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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

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After the Flying Saucers Came
The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony

Man of Mysteries The Three Lives of George Hunt Williamson Revealed

UFOs, Earthquakes and the Straight Line Mystery

UFO Contacts in Italy - Volume Two
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The Saucer Saga

MUFON 2016 International UFO Symposium Proceedings

Flying Saucers Are Real!

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MUFON 2015 International UFO Symposium Proceedings

MUFON 2014 International UFO Symposium Proceedings

50 Years of Amicizia (Friendship)
Rosemary Ellen GUILEY
The Djin Connection

Barbra MAHER (ed.)
MUFON 2013 International UFO Symposium Proceedings

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Alexander C.T. GEPPERT
Imagining Outer Space


FSD Revisited

The Myth and Mystery of UFOs
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Jerome CLARK
Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds

Hilary EVANS
UFOs and Water



Image not availableAuthor: Greg EGHIGIAN
Title: After the Flying Saucers Came
A Global History of the UFO Phenomenon
ISBN13: 978-01-9086-987-8
Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York
Year: 2024
Pages: 388
Name: Eghigian, Greg

Acknowledgments ix-xi

Introduction 1-11

Arrival 12-22

Apparitions. Airships, and Aliens 23-48

Spaceships, Conspiracies, and the Birth of the UFO Detective, 1948-1953 49-81

From Mystery to Movement, 1947-1960 82-116

Journeys 117-170

Science and UFOs in the 1960s 171-215

Renaissance 216-258

Intruders 259-308

Conclusion: Where To, Where From, Wherefore? 309-318

Notes 319-360

Bibliography 361-380

Index 381-388

Image not availableAuthors: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Richard W. HEIDEN
Title: The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony
Color Edition

Editor: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Richard W. HEIDEN
ISBN13: 979-12-8144-100-2
Publisher: UPIAR, Torino
Year: 2023
Pages: 711
Name: Abrassart, Jean-Michel (1976); Albright, Thomas D.; Ares De Blas, Félix (1947); Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Berché Cruz, Carles; Borraz Aymerich, Manuel (1961); Bradfield Douglass, Amy; Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949); Callahan, Tim; Campo Pérez, Ricardo (1965); Carlson, James T.; Conesa-Sevilla, Jorge; da Silva, Luiz Augusto L.; Das, Surabhi; Delaval, Marcel (1945); Dodier, Oliver; Dumerchat, Frédéric (1954); Forrest, David; French, Christopher; García Cabria, Ignacio (1955); Guasp, Miguel (1953); Haines, Richard F. (1937); Heiden, Richard W. (1950); Huston, Peter; Ickinger, Jochen (1961); Kelley, Stephanie M.; Keul, Alexander G. (1954); Krippner, Stanley (1932); Lansley, Hélène; Leduc, Marc (1947); Magin, Ulrich (1962); Maillot, Eric (1959); Martins, Leonardo B.; Maugé, Claude (1946); Mavrakis, Daniel (1960); Meena, Subhash; Myers, Craig R.; Newman, Leonard S.; Nickell, Joe (1944); Noll, Richard; Oberg, James E. (1944); Palmer, Susan J. (1946); Passot, Xavier (1954); Peiniger, Hans-Werner (1957); Plaza del Olmo, Julio; Posner, Gary P.; Printy, Tim (1959); Rabeyron, Thomas; Raduga, Michael; Reis, Carlos; Robé, Raoul (1958); Rospars, Jean-Pierre (1948); Ruesga Montiel, Josè (1947); Scribner, Scott R.; Sharps, Matthew J.; Suenaga, Cláudio Tsuyoshi; Van Utrecht, Wim (1959); Watson, Nigel (1954); Wheeler, Gregory J.; White, Luise; Young, Robert R. (1944)

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Richard W. HEIDENIntroduction 9-18

Leonard S. NEWMANForeword 19-22

I. Case Studies
Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSMemory Games: A False Recall Episode
Abstract: The event under study appears to be of an exceptional nature. Though initially undefined by the witness, it was later purported to correlate with a more than modest UFO sighting that occurred in the middle of the Spanish summer and that remained unexplained due to lack of information. Subsequent telephone and e-mail interviews with the witness over the years revealed astonishing new sighting data. A press search yielded an unexpected solution to one part of the witness’s account. Analysis of the narrative suggests that the event is consistent with a false memory incident.
Tim CALLAHANThe Phoenix Lights: The Fallibility of Human Perception and Memory
Abstract: : The Phoenix Lights, which appeared in the night sky in Phoenix, Arizona on March 13, 1997 were perceived by several onlookers as the leading edge of a large V-shaped flying craft, which flew directly over their heads. The witnesses described the unlit portion of this UFO as obscuring the stars above it as it passed, slowly and silently. These witnesses were, for the most part, reputable and they were not suffering from any delusions; nor were they suffering from sleep paralysis or any other temporary psychological disruption of either their cognitive or perceptual abilities. However, videos taken of the lights show them appearing one at a time, hovering close to the western horizon in a ragged line, then winking out one by one. Research carried out by psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, as well as by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simmons, among others, demonstrates the subjectivity of both perception and memory. Shared experiences of an unusual event are often transformed into a coherent dramatic narrative. Despite admission on the part of the United States Air Force that the lights were military flares dropped by parachute and the disconfirming videos taken in 1997, belief that the Phoenix Lights were the leading edge of a huge UFO remains strong 25 years after the incident.
James T. CARLSONMissile Flights and Fantasies
Abstract: Discusses the numerous disconnects between very consistent witness confirmations alleged by a single individual and the very inconsistent claims presented by that individual over an extended period of time. The case study involves an incident in which UFOs reportedly interfered with the status of nuclear missiles within multiple silos and squadrons at Malmstrom AFB in the State of Montana, United States of America. These differences later proved to be the key factor proving the falsity of the claims, because they ultimately provided sufficient cause to interview all of the witnesses separately — a resolution that was impossible to assert when the case was first described due to the anonymity of the witnesses discussed. Anonymity should always provoke doubt.
Peter HUSTONMeeting the Abductees: Betty Hill, Richard Price & Others
Alexander G. KEULInvestigating Ball Lightning Eyewitness Report
Eric MAILLOT, Jean-Michel ABRASSARTVery Close Encounter with a UAP in Levitation
Claude MAUGÉThe Raël Rael, UFO Contactee and the Last Prophet
Craig R. MYERSThe MUFON-ian Candidate: The Gulf Breeze UFO Case as Political Contest
Joe NICKELLThe Pascagoula Abduction: A Case of Hypnagogia?
James OBERGMisinterpretations of Fireball Swarms from Satellite Reentries
Susan J. PALMERWhen Testimony Becomes Testament: The Case of Raël, UFO Prophet, and the Question of Witness Reliability
Gary P. POSNERThe Legendary Cash-Landrum Case: Radiation Sickness from a Close Encounter?
Tim PRINTYThe Weinstein Catalog: Ufological Bullion or Fool's Gold?
Josè RUESGA MONTIELThe Changing Case of Próspera Muñoz: An Abduction Remembered Over 41 years?
Wim VAN UTRECHTLunar Terror in Poland: A Doctor's Dilemma
Nigel WATSONOn The Credibility of the Barney & Betty Hill Abduction Case
Robert R. YOUNGMetamorphosis: Claimed Witness Accounts of the Great Lakes Fireball Of December 9, 1965

