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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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N. 18 February 1974
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Baker, R.M.W. ; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948) ; Barrigon, Angel ; Basterfield, Keith ; Buckle, Eileen ; Bühler, Walter ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Handley. M. B. ; Jones, Barry ; Macias, J. ; Shuffs, Tom ; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo
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N. 17 June 1974
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Clark, Ivan ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; George St., Geoge ; Lucas, R. ; MacDuff, Claude ; Matsumura, Yusuke J. ; Rimes, Nigel ; Robiou Lamarche, Sebastian ; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo
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N. 16 August 1973
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020) ; Hackman, M. ; Handzic, Jeanne ; Hill, Peter A. ; James, Brian ; Maloret, Nicholas ; Rivaux, Jeanne-Marie ; Schneider, Eberhard ; SOBEPS ; Tye, Dennis ; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo
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N. 15 June 1973
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020) ; Hamadi, Walter ; Hill, Jonathan ; Lepine, M. ; Moore, J. Earl D. ; Pachal, Ashley ; Perego, Alberto (1903 - 1981) ; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo ; Watkins, H.
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N. 14 April 1973
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Badham, Andrew ; Buhler, Walter ; Chasseigne, Jean ; Freixedo, Salvador (1923 - 2019) ; Geldard, G. ; Harris, Leslie ; Mills, Lionel ; Moll, Francois ; Thomas Guma, Maria Angela ; Thomas, Jane
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N. 13 February 1973
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987) ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Gheorghita, Florin (1928) ; Grahn, Elis W. ; Johansson-Paasonen, Ilona ; Krmelj, Miloš ; Murphy, William ; Thomas, Jane ; Toft, Ron ; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo
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N. 12 December 1972
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K. ; Bessor, John Philip ; Casas-huguet, José Maria ; Clapham, A. D. ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Flippent, M.G. ; Krmelj, Milos ; Lagarde, Fernand (1907 - 1994) ; Roberts, August C. (? - 1994) ; Takanashi, Jun-ichi ; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo
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N. 11 August 1972
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K. ; Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987) ; Buckle, Eileen ; Carr, Michael ; Coxon, Geoffrey ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Davies, Michael ; Human, Philipp J. ; Maloret, Nicholas
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N. 10 June 1972
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K. ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Ikeda, Takao ; Knowles, R. P. ; Priest, Andy ; Till, M. L. ; Wilshaw, Gavin F. ; Worley, Don
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N. 9 February 1972
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Bratt, Tova ; Collins, Terence ; Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020) ; Greenhalgh, Dorothy M. ; Harris, Leslie ; Hennessey, Julian ; Hynek, Joseph Allen (1910 - 1986) ; Jackson, Maurice G. ; Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992) ; Newark, P. W. ; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020) ; Thomsen, A. E.
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N. 8 December 1971
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Airs, David T. ; Brown, Christopher ; Buckle, Eileen ; Chalk, Graham C. ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Farrow, Richard ; Fowler, Omar ; Herrnicht, R. ; Howard, Michael ; Jobes, William ; Lindsey, Robin S. ; Luna, Walter Fernandez ; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020) ; Pyhälä , Timo ; Von Metz, B. M. W. ; Walden, D. ; White, Dorothy ; Wiersema, G. S.
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N. 7 October 1971
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Ben, John E. ; Buckle, Eileen ; Buhler, Walter ; Collen Bullock, Lenore ; Daniels, Wilfred ; Harris, Leslie ; Johnson, J. ; Roberts, W. K. ; Satterthwaite, F. ; Sjogren, Reijo ; Wilson, Nancy L.
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N. 6 August 1971
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K. ; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948) ; Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987) ; Buckle, Eileen ; Buhler, Walter ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Ferrari, Roberto A. ; Linton, L. ; Magor, John ; Morton, Franlk M. G. ; Schmidt, Robert A. ; Stockel, Allen V. J. ; Walker, Archibald C.
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N. 5 June 1971
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Ameil ; Besset, Henry-Jean ; Buhler, Walter ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Harris, Leslie ; Hawkins, Dorothy ; Jaffe, Michel M. ; Johnson, Peter ; McDonald, Rod ; Pereira, Jader U. ; Rosier, B. A. R. ; Tinney, James P. ; Warwick, Alan R.
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N. 4 April 1971
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Buhler, Walter ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Farrow, Richard ; Franzen, Åke ; Hunter, I. ; Jacobsen, Nils Jacob ; Johnson, Peter ; Liljegren, Anders (1950) ; Ohishi, Kunimoto ; Rimes, Nigel ; Shaw, David
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N. 3 February 1971
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Buckle, Eileen ; Buhler, Walter ; Gardeski, Jerome S. ; Graystone, Regina ; Prevost, Alastair ; Toft, Ron ; Turner, N. M. H. ; Tyrode, Jean
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N. 2 December 1970
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Abbott, David ; Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987) ; Buhler, Walter ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003) ; Devereux, Paul (1945) ; Finch, Bernard E. ; Fredrickson, Sven-Olof ; Harris, Leslie ; Hennell, Percy ; McKinnon, Gordon ; Olszewski, Jan ; Paatalo, Matias ; Turner, N. M. H. ; Tyrode, Jean ; Whitaker, Trevor ; white. A.J.
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N. 1 October 1970
Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Baillon, Jean-Claude ; Bell, Howard ; Bishop, H. M. ; Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987) ; Christopher, Alan ; Cresson, Jacques ; Crewe, Alan, K, ; Drew, Malcom H. ; Finch, Bernard E. ; Hennell, Percy ; Needham, Charles M. ; Tyrode, Jean
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N. 18 February 1974

