave' structure. As the POISSON concept may shake several other 'wave' structures at closer examination, general effects of this Austrian result and possible further tests on the validity of the concept are discussed.
Roberto DORETTI, Roberto FARABONEA Statistical Approach to the UFO Basic Data for the Institution of an "Recognition Filter"72-105
Abstract: This paper aims to show a new statistical method to process data interesting UFO research. Mainly it is shown how one can gather data referring to the same set of phenomena or similar type objects, out of the spread-out group of UFO reports. All this will be obtained through the analysis of statistical relations shown by the different sets of data under quantitative aspects through the analysis of correlation coefficients among one sight and the other ones. After a theoretical explanation we will present an easy example which may show in practice to implement such a research. Anyway this example refers to a real situation, even if the set of data is not a very large one, but which is a typical and frequent case. The most important conclusion drawn which appears from this numerical set, the 'filter', in fact allows to recognize the phenomenon besides imprecision and randomness of the gathered data.

Call for Papers 107

Letters to the Editors
Frank B. SALISBURYBiology and CE III: Raising the Debate109-110
Roberto FARABONEThe Problem of Terminology110-111
UFO Research in Italy111-112

Book Reviews
Michael L. BROYLESUfology113-114
Writing Scientific Papers in English114-115
Michael L. BROYLESQuarter Century Studies of UFO's in Florida North Carolina and Tennessee115

Periodical Publications in UFO Area116

Francesco IZZOState of Art? 117-118

Acknowledgements 118

Image not available UFO PHENOMENA
an international annual review devoted to the scientific study of ufo phenomena
VOL. II N. 1 1977
Editecs, Bologna

Editor: Roberto FARABONE
Name: Izzo, Francesco

Roberto FARABONEEditorial1-2

Jan HEERINGA comparative analysis of 62 "solid light" beam cases11-50
Abstract: Witnesses of UFO related events have repeatedly mentioned the fact that the anomalous objects observed by them emitted one or several solid looking, slowly propagating light beams ('solid light' beams). A comparative analysis of 62 cases of this type is presented. It is shown that the characteristic of 'solid light' beams are remarkably constant: uniform luminosity; sharply defined edges; low propagation velocity; conical or cylindrical shape; and (sometimes) propagation along a curved path.

Ernst BERGERAustrian UFO Patterns53-89
Abstract: 54 sporadic and 31 local flap reports (on a total of 127 objects/phenomena), 56 of them investigated personally at their original sites by the author, are compared statistically. The first data set consists of cases all over Austria reported by 89 observers during 5 years; the second one is from Traunstein area of Lower Austria with 34 local witnesses (13 reporting) and three years of sightings. The data are similar with regard to time of day, duration, number of objects, shape, size and motion of the phenomenon, but other observed characteristics show deviations. Austrian UFO patterns are extracted and compared with the results of statistical studies by HANSEN, POHER and VALLEE.

The "CE III"
Claude RIFATIn the Locus Coeruleus, an important anatomical center of the brain, involved in the most bizarre aspects of UFO Report? The induced dream hypothesis93-120
Abstract: This paper deals with an hypothesis, first proposed by Guérin, which might help in appraising the weird content of UFO reports defined as 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' by Hynek. The Locus Coeruleus is a small but very important part of the mammalian brains: it would be the inducing mechanism of what we call 'dreaming'. The author suggests that UFOs seen at a close range, and in which the so-called occupants are 'sighted', interfere with the normal functioning of the brain in the waking state by acting on the Locus Coeruleus. The most important conclusion of this work is that UFO reports of that type do not give us any indication on the true stimulus which elicited the report; they give us only what the subject fancies about the nature of a UFO. If we consider these puzzling reports from this vantage point, a better understanding of bizarre events associated to those occurrences might result. Close Encounters of the Third Kind are LSD-like experiences in which a subject perceives a mixture of the real world and of her/his inner unconscious one.

