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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Vol 7 No 1 April 2002
Editor: Bryan DICKESON
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Vol 5 No 4 December 1996
Editor: Bryan DICKESON, Elizabeth BUDEK, Michael FARRELL
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Vol 5 No 3 September 1996
Editor: Bryan DICKESON, Elizabeth BUDEK, Michael FARRELL
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Vol 5 No 2 June 1996
Editor: Bryan DICKESON, Elizabeth BUDEK, Michael FARRELL, Coralee VICKERY
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Vol 5 No 1 March 1996
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Vol 4 No 4 December 1995
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Vol 4 No 3 September 1995
Name: Bamstaple, J. ; Birdsall, Graham W. (1954 - 2003) ; Dickeson, Bryan ; Robb, D. ; Stewart, G.
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Vol 4 No 2 June 1995
Name: Dickeson, Bryan ; Land, G. ; Mcghee, Moira
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Vol 4 No 1 March 1995
Name: Dickeson, Bryan ; Fox, Chloe ; Land, G. ; McGhee, Moira
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Vol 2 No 2 June 1993
Name: Dickeson, Bryan ; Mcghee, Moira ; Sowiak-rudej, Paul ; Stilo, Giuseppe (1965)
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Vol 2 No 1 March 1993
Name: Decker, Rosemary M. ; Dickeson, Bryan ; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011) ; McGhee, Moira ; Sowiak-Rudej, Paul
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Vol 1 No 4 December 1992
Name: Decker, Rosemary M. ; Dickeson, Bryan ; Goldfader, Lorne ; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011) ; Jenkins, Palden ; McGhee, Moira
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Vol 1 No 3 September 1992
Name: Buttery, P. ; Dickeson, Bryan ; Good, Timothy (1942) ; Mcghee, Moira ; Moravec, Mark ; Sinclair, Frank ; Sowiak-rudej, Paul ; Vickery, Coralee
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Vol 1 No 2 June 1992
Editor: Bryan DICKESON, Evelayn HOCTOR, Coralee VICKERY
Name: Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952) ; Dickeson, Bryan ; McGhee, Moira ; Mudge, E. ; Sinclair, Frank ; Sowiak-rudej, Paul ; Vickery, Coralee ; Williams, C.
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Vol 1 No 1 March 1992
Editor: Bryan DICKESON, Evelayn HOCTOR, Coralee VICKERY
Name: Andrews, Colin ; Basterfield, Keith ; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952) ; Clark, Jerome (1946) ; Crowley, Brian ; Dickeson, Bryan ; Drew, Antony ; O'leary, Briant T. ; Randles, Jenny (1951) ; Starr, Leonie
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Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 7 No 1 April 2002

Editor: Bryan DICKESON
Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 5 No 4 December 1996

Editor: Elizabeth BUDEK, Bryan DICKESON, Michael FARRELL
Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 5 No 3 September 1996

Editor: Elizabeth BUDEK, Bryan DICKESON, Michael FARRELL
Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 5 No 2 June 1996

Editor: Elizabeth BUDEK, Bryan DICKESON, Michael FARRELL, Coralee VICKERY
Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 5 No 1 March 1996
Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 4 No 4 December 1995
Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 4 No 3 September 1995
Name: Bamstaple, J.; Birdsall, Graham W. (1954 - 2003); Dickeson, Bryan; Robb, D.; Stewart, G.

Bryan DICKESONThe Roswell autopsy film: Mr Santilli, you must be joking!3-4

B.D.The Autopsy Footage: More a case of Spielberg does the Hitler Diaries?5

Obituary- Maureen Kozicka6
Kelly Case Update6
UFO Reporter Vol 4 No 2 June/1995 - Behind the Kelly abduction: Did UFO investigators lose control? [Dickeson, Bryan]

Roswell autopsy
Graham W. BIRDSALLThe alleged Roswell archives film7-15
(From: UFO Magazine (Quest Publications International, UK), July-August 1995 )
Roswell statement10
Some interesting moments following the UFO crash at Roswell,as identified by Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt12
Friedman's letter to Santilli
Subject: Purported Roswell crashed saucer and autopsy film footage
The Truth is out there: UFO Magazine presents its findings17-21
Mantle's open letter to Ray Santilli and the Merlin Group18

D. ROBB, J. BAMSTAPLEDaylight disc
Classic d isc seen at Five Dock

G. STEWARTStar Wars over Australia? 23-24

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 4 No 2 June 1995
Name: Dickeson, Bryan; Land, G.; Mcghee, Moira

Bryan DICKESONUFO abductions - serious business3

Letters to the Editors
Large boomerang over Brisbane, March 19874

Obituary - Brinsley and Millen Le Poer Trench
Brinsley William Francis Le Poer Trench 18 September 1911-22 May 19955
Millen (Wilma Dorothy M.) Le Poer Trench, nee Vermilyea 17 March 1915-27 May 19956