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Baker, R.M.W.; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Barrigon, Angel; Basterfield, Keith; Buckle, Eileen; Bühler, Walter; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Handley. M. B.; Jones, Barry; Macias, J.; Shuffs, Tom; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo

J. MACIAS, Angel BARRIGONAlfalfa Crop Report from a Small Planet
The Landing at Puente de Herera
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 20 N. 2 October/1974 - Stendek Vindicated

C.B. , E.B.Au revoir 1

Eileen BUCKLEWelsh Mountain Explosion 6-7

Keith BASTERFIELDStrange Affair on the Kimba Road 7-9

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSTwelfth night... and a UFO
Which, with an Andalusian farmhouse incident, comprise two Spanish cases from 1961
(From: Stendek Año III N. 11 Diciembre/1972 Aterrizaje en la noche de Reyes de 1961, pp. 32-33 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Gordon CREIGHTONGeorge Adamski still cast his shadow
Thoughts prompted by an interesting report from Peru

Oscar A. URIONDOPreliminary Catalogue of Type 1 cases in Argentina - Part 5 (concluded) 15-16
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Readers' Reports
UFOs spotted over Thanet16
An eye-witness's account16-17
UFO Activity in THailand17
1967 Sighting in Nebraskaiv
Brazil - UFO causes panic and traffic jamiv

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N. 17 June 1974

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Clark, Ivan; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); George St., Geoge; Lucas, R.; MacDuff, Claude; Matsumura, Yusuke J.; Rimes, Nigel; Robiou Lamarche, Sebastian; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo

Claude MACDUFFCanadian power faillures and UFO sightings 1-5

Yusuke J. MATSUMURAUFOs Pictured over Japan
Press and Police photographs snap strange objects over Toyama City and Nagai City

Nigel RIMESA Persistant Prowler at Sousas 7-9

Ivan CLARKDid a UFO land in their front garden?
A new physical trace incident reported from South Africa

Gordon CREIGHTONPuerto rico Plagued by Gas and Torchlight 10-13

Sebastian ROBIOU LAMARCHEA Hight Altitude Object Photographed over Puerto Rico 14-15

Readers' Reports
More than moonshine16
A revisitation16

Oscar A. URIONDOPreliminary Catalogue of Type 1 cases in Argentina - Part 5 17+iii

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N. 16 August 1973

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020); Hackman, M.; Handzic, Jeanne; Hill, Peter A.; James, Brian; Maloret, Nicholas; Rivaux, Jeanne-Marie; Schneider, Eberhard; SOBEPS; Tye, Dennis; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo

SOBEPSBelgian UFO Sightings During July 19721-5
Gordon CREIGHTONThe Faymonville Photographs4

Jeanne-Marie RIVAUXFrightening Experience on the London-Brighton Road 5

Brian JAMESThe Rosedale Humanoids: Futher Details
An Artist's Report, from Brian James
FSR CASE HISTORIES N. 10 June/1972 - Humanoid and craft seen at Rosedale [Allan, W. K.]
Canadian UFO Report vol 2 no 5 1972-1973 (13) /1972 - Levitation Cases [Allan, W. K.]

