Bufale spaziali
Author: Nick REDFERN
Title:Bufale spaziali
Originally published as:The NASA Conspiracies - Translated (from the English) by Andrea VALLI

Tutta la verità sulla conquista della Luna, la "Sfinge marziana" e gli UFO precipitati sulla Terra: i depistaggi e gli insabbiamenti della NASA, caso per caso...

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ISBN 13:978-88-3442-796-5
Publisher:Armenia, Milano
Serie:Miti senza Tempo N. 19
Description:253 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
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Title Change/Translation
Image not availableEnglish The NASA Conspiracies (Original title) 2010

Nicholas Redfern, 1964 age 61 years

Books of Nicholas REDFERN
Immagine non disponibile3 La stirpe divina
Originally published as: Bloodline of the Gods, 2015 , Translated (from the English) by Daniel PANIZZA
Immagine non disponibile3 Qualcosa si nasconde nei boschi
Originally published as: There's Something In the Woods, 2010 , Translated (from the English) by Guido ZURLINO
Image not available Il grande libro degli alieni
Originally published as: The Alien Book: A Guide to Extraterrestrial Beings on Earth, 2019 , Translated (from the English) by Luca FUSCO