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Volume 3 N. 2 September 2002
Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Carey, Thomas J. ; Farcas, Dan (1940) ; Garcia Frutos, Javier ; la Rue, Hannes ; Roberts, Craig ; Schmitt, Donald R. ; Stonehill, Paul (1959) ; Velez, John
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Volume 3 N. 1 March 2002
Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Connors, Wendy Ann ; Erkmen, Erol ; Hall, Michael David ; Maugé, Claude (1946) ; Roberts, Craig ; Rutkowski, Chris A. (1958)
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Volume 2 N. 2 September 2001
Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Basterfield, Keith ; Connors, Wendy Ann ; Coppin, Stuard ; Farcas, Dan (1940) ; Gow, Kathryn ; Hall, Michael David ; la Rue, Hannes ; Lurie, Janine ; Popper, Ari ; Powell, Anthony ; Roberts, Craig
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Volume 2 N. 1 March 2001
Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Budden, Albert ; Fiorino, Paolo (1957) ; Leone, Matteo ; Monari, Jader ; Montebugnoli, Stelio ; Roberts, Craig ; Teodorani, Massimo (1956)
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Volume 1 N. 2 September 2000
Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Blackmore, Susan (1951) ; Budden, Albert ; Fernandez Peris, Juan Antonio ; Roberts, Craig ; Russo, Edoardo (1959) ; Strand, Erling ; Teodorani, Massimo (1956)
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Volume 1 N. 1 March 2000
Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Anderton, Roger ; Budden, Albert ; Campbell, Duncan ; González Manso, Luis R. (1958) ; Lammer, Helmut ; Lazeanu, Ion ; Roberts, Craig ; Teodorani, Massimo (1956)
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Launch Volume September 1999
Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948) ; Budden, Albert ; Fedele, Renato ; Roberts, Craig ; Toselli, Paolo (1960)
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Image not available European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies

Volume 3 N. 2 September 2002

Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Carey, Thomas J.; Farcas, Dan (1940); Garcia Frutos, Javier; la Rue, Hannes; Roberts, Craig; Schmitt, Donald R.; Stonehill, Paul (1959); Velez, John

Craig ROBERTSEditorial59

Craig ROBERTS, Javier GARCIA FRUTOSThe Internet and Ufology
Which General Search Engine is most effective at finding UFO and related artices?

John VELEZ, Hannes LA RUEPetition to UN requesting disclosure of UFO information

Dan FARCASForum debate article_ Supercivilizations and the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis 70-80

Paul STONEHILLNot a UFO, but a Bee over Dagestan in 2000 81-83

Thomas CAREY, Donald R. SCHMITTIn the matter of Roswell, Project Mogoul and Bessie Brazel Schreiber 84-108

Image not available European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies

Volume 3 N. 1 March 2002

Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Connors, Wendy Ann; Erkmen, Erol; Hall, Michael David; Maugé, Claude (1946); Roberts, Craig; Rutkowski, Chris A. (1958)

Craig ROBERTSEditorial1

Michael HALL, Wendy CONNORSFlying Saucers
Behind the Cold War veil of Military Intelligence (Part II)

Foundacion AnomaliaIcefalls investigated by Anomaly Foundacion 48-49

Erol ERKMENAnomalous Luminous Phenomena (A.L.P.) 50-56

Chris RUTKOWSKICanadian UFO Survey indicates increase in UFO sightings, lack attention 57

Claude MAUGÉLetter about the 'Gow et al (2001)' study published in Volume 2(2) 58
European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies Volume 2 N. 2 September/2001 - Fantasy Proneness and other Psychological Correlates of UFO Experience [Gow, K.; Lurie, J.; Coppin, S.; Popper, A.; Powell, A.; Basterfield, K.]

Image not available European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies

Volume 2 N. 2 September 2001

Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Basterfield, Keith; Connors, Wendy Ann; Coppin, Stuard; Farcas, Dan (1940); Gow, Kathryn; Hall, Michael David; la Rue, Hannes; Lurie, Janine; Popper, Ari; Powell, Anthony; Roberts, Craig

Craig ROBERTSEditorial44

K. GOW, J. LURIE, S. COPPIN, A. POPPER, A. POWELL, K. BASTERFIELDFantasy Proneness and other Psychological Correlates of UFO Experience 45-66
European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies Volume 3 N. 1 March/2002 - Letter about the 'Gow et al (2001)' study published in Volume 2(2) [Maugé, Claude]

