| | Editorial |
| Bryan DICKESON | Forty years on | 3-4 |
| | UFOR(NSW) UFO Hotline-(02) 588 6058 | 4 |
| | Letters to the Editors |
| | Letter William CHALKER (Bill) Clifford | 5 |
| | Related: UFO Reporter Vol 1 No 1 March/1992 - UFO Reality [Chalker, Bill]
| |
| Frank SINCLAIR, Coralee VICKERY | Hexham sighting Cigar-shaped UFO and three small discs at Hexham, December 1984 | 6-7 |
| | |
| Bryan DICKESON | Fungus circles Agnes Banks fungus circle, April 1992 | 8-12 |
| | Fungus circles and fairy rings | 11 |
| | Crop circle update -Australia and New Zealand | 12 |
| | Cigar-shaped UFOs |
| Paul SOWIAK-RUDEJ | Cloud-cigars and cigar-shaped UFOs | 13-19 |
| | Cigar-shaped UFOs in Australia | 18 |
| | New UFO Research Group in Canberra | 19 |
| | Collector sighting |
| E. MUDGE | A 'net full of stars' at Collector | 20-22 |
| | UFOs and earthquake lights | 23 |
| P. SOWIAK-RUDEJ, Frank SINCLAIR, Coralee VICKERY, Moira McGHEE | East coast flap East coast flap of 1992 - Part I | 24-27 |
| | | |
| Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESON | Malabar sighting Malabar - A formation of orange UFOs Seen on Monday 18 May 1992Jrom 2125 to 2130 hrs (duration 10-15 minutes). | 28-29 |
| Frank SINCLAIR, Paul SOWIAK-RUDEJ | Kyeemagh sighting Close sighting of a disc at Kyeemagh | 30-31 |
| | Related: UFO Reporter Vol 1 No 3 September/1992 - Addendum: Kyeemagh UFO, 199
| |
| | Review |
| Bryan DICKESON | Review: UFO Research in Australia and New Zealand | 32 |