II. Psychological Perspectives
Thomas D. ALBRIGHTOn Eyewitness Reports of Extraterrestrial Life241
Jorge CONESA-SEVILLAClose Encounters of the "Other" Kind: On the Psycology of "Alien Abdcutions"257
Oliver DODIERDissociation and Alien Abduction Allegation266
David FORRESTAlien Abduction: Takeaways275
Christopher C. FRENCHHypnotic Regression and False Memories283
Stanley C. KRIPPNERAliens, UFOs, and Personal Schemas295
Hélène LANSLEY, Thomas RABEYRONClinical Approach to UFO Sightings and Alien Abductions299
Claude MAUGÉManuel Jimenez and the Perception of UFOs: Hypotheses and Experiments313
Subhash MEENA, Surabhi DASCognition and Memory Distortion Behind UFO Testimonies331
Giulio PERROTTAClinical Evidence in the Italian Phenomenon of Alien Abduction339
Scott R. SCRIBNER, Gregory J. WHEELERFrom "I Witnessed..." to Established Hypothesis: UFO Cultures and Contexts355
Matthew J. SHARPSForensic Cognitive Science and the UFO Phenomenon368

III. On Witness Testimony
Manuel BORRAZ AYMERICHUFOs: The Role of Perceptual Illusions in the Endurance of an Empirical Myth387
Thomas E. BULLARDCalibrating the Instrument: How Reliable Is Eyewitness Testimony?402
Ricardo CAMPO PÉREZBizarre Accounts: Remarkable Missile Sightings from the Canary Islands in the 1970s419
Luiz Augusto L. DA SILVASome Considerations About the Behavior and Reliability of UAP Eyewitnesses433
Marcel DELAVALUFO Myth Propagation Before the Arrival of Social Networks440
Richard F. HAINESWitness Reliability: Accuracy - Reliability of Pilots - Personal Honor447
Jochen ICKINGERMemories Are not Documentaries: The Weakest Link in the Chain of UFO Evidence454
Ulrich MAGINThress Simple Tests of Eyewitness Reliability467
Daniel MAVRAKISReliability of UFO Witness Testimony in Extreme Close Encounters: "Abductees" and "Contactees"472
Richard NOLLSatanists, Aliens and Me488
Xavier PASSOTThe UFO Testimony Reliability from 2000 GEIPAN Reports497
Julio PLAZA DEL OLMOData are Worth a Thousand Accounts504
Cláudio Tsuyoshi SUENAGAThe Objectivity of Witnesses and the Subjectivity of Testimonies513
Luise WHITEAliens Are Good to Talk With524

IV. Empirical Research
Carles BERCHÉ CRUZAlien Delusions: Some (Real) Clinical Cases531
Stephanie KELLEY-ROMANO, Amy BRADFIELD DOUGLASSMemory Distortion in a Social Judgement: People who Report Contact with Aliens are More Susceptible537
Hans-werner PEINIGERIt Was as Large as the Full Moon551
Hans-Werner PEINIGERWhen a Fire Balloon Transforms in a UFO556
Michael RADUGABedtime Alien Abduction Stories: A Checklist to Detect its Dreaming Nature562
Raoul ROBÉFantasy Imagery and UFO Testimonies570
Jean-Pierre ROSPARSAbilities and Limitations of Eyewitnesses Assessed on Atmospheric Entries of Meteoroids and Artificial Satellites585

V. Anthropological Approach
Ignacio CABRIAInside a Spaceship: Cognitive and Social Adpects of an Alien Contact605
Frédéric DUMERCHATAlien Big Cats and UFO Testimonies: Similarities and Questions615
Carlos REISBelief in Aliens and the Imaginary: A Transdisciplinary Approach632

VI. Metrics and Scaling
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Miguel GUASPMeasuring the Subjectivity of UFO Testimony651
Marc LEDUCThe Reliability of the UFO Sighting Story656

VII. Epistemological Issues
Félix ARES DE BLASOn The Fallacy of the Residue673
Leonardo B. MARTINSScientific Case Studies: Research Guidelines for Dealing with the Lack of Reliability of UDO/UAP Testimonies681

