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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

Books and magazines are NOT for sale.

Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
CISU, Torino
Vol. 4 N. 2 October 2009

8 pp.
International Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
CISU, Torino
Vol. 2 N. 4 October 1996

12 pp.
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
CISU, Torino
N. 11 Special Issue July 1989

21 pp.
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
CISU, Torino
N. 10 June 1989

12 pp.
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici, Torino
N.. 9 December 1988
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Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
CISU, Torino
N. 8 Special Issue November 1988

2 pp.
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
CISU, Torino
N. 7 July 1988

10 pp.
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici, Torino
N. 6 December 1987
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
CISU, Torino
N. 5 June 1987

8 pp.
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici, Torino
N. 3 December 1986

Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Vol. 4 N. 2 October 2009
CISU, Torino

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
International Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
Vol. 2 N. 4 October 1996
CISU, Torino

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Name: Stilo, Giuseppe (1965)
Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N. 11 Special Issue July 1989
CISU, Torino

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Name: Grassino, Gian Paolo (1960); Russo, Edoardo (1959); Verga, Maurizio (1963)

Edoardo RUSSO, Gian Paolo GRASSINOItalian UFO Research in the Eighties – A Review of Sightings, Activities and Reflections”
paper presented at BUFORA International Congress

Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N. 10 June 1989
CISU, Torino

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N.. 9 December 1988
Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici, Torino
Name: Russo, Edoardo (1959)

Edoardo RUSSOThe Italian UFO Scene: 1988 Update 1-3

Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N. 8 Special Issue November 1988
CISU, Torino

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Name: Grassino, Gian Paolo (1960); Russo, Edoardo (1959)

Edoardo RUSSO, Gian Paolo GRASSINOTowards a European Ufology – Where is America Going to? 2-10

Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N. 7 July 1988
CISU, Torino

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Name: Russo, Edoardo (1959)

Edoardo RUSSOThe Italian UFO Scene: 1987 Update 1-3

Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N. 6 December 1987
Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici, Torino
Name: Russo, Edoardo (1959)

Edoardo RUSSO“What Do Italians Believe about UFOs? The CISU-Doxa Opinion Poll 1-3

Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N. 5 June 1987
CISU, Torino

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Image not available Italian UFO Reporter
Newsletter of the Italian Center for UFO Studies
N. 3 December 1986
Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici, Torino
Name: Delaval, Marcel (1945); Favero, Gianni (1950 - 2022); Fiorino, Paolo (1957); Grassino, Gian Paolo (1960); Scornaux, Jacques (1946); Verga, Maurizio (1963)

Marcel DELAVALUFOs and IFOs: a Comparative Study
The 1977 Italian Sightings

Paolo FIORINOStrange Beings at Rudiano
A Flap wnd Humanoids near Bredcia

Maurizio VERGAComputers & UFOs
The Applications of Informatics to Ufology

Gian Paolo GRASSINOFlap in Piemonte
The Sightings of September 15, 1985

1986 Cases Histories 8-9

Gianni FAVEROUFOs in the U.S.S.R.
Late News from our Special Correspondent

Who's Who in Italian Ufology 10