| D. SEARGENT, H. GRIESBERG | Editorial | 1 |
| Allen J. HYNEK | Editorial | 2 |
| Bryan HARTLEY | Guest Editorial | 2-3 |
| J. BIGWOOD | Who's on the Bandwagon? | 3-4 |
| (From: TUFOIC's annual Bulletin ) |
| Allen J. HYNEK | Some words on the UFO problem | 4 |
| David SEARGENT | Flows and Flows of Angel Hair | 4-5 |
| Keith BASTERFIELD | Notes on the Australian UFOCAT Printout | 5 |
| Michael A. PERSINGER | Transient Geophysical Bases for Ostensible UFO-related Phenomena and associated Verbal Behaviour | 5 |
| W. CHALKER | The CE II Experience in Australia | 11-14 |
| W. CHALKER | CE II Study Group | 14 |
| | CRUFON - The Citizen's Radio UFO Network in the U.S. | 15 |
| | ACOS News | 16-17 |
| Harry GRIESBERG | The Victorian Flying Saucer Committee of 1953 | 17-18 |
| | UFO Congress in Acapulco | 18 |
| | UFO Reports from around Australia | 19 |