Richard F. HAINESUFO drawings by witnesses and non witnesses: Is there something in common?123-151
Abstract: This paper describes the results of two separate efforts: (1) administration of a specially prepared UFO drawing 'test' to several groups of alleged UFO eye witnesses and non-witnesses, and (2) a relatively comprehensive review of the published UFO literature containing drawings of UFOs by eye witnesses. This was done in order to determine whether or not any differences might be found between the drawings of the two groups in terms of such features as the UFO's width to height ratio, amount and kind of surface detail, presence or absence of other (environmental) scene detail, and other readily quantifiable information. A second and equally important objective was to allow for the development of a UFO Appearance Recognition and Identification Test Procedure which has appeared in the first issue of this journal (Vol.1, no. 1, 1976). It was found that there are not any readily discernable differences between the eye witnesses and the non eye witnesses UFO drawing on the above features. While this evidence does not prove that the two participant groups come from the same population sample or that all UFO witnesses may be merely portraying (through their drawing) a commonly held social stereotype image of what UFOs are supposed to look like, the evidence could be interpreted this way. Another tentative hypothesis raised from these findings is that almost everyone (eye witnesses and non eye witnesses alike) has seen a drawing, photograph, movie, etc. of a UFO at some time in the past (in distinction to having seen an actual UFO) which might account for the similarities between these two sets of drawings. The paper concludes with illustrations of the most common UFO shapes along with their perspective shape/detail codes derived from the previously published paper (referenced above).

Luis SCHÖNHERRThe present situation of UFO Research?155-173
Abstract: This paper compares the present situation of UFO research with the phase in the development and in the structure of a scientific discipline in general. Some of the problems of documentation as well as of the interpretation of UFO reports are touched. Special attention is given to the question of disinformation (if we are to assume that the UFO phenomenon is a manifestation of some unknown intelligence). The necessity of a thesaurus for all UFO-related qualities is stressed and the main advantages of a proposed 'unlimited' machine readable UFO data base are demonstrated. Finally this paper discusses the possible meaning of the prevalence of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) in UFO research: Does this hypothesis constitute a methodologically feasible tool or is merely an indication, that UFO research is partly still in a pre-scientific phase?
Willy SMITHUFO and astronomy textbooks175-181

Book Reviews
Roberto FARABONELe Nouveau Défi des OVNI183-184
Book:Jean-Claude BOURRET,LE NOUVEAU DÉFI DES O.V.N.I. - 1976
Francesco IZZO1973 - Year of the Humanoids184-186
Book:David WEBB,1973-YEAR OF THE HUMANOIDS - 1974
Roberto FARABONEA la Recherche des OVNI186-188
Jacques VALLÉEOVNIS el fenomeno aterrizaje188-189

Letters to the Editors
Leo R. SPRINKLECosmic Conciousness Conditioning: Some Remarks191-195
UFO Researh in Italy195-201
On UFO and the poisson distribution201-203

Francesco IZZOState of Art 204-205

Image not available UFO PHENOMENA
an international annual review devoted to the scientific study of ufo phenomena
VOL. III N. 1 1979
Editecs, Bologna

Editor: Roberto FARABONE
Name: Cabassi, Renzo (1945); Izzo, Francesco; Farabone, Roberto (1944)


Scope and purpose 8

Instructions to Authors 8-12

Acknowledgments 12

E. J. BETINISOn the chance of witnessing celestial or aerial events15-29
Abstract: The chances of witnessing celestial or anomalous aerial events are derived by considering the volume of sky available primarily to the ground-based observer as compared to the entire earth's atmosphere at a height of about 15 kilometers. The fraction of time spent observing compared to a twenty-four hour day and the fraction of volume of sky for observing are also used. Aircraft pilots' and astronomers' chances are also given some consideration. The results are applied to the chances of detecting meteors and anomalous aerial events. The conclusions indicate that the chance of witnessing an anomalous event (UFO) is extremely low and even improbable. Thus reconciliation with data gathered on reports of witnessing anomalous events implies a 'selectivity'. A further conclusion is that the presence of a few fast-moving anomalies could account for the global scale of the reports of anomalous aerial phenomena.
B. S. MACCABEEAnomalous lights in the daylight sky31-67
Abstract: Several observers, one of them a technical competent employee of a military installation, observed two very bright lights or luminous objects in a clear, midday, summer sky. The lights were observed to remain apparently stationary and also to approach and recede along different trajectories. The duration of the observation was from three to five minutes. Despite an intensive investigation the objects remain unidentified.