The Kelly case
Bryan DICKESONBehind the Kelly abduction: Did UFO investigators lose control?7-13
UFO Reporter Vol 4 No 3 September/1995 - Kelly Case Update
Signs in the Sky11

INUFOR -The Independent Network of UFO Researchers 13

ET Law
Moira McGHEEThe United States' ET Exposure Law -­ Paranoia rules14+16
1211.100 Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space Part 1211 - Extraterrestrial Exposure15-16

G. LAND, Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONTregear UFO
Tregear video update
In the last issue of UFO Reporter, we described a UFO sigl!ting over Tregear in western Sydney on 24 November 1994, which had been videoed. The video was still being analysed and enhanced at that time, and shmved some interesting features.
UFO Reporter Vol 4 No 2 June/1995 - Tregear video update [Land, G.; McGhee, Moira; Dickeson, Bryan]
UFO Reporter Vol 4 No 2 June/1995 - Tregear video update [Land, G.; McGhee, Moira; Dickeson, Bryan]

B.D.The Roswell Autopsy Film19-20

B.D.Alien Discussions20
B.D.The Mystery of the Min Min Light20

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 4 No 1 March 1995
Name: Dickeson, Bryan; Fox, Chloe; Land, G.; McGhee, Moira

24 November 1994 - an exceptional event3

Letters to the Editors
Do UFOs emit laser light?4

Vladimir Godic, 1926-19955

Tregear UFO
G. LAND, Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONOrange object videoed at Tregear, Western Sydney
An object videoed over Tregear November 1994 (see cover picture) was also seen and videoed over Tom Price (WA) the previous month
Do UFOs produce laser light?8
Tom Price (WA) 15 October 19949

Moira McGHEENewcastle object
large object over Newcastle

Stop Press 13

Orange UFO reports (Australia) 14

Crop circles
Chloe FOXEerie circle of precision15
(From: the Adelaide Advertiser of 17 December 1994 )

Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONCurracurrong UFO
UFO seen on fishing trip

International Roswell lnitiative 18-19

Book Review
Bryan DICKESONReader's Digest Atlas of Australia (Second Edition 1 994)20

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 2 No 2 June 1993
Name: Dickeson, Bryan; Mcghee, Moira; Sowiak-rudej, Paul; Stilo, Giuseppe (1965)

Bryan DICKESONThe orange lights - what are they?3

Paul SOWIAKSurvey
UFOR(NSW) Members Survey, October 1992

UFOs on video
UFOs on video5
UFO Footage Probed by Air Force5
Giuseppe STILOAnalysing a UFO video. The Crosia documentary6-12
(From: UFO - Rivista di informazione ufologica N. 11 Luglio /1992 Il filmato di Crosia, pp. 15-21 Translated by Paul BONETT)
Crosia investigation follow-up13
B.D.Taking UFO videos14
Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONOrange lights videoed over Lapstone15-17
Paul SOWIAK, Bryan DICKESONParramatta UFO video18-20

UFO Reporter: formatting problems 20

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 2 No 1 March 1993
Name: Decker, Rosemary M.; Dickeson, Bryan; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011); McGhee, Moira; Sowiak-Rudej, Paul

Paul SOWIAK-RUDEJ1992, the year that was
Annual Report - as presented to UFOR's first annual general meeting, on 4 October 1992

UFO Expo 1992- Reports (Part II)
Budd HOPKINSRecalling UFO abduction experiences through hypnosis5-15
Rosemary DECKERUFO contactees16-18
Budd HOPKINSSpectacular UFO abduction in Manhattan19-22

Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONAn extremely close encounter at Llangothlin, NSW 23-28

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 1 No 4 December 1992
Name: Decker, Rosemary M.; Dickeson, Bryan; Goldfader, Lorne; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011); Jenkins, Palden; McGhee, Moira

Bryan DICKESONSex, aliens and videotape3-4

Letters to the Editors
Power Grids and Abductions5

Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONVehicle interference
A possible vehicle interference case near Walcha?

UFO Expo 1992- Reports (Part I)
Budd HOPKINSHow to recognise signs of UFO abductions13-26
Palden JENKINSHow ETs seem to think27
Budd HOPKINSA history of the abduction phenomenon28-37
Rosemary DECKERHolograms and UFOs38-40

Motunau UFO (NZ- October 1 979) 25-26

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 1 No 3 September 1992
Name: Buttery, P.; Dickeson, Bryan; Good, Timothy (1942); Mcghee, Moira; Moravec, Mark; Sinclair, Frank; Sowiak-rudej, Paul; Vickery, Coralee

Bryan DICKESONEarly days: Rosemary, George and me3-4

Special interest groups 4

Letters to the Editors
'Alien Update'5
East coast flap5

Air quakes
Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONUnusual tremors shake coastal New South Wales6-7
Mystery booms6

UFO over Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand
This account of an unusual object may be similar to trangular UFOs reported from Belgium around the same time.

