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Keith Thompson, 1954 age 71 years

'La ufología es como el mito de Sísifo', La Nave de los Locos Año 2 No 10, 2001 pp. 3-6

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Letters (Mail) pp.18-19
No 267 July 1990
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954)
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Keith THOMPSON, Book Reviews: Second Review of Forbidden Science pp.330-333
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Volume 7 Number 3 1993
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954)
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Author: Keith THOMPSON
Publisher: Fawcett Columbine (Ballantine), New York 1993
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954)
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Keith THOMPSON, Is It Going Anywhere?: The Rock Is Still Rolling pp.166-177
Author:Paul David PURSGLOVE (ed.)
Publisher: New Being Project, Berkeley CA 1995
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954) ; Abbott, Edwin A. ; Adamiak, Shari ; Barker, Bill ; Barnes, Carolyn ; Bishop, Gregory D. ; Drasin, Daniel ; Ferguson, Marilyn ; Freer, Neil ; Greer, Steven Macon ; Grosso, Michael ; Herbert, Nick ; Klimo, Jon ; Krippner, Stanley (1932) ; Laibow, Rima E. ; Le Canard, Charles ; Leary, Thimothy ; Lindemann, Michael ; Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004) ; Mckenna, Terence (1946 - 2000) ; Mundy, Jean ; O'Leary, Briant T. ; Olian ; Pursglove, Paul David ; Rojcewicz, Peter M. ; Salter Jr., John R. ; Shachter, Howard M. ; Slater, Philip ; Sprinkle, Leo Ronald (1930 - 2021) ; Stillings, Dennis ; Strieber, Whitley (1945) ; Taff, Barry E. ; Tenen, Stan ; Underwood Spencer, Paula ; White, John ; Wilson, Robert Anton (1932 - 2007)
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'La ufología es como el mito de Sísifo' pp.3-6 (The Excluded Middle Nº 5 -)
La Nave de los Locos
Año 2 No 10 Julio 2001
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954) ; Zúñiga, Diego C.
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Image not available MUFON UFO JOURNAL
Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967
No 267 July 1990
Mutual UFO Network
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954)

From the Editor2

Bob PRATTThe Belgium UFO Flap 3-9

Erich A. AGGENDesert Secrets 8-10
MUFON UFO JOURNAL 269 September/1990 - Letters

Knowles Encounter11
MJ-12 Report11
M. SHEVCHENKOSoviet UFO Society11-12
Dennis STACYUFOs in the Nineties12
Book:Jerome CLARK,UFOs IN THE 1980S: The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 1 - 1990
SSE Meeting12
Dinsdale Prize12-13
Ralph NOYESOxford Conference13-14
DSCrop Harvest14
DSGulf Breeze Capture14
MUFON UFO JOURNAL 271 November/1990 - Letters

Lucius FARISHIn Others' Words14+17

Bob GRIBBLELooking Back15-17

Letter Richard DELL'AQUILA18
Letter Bob LIESER18
Letter Keith THOMPSON18-19
Letter Dan WRIGHT19
Letter Daniel EDEN19

News Flash
Army discharges six who went to Florida19

The Night Sky
Walter N. WEBBAugust 199020

Walter ANDRUSDirector's Message24+23+21+22

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 7 Number 3 1993
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954)

