| | Editorial |
| | Over to you | 1-2 |
| J. Allen HYNEK | Commentary on the AAAS Symposium | 3-5 |
| J. Allen HYNEK | Twenty-one years of UFO reports - 2 Concluding the address which Dr. Hynek gave at the AAAS Symposium at Boston. Mass., on December 26, 1968 | 6-8+22 |
| (French translation Lumières dans la nuit 13° ANNEE N. 109 Décembre/1970 Vingt et une années de rapports U.F.O. (suit et fin), pp. 20-22+8) |
| | | |
| James E. McDONALD | UFOs over Lakenheath in 1956 | 9-17 |
| (Italian translation Notiziario UFO C.U.N. N. 65 Gennaio - Marzo/1975 1956: UFOs su Lakenheat, pp. 5-10 Italian translation Notiziario UFO N. 66 Aprile-Giugno/1975 Il caso "radar-visuale" di Lakenheat, pp. 12-13 Italian translation Notiziario UFO N. 67 Luglio-Agosto/1975 Il caso "radar-visuale" di Lakenheath, pp. 10-11 Italian translation Notiziario UFO N. 68 Ottobre-Dicembre/1975 Il caso "radar-visuale" di Lakenheath, pp. 5-8 French translation Phénomènes Spatiaux N. 39 1er Trimestre - Mars/1974 UFOs au-dessus de Lakenheath en 1956, pp. 3-15) |
| Charles BOWEN | UFO seen from East Ham | 18-19 |
| W. BÜHLER | The Itapeva Photograph | 20-21 |
| Gordon CREIGHTON | On disappearing UFO photographs | 21-22 |
| P. M. H. EDWARDS | Speech of the aliens - 2 | 23-24 |
| | | |
| Gordon CREIGHTON | Another strange affair at Olavarria | 26+28 |
| Harold H. FULTON | The Ngatea mystery circle - 1 | 27-28 |
| | | |
| | A New FSR Catalogue: The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 2 | 29 |
| | Serie:- Vol. 16 N. 1 January - February/1970
A New FSR Catalogue: The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 1 - Vol. 16 N. 2 March - April/1970
A New FSR Catalogue: The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 2 - Vol. 16 N. 3 May - June/1970
The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures Part 3 - Vol. 16 N. 4 July - August/1970
The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 4 - Vol. 16 N. 5 September - October/1970
The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 5 - Vol, 16 N. 6 November - December/1970
The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 6 - Vol. 17 N. 1 January - February/1971
A New FSR Catalogue. The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 7 - Vol, 17 N. 2 March - April/1971
A New FSR Catalogue: The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 8 - Vol. 17 N. 3 May - June/1971
The effects of UFOs on Animals, birds, and smaller creatures. Part 9 - Vol. 17 N. 4 July - August/1971
A New FSR Catalogue - The effects of UFOs on animals, birds and smaller creatures - Vol. 18 N. 1 January - February/1972
The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 11 - Vol. 18 N. 2 March - April/1972
The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 12 - Vol. 18 N. 3 May - June/1972
The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 13 | |
| | Mail Bag |
| | "Shadow" and "Portholes" | 30 |
| | Croydon Library's big list | 30 |
| | An important letter from Dr. Pierre Guerin | 30 |
| | World Round-Up |
| | England Seaside UFO | 31 |
| | England Giant object over Southend | 31 |
| | England UFO seen through telescope | 31 |
| | Northern Ireland Astronomers and their "beliefs" | 31 |
| | New Zealand Did orbs of light cause "circles"? | 31 |
| | New Zealand Horse scared of mystery "circlese" | 31 |
| | New Zealand Another "circle" and torpedo.shaped UFO | 31-32 |
| | New Zealand Cattle scared by another "circle" | 32 |
| | New Zealand Erratic-moving, colour-changing UFO | 32 |
| | Spain Landing report | 32 |
| | Spain Holiday observation | 32 |
| | Sweden USO reported | 32+iii |