W. SMITH, M. GUASP, V. J. BALLESTER OLMOSDramatic chase in Spain71-85
Abstract: A family of five, returning home at night by back roads, was followed by a bright light which chased the car persistently over a distance of about 40 Km for almost an hour. When approaching the village of Cheste (near Valencia, Spain), the UFO, now at a close range, moved ahead and above the car, and extended legs. The incident was terminated by the approach of another vehicle, moving in the opposite direction on that usually deserted road. One of the witnesses (age 15) was violently ill during the incident, and indisposed for some time afterwards. Damage to the battery of the automobile was attributed to the incident, and it had to be replaced the following day.
E. BERGER1954/55 The Austrian share87-134
Abstract: Masses of UFO experiences were reported at Austria in the 1954/55 period 99 of which remained unidentified. The hard core of the material consists of gendarmerie/police reports collected by the Austrian government and for the first time released to Ernst Berger in 1973. 28 case histories, the most interesting part of the material, are presented in detail. By means of a full statistical analysis methodically equal to an earlier study by BERGER on 1972-77 Austrian report patterns structures of the 1954/55 flap are extracted and compared with the results of VALLEE, BERGER and others.

The "CE III"
J. SCORNAUXConsiderations on the nature of humanoids137-176
Abstract: The nature of humanoids reported by UFO witnesses remains very controversial. Their existence as intelligent extraterrestrial beings meets very much reticence in the human mind. There is undoubtedly a mental block caused by fear, but there are also more elaborated arguments. The resemblance between Man and humanoids is one of these, but the question of the resemblance that other intelligent beings may bear to us remains very open among biologists. I do not think that human imagination can explain the appearance of humanoids. In general, they resemble us both too much and too little. An argument against the material nature of the humanoids is that their morphology is far too variable from one case to another. Several answers are possible to this objection. But a more fundamental argument is based on the instant or on the spot disappearance of humanoids. I now give a few examples of this behaviour, both in the open air and in confined spaces. I propose the explanation that these cases are projections of images, created either by electromagnetic waves or by some parapsychological means. But all the ufonauts are not images, or perhaps only a part of the observation corresponds to a projection because some of them left footprints or had physical contact with the witnesses. I also give a few examples of such cases. I present several hypotheses about the nature of material humanoids and discuss the concept of a 'reassuring' hypothesis. I propose foe discussion the hypothesis that part of the humanoids might be human beings captured by the beings governing the UFO phenomenon.