Paul SOWIAK-RUDEJWaverley Park
A close observation in Waverley Park
The obseroer is a nine-year old boy from Dover Heights, personally known to Paul and considered to be a reliable witness.

Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONBullet-shaped UFO at Glenfield
Close-up view of bullet-shaped UFO at Glenfield
This incident was notified to the UFO Rhotline within hours of it occurring - we were able to interoiew the witnesses within a week. Some aspects of the case are still being investigated, so parts of this account are incomplete.

East coast flap
P. SOWIAK-RUDEJ, Frank SINCLAIR, Coralee VICKERY, Moira McGHEEEast coast flap of 1992 - Part II
The second and final part of this article describes two of the nwre complex and intriguing events investigated in New South Wales
Bryan DICKESONUFOs and the media19-28

New Magnetic Materials Testing Laboratory 29

UFO investigation and related organisations 30

Mark MORAVECLost in Bass Strait : a review of the play Sky
Starring Henri Szeps, at the Glen Street Theatre, Frenchs Forest

Addendum: Kyeemagh UFO, 199 32
UFO Reporter Vol 1 No 2 June/1992 - Close sighting of a disc at Kyeemagh [Sinclair, Frank & Sowiak-Rudej, Paul]

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 1 No 2 June 1992

Editor: Bryan DICKESON, Evelayn HOCTOR, Coralee VICKERY
Name: Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952); Dickeson, Bryan; McGhee, Moira; Mudge, E.; Sinclair, Frank; Sowiak-rudej, Paul; Vickery, Coralee; Williams, C.

Bryan DICKESONForty years on3-4

UFOR(NSW) UFO Hotline-(02) 588 6058 4

Letters to the Editors
Letter William CHALKER (Bill) Clifford5
UFO Reporter Vol 1 No 1 March/1992 - UFO Reality [Chalker, Bill]

Frank SINCLAIR, Coralee VICKERYHexham sighting
Cigar-shaped UFO and three small discs at Hexham, December 1984

Bryan DICKESONFungus circles
Agnes Banks fungus circle, April 1992
Fungus circles and fairy rings11
Crop circle update -Australia and New Zealand12

Cigar-shaped UFOs
Paul SOWIAK-RUDEJCloud-cigars and cigar-shaped UFOs13-19
Cigar-shaped UFOs in Australia18

New UFO Research Group in Canberra 19

Collector sighting
E. MUDGEA 'net full of stars' at Collector20-22
UFOs and earthquake lights23

P. SOWIAK-RUDEJ, Frank SINCLAIR, Coralee VICKERY, Moira McGHEEEast coast flap
East coast flap of 1992 - Part I

Moira McGHEE, Bryan DICKESONMalabar sighting
Malabar - A formation of orange UFOs
Seen on Monday 18 May 1992Jrom 2125 to 2130 hrs (duration 10-15 minutes).

Frank SINCLAIR, Paul SOWIAK-RUDEJKyeemagh sighting
Close sighting of a disc at Kyeemagh
UFO Reporter Vol 1 No 3 September/1992 - Addendum: Kyeemagh UFO, 199

Bryan DICKESONReview: UFO Research in Australia and New Zealand32

Image not available UFO Reporter
Quarterly Publication of UFO Research (New South Wales)
Vol 1 No 1 March 1992

Editor: Bryan DICKESON, Evelayn HOCTOR, Coralee VICKERY
Name: Andrews, Colin; Basterfield, Keith; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952); Clark, Jerome (1946); Crowley, Brian; Dickeson, Bryan; Drew, Antony; O'leary, Briant T.; Randles, Jenny (1951); Starr, Leonie

Bryan DICKESONWe're here because we're here ...3

Inaugural Meeting of UFOR (NSW) 4

The UFO Mystery - Seminar Report
Jenny RANDLESCircular Logic5-9
Bill CHALKERUFO Reality10-12
UFO Reporter Vol 1 No 2 June/1992 - Letters to the Editors
Briant O'LEARYExploring Inner and Outer Space: the New Frontiers13-15
Antony DREWUFOs and World Grid Patterns16-18
Jerry CLARKOfficialdom and UFOs: the Hidden History19-21
Jerry CLARKExtraterrestrial Entities and the US Government22-25
Briant O'LEARYThe New Science and Mind Over Matter26-27
Keith BASTERFIELDClose Encounters of an Australian Kind27-29
Brian CROWLEYExtraterrestrial Evidence in Our Solar System30-32
Jenny RANDLESTaken for a Ride: the UFO Abduction Phenomenon33-37

Crop Formations
Leonie STARRCrop Circles38-42
Colin ANDREWSCircle Phenomenon Research43-49

Interim Committee News 50

Code of Conduct
Draft Code of Conduct for UFO Investigators (January 1 992)50-51