Ann DRUFFELThe Los Angeles Basin Sightings
2: From April 5 to April 9, 1973

Oscar A. URIONDOPreliminary Catalogue of Type 1 cases in Argentina - Part 4 10-11

Gordon CREIGHTONThe Investigations of General Uchoa in Brazil - part 3 11-12

Eberhard SCHNEIDERSome German Reports from 1971 13-14

Readers' Reports
Dartmoor mystery circles14-15
A gliding "coat-hanger"15
Three Uninvited Visitors15-16
UFO seen above hospital16-17
Strange disappearance of UFO in wood17
UFO confronts farm labourer17+iv

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N. 15 June 1973

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020); Hamadi, Walter ; Hill, Jonathan; Lepine, M.; Moore, J. Earl D.; Pachal, Ashley; Perego, Alberto (1903 - 1981); Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo; Watkins, H.

H. WATKINSUFO Hovers over Transformer at Crawley 1-2

Alberto PEREGOThe Great "Cross" above the Vatican3-6
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)
Gordon CREIGHTONA Pionier Italian UFO Researcher3

Ann DRUFFELThe Los Angeles Basi Sightings
1: From April 1 to April 4, 1973

UFO with Light Beams near Vitry-en-Artois
Near-landing in the Pas-de_calais, N.E. France
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 16 N. 122 Février/1973 QUASI-ATTERRISSAGE A VITRY-EN-ARTOIS (Pas-de-Calais), pp. 10-11 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Oscar A. URIONDOPrelimifary Catalogue of Type 1 cases in Argentina - Part 3 10-12

Readers' Reports
Cartwheels in the sky12
UFO seen over Baakline, Lebanon12-13
A Thing at the foot of the bed13-14
A schoolboy's sighting14

Ashley PACHALWhen a UFO came to Abee 15-16

Gordon CREIGHTONThe Investigations of General Uchoa in Brazil - part 2 17+iv

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N. 14 April 1973

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Badham, Andrew; Buhler, Walter; Chasseigne, Jean; Freixedo, Salvador (1923 - 2019); Geldard, G.; Harris, Leslie; Mills, Lionel; Moll, Francois; Thomas Guma, Maria Angela; Thomas, Jane

Jean CHASSEIGNE, Francois MOLLThe investigations at Draguignan1-5+7
(From: Lumières dans la nuit - Contact Lecteurs 14e Année N. 4 quatrieme serie Novembre/1971 Enquête a Draguignan, pp. 2-3 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)
Comment by Editor of Lumieres dans la Nuit5
Note by Editor of Lumieres dans la Nuit5

G. GELDARDLow-Pass UFO over the A5 6-7

Walter BÜHLERChance Interception of Communication Between Extraterrestrials? 8
(From: SBEDV Bulletin No. 85/89 (March-December 1972). Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Salvador FREIXEDOUFOs over Caribbean 9-10+12
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Jane THOMASThe Humanoids at Tres Arroyos
UFO and peripheral tropics in new reports from South America

Sindbad the Sailor 13-15
(From: Lumières dans la nuit - Contact Lecteurs 14e Année N. 5 troisieme serie Janvier/1971 Sindbad le marin, pp. 13-15 )

Readers' Reports
Photograph puzzles15
Unusual object over the Firth of Forth15-16
Aircraft spotters spot UFOs?16+17

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N. 13 February 1973

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Gheorghita, Florin (1928); Grahn, Elis W.; Johansson-Paasonen, Ilona; Krmelj, Miloš; Murphy, William; Thomas, Jane; Toft, Ron; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo

Wlliam MURPHYA Close Encounter in North California? 1-2+3

Ilona JOHANSSON-PAASONENHumanoids at Längelmävesi 3+4
(From: Vimana no 3-4 /1970 Suomessa tehtyjä havaintoja, pp. 23-24 )

Gordon CREIGHTONAlleged Landing in Richmond Park 4+13

Encounter between Oudasjarvi and Kipina 5
(Translated by Elis W. GRAHN)

