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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 01 Fall 1998
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 02 Winter 1998
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 03 Spring 1999
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 04 Summer 1999
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 05 Winter 1999
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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 06 Spring 2000
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 07 Fall 2000
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 08 Spring 2001
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 09 Fall 2001
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 10 Spring 2002
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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

No 12 Summer 2003
A Journal of UFO and Paranormal Phenomena in the Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain
Editor: Corrales SCOTT

December 2004

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 01 Fall 1998

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Carballal, Manuel (1967); Contreras, Roberto S.; Corrales, Scott; Freixedo, Salvador (1923 - 2019); Palmeros, Rafael Lara


Scott CORRALESMystery Animals Yesterday and Today 3-10

Manuel CARBALLALAn Aeronautical History of Flying Saucers 10-24
(From: Excerpted from his book "Saucers Unveiled!", 1995 )

Manuel CARBALLALVoyage to the Land of the Living Dead 24-30

Roberto S. CONTRERASSighting at Mexico's Chiquihuite Hill 30-32

Salvador FREIXEDOThe UFO Phenomenon in China 32-34

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
La Noche de Mi Encuentro con Extraterrestres by Amaury Rivera.35
UFOs: A Great New Dawn for Humanity by Enrique Castillo Rincón (translated from the original Spanish by Hugo A. Castro)35

Dr. Rafael Lara's Mexico Watch
Rafael Lara PALMEROSContactee Carlos Diaz and the Sounds of the Light Beings36
Rafael Lara PALMEROSThe MIB in South America: A Sampling of Cases37-38

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 02 Winter 1998

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Carballal, Manuel (1967); Del Amo-freixedo, Magdalena; Guzmán, Lucy; Reynoso, Marco A.

Magdalena DEL AMO-FREIXEDOEnough About the Chupacabras Already! 2-9

Luis BURGOSUFOs Also Kill Cows That Aren't Mutilated 10-12
(From: El Dragón Invisible )

Lucy GUZMÁNFireballs Over Puerto Rico: UFOs or Military Devices? 12-20

Marco A. REYNOSOTerror in the Northeast 20-28

Manuel CARBALLALThe Prostitution of Paranormal Journalism 28-36
(From: El Ojo Critico No 23 junio/1998 La prostitución del periodismo paranormal, pp. 8-10 )

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
El OVNI de Las Lomas by Carlos A. Guzmán Rojas and Victor A. Quezada Gómez37-38

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 03 Spring 1999

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Abeijon, Pilar; Amela, Victor; Blanco, Javier García; Carballal, Manuel (1967); Corrales, Scott; Guijarro, Josep; Pacheco, Luis A.; Palmeros, Rafael Lara


Luis PACHECOStrange Lights Over Patagonia 3-7

Josep GUIJARROSecrets of the Friendship: When Ham Operators Contact UFOs 7-12

Victor AMELAAn Interview with Antonio Ribera: "If You're Ever Abducted, You'll Never Know It" 12-14

Manuel CARBALLALUFO Videos: Hoaxes and Confusion 14-19

Pilar ABEIJONFortean Fish-Falls in Galicia? 19-21

Javier García BLANCORoadside Encounters: UFOs, Aliens and Missing Time 21-27

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
Review: Magdalena DEL AMO,ABDUCCIONES - 1999

Dr. Rafael Lara's Mexico Watch
Rafael Lara PALMEROSCarlos Díaz and the UFO Reality Research Center29
Rafael Lara PALMEROSArgentinean UFO Cult Features Extensive War Arsenal30
Rafael Lara PALMEROSOccult Revelations in Corporal Valdes's Experience30-31
Rafael Lara PALMEROSWas the Chupacabras Captured in Honduras?32

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 04 Summer 1999

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Blanco, Javier García; Briongos Martinez, Angel; Corrales, Scott; Guijarro, Josep; Palmeros, Rafael Lara; Villarubia Mausó, Pablo


Rafael Lara PALMEROSThe Magical Alignments of the Mexican Pyramids 3-10

Rafael Lara PALMEROSEmiliano Zapata Municipality: The Mystery of the Forgotten Stones 10-12

Angel BRIONGOS MARTINEZ, Javier García BLANCOThe Haunted Barracks of Cerler 12-15

Josep GUIJARROWho Hides Behind The Friendship?
(parts II and III)

Pablo VILLARUBIA MAUSÓThe Mysteries of Honduras 23-29

Scott CORRALESPatterns in the Void: Dimensions Beyond Our Own 29-34

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 05 Winter 1999

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Carballal, Manuel (1967); Corrales, Scott; Hernández Alpizar, Javier; Mellory, J.C.; Morales, Alberto; Palmeros, Rafael Lara; Pérez Simondini, Andrea; Sobrino, Rubén; Uscanga, Gisela

Scott CORRALESThe Millennium Arrives 1

Rubén SOBRINOUFOs, Astrophysicists and the MIR Space Station 4-6

Grupo FENIXHumanoids in Galicia 6-9

Manuel CARBALLALSaucer Exhibitionism and Close Encounters 9-20

Voices of the Millennium: The INEXPLICATA Interview
(Questions posed by J.C. Mallory)

Andrea PÉREZ SIMONDINIExperimental Ufology: An Optimistic Trail to Blaze 36-39

Arturo DEL MORAL MEDINAThe Alchichica Lagoon in the State of Puebla, Mexico 39-41

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
Review: Antonio RIBERA,ABDUCCIÓN - 1998

Rafael Lara PALMEROSDr. Rafael Lara's Mexico Watch43-44

Alberto MORALES, Gisela USCANGAClose Encounter of the Third Kind in Colonia Higueras 44-45

