| Ray PALMER | Editorial | 4-5+10+13-17 |
| | How Atlas' Camera Lies to Us! | 6-10 |
| | Saucers serious business... Air Force | 11 |
| | Let's follow this up! |
| | Group claims proof of flying saucer | 12-13 |
| | "Space ship" pieces may may be checked by AF | 13 |
| | The mystery satellite SNAFU | 18-19+39 |
| | Alexi Ledowski, Serenty Schiborin, Andreij Mitkow, Mirija Gromov Russian heroes... or sacrificial victims? | 20 |
| | Did Italian Army capture saucer people? | 20 |
| Gray BARKER | Chasing the Flying Saucers | 21-28 |
| Peter KOR | UFOs - From the critic's corner No. 2 Challenge To A Dero | 29-35 |
| | I saw a flying saucer | 36-39 |
| | Flying saucer club news | 40-41+44 |
| | Personals | 42-44 |
| | Letters | 45-64 |