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Editor: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS
UPIAR, Milano
Volume 1 No 1 1982
Editor: Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOS
UPIAR, Milano
Volume 1 No 2 1982

Image not available UPIAR Research In Progress

Volume 1 No 1 1982
UPIAR, Milano

Editor: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS
Name: Adrian, Fred; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Farabone, Roberto (1944); Fernades, Fernando; Ferreira, Jose Mario; Keul, Alexander G. (1954); Spaulding, William H.; Toselli, Paolo (1960)

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSTimes Are Changing1-2

Scope and Purpose 3

Instructions to Author 4-8

Call for Papers 8

Wiliam H. SPAULDING, Fred ADRIANUsage of Computer Photographic EvaLuation Techniques
As Applied, by GSW, to Purported UO Photographs
Abstract: Computer Image Enhancement (CIE) is a sophisticated method of electronically manipulating photographic images, vie the use of high speed digital computers, to obtain additional and significant information to analyze the phenomenon of UO - (unidentified object) photographs. Pictorial information of UO's exists in great quantity and low quality. These pictures have always created an interpretation problem for researchers. Computer Image Enhancement of the serial phenomenon pictures is discussed and some of the major processing techniques utilized by GSW, INC are outlined, as well as examples of the benefits and limitations of this space-age electronic reprocessing technology. The goal is to reduce the subjectivity of conventional evaluation techniques. Graphic examples of the CIE methodology as applied to purported UO photographs, are illustrated

Fernando FERNADES, Jose Mario FERREIRATime Distribution in Iberian UFO Activity27-38
Abstract: This paper is an attempt to analyse the time distribution of the UFO phenomenon over the Iberian Peninsula. Data covering the period from 1950 to 1977 was used to explore the eventual periodicities of the reported UFO sightings. A method based on the autocorrelation function has shown several interesting features, revealing that the time structure of the Iberian data has striking similitudes with the global time structure represented by observations from all over the world.

Alexander G. KEULThe Austrian UFO Witness Project41-44
Abstract: The paper reports methods and results of an officially funded research project on reality control of UFO witness reports in Austria. A battery of psychological tests was given to witnesses of ten unidentified cases, the results of which seemed to confirm the considerable role played by psychopathology in the examined cases. A continuation of the analysis is announced on a more representative sample and with a control group of non-UFO witnesses and on another sample of non Austrian witnesses.

Paolo TOSELLIRead in Literature45-47
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOSUFO Research Bibliography
(part I)

Roberto FARABONE... and Yet It Moves!55

Image not available UPIAR Research In Progress

Volume 1 No 2 1982
UPIAR, Milano

Editor: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Bucher, Walter; Campbell, Steuart (1937); Farabone, Roberto (1944); Guasp, Miguel (1953); Izzo, Francesco (1954); Niemtzow, Richard C.; Schneider, Adolf; Westrum, Ronald M. (1945)

Roberto FARABONEFirst International UPIAR Colloquium1-5
Note from the. Editor-in-chief5

URIP Basic Data 6-14

Adolf SCHNEIDERUFOs with Intense Bright Lights17-33
Abstract: In various reports concerning unknown aerial phenomena or unidentified flying objects there are references to extraordinarily bright lights or rays. In some cases the witnesses are fully blinded, frequently there are also such physiological symptoms as eye irritation, skin inflammations, etc. The objective of this presentation is to numerically estimate the energies necessary to cause the reported symptoms. On the basis of these results it can be determined whether the reported incidents conform to known natural occurrences or can be attributed to technical apparatus, or whether the origin and mechanisms of these phenomena cannot satisfactorily interpreted.
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Miguel GUASPUFOs, Sociability and ETI35-40
Abstract: In order to study the feasibility of an eventual UFO-ETI correlation, the concept of sociability is introduced in the analysis of the probability of extraterrestrial visits to the Earth. The number of spacecraft launches per civilization and year in function of the rate of sociable planets in the Galaxy is calculated, resulting in a more optimistic assessment than previous estimates.

Steuart CAMPBELLScientific Investigation of a CE-II Case41-50
Abstract: A lone forester encountered a large hemispherical object in a clearing and was dragged towards it by two 'spiked' spheres. He collapsed and suffered temporary ill effects. The spheres tore his clothing, and all objects left strange marks in the ground. Local police investigated and recorded the ground marks, but found no conventional explanation or cause to reject the witness' account. Full medical details of the witness are available, and it is deduced that he suffered an isolated epileptic fit. Some scientific tests have been conducted, with little positive result. Evidence points to the cause being a rare natural phenomenon related to ball lightning.

Miguel GUASPCriteria for a Rational Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon53-60
Abstract: A critical study of the stages that must be followed in order to reach the knowledge about any fact or phenomenon is applied to the UFO phenomenon. Conclusions are positive and new criteria which permit the creation of a stable approach to the investigation of UFO phenomena are advanced.

Walter BUCHERSolid lights61-64
Abstract: In many UFO-sightings peculiar beams of light have been observed. These special beams of light are called 'solid lights'. A solid light looks like a compact cylinder or cone radiating much more light to the sides than an ordinary light beam. Frequently a solid light has an abrupt end and the length of the beam can be varied. The appearances and the effects of solid lights are described. Some possible conventional explanations are discussed and considered insufficient.
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOSUFO Research Bibliography

Richard C. NIEMTZOWProject UFOMD72-74
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOSNew Catalogue of UFO Landing Reports in the Iberian Peninsula75-77

Ronald WESTRUMOn UFO Reports' Dynamic78
Francesco IZZOThe Centrality of the witness79-84
(Spanish/Catalan translation ufo press Año VI N. 18 Octubre/1983 El papel central del testigo, pp. 27-29)