| | A few final editorial notes | 2 |
| Gareth J. MEDWAY | Medium Mystics and Martians | 3-9 |
| Jerome CLARK | A Testable Hypothesis Jerome Clark ponders how Ufology might have turned out if things had gone a little differently in 1947 | 10 |
| | 25 Years Ago | 10 |
| | Northern echoes |
| Peter ROGERSON | Magonia Memories: Where Did It All Go Right? | 11-12 |
| John RIMMER | The UFO as an Anti-Scientific Symbol | 13-14 |
| (From: Merseyside UFO Bulletin Vol. 2 N. 4 July-August/1969 The UFO as an Anti-Scientific Symbol, pp. 41-43 ) |
| John RIMMER | Some thoughts on "The UFO as an Anti-Scientific Symbol" | 15 |
| | The pelican writes |
| | Abductions turn the witnesses into victims and the researcher becomes Special Top Dog, riding in to save the day. Contactee claims, on the other hand, make the witness special, reducing the researcher to level of journalist | 16 |
| | Book Reviews |
| Peter ROGERSON | Gary Lynch and Richard Grainger, Big Brain: the origins and future of human intelligence | 17-18 |
| Peter ROGERSON | Damian Thompson, Counterknoweldge: how we surrendered to conspiracy theories, quack medicine, bogus science and fake history | 18 |
| Peter ROGERSON | Jeffrey BENNETT, BEYOND UFOS | 18-19 |
| | Review: Jeffrey BENNETT,BEYOND UFOS - 2008 | |
| Peter ROGERSON | John Warne Monroe, Laboratories of Faith: mesmerism, spiritism and occultism in modern France | 19 |
| Peter ROGERSON | Chris A. Rutkowski, A World of UFOs | 19-20 |
| Peter ROGERSON | C.G.Jung, Psychology and Occult | 20 |
| Peter ROGERSON | Bob Simone, UFOs in the Headlines: Real Reporting on a Real Phenomenon | 20 |