Hannes LA RUENew UFO Cases, Statistics Update and Few Thoughts 67-68

Michael HALL, Wendy CONNORSFlying Saucers
Behind the Cold War Veil of Military Intelligence

Dan FARCASA Close Encounter ot the Third Kind in Romania 88-92

Image not available European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies

Volume 2 N. 1 March 2001

Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Budden, Albert; Fiorino, Paolo (1957); Leone, Matteo; Monari, Jader; Montebugnoli, Stelio; Roberts, Craig; Teodorani, Massimo (1956)

Craig ROBERTSEditorial1-2

Massimo TEODORANI, Stelio MONTEBUGNOLI, Jader MONARIThe EMBLA 2000 Mission in Hessdalen 3-24

Paolo FIORINO, Matteo LEONEEvaluation of Witness Reliability in the Trans-en-Provence UFO Event
The Results of an Italian Enquiry

Albert BUDDENMaking Ball Lightning in the Laboratory
A New Breakthrough

Albert BUDDENForum - Letter to the Editor43

Image not available European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies

Volume 1 N. 2 September 2000

Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Blackmore, Susan (1951); Budden, Albert; Fernandez Peris, Juan Antonio; Roberts, Craig; Russo, Edoardo (1959); Strand, Erling; Teodorani, Massimo (1956)

Massimo TEODORANI, Erling P. STRANDData Analysis of Anomalous Luminous Phenomena in Hessdalen 64-82

Juan Antonio FERNÁNDEZ PERISThe Manises UFO File 84-91

Edoardo RUSSOHypnosis & UFOs: A Bibliography 92-103

Craig ROBERTSAn Educational Programme for Ufology in the United Kingdom
The Development of an Advanced Level Qualification in Ufology

Craig ROBERTSAnalysis of Submissions to the European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies
Geographical Spread, Content, Outcome and Review Times

Susan BLACKMOREAlien Abductions, Sleep Paralysis and the Temporal Lobe 113-119
Abstract: Twelve 'alien abductees' were given the Personal Philosophy Inventory (including a measure of temporal lobe lability) and a questionnaire about sleep experiences. They were compared with twelve matched controls and a student control group (n=5 1 ). No differences in temporal lobelability were found between the groups but the abductees more often reported sleep paralysis than the controls .

Letter to the Editor
Albert BUDDENRe "Electric UFOs - Fireballs, Electromagnetics and Abnormal States" Book Review119-121
European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies Volume 1 N. 1 March/2000 - Electric UFOs [González, Luis R.]

Image not available European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies

Volume 1 N. 1 March 2000

Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Anderton, Roger; Budden, Albert; Campbell, Duncan; González Manso, Luis R. (1958); Lammer, Helmut; Lazeanu, Ion; Roberts, Craig; Teodorani, Massimo (1956)

Craig ROBERTSEditorial1

Massimo TEODORANIPhysics from UFO Data 2-25

Craig ROBERTSUK UFO Organisations: What do they have knowledge of, and what do they investigate? 27-32

Ion LAZEANUUnusual Aerial Phenomena Tracked on Radar in Romania 33-34

Helmut LAMMEREvidence of Covert Human
Military Involvement in North America Alien Abduction Cases
(Spanish/Catalan translation Cuadernos de ufologia 3a Epoca N. 27 /2001 Evidencias sobre una intervención militar en algunos casos de abducción en Norteamerica, pp. 165-175)

Luis R. GONZÁLEZEvidence of Covert Human
Military Involvement in North America Alien Abduction Cases -A Reply
(Spanish/Catalan translation Cuadernos de ufologia 3a Epoca N. 27 /2001 Evidencias sobre una intervención militar en algunos casos de abducción en Norteamerica - Réplica -, pp. 176-190)

Helmut LAMMERA reply by Helmut Lammer 48-52
(Spanish/Catalan translation Cuadernos de ufologia 3a Epoca N. 27 /2001 Réplica a los comentarios de Luis R. Gonzalez, pp. 191-199)

Luis R. GONZÁLEZFinal Comments of MILABS Exchange 53-54
(Spanish/Catalan translation Cuadernos de ufologia 3a Epoca N. 27 /2001 Comentarios finales en el debate MILAB, pp. 200-202)

