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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-6-13

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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UFO Encounters
Editor: Charles BOWEN
FSR Publications Ltd, London
N. 5 November 1973

40 pp.
UFOs in Two Worlds
Editor: Charles BOWEN
FSR Publications Ltd, London
N. 4 August 1971

68 pp.
Beyond Condon
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London
N. 2 June 1969

76 pp.
UFO Percipients
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London
N. 3 September 1969

48 pp.
The Humanoids
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London
N. 1 October - November 1966

76 pp.

Image not available FLYING SAUCER REVIEW Special Issue
UFO Encounters
N. 5 November 1973
FSR Publications Ltd, London

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Buhler, Walter; Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020); Schwarz, Berthold Eric (1924 - 2010)

Charles BOWENStrange Encounters1

Berthold Eric SCHWARZStella Lansing's Movies: Four Entities and a possible UFO 2-10

Walter BÜHLERItaperuna: 1970-1971 11-25

Ann DRUFFELThe Yorba Linda Photograph 26-36
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 20 N. 6 April/1974 - Correction

Image not available FLYING SAUCER REVIEW Special Issue
UFOs in Two Worlds
N. 4 August 1971
FSR Publications Ltd, London

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Cruttwell, Norman E. G.; Vallée, Jacques (1939)

Charles BOWENConfounding the Critics1-2

Norman E. G. CRUTTWELLFlying Saucers over Papua 3-38

Gordon CREIGHTONThe New Guinea Sigthings. A note of some anthropological aspects 39

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Jacques VALLÈEType-1 Phenomena in Spain and Portugal - 1. A study of 100 Iberian landings 40-45

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Jacques VALLÈESurvey of Iberian Landings. A preliminary catalogue of 100 cases 46-56

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Jacques VALLÈEType-1 Phenomena in Spain and Portugal - 2. A study of 100 Iberian landings 57-64

Image not available FLYING SAUCER REVIEW Special Issue
Beyond Condon
N. 2 June 1969
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London

Name: Allen, W. Gordon; Binder, Otto O. (1911 - 1974); Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Clark, Jerome (1946); Graystone, W.; Greenfield, Allen H. (1946); Hack, Richard; Hickman, W.; Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009); Schwarz, Berthold Eric (1924 - 2010); Sprinkle, Leo Ronald (1930 - 2021); Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018); Stevens, Jennifer; Turner, E.; Ule, Joseph; Whritenour, Joan; Young, Mort

Charles BOWENA Complex Problem1

John A. KEELUFOs in 1952 2

W. HICKMAN, E. TURNERProject "A" Report 3-5

Leo R. SPRINKLEPersonal and Scientific Attitudes. A Study of Persons interested in UFO Reports 6-10

John A. KEELThe "Flap" Phenomenon in the United Stats. An Examination and Analysis 11-27
(Reprint THE FLAP PHENOMENON IN THE UNITED STATES /1989 An examination and Analysis, pp. 1-16)

Richard HACKUFO Stories of the North Western Indians 28-30
(Reprint Canadian UFO Report vol 1 no 5 September - October/1969 UFO Stories of Northwest Indians, pp. 18-20)

Disc Draws Water 30

Gordon William ALLENThe 1968 Surveillance of Seattle 31-33

The Great Circle Route - Circa 1950 34-35

Jennifer STEVENSMystery on the Mohawk 35-38

Mort YOUNGUFO Watchers: the Lonely Crowd 39-41

Otto BINDERPeople Who See UFOs 42-45

Berthold Eric SCHWARTZUFOs; Delusion Or Dilemma? 46-52
(Italian translation Gli Arcani Vol. VII N. 7/8 Luglio – Agosto/1978 Quattro misteri UFO, pp. 36-48)

Brad STEIGER, Joan WhritenourThe Flying Saucers Missionaries 53-54

Jerome CLARKReturn of the "Monster" 55-56

John A. KEELThe Cape May Incident 57-62

John A. KEELThe Glendale, California, Contact Claim 63-65

W. GRAYSTONECanada's UFO Poltergeist 66-68+70

Allen H. GREENFIELDThe "Alternate Reality" Theory 69-70

Charles BOWENBeyond the Conventional Horizon 69

Joseph ULEThe Key West Incident 71-72

A Final Word fronm the Founder of Ufology 73

Image not available FLYING SAUCER REVIEW Special Issue
UFO Percipients
N. 3 September 1969
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Chibbett, Harold S. W.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992); Rimes, Nigel; Schwarz, Berthold Eric (1924 - 2010); Sprinkle, Leo Ronald (1930 - 2021)

Charles BOWENThe Unhappy Cover-Up1-2

Aimé MICHELThe Strange Case of Dr. "X" 3-16
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 18 N. 1 January - February/1972 - A famous UFO shape
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 18 N. 3 May - June/1972 - The Dr. "X" triangle

Leo R. SPRINKLESome Uses of Hypnosis in UFO Research 17-19

Berthold Eric SCHWARZGary Wilcox and the Ufonauts 20-27

Gordon CREIGHTONThe "One-Eyed Entities" if Belo Hrizonte 28-32
(Italian translation CONTATTI UFO /1978 Le entità monocole di Belo Horizonte, pp. 203-214)

H. S. W. CHIBBETTUFOs and Parapsychology 33-38

Nigel RIMESThe Pirassununga Landing 38-44+ iii

Image not available FLYING SAUCER REVIEW Special Issue
The Humanoids
N. 1 October - November 1966
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Hanlon, Donald B.; Lorenzen, Coral E. (1925 - 1988); Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992); Pitlo, Ed; Powers, W. T.; Ribera, Antonio Jorda (1920 - 2001); Sievers, Edgar; Vallée, Jacques (1939)

Top Priority1-2

The Villa Santina Case

Charles BOWENUnited Kingdom
Few and Far Between
Landing and occupant reports a rarity in the British Isles

Jacques VALLÉEThe Pattern Behind the UFO Landings
Report on the Analysis of 200 documented observations made in 1954

Antonio RIBERASpain
The Landing at Villares Del Saz
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Gordon CREIGHTONSouth America
The "Humanoids" in Latin America

The Landing at Soccorro
New Light on a Classic Case

Coral LORENZENUFO Occupants in United States Reports 53-64

Donald B. HANLONU.S.A.
Questions on the Occupants

Aimé MICHELThe Problem of Non-Contact 67-70

Ed PITLO, Edgar SIEVERSSouth Africa
Was it a Landing at Silverston?