Flying Saucer Review
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Magazine:Flying Saucer Review

The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants

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Publisher:FSR Publications Ltd, High Wycombe, Bucks
Issue:Vol. 36 N. 2 Summer
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Gordon CREIGHTONWe shall see the four horsemen (Revelations, Chap VI)1-2

Gordon CREIGHTONMysterious deaths of British and Intelligence personnel 2-10

Paul WHITEHEADSpecial report to FSR (May 1991)
B.A. pilots report UFOs over continent and north sea. R.A.F. "Tornado" takes evasive action as UFOs "formate" on planes over the north sea

Denny DENSHAMExclusive report to FSR
A story about the scientists of the British Ministry of Supply, and about their film of two UFOs

Waveney GIRVANScandinavian eclipse expedition films U.F.O.s 11-12
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 2 N. 1 January - February/1956 Scandinavian eclipse expedition films U.F.O.s, pp. 6-7 )

Charles BOWENDoubts about the Lifjell film 12-13
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 18 N. 1 January - February/1972 Doubts about the Lifjell film, pp. 23-24 )

Mr Densham's second report to FSR on UFOs 14

More on the Mosjoen encounter 14

Pete WILLSHER"Moody Blues" UFO encounter in 1967 15-16

"Eve""Ket me see where it isn't " 16

Gordon CREIGHTON"Little snoopers"? 17-18

Yusuke J. MATSUMURACrop circles appear in Japanese paddy fields (1990) 20

George D. FAWCETTMore on UFO visits to U.S. nuclear energy sites 21

Mail Bag
The Mosjoen encounter21
An important letter from a French scientist21-22
An extraordinary interesting letter22
End of an Age?22-23
"Signs of the Times"?23
Books from South Africa, etc.23
Do the JINNS fear our microwaves?23+24
FSR's "huge staff"24
"Cornfield circles"24
From a German reader24+iii
Denizens of the "Light" and of the "Darkness"iii
All those Russian "plasma vortices"iii
The "professional Ufologist"iii
An index for FSR!iii+iv
Reader's supportiv
An interesting sighting in Southern Scotlandiv

An important Notice Iv