Image not availableAuthor: Michel ZIRGER
Title: Man of Mysteries The Three Lives of George Hunt Williamson Revealed
Publisher: Revised and expanded new editi
Year: 2022
Pages: 500
Name: Zirger, Michel
Image not availableAuthor: Ahmad JAMALUDIN
Title: UFOs, Earthquakes and the Straight Line Mystery
The Answer to the UFO Enigma
Publisher: Flying Disk Press, Pontefract, West Yorkshire
Year: 2021
Pages: 236
Name: Jamaludin, Ahmad
Image not availableAuthor: Roberto PINOTTI
Title: UFO Contacts in Italy - Volume Two
ISBN13: 979-86-4711-501-0
Publisher: Flying Disk Press, Pontefract, West Yorkshire
Year: 2020
Pages: 250
Name: Cassano, Arcangelo (1956); Chiumiento, Antonio (1949); Pinotti, Roberto (1944); Sani, Pier Luigi (1927 - 1999); Telarico, Umberto (1952)

Antonio CHIUMIENTOAn Italian Pilot's Sighting and an Italian Government Cover-up? 28-39

Antonio CHIUMIENTO1983: A Landing at Varzi 61-68

Umberto TELARICO1984:Close Encounter of the Third Kind at Prata Principito Ultra (Naples) 72-83

Pier Luigi SANI1984: The Landing at Polcanto (Florence) 84-92

Arcangelo CASSANO1995: From Friuli to Puglia and Lombardy Flying Humanoids, a Near Landing and UFOs over Nukes 149

Image not availableAuthor: Roberto PINOTTI
ISBN13: 978-15-2206-468-8
Publisher: Flying Disk Press, Pontefract, West Yorkshire
Year: 2017
Pages: 269
Name: Pinotti, Roberto (1944)
Image not availableYear: 1992
Author: Rick HILBERG
Title: The Saucer Saga

Editor: Carol HILBERG
Cover Artist: Allan J. MANAK, Benita C. OWENS
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications
Year: 2016
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.; Manak, Allan J.; Owens, Benita C.
Image not availableAuthor: Barbra SCHUESSLER SOBHANI (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2016 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
UFOs: From Our Oceeans To Outer Space - Orlando, August 25-28. 2016
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Newport Beach
Year: 2016
Pages: 238
Name: Angiola, Tony; Costa, Cheryl; Harris, Paola (1945); Hastings, Robert; Hoffman, Rich; Marden, Kathleen; Marler, David; Miller Costa, Linda; Moss, Ben; Powell, Robert; Rojas, Alejandro; Schuessler Sobhani, Barbra; Strand, Erling

Robert HASTINGSUFOs and Nukes: A History and Update 21-59

Richard THIEMEAgainst the Wind: Why People Can't Think Seriously About UFOs 60-70

Erling STRANDThe Hessdalen Phenomenon and Project Hessdalen – what has been achieved? 71-81

Kathleen MARDENUFOs: Two Sides to Every Story 82-110

Robert POWELLMUFON’s Top Cases Submitted in 2015 111-126

Rich HOFFMANUnknown Target: The 2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP Case Study 128-158

Bill SCHROEDERThe 1967 Florida UFO Flap 159-168

Cheryl COSTA, Linda MILLER COSTAThe Nationwide UFO Magnitude Study 169-174


Alejandro ROJASOfficial Government UFO Research Organizations 179-199

David MARLERThe Flying Saucer Invasion of 1950 –Farmington, New Mexico and Beyond 200-222

Paola HARRISFrom Our Oceans to Outer Space: An international perspective on astronaut testimonies about space travel and underwater bases 223-238

Image not availableAuthor: Jack WOMACK
Title: Flying Saucers Are Real!

Editor: Michael P. DALEY, Johan KUGELBERG, Gabriel McKEE
Foreword: William GIBSON
ISBN: 1-944860-00-4
ISBN13: 978-19-4486-000-4
Publisher: Anthology Editions, New York September
Year: 2016
Pages: 286
Name: Daley, Michael P.; Gibson, William; Kugelberg, Johan; McKee, Gabriel; Womack, Jack
Image not availableAuthor: Rick HILBERG
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications
Year: 2015
Pages: 42
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.


Image not availableAuthor: Barbra SCHUESSLER SOBHANI (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2015 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
Expanding UFOlogy: Opening New Doors in Academia, Industry and Media - Irvine, September 24-27, 2015
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Newport Beach
Year: 2015
Pages: 199
Name: Dennett, Preston E.; du Tertre, Nancy; D’Antonio, Marc; Friedman, Stanton T. (1934 - 2019); Hellyer, Paul; Jones, Cheryll; Judkins, Aaron; Maussan, Jose Jaime (1953); Meholic, Greg; Schuessler Sobhani, Barbra; Zimmerman, Linda

Paul Hellyer21
Paul HELLYERUniversal Control and Dominance22-29
Abstract: Extraterrestrial influence may have been felt in Biblical days, but awareness began when we learned that an alien species helped the Germans in World War II. Another species is alleged to have advised the Allies. When the war came to a chilling end with the introduction of nuclear technology, thoughtful people everywhere said “never again.” Unfortunately, we humans seem incapable of learning from our mistakes. Years before World War II ended, the Council on Foreign Relations began plotting a new American Empire even grander than the one Hitler had hoped for. The Council allied itself with the secret Bilderbergers, the banking and oil cartels, CEOs of transnational corporations, elements of intelligence agencies and armed forces in what I call the Cabal, with unprecedented power in the U.S. and beyond. Its end game is a New World Order – a universal dictatorship – achieved through a combination of financial and military might, including spacecraft equipped with ET technology. The plan is proceeding on track, and totally in the dark. Is this a Doomsday scenario destined to end in an Armageddon, if not the extinction of the human species? Or is there something that can be done to stop it? This is the question that must be fully explored before it is too late!