Charles BOWENGeometrically Shaped Balloons, or UFOs? 6

Florin GHEORGHITAHigh Altitude Object over Romania 7-10
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Miloš KRMELJReport from Ljubljana, Slovenia 11-13

Oscar A. URIONDOPreliminary Catalogue of Type 1 cases in Argentina - part 2 14-15

Readers' Reports
The alleged landing at Winkleigh16
FSR CASE HISTORIES N. 8 December/1971 - Landing on Winkleigh Airfield

Andean Night of the Flying Saucers 17+iv
(From: Cérdoba (issue of December 31, 1972), Translated by Jane THOMAS)

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N. 12 December 1972

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K.; Bessor, John Philip; Casas-huguet, José Maria; Clapham, A. D.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Flippent, M.G.; Krmelj, Milos; Lagarde, Fernand (1907 - 1994); Roberts, August C. (? - 1994); Takanashi, Jun-ichi; Uriondo, Oscar Adolfo

José Maria CASAS-HUGUETA possible landing at Matadepera 1-3
(From: Stendek Año III N. 8 Marzo/1972 Observación del paso de un OVNI y su posible aterrizaje en Matadepera,, pp. 10-15 )

Miloš KRMELJUFO landing reported in Yugoslavia
This UFO sighting took place near the small town of Rasanac which is near Ohrid, close to the Albanian border

Jun-ichi TAKANASHIUFO Photographed over Okinawa 6-7

F. LAGARDEA French landing in 1944 8
(From: Lumières dans la nuit 15° ANNEE N. 118 Juin/1972 Un cas d'atterrissage datant de 1944, pp. 20 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Oscar A. URIONDOPreliminary Catalogue of Type 1 cases in Argentina 9-11+12

UFO Occupant at Riachuelo, Chile 12
(From: UFO Chile No 1 Agosto/1967 CASO N° 2, pp. 2-3 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Readers' Reports
Unexpected photographic images
New Jersey photograph13
A shining white "plank"13
The haunted sky13-14

Gordon CREIGHTONThe Investigations of General Uchoa in Brazil - part 1 14+iii

W. K. ALLANThe sighting at Ghost Pine Mine 15+iii

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N. 11 August 1972

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K.; Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Buckle, Eileen; Carr, Michael; Coxon, Geoffrey; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Davies, Michael; Human, Philipp J.; Maloret, Nicholas

Charles BOWENA hot reception at Fort Beaufort
Salvo of shots marks the opening of a South African UFO flap
Phillip HUMANFort Beaufort Tailpiece7

W. K. ALLANCar levitation on the Blackfoot Reserve 8

Geoffrey COXONUFO and "auto-stop" at Belchar's Bar 9-11

Eileen BUCKLEDown on Yarnold's Farm
News from Kempsey, New South Wales

Gordon CREIGHTONSouth American Round-Up, 1971 - part 2 12-13

Readers' Reports
A flying log14
1969 Exeter incident explained14
The "raindrop"14-15
A flying "sewage pipe"15-16+iii

Michael DAVIESThe Aldridge Case 17

Readers' Reports
Northamptonshire landingIii

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N. 10 June 1972

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Ikeda, Takao; Knowles, R. P.; Priest, Andy; Till, M. L.; Wilshaw, Gavin F.; Worley, Don

The strange force that moved a car
Driver's encounter with unusual light, dense black cloud and kite-shaped UFO, in Northern Sweden
(Translated by Carole THOMAS)
(French translation Phénomènes Spatiaux N. 34 4e trimestre - Décembre/1972 L'étrange force qui déplaçait la voiture, pp. 26-29)

Gordon CREIGHTONGnomery down on the farm 3

W. K. ALLANHumanoid and craft seen at Rosedale 4-5
FSR CASE HISTORIES N. 16 August/1973 - The Rosedale Humanoids: Futher Details [James, Brian]

K. P. KNOWLESLow-level UFO at Haydock 6-7

Gordon CREIGHTONSouth American Round-Up, 1971 - PART 1 8-9+11

Takao IKEDAA close encounter in Tatebayasi 10-11

M. L. TILLA "Delta-winged" oddity
Strange UFO glides low over a Staffordshire village

Don WORLEYThe Winged Lady in Black
A very weird episode alleged to have happened in Vietnam

Readers' Reports
Low-level UFO at Halesowen16-17
Wave of sighting over Yugoslavia17


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N. 9 February 1972

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Bratt, Tova; Collins, Terence; Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020); Greenhalgh, Dorothy M.; Harris, Leslie; Hennessey, Julian; Hynek, Joseph Allen (1910 - 1986); Jackson, Maurice G.; Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992); Newark, P. W.; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020); Thomsen, A. E.