L. R. SPRINKLEUsing pendulum technique in the investigation of UFO experiences179-218
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide information about technique for uncovering subconscious memories, so that UFO field investigators may consider the technique for possible use in investigations. The pendulum technique is described, with references to historical development and contemporary usage. Procedures are presented for learning the use of the pendulum technique, including illustrations to guide the interested reader. A brief review is presented of the literature on field investigation of UFO experiences; an emphasis is given to the reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE III), including reports of 'loss of time', or partial amnesia, which may occur during UFO sightings. Results of using the pendulum technique are described in two UFO cases: one case obtained preliminary information about a possible 'loss of time' experience during a UFO sighting; the second case obtained preliminary information about a possible 'hidden' UFO experience. The UFO cases are presented as examples for preliminary investigation of the CE III experiences. When field investigators obtain information about CE III cases, they are encouraged to consider possible arrangements for a consultant in hypnosis to assist UFO witnesses in exploring and evaluating their subconscious memories of their UFO experiences.
A. H. LAWSONHypnosis of imaginary UFO "abductees"219-258
(Italian translation Documenti UFO Monografie vol. 3 /1984 Ipnosi di rapiti UFO immaginari, pp. 22-72)
Abstract: In an attempt to evaluate objectively the claims of UFO 'abductees', imaginary abductions were induced hypnotically in a group of volunteers who had non significant knowledge of UFOs. Eight situational questions comprising the major components of a typical abduction account were asked of each subject. Although the researchers expected major dissimilarities, an averaged comparison of data from four imaginary and four 'real' abduction narratives showed no substantive differences. Also, extensive patterns echoing well-established details from 'real' UFO reports emerged from the 'naive' subjects' imaginary sessions. There is as yet no satisfactory explanation for the patterns and other similarities between imaginary and 'real' abductions. But, more significantly, there are parallels between these patterns and the 'image constants' or recurrent descriptions of forms, color, and movement reported by subjects in drug-induced hallucination experiments, and in so-called 'death' narratives, among other mental processes. Thus there is reason to accept at least some parts of 'real' abductees' stories as accurate reflections of what their sensory mechanisms have reported. However, despite the many similarities, there are crucial differences - such as alleged physical effects and multiple witnesses - which argue that UFO abductions are separate and distinct from imaginary and hallucinatory experiences. With these distinctions in mind, an abduction model is proposed: Witnesses really perceive images - from whatever source - such as bright and pulsating lights, lattice-textured forms moving randomly in the sky, lighted tunnels, humanoid figures, etc. These abduction constants are combined with data from the imagination, memory, and existing UFO data known by witnesses to create a 'real' UFO encounter. The subjective reality of the intense hallucinatory structure convinces the witnesses that the entire experience is a physically real event. Subsequently they may report the 'truth' as they have experienced it, although actual occurrences remain unclear. The complexities of the UFO phenomenon are affirmed by the above model since still unexplained are many puzzling matters, including the greatest mystery of all, the nature of the stimulus which initiates the imagery in the witness and so triggers the abduction sequence. The writer prefers a dualistic UFO hypothesis. But while there is a continuing absence of unambiguous physical evidence, this study concludes that UFOs are - in psychological terms - unquestionably real, and further, that non-physical UFO research is promising.
R. F. HAINESUFO drawings by witnesses and non witnesses: is there somethings in common (part II)259-271
Abstract: Previously, the author found that no readily discernable differences could be found between drawings of 'what a UFO looks like' by people who claims to have seen one from others who claim never to have seen one (Haines, 1977). Since this finding may have resulted simply from the relatively small sample size (136 valid drawings) further tests were administered. The mean results of 458 more valid drawings are presented here. The results may be summarized by pointing out that the 'Have' seen group drew (1) a higher percentage of valid i.e., not ludicrous drawings, (2) a higher percentage of UFO shapes at some angle relative to the edge of the (drawing) card, (3) a higher percentage of two or more shapes on the card, (4) a lower percentage of shapes in side or isometric view, and (5) a lower percentage of symmetrical drawings. Neither the mean width-to-height ratio of the UFO outline shape or its dome (if drawn) differed between the two participant groups. Also, the other major UFO outline and dome measurements were not drawn differently by either group. Finally, and perhaps more significantly, the 'Have' seen group drew a smaller number of miscellaneous details such as apertures (Windows?), markings, wavy lines around the shape, etc. These findings are compared to those obtained in the previous study and discussed in terms of the perceptual impact the UFO encounter appears to have on one's willingness and/or ability to reproduce a UFO shape.
C. RIFATA theoretical framework for the problem of non-contact between and advanced extra-terrestrial civilization and mankind: symbolic sequential communication versus non-symbolic non-sequential communication273-288
Abstract: A general set of ideas is proposed to suggest that advanced extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) might, probably, never be interested in communicating with such a primitive species as ours. According to the author, symbolic sequential language is the most primitive kind of language intelligent beings may use. Advanced intelligences may better communicate via a non-symbolic non-sequential language, which is able to convey much more bits of information per unit of time at a low cost of distortion, thus nearly eliminating the problem of cloudy symbolic concepts which is so huge a factor of noise in human communication. What is most interesting is that we may well be in presence of a terrestrial species having evolved a more advanced mode of communication: the dolphin!

I. GRATTAN-GUINNESSAre UFO psychic phenomena?291-304
Abstract: Students of UFO phenomena nowadays mostly regard their work as a branch of psychical research. In this paper I explore the possibilities of connections and similarities between UFO and psychic phenomena.

M. PITTELLAA statistical survey among Italian astronomical observatory307-314
Abstract: This statistical survey was performed between the years 1977 and 1978, among the most important 14 astronomical and astrophysical observatories in Italy. It had the purpose to probe the opinion of a major slice of the Italian scientific community about the UFO subject and to know whether the staff of some observatories had directly sighted some UFO phenomena. This informative test did not supply us with new and unexpected information. However it is a clear document emphasizing the mediocre standard of information and sensibility of the scientific environment upon the UFO question. Such an investigation, if addressed to other scientific circles too and regularly repeated, could be a suitable way to assess time to time possible developments of the scientific opinion about the UFO subject.
R. FARABONE, F. IZZO, R. CABASSIOfficial data request in Italy315-319

David M. JACOBSState of Art 325

Symposia and Meetings
Richard F. HAINES1978 BUFORA Conference325-328
Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSRecent developments in Spanish ufology328-331