Marc D’Antonio30
Marc D’ANTONIOLight Years to Earth31-39
Abstract: Marc is an expert in many areas. He possesses incredible amounts of knowledge and information. The end result is that at this Symposium, he will lecture about "Light Years to Earth" which explores the current state of our understanding of Exoplanets and how these new finds have sparked an entirely new scientific study. It is designed to find alien civilizations that may have managed to bridge the vast distances and perhaps may have found us. That being said, Marc will discuss the expected number of Earth-like planets in our own galaxy, hinting that the existence of an advanced civilization is very likely quite high. Tantalizing science is before us, therefore, the need to create a scientifically based search program has become a high priority. You have got to be able to “sink your teeth” into this type of formalized plan. Currently, UFO case evidence is scant, with a fuzzy picture or a shaky video. Mark will explain how such problems can be alleviated.

Robert Schroeder40
Robert SCHROEDERHow Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs41-73
Abstract: Robert Schroeder is the author of the book "Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs." The book and his lecture focus on the evolution of modern physics and how recent theories are pointing toward a potential explanation of UFO technology. According to Schroeder, people are often skeptical about the UFO phenomenon. However, they shouldn't be. A subset of historical UFO reports of approximately 5% are from highly credible witnesses who are frequently backed by hard data such as radar tapes or gun camera film. Astronauts Gordon Cooper and Buzz Aldrin, as well as astronomer Clyde Tombaugh who is the discoverer of Pluto, have all publicly described their UFO sightings. They are good examples of individuals who are believable because of their background, knowledge, and education. What is of great interest is that we may be on the threshold of understanding the technology of UFOs. In a nutshell, it was once thought that the idea of extra dimensions was strictly the domain of science fiction. That has all changed in the last several decades since physicists appear to be closing in on a final "Theory of Everything" (TOE) which suggests that we may live in an eleven dimensional universe. These cutting edge theories are now being tested at the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland. Among the theories being tested is one called "Warped Geometry" by a Harvard physicist which may allow for fast interstellar travel in the extra dimensions. Spectrographic data from actual UFO sightings would confirm whether or not these craft are using technology that we are now on the cusp of unraveling ourselves.

Linda Zimmerman74
Linda ZIMMERMANHudson Valley UFOs: A Century of Sightings75-80
Abstract: For over 100 years, residents of New York’s Hudson Valley have been experiencing startling UFO encounters and sightings. From the “mysterious airships” of the early 1900s, to “missing time” cases since the 1920s, to the wave of massive triangles in the 1980s, to fascinating presentday cases, author Linda Zimmermann’s research points to the possibility that this region may be the most active in the country. Her interviews with hundreds of eyewitnesses have uncovered detailed accounts from lawenforcement, military personnel, pilots, doctors, law professors, teachers, and elected officials who know they have encountered things that defy conventional explanations. In addition, Zimmermann has recorded numerous multi-generational abduction/contactee cases, which has led her to refer to the valley as “Abduction Alley.” The most famous wave of sightings occurred in the Hudson Valley in the 1980s and 1990s, when tens of thousands of witnesses stopped their cars on highways to watch in awe as massive, silent triangular-shaped craft hovered silently overhead, as close as treetop level. But cases go far beyond those decades, with the cigar and disc-shaped craft of the 1950s-1980s. In recent years, huge rectangular-shaped UFOs have been seen, as well as cylindrical objects that appear to have no form of propulsion, yet can hover in place for hours. In short, the history of Hudson Valley sightings includes every manner of shape and experience, and extends for a period of more than a century. Is it the number one hotspot for UFO activity in the county? After hearing the evidence, you decide.

Cheryll Jones81
Cheryll JONESETs, UFOs and the Media....Past, Present and Future82-93
Abstract: On July 8, 1947 the Roswell Daily Record published a front page story with a world famous headline, "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region.” Within hours other newspapers were picking up the story off the news wires and reporters were making travel arrangements to New Mexico. Had those reporters made their way to Roswell and interviewed the scores of witnesses to the week's events, the world might have learned of the extraterrestrial presence in 1947. The next day the Record published a new story with the headline, "Gen. Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer.” The reporters on their way to New Mexico turned around, went home and the world has waited 68 years to learn a profound truth is still withheld. These two headlines and the stories behind them perfectly bracket the history of the media dilemma regarding the extraterrestrial presence aspect and the government imposed truth embargo on that issue. Imagine... a third headline that might soon complete the circle, "We Are Not Alone!" The type would be very large. It would fill the entire front page. How has the Fourth Estate, a group or institution such as the media who has influence that is not necessarily recognized officially, failed the American people and its own journalistic code? What, if anything, can be done to help American journalism be the leading force Joseph Pulitzer envisioned? Broadcast journalist and veteran CNN news anchor/meteorologist Cheryll Jones will examine the media's engagement of the UFO/extraterrestrial issue since 1947… and what roles MUFON and the media might play in ending the truth embargo the media has enabled for 68 years. Cheryll is a polished professional journalist not afraid to acknowledge her great interest in the extraordinary issues surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomena and exopolitics. ______________________________________________

