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| Barry H. DOWNING, Ufos As A Religious Phenomenon pp.116-129 | | Authors: | Walter H. ANDRUS, Joseph GURNEY (eds.) | | Title: | MUFON '72 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - June 17, 1972 Quincy, Illinois | | Publisher: | Mutual UFO Network, Quincy, Illinois 1972 | | Name: | Downing, Barry H. (1938)
; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015)
; Brill, Joseph M.
; Fawcett, George D. (1929 - 2013)
; Gurney, Joseph
; Leonard, Cedric
; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020)
; Saunders, David R. (1923 - ?)
; Schuessler, John F.
; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
| | Language: | English | | | ☰ | | | | |
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| Downing, Barry H. p.33 Barry H. DOWNING, Religion and UFO's: The Extrasensory Problem pp.34-44 | | Author: | Walter H. ANDRUS (ed.) | | Title: | MUFON 1974 UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - A Scientific Apault on the UFO Enigma | | Serie: | MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS | | Publisher: | Mutual UFO Network, Quincy, Illinois 1974 | | Name: | Downing, Barry H. (1938)
; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015)
; Blum, Ralph
; Burt, Eugene H.
; Fish, Marjorie E.
; Friedman, Stanton T. (1934 - 2019)
; Gordon, Stan
; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020)
; Schwarz, Berthold Eric (1924 - 2010)
| | Language: | English | | | ☰ | | | | |
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| Barry H. DOWNING, Il Vecchio Testamento e i dischi volanti pp.19-24 | | Author: | Jay DAVID (editor) | | Title: | GLI UFO Cosa sono, chi li pilota, da dove vengono - La meccanica degli UFO - All'interno di un UFO - Gli UFO subacquei - Gli extraterrestri e il sesso - Il mistero delle "lettere Allende" - La Bibbia e i dischi volanti - Perché vengono - Il tetto della morte - L'opinione degli scienziati | | | (FLYING SAUCERS HAVE ARRIVED! Translated (from the English) by Antonio BELLOMI ) | | Serie: | Ai confini della realtà | | Publisher: | Armenia, Milano Febbraio 1974 | | Name: | Downing, Barry H. (1938)
; Adamski, George (1891 - 1965)
; Bethurum, Truman (1898 - 1969)
; Binder, Otto O. (1911 - 1974)
; Chambers, Howard V.
; Comella, Thomas M.
; Cramp, Leonard G.
; David, Jay
; Gaddis, Vincent H. (1913 - 1997)
; Gibbons, Gavin (1922 - 1978)
; Hall, Richard H. (1930 - 2009)
; Heard, Gerald (1889 - 1971)
; Kor, Peter
; Lorenzen, Coral E. (1925 - 1988)
; Lorenzen, Jim (1922 - 1986)
; Maney, Charles A. (1891 - 1966)
; Reeve, Bryant
; Reeve, Helen
; Sanderson, Ivan Terence (1911 - 1973)
; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
; Whritenour, Joan
; Wilkins, Harold Tom (1891 - 1960)
; Young, Norton
| | Language: | Italian | | | ☰ | | |
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| Barry H. DOWNING, ET Contact: the Religious Dimension pp.45-60 | | Author: | Walter H. ANDRUS (ed.) | | Title: | MUFON 1990 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - UFOs: The Impact of E.T. Contact Upon Society, Pensacola, Florida - July 6-7-8 | | Serie: | MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS | | Publisher: | Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas 1990 | | Name: | Downing, Barry H. (1938)
; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015)
; Baker, Carey H.
; Brandenburg, John E.
; Gotlib, David A.
; Hall, Robert L.
; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011)
; Huneeus, Antonio J. (1950)
; Laibow, Rima E.
; O'Leary, Briant T.
; Schmitt, Donald R.
; Spencer, John (1954)
; Walters, Ed
| | Language: | English | | | ☰ | | |
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Barry H. DOWNING, EXODUS AS A PARADIGM OF UFO STRATEGY. Passages from the Bible can be interpreted in many ways, but then, so to can the UFO phenomenon. pp.8-11 MUFON Forum: RELIGIOUS SURVEY (Mail) pp.16-17 MUFON UFO JOURNAL No 318 October 1994 | | Name: Downing, Barry H. (1938)
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