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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-6-13

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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N. 5 Summer 1997
Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Chambers, John ; Cooper, Sharon ; Davis, Mike ; Huyghe, Patrick (1952) ; McMoneagle, Joseph W. ; Park, T. Peter ; Pflock, Karl T. (1943 - 2006) ; Ring, Kenneth (1935)
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N. 3 Winter 1996
Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Cochrane, Ev ; Evans, Hilary (1929 - 2011) ; Grosso, Michael ; Harter, James ; Higbee, Donna ; Huyghe, Patrick (1952) ; Jordan, Peter ; Kottmeyer, Martin S. (1953) ; Mangiacopra, Gary ; Skinner, Doug ; Smith, Dwight G.
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N. 4 Autumn 1996
Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Coleman, Loren (1947) ; Cremo, Michael A. (1948) ; Dossey, Larry ; Eisner, Betty ; Grosso, Michael ; Irving, Robert ; Keen, Montague ; Mangiacopra, Gary ; Mizrach, Steve ; Quintanilla, Hector J. ; Raynal, Michael ; Schlyter, Paul ; Wilson, Colin (1931 - 2013)
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N. 2 Spring 1995
Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Baker, Robert A. ; Coleman, Loren (1947) ; Evans, Hilary (1929 - 2011) ; Huyghe, Patrick (1952) ; Ritchey, David ; Sheldrake, Rupert ; Shonder, John ; Stillings, Dennis ; Van Flandern, Tom
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N. 1 Summer 1994
Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Cannon, Martin ; Coleman, Loren (1947) ; Corliss, William R. (1926 - 2011) ; Holden, Ted ; Huyghe, Patrick (1952) ; Kottmeyer, Martin S. (1953) ; Rydeen, Paul ; Stacy, Dennis ; Swann, Ingo
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Image not available THE ANOMALIST

N. 5 Summer 1997

Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Chambers, John ; Cooper, Sharon ; Davis, Mike ; Huyghe, Patrick (1952); McMoneagle, Joseph W. ; Park, T. Peter ; Pflock, Karl T. (1943 - 2006); Ring, Kenneth (1935)

Peter T. PARKToo Many Anomalies, Not Enough Time 4-7

Patrick HUYGHEDepp Secrets 8-27

Kenneth RING, Sharon COOPERMindsight
How the Blind Can "See" During Near-Death Experiences

John CHAMBERSThe Channeled Myths
New Tales of Atlantis and Akhnaton

Joseph W. McMONEAGLEJules Verne
Science Fiction Writer, Psychic, or Remote Viewer?

Karl T. PFLOCKUFOs: For RAND Use Only
UFOs: What T Do?

Mike DAVISCosmic Dancers on History's Stage?
The Permanent Revolution in the Earth Science

Letters to the Editor143-154

Image not available THE ANOMALIST

N. 3 Winter 1996

Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Cochrane, Ev; Evans, Hilary (1929 - 2011); Grosso, Michael; Harter, James; Higbee, Donna; Huyghe, Patrick (1952); Jordan, Peter; Kottmeyer, Martin S. (1953); Mangiacopra, Gary; Skinner, Doug; Smith, Dwight G.

Patrick HUYGHEExtraordinary Claim? Move the Goalposts! 4-7

Hilary EVANSThe Naked Ghost 8-27

Michael GROSSOThe Anomalies of Death: Exploring The "Next" World Now 28-54

Doug SKINNERVisions of a Subterranean Wonderworld
The Forgotten Art of Richard Shaver

Martin KOTTMEYERUFO Flaps 64-89
(Spanish/Catalan translation La Nave de los Locos Monográfico No 2 Junio/2003 Oleadas OVNI: Un análisis, pp. 3-16)

Gary MANGIACOPRA, Dwight G. SMITHConnecticut's Mystery Felines
The Glastonebury Glawackus 1939-1967

Peter JORDANMe and the Number 23 124-131

Ev COCHRANEWhat Are Mars Rocks Doing on Earth?
From Ancient Myth To Modern Science

Donna HIGBEEInvoluntary Spontaneous Human Invisibility 156-163

Backscatter: Letters to the Editors164-172

Image not available THE ANOMALIST

N. 4 Autumn 1996

Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Coleman, Loren (1947); Cremo, Michael A. (1948); Dossey, Larry; Eisner, Betty; Grosso, Michael; Irving, Robert; Keen, Montague; Mangiacopra, Gary; Mizrach, Steve; Quintanilla, Hector J.; Raynal, Michael; Schlyter, Paul; Wilson, Colin (1931 - 2013)

Michael GROSSONine Reasons to Fear the Paranormal 4-7

Hector J. QUINTANILLAProject Blue Book's Last Years 8-22

Paul SCHLYTERThe Earth's Second Moon 24-32

Montague KEENKeen on Crop Cirlces 34-57

Steve MIZRACHWired Spirits 58-71

Gary S. MANGIACOPRADangerous Vision
The Phantom of Broad Mountain

Loren COLEMAN, Michael RAYNALDe Loy's Photograph
A Short Tale og Apes in Green Hell, Spider - Monkeys, and Amenranthropoides

Michael CREMOScreams from the Stream 94-103

Colin WILSONAn Egyptian State of Mind 104-127

Betty EISNERThe Mysterious Phenomenon of Loading 128-134

Larry DOSSEYLoading at a Distance 135-139

Image not available THE ANOMALIST

N. 2 Spring 1995

Editor: Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACY
Name: Baker, Robert A.; Coleman, Loren (1947); Evans, Hilary (1929 - 2011); Huyghe, Patrick (1952); Ritchey, David; Sheldrake, Rupert; Shonder, John; Stillings, Dennis; Van Flandern, Tom

Tom VAN FLANDERNBetting on the Mars Face 4-7

Loren COLEMANWas the First "Bigfoot" a Hoax?
Cryptozoology's Original Sin

Patrick HUYGHEOn Human Origins: Out of Siberia?
An Interview with Yuri Mochanov

Rupert SHELDRAKEThe Great Pigeon Mystery 48-51

David RITCHEYGroking Galloping Gertie
An Anecdotal Exposition of Remote Viewing

Hilary EVANSFrom Faits Divers to Folklore and Back Again 68-79

Dennis STILLINGSMyth, Mutes, and More 80-86

John SHONDEROrgan Theft Rumors in Guatemala
Some Personal Observations

Robert BAKERAlien Dreamtime 94-137

Backscatter: Letters to the Editors138-149

Image not available THE ANOMALIST

N. 1 Summer 1994

Editor: Patrick HUYGHE
Name: Cannon, Martin; Coleman, Loren (1947); Corliss, William R. (1926 - 2011); Holden, Ted; Huyghe, Patrick (1952); Kottmeyer, Martin S. (1953); Rydeen, Paul; Stacy, Dennis; Swann, Ingo

Patrick HUYGHE, Dennis STACYQuadratic Equations 4-5

Ted HOLDENDinosaurs and the Gravity Problem 6-19

Patrick HUYGHEInterview: Mario Pazzaglini on "Alien Writing" 20-34

Martin CANNONThe Numbers Game 35-44

Patrick HUYGHEThe Daytona Beach Mystery Wave 46-62

Paul RYDEENCargo of the Gods? 63-68

Martin S. KOTTMEYERThe First Extraordinary Claim 69-96

Loren COLEMANIncendiary Poltergeists, Spontaneous Human Combustion and Fire Suicide Clusters 97-109

Ingo SWANNThe Perils of Erasing Astrology From the Past 110-121

William R. CORLISSCommentary 122-124