Greg Meholic94
Greg MEHOLICAdvanced Space Propulsion Concepts for Interstellar Travel95-130
Abstract: The presentation begins by examining just a few of the compelling reasons why humans should explore the heavens beyond the bounds of the solar system. Certain terms and issues are defined to clarify the requirements of such daunting journeys. The talk then centers around the key technology required to make such missions possible—propulsion. To start with, a brief discussion is given on the state of the art of in-space chemical propulsion systems to develop a foundation of where engine technology is today. The talk then takes an evolutionary approach by exploring some of the more advanced engine systems intended for long-range solar system exploration, such as nuclear engines, antimatter engines and interstellar ramjets, which define the capability limits of chemical propulsion. After comparing the predicted performance of these advanced concepts to the requirements for interstellar journeys, the focus will then shift to describe a new paradigm of “propellantless” propulsion schemes that have their basis in modern theoretical physics and cosmology. If found attainable, concepts such as space-time manipulation, faster-than-light travel, wormholes, quantum drives, and so on, may provide the only viable propulsion options to enable reasonable trip times to distant stars. To show that these ideas are not merely the dreams of science-fiction, brief descriptions will be given on the latest, global, experimental efforts to explore the fundamentals behind some of these intriguing concepts. The talk will end with some inspiring conclusions and hopefully instill the belief that mankind will someday move beyond the bounds of our solar neighborhood.

Nancy du Tertre131
Nancy DU TERTREExolinguistics: How to Speak to an Alien132-146
Abstract: Much of the field of ufology has been focused on forensic reconstruction of UFO sightings and crashes. Even the study of alien abductions is based upon reconstructing old memories. There has been little to no discussion to date about how to communicate with other intelligent species. Why is that? If alien species have the capability to shut down nuclear missile sites and nuclear power plants, abduct people from their beds at night, violate airspace with impunity, engage military jets in fruitless dogfights, mutilate cattle and livestock, cause spontaneous healing of diseases and injuries, bring technological advances beyond our wildest dreams, and transfer information from other planets and dimensions, wouldn’t it be in our best national interest to figure out how to communicate with them? The purpose of Nancy's extraordinary lecture is to talk about the practicalities of communication with alien species and how we, as humans, can learn how to do this. Her unique background as an attorney, trained intuitive, and remote viewer give her some interesting insights into ways to approach this issue – particularly in light of the fact that many reports of alien communication involve telepathy.

Aaron Judkins147
Aaron JUDKINSReturn of the Nephilim148-155
Abstract: There is a strange phenomenon that has been occurring on our planet throughout history. Yes, I’m talking about UFO’s. I know what you’re thinking. “We’ve heard all there is to hear regarding the UFO phenomenon.” But have you really? You may be surprised to learn what you don’t know. As we look at the UFO phenomenon, you should know right from the start UFOs also have a religious overtone to them. They are referenced to the Bible, Ezekiel and the book of Genesis by every writer of UFO material. In order to understand the UFO phenomenon, you need to understand that there were "gods" on this earth before the flood of Noah's day and they will appear on this earth again before the 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ. These "gods" cohabited with human women and produced a race of giants and they will be back as well. Goliath and King Og was of the remnant of these giants after the Flood who inhabit Canaan in Numbers 13:33. The names of these gods have survived in myth form in Greek, Roman and Babylonian mythology. The "gods" are the fallen Angels who produced the giants, which they will do again! Will we see the return of the Nephilim? This is not just another look at UFO’s. It answers a very critical question. Why are they here? What is their intent? Let’s look behind the scenes of the UFO phenomenon and the Fallen Angel connection

Preston Dennett156
Preston DENNETTIs There an Undersea UFO Base Off the California Coast?157-171
Abstract: Dennett wrote an article about under water UFOs for Fate Magazine, and then appeared on the History Channel's Deep Sea UFOs. The result was that he received a flood of e-mails, calls, and letters from new witnesses detailing many dramatic USO (Unidentified Submersible Object) cases that had never been revealed before. Dennett discovered that the Southern California Coast is one of the world's leading producers of undersea USO. The reports stretch back to the late 1940's and continue to this day. After years of researching and interviewing hundreds of witnesses, he has come to the startling conclusion that there is an undersea UFO base in the Santa Catalina Channel. Dennett will reveal the incredible results of his investigation in his exciting presentation. He will tell you about his first hand cases of undersea USO activity in Southern California and around the world. He is going to provide evidence of government surveillance and cover-up. He will present photographs of UFOs and artwork based on eyewitness accounts. You are going to get a "behind the scenes" look at his involvement with the History Channel's Deep Sea UFOs I & II, UFO Hunters, and much more. How big is this alleged USO base? When was it made? Where exactly is it located? Is anyone inside of the base? If so, who is in it? What does our government know that they are not telling us? Dennett will answer all of these questions and much more.

Jaime Maussan172
Jaime MAUSSANVideo Evidence the UFOs are Real173-186
Abstract: As a well-known UFO journalist and global TV personality for the past 40 years Jaime has received UFO photographs and video footage from tens of thousands of people from all over the world. Jaime will present the most recent Developments of The UFO Field supported by photographic and video evidence, Including Intelligent Spheres, UFOS captured using advanced technology like Infrared, Flir Cameras, Security Cameras. UFOs and Airplanes Security. UFOs seen near Volcanic Activity and The Aftermath of The Presentation of the “Roswell Slides”. If you want to see what is being reported around the world in a highly visual presentation this is it. You be the judge.

Stanton T. Friedman187
Stanton T. FRIEDMANMaking UFOlogy Respectable188-197

Image not availableAuthor: Barbra MAHER SCHUESSLER (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2014 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
UFOs and the Media - Cherry Hill, Nj July 17-20, 2014
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Newport Beach
Year: 2014
Pages: 168
Name: Bassett, Stephen; Birnes, William J.; Fox, James; Friedman, Stanton T. (1934 - 2019); Hansen, Benjamin; Kitei, Lynne; Knapp, George (1953); Maher, Barbra; Marsh, Roger; Moulton Howe, Linda (1942); Rano, Dennis; Spiegel, Lee; Ventre, John J.