Duncan CAMPBELLReply to Forum Debate from September 1999 55-56

Roger ANDERTONReply to Forum Debate from September 1999 57

Albert BUDDENResponse from Albert Budden 58

Book Reviews
Luis R. GONZÁLEZElectric UFOs61
Review: Albert BUDDEN,ELECTRIC UFOs - 1998
European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies Volume 1 N. 2 September/2000 - Re "Electric UFOs - Fireballs, Electromagnetics and Abnormal States" Book Review [Budden, Albert]

Press Release for Fundacion Anomalia on UFO 62

Image not available European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies

Launch Volume September 1999

Editor: Craig ROBERTS
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Budden, Albert; Fedele, Renato; Roberts, Craig; Toselli, Paolo (1960)

Craig ROBERTSEditorial1-2

Craig ROBERTSIntroduction to the editorial board 3-5

Paolo TOSELLI, Renato FEDELEProject for a database of ball lightning observations in Italy 6-14
Abstract: Ball lightning sightings by casual eyewitnesses are often neglected by researchers. Yet any theoretical model has to consider and account for those described features. The present difficulty is that such sightings are rarely reported to scientific researchers. An effort to build a catalogue of alleged ball lightning reports in Italy has recently been launched by a small group of BL researchers stimulated by the Italian Centre for UFO Studies, which offered to open its files to interested scientists to look for pertinent data. A first surbey of more than 12.000 Italian reports of unusual aerial phenomena brought a sample of 40 possible ball lightning phenomena in the last 50 years. A more through search is presently being conducted, that will yield and expected total of 100 reports. A second important source is the impressive collection of ball lightning cases published by Ignazio Galli in the early years of this century. All such reports are presently being filed into an 'Italian Ball Lightning Archive' and a computer database is also being implemented, containing space-time coordinates (date, time, latitude, longitude, altitude) as well as descriptive (colour, size, shape, behaviour) and environment (meteorological, topographical) data. Similar projects have already been attempted in Austria and Hungary, and some more national catalogue have also been produced for countries (Russia, Japan) with very different ecology/geography/climate. A second planned step will thus be a comparison between the Italian database and those other ones.

Albert BUDDENPreliminary identifications of alien contact / Abdcution experiences as allucinatory statesinduced by prolonged exposures to electromagnetic pollution in the environment 15-29
Abstract: Case studies of subjects reporting consisten accounts of apparent abduction by alien have shown that such experiences have developed an environmental sensitivities syndrome (ESS) including electrical hypersensitivity (EH), induced by synergistic conditions in their environment, including major electrical event exposure (e.g. lightning strike proximity) and subsequent on-going electromegnetic hot spot irradiation. It is this sensitivity to environmental electromagnetic energies which produces as an acute end-state, hallucinatory/visionary perceptions on an on-going episodic basis, such as episodes previously identified as psychic experiences, and latterly, interactions with extraterrestrials. Furthermore, examples of minor physical trauma discovered after such apparent interactions have also been identified as dermal reactions of the subjects who in effect have developed an 'electrical allergy'. Note that previous studies using ELF milligauss megnetic fields specifically on the temporal lobes, contribute to the electromagnetic polution approach, but differs from it in that this latter approach identifies generalised bodily irradiation from multiple artificial sources, the identification of the clinical condition - electrical hypersensitivity as being primarily instrumental in alien abduction experiences and its fundamental connections to the ethos of holistic medicine.

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSUFO declassification - the Spanish model 30-41
Abstract: Since 1992 to 1999, all UFO records held by the Spanish Air Forca which were withheld from public consultation have been declassified. Now, documents formerly classified as secret are part of the public domain: 84 files containing near 2.000 pages of text which describe 122 different UFO events occurred in the period 1962-1995. The author's intervention proved instrumental in the generation of this historical declassification process. A collaboration offer from the author was accepted by the Intelligence unit in charge. It allowed the author to stay very close to the development of the process. From this unique position, the author was basically able to (a) confirm that full contents of the archives were totally released; (b) accelerate the speed of the file processing in various times, (c) manage the liberation of several confidential papers and protocols related to past military handling of UFO information, and (d) successfully achieve through timely proposals that the Air Force produced a search for missing UFO data, which took place in three different occasions, giving rise to an improvement in quantity and quality of the files. After a background introduction, the most representative dates in the official UFO declassification process are reviewed, the major achievements from the civilian cooperation are exposed, and a basic statistical overview of released UFO sightings is presented.

Forum Debate
Albert BUDDENScum, Sludge and Residue - Refining Ufological Information42-45

Press Release
Canary Island UFOs in the 70s: Space experts confirm they where missiles46