☰ www.libriufo.it
On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.Incorporating: C.R.I.F.O., Orbit, Satellite, UFO Critical Bulletin, UFO Diges, Ufology News Editor: Lee R. MUNSICK Fulcrum Productions, Morristown no 13 May 1960 | Incorporating: C.R.I.F.O., Orbit, Satellite, UFO Critical Bulletin, UFO Diges, Ufology News Editor: Lee R. MUNSICK Fulcrum Productions, Morristown no 12 April 1960 | Incorporating: C.R.I.F.O., Orbit, Satellite, and UFO Digest Editor: Lee R. MUNSICK Morristown no 11 May 1958 | Incorporating: C.R.I.F.O., Orbit, Satellite, and UFO Digest Editor: Lee R. MUNSICK Morristown no 10 November 1957 | Incorporating UFO Digest Editor: Lee R. MUNSICK Washington no 9 August 1957 |
Editor: Lee R. MUNSICK NJUGOG, Washington no 8 June 1957 | Editor: Lee R. MUNSICK North Jersey U.F.O. Group, Morristown no 7 April 1957 | North Jersey U.F.O. Group, Morristown no 6 October 1956 | North Jersey U.F.O. Group, Morristown no 4 May 1956 | North Jersey U.F.O. Group, Morristown no 3 April 1956 |
North Jersey U.F.O. Group, Morristown no 2 March 1956 | North Jersey U.F.O. Group, Morristown no 1 February 1956 |