J. Allen HYNEK, Julian HENNESSEYThe Aldridge Case: Pc. Leek's Photographs 1-2

Mystery Object seen from French Observatory 2-3
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Ted PHILLIPSLanding Report from Delphos 4-10

Ann DRUFFELThe Dzik Report: Los Angeles UFO 11-12
Also printed DATA NET Vol. VI No. 9 (63) September /1972 - The Dzik report: Los Angeles UFO [Druffel, Ann],

Tova BRATTAn Unusual Disc seen at Geneva 12-13

Leslie HARRISA Family and UFOs 14-15+16

Readers' Reports
UFO landing in Lincolinshire16
Afternoon UFO at Corsham16
Fireman's Hertfordshire sighting16-17
East Anglian Globe17
A 1969 Exeter incident17

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N. 8 December 1971

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Airs, David T.; Brown, Christopher ; Buckle, Eileen; Chalk, Graham C.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Farrow, Richard; Fowler, Omar; Herrnicht, R.; Howard, Michael; Jobes, William; Lindsey, Robin S.; Luna, Walter Fernandez; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020); Pyhälä , Timo; Von Metz, B. M. W.; Walden, D.; White, Dorothy; Wiersema, G. S.

Eileen BUCKLEDogs disturbed at Temagog... UFOs at Wlli Willi... 1-3

Fernandez Walter LUNAUFO photographs from Uruguay4-5
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)
Gordon CREIGHTONThe opinion of Mr. Percy Hennell on the Playa Sangrila photographs6

Omar FOWLERA widely-reported "UFO" 6

Timo PYHALAContact in Helsinki 7-8
(From: Vimana no 2 /1971 ERÄS HELSINKILliNEN KONTAKTI, pp. 11-15 )

Ocean Oddity 8

Ted PHILLIPSUFO events in Missouri 1857-1971 9-11

B. M. W. VON METZUFO Observed over Tynemouth 12-14

Readers' Reports
Flashing light in the night14
Great Yarmouth lights14-15
Scottish taxi-driver's experience15
Smoking UFO?15
UFO with "metal plates"15-16
Landing on Winkleigh Airfield16
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 18 N. 3 May - June/1972 - Correction
FSR CASE HISTORIES N. 13 February/1973 - The alleged landing at Winkleigh
Project Warminster16
Recurring UFO16-17
UFO and cloud over Essex17
Linked-Globe UFO again17

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N. 7 October 1971

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Ben, John E.; Buckle, Eileen; Buhler, Walter; Collen Bullock, Lenore; Daniels, Wilfred; Harris, Leslie; Johnson, J.; Roberts, W. K.; Satterthwaite, F.; Sjogren, Reijo; Wilson, Nancy L.

Reijo SJOGRENMilitary report UFO from Kuuskajaskari 1-3
(French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 17 N. 133 Mars/1974 Un Rapport Militaire de M. O. C. A KUUSKAJASKARI (finlande], pp. 10-11)

Nancy L. WILSONUFO landing at South Fremantle 4-6

John E. BENStone Age Statuette
A shape well-known to UFO researchers

Leslie HARRISUFO photographed at Poole 8-9

J. JOHNSONNotes from my Queensland file 9-10

"Peace-Symbol" UFO over Ceylon 11-12

W. K. ROBERTSBurst of UFO activity in Tasmania 13-14+16

Walter BÜHLERBrazilian cases in 1968 and 1969 - pt 6 15-16

Readers' Reports
A new report from the 1967 wave17
Conical UFO at Stafford17
A UFO's Vanishing Trick17

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N. 6 August 1971

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Allan, W. K.; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Buckle, Eileen; Buhler, Walter; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Ferrari, Roberto A.; Linton, L.; Magor, John; Morton, Franlk M. G.; Schmidt, Robert A.; Stockel, Allen V. J.; Walker, Archibald C.