Read in Literature
Francesco IZZOSocial Intelligence About Anomalies332-333
Roberto FARABONELogique et Recherche Ufologique334-336
Lumières dans la nuit Année 21 N. 180 Décembre/1978 - Logique et recherche ufologique [Viéroudy, Pierre]

Book Reviews
Ron WESTRUMCes OVNIs Qui Annoncent le Surhomme336-338

In Short
Francesco IZZOAbout OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje339

Books and Journals Received 340

Letters to the Editors
A Researcher Write341-342
Ball lightning342
Richard F. HAINESAbout UFO Drawings342-344
On Hypotheses344-345

Image not available UFO PHENOMENA
an international annual review devoted to the scientific study of ufo phenomena
VOL. IV N. 1 1981
Cooperativa Studi e Iniziative UPIAR, Milano

Editor: Roberto FARABONE
Name: Izzo, Francesco; Cabassi, Renzo (1945); Farabone, Roberto (1944)

R. FARABONE, F. IZZO, R. CABASSIWe Are Not Alone3-12

François LOUANGEDigital UFO Picture Analysis19-48
Abstract: This paper is intended for those UFO investigators who have heard of picture processing by computers, but only have a vague idea of what this actually means. An overview of available digital techniques to enhance and analyze pictures in general is presented, with more emphasis on those features which are of direct interest for analysis of alleged UFO photographs, such as edge enhancement and deblurring. Although mathematical developments have been avoided, some background in mathematical analysis, is required to understand the concepts underlying the techniques presented. Investigations on an alleged UFO picture are carried out in two steps: establish or reject authenticity, and extract information on the phenomenon. For both steps, specific types of work performed efficiently by digital means are presented; in particular, searching for evidence of hoaxes based on small artifacts, and enhancement of picture quality are considered. Digital picture processing proves to be a powerful tool for research into photographic evidence of the UFO phenomena, especially when used in conjunction with other means, e.g. optical or chemical analysis of the films.

Bruce S. MACCABEETechnical Analysis of the New Zeland UFO Film: the Ampersand Image51-74
Abstract: This is the first of two papers which present results of technical analyses of one frame of the New Zealand film obtained by cameraman David Crockett during the early morning of Dec. 31, 1978. A highly summarized version of the New Zealand sightings and an analysis of the ampersand image is presented in this paper. The ampersand image is an image that was smeared by relative motion between the light source and the camera in such a way to produce a complex loop in the form of an ampersand, "&". This paper contains my conclusion that the image might have been generated if the camera bumped into something. In the following paper Richard Haines discusses the experimental results of his test of the 'bump theory'. Flying in a less heavy plane and using a less heavy camera he was unable to create any loop image, even though he intentionally vibrated his camera.
Richard F. HAINESComments on Selected Aspects of the New Zeland UFO of Dec. 31, 197875-84
Abstract: Experiments were done to determine whether or not a loop image such as is found in frame 1766 of the Crockett film could be duplicated by intentionally vibrating a camera with a telephoto lens. Non loop images were created in these experiments. Results of an analysis of the color changing/oscillating sequence in the Crockett film are also presented, along with some observations on the witnesses with whom I had the opportunity to speak (Startup, Fogarty, Crockett).

Alexander G. KEULThe Dark Side of the UFO91-111
Abstract: By surveying 30 years of UFO literature and studying 100 Austrian UFO reports in the field, Luis Sch�nherr and Ernst Berger have found a 'dark side', i.e. A force field of psychosocial and pathological influences in UFO experiences. In this paper , the latter shows how these influences can be traced in published, old cases and studied experimentally by means of clinical psychology and psychiatry in recent events. Detection of the 'dark side' should result in a new, witness-centered investigation technique particularly for 'close encounters' and through the application of a different scientific attitude towards the whole UFO phenomenology. A review of papers including 'dark side' viewpoints is given. The material generated in the behavioral sciences lends support to the author's opinion that the UFO problem is primarily linked to the 'human-self-portrait' of our time, which is the degree of scientifically-based awareness the UFO researcher has of himself and of the witness. It is hypothesized that progress in the psychosocial disciplines will gradually brighten the 'dark side' of the UFO, if no a priori reductions are made.
Luis SCHÖNHERRPerciepient-Dependent Components in the UFO Experiences113-165
Abstract: This paper demonstrates that in general UFO literature cases can be found which display details, that are strangely related to the percipient's memory, his psychic and physical situation. I have called them 'percipient-dependent-components' abbreviated 'PDCs'. It is recommended that PDCs found in UFO experiences should be considered as essential, integral parts of the phenomenon and not as random, in the final analysis non-significant distortions. Consequently a working hypothesis concerning the inherent dualistic nature of the UFO phenomenon is proposed. Finally the perception structure of and a possible primary cause for UFO experiences are discussed from various aspects.