George KNAPPArea 51 Whistleblower; 25 years later 21-26

Roger MARSHCovering UFOs 27-34

John J. VENTREAnderson Cooper and the Case for UFOs 35-45

Lee SPIEGELUFOs: All The News That's Fit To Paint -- From Cave Walls To Modern Reports To The United Nations And The Internet 46-53

Lynne KITEIBeyond the Phoenix Lights 54-74

James FOXUFO Film Making: The Inside Scoop 75-85

Stephen BASSETTExopolitics: Peter and John 86-91


Bill BIRNESUFO Hunters: Season One 96-98

Linda MOULTON HOWE10,000 B.C. Gobekli Tepe, Stone Circles and E. T. Terraforming? 99-145

Stanton T. FRIEDMANPress Coverage of Flying Saucers a Study in Laziness and Misrepresentation 146-165

Dennis RANOUfologists at Work
cartoons by Dennis Rano

Image not availableAuthor: Stefano BRECCIA
Title: 50 Years of Amicizia (Friendship)
The Amazing Story of Mass Alien Contact that Began in 1956

Foreword: Roberto PINOTTI
Preface: Warren P. ASTON
ISBN13: 978-14-8270-983-4
Publisher: P.P. (Amazon)
Year: 2013
Pages: 244
Name: Aston, Warren P.; Breccia, Stefano (1945 - 2012); Pinotti, Roberto (1944)
Image not availableAuthor: Rosemary Ellen GUILEY
Title: The Djin Connection
Publisher: Visionary Living Inc, New Milford, Connecticut
Year: 2013
Name: Guiley, Rosemary Ellen
Image not availableAuthor: Barbra MAHER (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2013 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
Science, UFOs and the Search for ET - Las Vegas, NV July 18-21, 2013
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Cincinnati, Ohio
Year: 2013
Name: Davis, Eric W.; Donderi, Don C. (1937); Greer, Steven Macon; Harris, Paola (1945); Harrison, Albert A.; Jacobs, David Michael (1942); Luoange, Frances; Maher, Barbra; Peters, Ted; Powell, Robert; Westrum, Ronald M. (1945); Ziegelmeyer, Debbie

Frances LUOANGEGEIPAN Insights and UFO Photo Analysis 21-55
Abstract: In 1977, thanks to the conjunction of several events, the French Space Agency created a department in charge of collecting and analyzing data about Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena. After a few promising years, its resources started decreasing drastically, as well as its efficiency. In 2001, under pressure to stop this “borderline” activity, the Agency’s Director contracted my company to audit the department, i.e. to meet the highest French authorities in all domains potentially concerned by UAPs (Science, Defense, Police, Media), to collect their opinions and to present agreed recommendations. My audit report’s positive arguments, in favor of restarting the activity on a proper basis, resulted in the creation of a new department in 2005. The GEIPAN is now working under control of a Steering Committee and with support from several external groups. Most data are collected through official channels and, after analysis, cases are sorted into categories and published on the Internet. Analysis of alleged UFO photos/videos is a sensitive issue, which has changed considerably over the past decade, with the proliferation of digital cameras and cellphones. The possibilities of fakery became unlimited, through software tools enabling the touching up and synthesis of digital images. On the other hand, technical characteristics of digital pictures differ from those of silver pictures, making visible a large number of small things which remained previously invisible. As a consultant to GEIPAN, I built up an analysis methodology, concretized through the development of a dedicated software (www.ipaco.fr), derived from an established image intelligence operational tool. During my talk I will be sharing insights into GEIPAN from my close working relationship with this organization as well as discussing the analysis of several interesting UFO photographs and images which have been analyzed using this unique software

Ted PETERSScience, SETI and UFOlogy 55-80
Abstract: It is high time that Astrobiologists and Ufologists attend the same BBQs. These two groups could enjoy one another’s company and swap stories about their respective work. What they share in common is scrupulous attention to facts and a common desire to solve a mystery. But, their zeal for the scientific method should be subjected to analysis, an analysis revealing that both operate from a shared cultural worldview that incorporates mythological dimensions. Specifically, the set of assumptions frequently include (1) placing the origin of life within the theory of evolution [Darwinian evolution describes speciation, not the origin of life]; (2) importing the doctrine of progress into biology so that simple organisms are allegedly destined to evolve into intelligent organisms [the dominant view among evolutionary biologists is that no direction or purpose or progress is discernible in evolution]; (3) presuming that an extra-solar planet with a longer evolutionary history is likely to have developed higher intelligence; (4) positing that high intelligence leads to the development of science; and, finally, (5) asserting that advanced science leads to advances in all quarters of life so that highly evolved extraterrestrial intelligences may have achieved prosperity, medical perfection, long life, societal peace, and a benevolent or altruistic ethic. This worldview exhibits uncanny resemblances to the ancient gnostic-redeemer myth, minus the mysticism. The future may prove that these scientific assumptions are confirmed, to be sure; however, in the meantime, pointing out their inherent mythical structure may illuminate the way we terrestrials think.

Albert A. HARRISONTruth and Consequences: Disclosure, Denial and Extraterrestrial Life 81-98
Abstract: Over fifty years have passed since the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space expressed concern about adverse public reactions by the public to the discovery of extraterrestrial life. For many UFOlogists, government’s expectations of widespread social chaos and psychological disintegration rank high among the reasons for possible stonewalling, subterfuge and duplicity. Frightening scenarios of public reaction can be traced to Orson Welles’ 1937 “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast that, according to newspaper reports of that day, triggered national panic. However, examination of a broad range of episodes when it was widely believed that extraterrestrial life had been discovered, survey research results and other findings suggest that under a wide range of detection scenarios public meltdown is unlikely. Both non-disclosure and disclosure offer advantages and disadvantages, and it is in no way clear that non-disclosure offers the greater net benefits. Problems inherent in governmental agencies and other large bureaucracies may strengthen wide-spread beliefs in a UFO cover-up.