Robert A. SCHMIDTThe strange case of the B-57 photographs 1-2

John MAGORHorse ill after UFO incident 3-4
(From: Canadian UFO Report vol 2 no 1 Spring/1971 Horse Ill After UFO Incident, pp. 14-18 )

Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOSUnusual underwater object 5-7
(From: Stendek Año II N. 5 Junio/1971 Un misterioso objeto submarino, pp. 22-24 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

W. K. ALLANA UFO and car which "floated along"
School-teacher's unnerving experience in Alberta, Canada

Eileen BUCKLEWhat the children saw 9-10

Walter BÜHLERBrazilian cases in 1968 and 1969 - 5 10-11

Roberto A. FERRARIPossible landing at Centeno, Argentina 12-13
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)
(French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 16 N. 124 Avril/1973 Atterrissages possibles à Centeno (Argentine), pp. 16-17)

Readers' Reports
Taxi-driver's testimony13-14
Yet another photo from Warminster14
Unusual light over Ongar14-15
Dunston-on-Tyne UFO15-16

Gordon CREIGHTONPossible resemblances Iii
FSR CASE HISTORIES N. 4 April/1971 - The Little Men of Norrbotten [Franzen, Åke]

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N. 5 June 1971

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Ameil; Besset, Henry-Jean; Buhler, Walter; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Harris, Leslie; Hawkins, Dorothy; Jaffe, Michel M.; Johnson, Peter; McDonald, Rod; Pereira, Jader U.; Rosier, B. A. R.; Tinney, James P.; Warwick, Alan R.

Peter JOHNSONAuto-Stop near Docking 1-2

Jader U. PEREIRAThe Remarkable Landing at Lagoa Negra 3-4
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Henry-Jean BESSETA Landing at Puits-d'Edme 5-7+12
(From: Phénomènes Spatiaux N. 26 4e trimestre - Décembre/1970 L'atterrissage du Puits-d'Edme, pp. 19-22 Translated by John C. HUGILL)

Alan R. WARWICKUnusual Sky Phenomena in 1852-53 8+14

Walter BÜHLERBrazilian cases in 1968 and 1969 - 4 9-10+13
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Michel M. JAFFEPersonal Observation
While motor cycling in California

James P. TINNEYDid UFO's land in Ulster? 13

Gordon CREIGHTONA Javanese A.V.B. ? 14

Readers' Reports
Trails, or UFOs?15
What was it over Heathrow Airport?15
"Copper ball" object long ago15-16
Changing formation16
Differing views of the same object16

The landing at Gelles iii
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 11 N. 97 Décembre/1968 GELLES (Puy-de-Dôme): M. et Mme AMEIL, pp. 11 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

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N. 4 April 1971

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Buhler, Walter; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Farrow, Richard; Franzen, Åke; Hunter, I.; Jacobsen, Nils Jacob; Johnson, Peter; Liljegren, Anders (1950); Ohishi, Kunimoto; Rimes, Nigel; Shaw, David

Peter JOHNSONOlaf Davy and the Wroxham UFO
with remembrances of two earlier event

Anders LILJEGRENStrange Norwegian Encounter near Helleland 4-7

Gordon CREIGHTON"Water-happenings" in Indonesia 7-8

David SHAWFlying Saucer over Immingham 8-9

Nigel RIMESEncounter at Kilometre 15 10-11+iv

Walter BÜHLERBrazilian cases in 1968 and 1969 - 3 12-13
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Åke FRANZENThe Little Men of Norrbotten 13-14
FSR CASE HISTORIES N. 6 August/1971 - Possible resemblances [Creighton, Gordon]

Richard FARROWStrange object over Southern Norway 14-15

Readers' Reports
Flying object over Seoul16
UFO over Tokyo16-17
Object east of Edinburgh17
UFO with fiery tail over Arendal17

Image not available FSR CASE HISTORIES

N. 3 February 1971

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Buckle, Eileen; Buhler, Walter; Gardeski, Jerome S.; Graystone, Regina; Prevost, Alastair; Toft, Ron; Turner, N. M. H.; Tyrode, Jean

Alastair PREVOSTHakney Flurry of UFOs 1-3+6

Eileen BUCKLEWas there a landing near Warminster? 4-6

J. TYRODEThe Landing of Franois - 2 7-8+10
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 12 N. 99 Avril/1969 L'ATTERRISSAGE DE FRANOIS (Doubs), pp. 16-19 Translated by John C. HUGILL)