Book Reviews
Francesco IZZORichard F. HAINES, OBSERVING UFOs 169-176
Review: Richard F. HAINES,OBSERVING UFOs - 1980
Review: Pedro REDÓN (ed.),ACTAS DEL PRIMER CONGRESO NACIONAL DE UFOLOGÍA: Ponencias técnicas - 1978

In Short

UPIAR Forum192-197

Alexander G. KEULState of Art 198-203

Books and Journals Received 204-206

Subject Index


Image not available UPIAR Research In Progress

Volume 1 No 2 1982
UPIAR, Milano

Editor: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS
Name: Izzo, Francesco

Roberto FARABONEFirst International UPIAR Colloquium1-5
Note from the. Editor-in-chief5

URIP Basic Data 6-14

Adolf SCHNEIDERUFOs with Intense Bright Lights17-33
Abstract: In various reports concerning unknown aerial phenomena or unidentified flying objects there are references to extraordinarily bright lights or rays. In some cases the witnesses are fully blinded, frequently there are also such physiological symptoms as eye irritation, skin inflammations, etc. The objective of this presentation is to numerically estimate the energies necessary to cause the reported symptoms. On the basis of these results it can be determined whether the reported incidents conform to known natural occurrences or can be attributed to technical apparatus, or whether the origin and mechanisms of these phenomena cannot satisfactorily interpreted.
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Miguel GUASPUFOs, Sociability and ETI35-40
Abstract: In order to study the feasibility of an eventual UFO-ETI correlation, the concept of sociability is introduced in the analysis of the probability of extraterrestrial visits to the Earth. The number of spacecraft launches per civilization and year in function of the rate of sociable planets in the Galaxy is calculated, resulting in a more optimistic assessment than previous estimates.

Steuart CAMPBELLScientific Investigation of a CE-II Case41-50
Abstract: A lone forester encountered a large hemispherical object in a clearing and was dragged towards it by two 'spiked' spheres. He collapsed and suffered temporary ill effects. The spheres tore his clothing, and all objects left strange marks in the ground. Local police investigated and recorded the ground marks, but found no conventional explanation or cause to reject the witness' account. Full medical details of the witness are available, and it is deduced that he suffered an isolated epileptic fit. Some scientific tests have been conducted, with little positive result. Evidence points to the cause being a rare natural phenomenon related to ball lightning.

Miguel GUASPCriteria for a Rational Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon53-60
Abstract: A critical study of the stages that must be followed in order to reach the knowledge about any fact or phenomenon is applied to the UFO phenomenon. Conclusions are positive and new criteria which permit the creation of a stable approach to the investigation of UFO phenomena are advanced.

Walter BUCHERSolid lights61-64
Abstract: In many UFO-sightings peculiar beams of light have been observed. These special beams of light are called 'solid lights'. A solid light looks like a compact cylinder or cone radiating much more light to the sides than an ordinary light beam. Frequently a solid light has an abrupt end and the length of the beam can be varied. The appearances and the effects of solid lights are described. Some possible conventional explanations are discussed and considered insufficient.
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOSUFO Research Bibliography

Richard C. NIEMTZOWProject UFOMD72-74
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOSNew Catalogue of UFO Landing Reports in the Iberian Peninsula75-77

Ronald WESTRUMOn UFO Reports' Dynamic78
Francesco IZZOThe Centrality of the witness79-84

Image not availableAuthor: Roberto FARABONE (ed.)
Publisher: UPIAR, Milano
Serie: Upiar Monograph
Year: 1983
Pages: 173
Name: Izzo, Francesco; Donderi, Don C. (1937); Evans, Hilary (1929 - 2011); Farabone, Roberto (1944); Keul, Alexander G. (1954); Lawson, Alvin H. (1929 - 2010); Maugé, Claude (1946); Mulacz, Wilhelm Peter; Schönherr, Luis; Scott, Malcolm; Toselli, Paolo (1960)

Roberto FARABONEMonograph Presentation 1-2

Francesco IZZOThe Scandal is 0,7% 5-8

Roberto FARABONECarateristique du colloque 9-11

Alexander G. KEULWhat Could Be This? 15-20
Abstract: Probing the independent variable in UFO reports by projective personality tests and anamnesis. A short review of diagnostic methods able to uncover unconscious material of the UFO witness. The RORSCHACH inkblot technique - its possibilities and its limitations.