Robert POWELLThe Stephenville, Texas Incident: Multiple Visual Sightings Supported by Radar 99-103
Abstract: The events that unfolded in Stephenville, Texas, on January 8, 2008, caught the attention of the media world-wide. This is the story of one of the most intriguing UFO cases in recent times. On January 8, 2008, over twenty different witnesses at a dozen different locations, at different times, saw lights perform maneuvers that cannot be explained by conventional aircraft based on our understanding of physics. Witnesses included the police and a chief of police, a pilot, a constable, a former air traffic controller, and several business people. But most impressive of all—FAA provided radar data supported their claims. What happened that night between 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. remains a mystery today. In his presentation, Robert Powell will walk us through the events of that night and place you behind the radar screen as you watch the flight of F-16 jets from the base formerly known as Carswell AFB as well as the approach of unknown objects into Erath County, Texas and their highly unusual flight characteristics caught on radar. You be the judge!

Ron WESTRUMScience and Hidden Events 104-117
Abstract: In the Introduction to Raymond Moody’s Life After Life he calls near-death experiences an example of a phenomenon that is “widely experienced but seldom reported.” This is a perfect definition of the range of phenomena that I have learned to call “Hidden Events.” A hidden event may be experienced by thousands of people, but still remain largely hidden beneath the surface of social consciousness. Classic examples of this are meteorite sightings before 1800 A.D. and the “battered child syndrome,” both of which will be described in my talk. “Pluralistic ignorance” in which people think their sighting is unique (and thus don’t report it) may be followed by controversy and sometimes acceptance, but the dynamics of reporting are seldom understood by science. Even while scientists’ expressed doubts and premature negative conclusions discourage sightings, scientists don’t realize that there may be a huge number of hidden events. The dynamics of reporting, the impact of controversy and the nature of scientists’ decision-making will all be explored in my talk.”

Steven GREER“Disclosure: Newest Evidence about the Atacama Humanoid” 118-126
Abstract: Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure movement, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Sirius Energy Advanced Research will share the results of the skeletal & DNA studies done on the Atacama Humanoid – a 6” humanoid skeleton found in the Atacama Desert of Chile. These studies have been performed by top scientists in the United States. Dr. Greer was able to see and handle the skeleton in 2009, but it was only made available to him for scientific study in the fall of 2012, and is featured in the historic film “Sirius” to be released this year. The film was inspired by Dr. Greer’s work.

David JACOBS“Science, UFOs and the Search for ET Hybrids” 127-142
Abstract: Since the Antonio Vilas Boas case in 1957, the abduction phenomenon has consistently presented itself as being reproductively oriented. In the early 1980s Budd Hopkins coined the word “hybrids” to designate the offspring of those reproductive activities. He also discovered that the abduction phenomenon was intergenerational. Therefore, the children of abductees will in turn be abductees themselves and so on through the generations. My research has confirmed this. I have recently formulated a theory about hybridization that might reconcile the differences in personnel involved with abductions with the intergenerational features of the phenomenon. The theory is based on examination of hundreds of accounts that I have received over the past twenty-seven years. The new theory suggests that the hybridization program is more important and extensive than has been known and that it has a direct bearing on the intergenerational aspects of abductions and our future.

Don DONDERIThe UFO and Abduction Evidence Should Reorient Science and Change Public Policy 143-158
Abstract: I report research carried out with my late colleagues Budd Hopkins and Stuart Appelle that reinforces the hypothesis that the crews of some extraterrestrial UFOs “catch and release” humans in order to study them. Science has evolved away from its nineteenth-century roots in inductive reasoning, and the work of philosopher of science Thomas S. Kuhn and social psychologist Leon Festinger explains why modern scientists are easily persuaded to ignore UFO observations and research evidence. R. V. Jones, head of Air Scientific Intelligence in MI6 during World War II (and a UFO skeptic) explained how a scientist should evaluate new intelligence information, and I apply Jones’ own method to evaluate some of the bestdocumented recent evidence for extraterrestrial UFOs and ET abductions. The evidence is convincing. I also argue that anyone whose vision is not restricted by professional blinders should come to the same commonsense conclusion. Finally, I consider the implications of the fact that we are in occasional contact with extraterrestrial civilizations; on government policy, on ourselves, and on our future on the planet.

Paola HARRISCrash at Ground Zero: Re-Examining the 1945 San Antonio UFO Crash 159-193

Eric W. DAVIS“Faster-Than-Light Space Warps & Interstellar Flight: What’s It All About?” 194-213
Abstract: Numerous space propulsion studies have shown that advanced nuclear propulsion for sub-relativistic and relativistic interstellar flight is not viable because of the enormous propellant mass requirement, subrelativistic multiple human-lifetime flight, and relativistic-flight time dilation problems for star travelers. A viable solution is the implementation of faster-than-light (FTL) interstellar travel via traversable wormholes or warp drives which requires the engineering of spacetime into very specialized local geometries, and are loosely called “FTL space warps”. The analysis of these via Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity demonstrates that such geometries require the use of “exotic” matter. One can appeal to quantum field theory to find both natural and phenomenological sources of exotic matter. Such quantum fields are disturbed by the space warp geometry they produce, which has implications on the construction of the space warp under study. Related issues are the problems of turning space warps on and off, controlling them, and navigating through space at FTL speed. There are also the issues of incoming Doppler-blueshifted galactic radiation and cosmic microwave background radiation, and potential space debris impact at FTL speed. Also, the production, detection and deployment of natural exotic quantum fields are seen to be key technical challenges in which basic first steps can be taken to experimentally probe their properties. FTL space warps also possess features that challenge the notions of momentum conservation and causality. The status of these important issues is addressed, and recommended next steps for further theoretical and experimental investigations are identified in an effort to clear up a number of technical uncertainties in order to progress the present state-of-the-art in FTL space warp physics.