Ron TOFTFarmer sees UFO take off 9-10
(From: Pegasus )

Walter BÜHLERBrazilian cases in 1968 and 1969 - 2 11-12

N. M. H. TURNERA remarkable "children woman" 13

Jerome S. GARDESKIGrand Rapids Spherical UFO 13

Regina GRAYSTONEImmense UFO over Maura Lake 14-15

Readers' Reports
Effects of a UFO in a fog?15
A “conventional saucer’’ seen in India15
Boscombe UFO15-16
“UFO” seen oyer Westerham16
West Country Incidents16
UFO over School16-17
Pulsating object at night17
UFOs, "auto stop", and effects on humans and a dog17
Humming noise, TV affected, and UFO seen17

Image not available FSR CASE HISTORIES

N. 2 December 1970

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Abbott, David; Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Buhler, Walter; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Devereux, Paul (1945); Finch, Bernard E.; Fredrickson, Sven-Olof; Harris, Leslie; Hennell, Percy; McKinnon, Gordon; Olszewski, Jan; Paatalo, Matias; Turner, N. M. H.; Tyrode, Jean; Whitaker, Trevor; white. A.J.

Paul DEVEREUXMuswell Hill UFO responds to signal flashes1-2
Bernard E. FINCHComments on the Muswell Hill report2

Trevor WHITAKERLuminous objects filmed near Newark 3

Charles BOWENOn viewing the Huntington film 3-4

Matias PÄÄTALOUFO flap at Pudasjärvi, Finland 5-6
(From: Vimana no 2 /1970 Pudasjärven UFO - Invaasio jatkuu, pp. 3-11 )

J. TYRODEThe Landing at Franois - 1 7-9+15
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 12 N. 99 Avril/1969 L'ATTERRISSAGE DE FRANOIS (Doubs), pp. 16-19 Translated by John C. HUGILL)

Gordon CREIGHTONA Brazilian Catalogue9
Walter BÜHLERBrazilian cases in 1968 and 1969 - 110-11

Jan OLSZEWSKILuminous rain in Warsaw alley 12-13

Sven-Olof FREDRICKSONPulsating object at Falkenberg 13

SoulaThe Somme, forty years after 14
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 12 N. 99 Avril/1969 DANS LA SOMME EN 1956, pp. 22+iv Translated by John C. HUGILL)

Leslie HARRISStrange aerial display near Bournemouth 14

N. M. H. TURNERUFO and radiation damage in 1887? Curious phenomenon in Venezuela 15

Readers' Reports
Droning circular UFO16
UFO sighting near Kilmarnock16
Northampton reporters’ reports16-17
The "friendly” UFO over Dartford17

Image not available FSR CASE HISTORIES

N. 1 October 1970

Editor: Charles BOWEN
Name: Baillon, Jean-Claude; Bell, Howard; Bishop, H. M.; Bowen, Charles (1918 - 1987); Christopher, Alan; Cresson, Jacques ; Crewe, Alan, K,; Drew, Malcom H.; Finch, Bernard E.; Hennell, Percy; Needham, Charles M.; Tyrode, Jean

Charles BOWENNew Venture1

H. M. BISHOPUFOs seen from Hampstead 2-4

Charles BOWEN, Bernard E. FINCHUFOs over the Strait of Dover 5-6

Bernard E. FINCHDanish Polish Officer snaps UFO 7-8

Howard BELLWiltshire Revisited 8

Jean-Claude BAILLONLuminous Objects over La Souterrain9-12
(Translated by John C. HUGILL)
Percy HENNELLComments on the La Souterrain Photographs12

J. CRESSONSpectacular Landing at Dinan 13-14
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 13 N. 106 Juin/1970 UN ATTERRISSAGE SPECTACULAIRE A DINAN (Côtesadu-Nord), pp. 9 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Alan K. CREWE, Malcom H. DREWMirror-Ball UFO seen at Stirchley 14

Readers' Reports
Dorset Multi-shape UFO15
Dividing UFO15
Space Ships?15-16
Tower view16

J. TYRODEThe Entities seen at Le Vézenay 16-17
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 11 N. 97 Décembre/1968 Le Vézenay (Doubs), pp. 10-11 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)