Javier HERNÁNDEZ ALPIZARBABEL (editorial) 45-56

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 06 Spring 2000

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Carballal, Manuel (1967); Corrales, Scott; Duran, José Manuel; Mecoli, Roque; Villarubia Mausó, Pablo

Scott CORRALESUfology At A Standstill? 2

Pablo VILLARUBIA MAUSÓThe Incredible Saga of Joao Prestes 3-10

Scott CORRALESAn Alien Heat: Chronicles of Sex and Saucery 11-20

José Manuel DURANAn Embarrasment of Humanoid Riches 20-22

Roque MECOLIThe Pros and Cons of Alien Visitation 22.29

Manuel CARBALLALNever Mind the Saucers: UFOs Identified! 30-32

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
Historias Aeronáuticas que Nos Hicieron Creer en OVNIS by Francisco J. Máñez33

Dr. Rafael Lara's Mexico Watch
Interview with Dr. Rafael Lara in July, 1997. From the journals of Scott Corrales34-38

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 07 Fall 2000

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Blanco, Javier García; Carballal, Manuel (1967); Corrales, Scott; Guzmán, Lucy; Madueño, Pedro; Núñez, Raúl

Scott CORRALESIf You're A Scientist--Please Don't Read This 2

Scott CORRALESGround Truth: The Mexican CE-IIs Examined 3-10

Javier García BLANCOUFOs: A Mortal Peril 10-13

Raúl NÚÑEZChupacabras Reappears in Chile 14-16

Manuel CARBALLALWe've All Gone Saucer-Happy! 17-20

Lucy GUZMÁNCE3K in Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico 21-23

Pedro MADUEÑOFormer Iberia Commander Says: "I Saw A UFO" 23-26

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
Bruno CARDEÑOSA, Los Archivos Secretos del Ejército del Aire 25-26
Review: Bruno CARDEÑOSA,Los Archivos Secretos del Ejército del Aire - 1998

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 08 Spring 2001

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Carballal, Manuel (1967); Corrales, Scott; Núñez, Raúl; Palmeros, Rafael Lara; Sánchez Ocejo, Virgilio

Scott CORRALES"Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal." 2

Scott CORRALESStarstrikes: Calling Cards from the Cosmos? 3-8

Raúl NÚÑEZUFO Crash/Retrievals in Chile 9-12

Manuel CARBALLALContactees: Talking to the Gods of the New Millennium 12-16

Virgilio SÁNCHEZ OCEJOOn The Trail of the Chupacabras 16-19

Rafael Lara PALMEROSUFOs, Personality and the "Visitor Experience" 19-21

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
Hermanos de la Estrellas...¿Donde Están? by Martha Rosenthal21-22
Ignacio GARCÍA CABRIA, Entre Ufologos, Creyentes y Contactados 22
Review: Ignacio GARCÍA CABRIA,Entre Ufologos, Creyentes y Contactados - 1993

Dr. Rafael Lara's Mexico Watch

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 09 Fall 2001

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Andrews, George C.; Carballal, Manuel (1967); Cardenosa, Bruno; Corrales, Scott; Palmeros, Rafael Lara

Scott CORRALESUfology in a Holding Pattern? 2

Scott CORRALESEurope's Inexplicable Icefalls 3-7

Manuel CARBALLALUFOs, Flying Saucers and Aliens 7-9

George ANDREWSChupacabras Encounters Monkey-Man 9-14

Bruno CARDENOSACarlos Murciano: "Something Floats Over Our World" 14-18

Dr. Rafael Lara's Mexico Watch
Rafael Lara PALMEROSMexican Ufology in the Year 2001, or, You Can't Tell the Players Without a Scorecard18-20

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
Los OVNIS en Canarias by José Gregorio González Gutierrez Tenerife: Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria,20

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 10 Spring 2002

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Blanco, Javier García; Corrales, Scott; Freixedo, Salvador (1923 - 2019); Martínez Echevarría, José A.

Scott CORRALESBelieving the Strangest Things 2

Javier García BLANCOUFOs of the Spanish Civil War 3-7

José A. MARTÍNEZ ECHEVARRÍAAnimal Mutilations in Puerto Rico 8-11

Scott CORRALESStrange Phenomena 11-14

Salvador FREIXEDOReflections on the Current State of Ufology--May 2001 15-18

Ex Libris A Random Sampling of Hispanic Ufology in Print
Los Expedientes Secretos: El CESID, el control de las creencias y los fenómenos inexplicables by Manuel Carballal.19-20

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The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
No 12 Summer 2003

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Corrales, Scott; García Bautista, José M.; Jiménez, José Gregorio; Villarubia Mausó, Pablo

Scott CORRALESA Year For Reflection and Reconstruction... 2

José M. GARCÍA BAUTISTAThe Seville UFO Sightings 1999 3-5

Scott CORRALESMilitary Implications of UFOs in Latin America and Spain 5-11

José Gregorio JIMÉNEZUnidentified Objects Over Tenerife 11-12

Pablo VILLARUBIA MAUSÓWhat Happened at La Aurora? 13-17

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A Journal of UFO and Paranormal Phenomena in the Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain
December 2004

Editor: Corrales SCOTT
Name: Casas, Mercedes; Corrales, Scott; Giménez, Guillermo Daniel; Guzmán, Lucy

Editorial… 1-2

Lucy GUZMÁNPuerto Rico UFO Activity 2004: From the Ovni.Net Database 2-8

Guillermo Daniel GIMÉNEZThe Men-in-Black in Argentina: The P.A.H. Incident 9-24

Scott CORRALESSharp-Dressed Men: The Men-in-Black (MIB) Are Back 24-33

Mercedes CASASThe Children of Llullaillaco 34-40