Debbie ZIEGELMEYERMissouri’s “UFO Flap” and The Environment – Is there a relationship between the two? 214-227
Abstract: In October of 2011, Missouri experienced an unusually large number of UFO sighting reports totaling a record 87 with the peak of these occurring in the greater Kansas City, Missouri area on October 4th. Missouri MUFON CMS sighting reports rose from 139 in 2010 to 253 reports in 2011 and 263 reports in 2012. Along with this increase in UFO sighting reports came an unusual amount of “strange” environmental related occurrences across the State starting in January 2011. This began with a large number of unexplained bird and fish deaths and continued throughout the year with record storms, earthquakes, unusual orange balls of light being reported and “strange, loud mechanical sounds” in the night sky. In January 2012 the report of a cattle mutilation near Whiteman AFB was reported by the news media and investigated by Missouri MUFON. The environmental “oddities” continued with reports of the “strange mechanical sounds” in the sky being heard both day and night worldwide. The mid-west, including Missouri, experienced drought conditions, water shortages, low Mississippi River levels, another earthquake and a view of the Northern Lights from Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. After reviewing the large number of CMS sighting reports and experiencing some of the environmental oddities personally, I decided that this comparison needed further investigation which I will share with you during my presentation.

Image not availableAuthor: Alexander C.T. GEPPERT
Title: Imagining Outer Space
European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century

Editor: Alexander C.T. GEPPERT
ISBN13: 978-02-3023-172-0
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Year: 2012
Name: Lagrange, Pierre (1963)

Pierre LAGRANGEA Ghost in the Machine: How Sociology Tried to Explain (Away) American Flying Saucers and European Ghost Rockets, 1946–47 245-268
(From: https://www.academia.edu/37170468/_The_Ghost_in_the_Machine_How_Sociology_Tried_to_Explain_Away_American_Flying_Saucers_and_European_Ghost_Rockets_1946_1947_in_Alexander_Geppert_ed_Imagining_Outer_Space_European_Astroculture_in_the_Twentieth_Century_New_Y )
Abstract: This chapter focuses on the invention of flying saucers, and the comparison between the ‘ghost rockets’ that appeared in the European skies in 1946 and the ‘flying discs’ that were seen in the United States a year later. UFOs were spotted at a time when scientific cultures changed considerably, a time in which scientists were professionals and not amateurs. By comparing the situation of science vis-à-vis sky anomalies in Europe at the end of the nineteenth century and sky anomalies in the United States in 1947, the chapter argues that the differences are attributable to different definitions of science, the relation of science and amateurs, and the attitude of science regarding certain anomalies.

Image not availableAuthor: Rick HILBERG

Foreword: David HALPERIN
Publisher: y R. Hilberg Publications
Year: 2012
Pages: 39
Name: Halperin, David; Hilberg, Rick R.
Image not availableAuthor: Rick HILBERG
Title: FSD Revisited
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications
Year: 2011
Pages: 41
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.
Image not availableAuthor: Kenn THOMAS
Title: JFK & UFO
Military-Industrial Conspiracy and Cover-Up from Maury Island to Dallas
(Gia' pubblicato come: MAURY ISLAND UFO:The Crisman Conspiracy)
ISBN13: 978-19-3623-906-1
Publisher: FeralHouse, Port Townsend WA update edition
Year: 2011
Pages: 271 p. Ill.
Name: Thomas, Kenn
Image not availableAuthor: Thomas E. BULLARD
Title: The Myth and Mystery of UFOs
ISBN: 0-7006-1729-9
ISBN13: 978-07-0061-729-6
Publisher: University Press of Kansas, Lawrence
Year: 2010
Pages: 417 p.; ill.
Name: Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949)
Image not availableAuthor: Jerome CLARK
Title: Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds
ISBN: 1-578-59175-9
ISBN13: 978-15-7859-175-6
Publisher: Visible Ink Press
Year: 2010
Pages: 352 p.
Name: Clark, Jerome (1946)
Image not availableAuthor: Hilary EVANS
Title: SLIders
The Enigma of Streetlight Interference
ISBN: 1-933665-47-5
ISBN13: 978-19-3366-547-4
Publisher: Anomalist Books, San Antonio
Year: 2010
Pages: 194 p.
Name: Evans, Hilary (1929 - 2011)
Image not availableAuthor: Carl W. FEINDT
Title: UFOs and Water
Physical Effects of UFOs on Water Through Accounts by Eyewitnesses
ISBN: 1-450-09533-X
ISBN13: 978-14-5009-533-4
Publisher: Xlibris
Year: 2010
Pages: 508 p.
Name: Feindt, Carl W.
Image not availableAuthor: Rick HILBERG
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications
Year: 2010
Name: Beckley, Timothy Green (1947 - 2021); Beverage, Barry J.; Biebel, Edward; Easley, Robert S.; Gawell, Karl; Greenfield, Allen H. (1946); Hilberg, Rick R.; Manak, Allan J.; Navarro, P.G.; Stamey, Dennis




















Edward BIEBEL1968 - THE ANSWER? 29-30






1970 - A UFO " WINDOW" AREA 37-38


Image not availableAuthor: Louis PROUD
An Investigation into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences

Preface: David J. HUFFORD, Colin WILSON
ISBN: 1-933665-44-0
ISBN13: 978-19-3366-544-3
Publisher: Anomalist Books, San Antonio
Year: 2010
Pages: 280 p.
Name: Hufford, David J.; Proud, Louis; Wilson, Colin (1931 - 2013)