Paolo TOSELLIExamining the IFO Cases: the Human Factor 21-50
(French translation OVNI VERS UNE ANTHROPOLOGIE D'UN MYTHE CONTEMPORAIN Dimensions Humaines /1993 L'examen des cas d'objects volants identifiés (OVI): le facteur humain)
Abstract: In past years, all of the well known 'ufologists' realized that misperceptions or misinterpretations of aircrafts, weather balloons, meteors, twinkling stars and other man-made or natural events account for many initial UFO reports. Nevertheless, this acceptance of the IFO phenomenon - viz. the identified cases - doesn't exceed the simple remark of its existence. In fact, according to these persons, the reports that remain when these 'false sightings' have been eliminated an altogether different character. But some recent work has largely pointed out that the IFO and UFO event contain very similar (or the same?) 'patterns'. The fear and the emotions produced by both IFO and UFO events have tones of the same intensity, without any practical differentiation. The purpose of this paper is to provide information about the numerous problems associated with the physical, physiological, psychological and social processes involved in most IFO (and UFO) cases, and to suggest a probable interpretation of the conscious and subconscious events that lead the witness to read the same specific 'UFO model' into a IFO sighting. We have, moreover, tried to distinguish various kinds of IFO reports, by proposing three different 'transposition levels' that could replace the inadequate, though still used, generalization of 'misinterpretation' or 'misperception'. Without having to introduce the assumption of an 'altered state of consciousness' or other 'pathological' processes in the witness, we think that the IFO 'experience' is - even considering its repetitive and collective nature - a very common self developed, human process, principally generated by some basic psychological, psychophysical and social events with the co-operation of the folklore and the myth surrounding the whole UFO subject.

Don C. DONDERISignal Detection Theory As a Method for the Retrospective Evaluation of UFO Witnesses 53-63
Abstract: A sound general principle in psychology is that a psychological test should simulate closely the behavior it is intended to predict. We are trying to predict retrospectively the reliability of UFO witnesses. The witness reports are accounts of visual experiences. The problem is to decide whether these reports closely approximate real physical events, or whether they were generated independently of real physical events. The closest experimental model of the real situation is the signal detection experiment. Signal detection theory is a general formulation of the relationship between stimulus and the response which permits an observer's responses: hits, misses, false positives, and discriminability and response bias. Stimulus discriminability is a measure of the ease with which the stimulus can be detected. It reflects individual differences in sensitivity, as well as the physical detectability of the stimulus. Our interest is in the measure of response bias, defined as a tendency to respond positively in the absence of the stimulus. We wish to discount the reports of the observers who are susceptible to response bias, and credit more strongly the reports of observers who show relatively little response bias. A retrospective signal detection theory test which measures a witness' response bias under the pretext of studying the characteristics of the reported sighting, will be presented. The test requires minimum of apparatus and can be carried out quickly as a part of a witness interview.

Alvin H. LAWSONBirth Trauma Imagery in CE-III Narratives: A Testable Hypothesis for the Origin of Fallacious Abduction Reports 65-117
Abstract: The imagery and events in UFO abduction reports resemble those in several psychological processes, but they are especially similar to revivified birth trauma (BT) narratives. The incipience, universality, and idiosyncratic quality of BT events suggest a likely psychological (non-exotic) source for alleged abduction experiences. These qualities also help explain the many parallels and the minor differences in CE-III reports from witnesses in diverses as well as comparable cultures. The paper presents extensive abduction/BT parallels, taken from abductees' and revivification subjects' narratives. A prominent abduction case (Betty Andreasson's) is analyzed for BT imagery and events, and the study finds pervasive evidence for concluding that the Andreasson experience was essentially a BT revivification. The main points of the paper are: 1) BT data relate to a witness's perinatal history and psychology rather than to UFO events, and so their presence invalidates any CE-III narrative in part or whole; 2) BT elements therefore provide a criterion which can help determine false abduction reports from any that may reflect actual events; and 3) the BT hypothesis is testable through such means of researching abductees' birth histories as familiar interviews, scrutiny of narratives, and hypnotic regression. Multiple witness abductions cannot yet be dismissed, but probably relate to multiple hallucinations, while physical effects CE-IIIs remain ambiguous. Ufologists are urged to approach abduction cases not as exotic events but as genuine psychological phenomena, in order to make fundable CE-III studies more feasible.

Alexander G. KEULInside the Window 121-124
Abstract: A framework for the eighties. Instead of 'looking out of the window together with the (unknown) witness' several disciplines of the social and medical sciences are invited to study the psychosocial roots of the UFO report generation and reception. Focusing on the 'human factor' leads to interdisciplinary contacts with religion, the arts, mythology, psychoanalysis, mass media research, politology, parapsychology, psychopathology and neurology.

Hilary EVANSAbducted by an Archetype 127-139
Abstract: Accounts of alleged abductions by UFOs are generally unsubstantiated by objective evidence, unconfirmed by supporting witnesses and based on purely subjective testimony. It is therefore logical to start by supposing them to be mental rather than physical experiences, and indeed cases exist where this is known to be the case. One feature alone speaks in favour of the physical reality of such accounts - their consistency one with another, which obtains not only in broad outline, but in specific detail. Can this consistency be taken as evidence for the veridical nature of the experience, or are there explanations in psychological and sociocultural terms? Some findings are relevant: (1) The De Herrera/Lawson experiments show that similar accounts can be obtained from subjects who not only do not claim UFO abduction experiences, but deny interest in or detailed knowledge of the UFO phenomenon: these fictitious encounters mimic the 'true' accounts in remarkable detail. (2) Meheust's study of parallels between abduction experiences and science fiction indicates the prevalence of such accounts pre-dating the current UFO era, thus lending support to a cultural, almost folk-lore explanation. (3) Monnerie and Hendry, independently, have demonstrated the ability of sincere witnesses to fabricate 'alien' sightings from what are known to be natural or made-man stimuli. Taken together, these findings suggest that percipients are able to draw some common source of UFO-imagery, an image-bank perhaps to be compared with Jung's archetypes, from whose material they fabricate imagined experiences, motivated by private or social forces. The mental process may be that noted in divided- personality cases by Prince and others. A model is therefore proposed which supposes that the percipient, having lapsed or been induced into an altered state of consciousness, has fed into his conscious mind the illusion of undergoing a UFO experience, fabricated by his own unconscious from a combination of subjectively derived and archetypal material. While such a model does not rule out the possibility of some abduction cases being genuine, it offers a plausible explanation for those which are known or suspected to be false, but which none the less display disconcertingly vivid and detailed correspondences with other cases.

Alexander G. KEULFive Selected Cases 141-145
Abstract: Typical case histories from the 1980/81 Austrian and English cross-cultural UFO witness projects. Tape passages, diaslides and psychological test details illustrate positive and negative reporter profiles.

Luis SCHÖNHERRPosition Statement 149

Wilhelm Peter MULACZParapsychology and Ufology 151-152

Malcolm SCOTTUFOs, the Paranormal and Personality - An Interim Assessment 153-156

Claude MAUGÉLa psychiatrie face au phénomène OVNI [French] 157-168

Roberto FARABONEThe UPIAR Concept 171-173

Image not available ufo press

Año VI N. 18 Octubre 1983

Editor: Alejandro AGOSTINELLI, Alejandro Enrique CHIONETTI, Guillermo Carlos RONCORONI
Name: Izzo, Francesco; Barbetti de Vros, Lidia

Alejandro CHIONETTIEl incidente del Lago Lacar 4-9
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XIV N. 155 Luglio/1984 L'avvistamento del Lago Lacar, pp. 16-17
French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 27 N. 241-242 Juillet-Août/1984 Un cas très important : l 'accident du lac LACAR (Argentine), pp. 10-14)

Francesco IZZOEl papel central del testigo 27-29
(From: UPIAR Resea¡ch in Proqress. Vol, l, No 2 )