Research and Review Articles
Michael SCHROTER-KUNHARDTA Review of Near Death Experiences219-239
Abstract: Near death experiences (NDEs) have been reported throughout time in essentially all cultures. The contents of modem NDEs is independent of gender, age, and profession. The frequency of occurrence is estimated to lie between 10 and 50 percent of all near-death situations. This frequency could be higher still, perhaps even 100 percent, were it not for the dreamlike and dissociative character of the experience and the amnesia-prone participation of the temporal lobe causing a clear tendency to forget the NDE. A number of similar elements are common to NDEs, such as an out-of-body experience (OBE) in which the physical body and its surroundings are observed from various external vantage points, often from above. Numerous cases exist in which the reality of the OBE-observation can be independently 'verified, by external conditions, situations, people, objects, etc. Even previously non-religious ND experiencers subsequently show a markedly decreased fear of death and a corresponding increase in belief in life after death. Certain elements of NDE-like experiences can be induced by, for example, electrical stimulation of the right temporal lobe or the use of hallucinogenic substances. It is possible that hallucinogenic transmitters (and endorphins) of the brain itself play a role in the NDE. Nevertheless, there are NDE-elements, such as the frequently reported life-review and certainly the acquisition of external, verifiable information concerning the physical surroundings during the experience, that cannot be explained by physiological causes. Wish-fulfillment, death-denial or other defense mechanisms of the brain are also not adequate explanations. The large body of NDE data now accumulated point to genuine evidence for a non-physical reality and paranormal capacities of the human being.
Bruce MACCABEEAnalysis and Discussion of the May 18, 1992 UFO Sighting in Gulf Breeze, Florida 241-257
Abstract: A professional TV crew traveled to Gulf Breeze, Florida on two occasions in the spring of 1992 at a time when sightings were occurring on a weekly basis. On each occasion anomalous lights were observed and videotaped passing through the Gulf Breeze skies. This paper reports briefly on the first sighting and concentrates on the analysis of the second sighting when the TV crew used a special "high power" camera. During the second sighting the lights were observed from two locations allowing for triangulation and a subsequent estimate of the spacing between them (about 10 ft). They were moving in an early rectilinear path at a speed exceeding 20 mph before they faded out. A discussion of the hoax hypothesis involving pyrotechnic devices and incandescent light sources is presented. It is shown that the sightings, if not of "real" UFOs, constitute a hoax of considerable ingenuity, expense and persistence. This sighting was just one of about 170 which have occurred in the Gulf Breeze area during 1990-1992.
York H. DOBYNSSelection Versus Influence in Remote REG Anomalies 259-269
Abstract: A large body of remote human-machine interaction data has been collected in a protocol structurally similar to that used for experiments in remote perception, with somewhat comparable anomalous results. This suggests that the effects seen in the former could be attributable to a selection or sorting process on a reservoir of unperturbed data, rather than to any remote influence on the machine behavior per se. Fortunately, the statistical consequences of these two modalities are clearly distinguishable within the available empirical data. When properly evaluated by Bayesian hypothesis-comparison methods, the experimental results overwhelmingly favor the direct influence hypothesis over any selection mechanism.
J. W. NIENHUYSDutch Investigations of the Gauquelin Mars Effect 271-281
Abstract: A team of Dutch skeptics have investigated a new explanation for the Mars effect with sports champions of Michel Gauquelin. They conjectured that outstanding sports people might have diurnal and seasonal birth rhythms different from average people and that moreover the short time base of Gauquelin's observations might further enhance these effects. Essentially their findings were negative. Simulations were either not possible because of lack of data or they showed that along these lines an explanation is only possible if very implausible additional assumptions are made. However, it is argued that the Gauquelin data suffer from a bias, namely some artifact of the exploratory phase. The eminence effect of Ertel is shown to be too weak to draw firm conclusions about its existence. It seems plausible that the Gauquelins did not realize that said artifact had to be tightly controlled for

Suitbert ERTELComments on Dutch Investigations of the Gauquelin Mars Effect 283-292
Abstract: -The first of two Dutch skeptics' attempts at disproving the Mars effect failed (Nienhuys 1993a). Contrary to the Nienhuys view, however, the second pass of the Dutch critics at the Gauquelin claim- an attempt at undermining the validity of his data base- is shown to fail as well. The critics drew apparent support from my previous unearthing of a Gauquelin biasGauquelin had exempted cases from publication (Ertel, 1988). Yet they neglected the fact that any such bias had been neutralized as a result of my pooling of published and unpublished data. Specifically, a significant eminence trend was demonstrated in the unmanufactured total sample in my 1988 report. In addition, Dutch endeavours at rendering the eminence relationship insignificant either failed (even a less sensitive scale with 12 instead of 36 sector division yielded significance) or were illegitimate (splitting up of the entire sample for that purpose violates methodological logic). Thus, the present (fourth) attempt in the history of resistance against the Gauquelin challenge by organized skeptics has added two misses to their record.

Invited Essay
William A. TILLERWhat Are Subtle Energies? 293-304
Abstract: A brief discussion is given of a set of anomalous experimental phenomena that are inexplicable based only on the four accepted forces operating in the physical universe. Possible explanations require defining the existence of subtle energies. Using a quantum mechanical description, the seat of subtle energy functioning is traced to the vacuum state with magnetic vector potential assuming the role of bridge between the subtle energies and physical energies. A brief discussion is given of how we might reliably detect subtle energies and a zeroth order model of the subtle domains as substructure for the vacuum state is given.

Topher COOPERAnomalous Propagation305-310
Michael EPSTEINThe Skeptical Perspective311-315
j. DOMMANGETGuest Column: The Comite PARA-European Skeptics Committee317-321

Letters to the Editor
Ukraine Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena323-325
Comments on Guide to UFO Research325-326
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 7 Number 1 Spring/1993 - A Guide to UFO Research [Swords, Michael D.]

Book Reviews
Ian STEVENSONBeyond Natural Selection by Robert Wesson327-328
Peter A. STURROCKFirst Review of Forbidden Science328-330
Keith THOMPSONSecond Review of Forbidden Science330-333
Hilary EVANSRoads to Center Place: A Cultural Atlas of Chaco Canyon and the Anasazi by Kathryn Gabriel333-335

SSE News Items
Preliminary Announcement of 1994 SSE Meetings336
Abstracts of 1993 SSE Meeting336

Image not availableYear: 1991
Author: Keith THOMPSON
ISBN: 0-449-90837-2
Publisher: Fawcett Columbine (Ballantine), New York
Year: 1993
Pages: 283
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954)
Image not availableAuthor: Paul David PURSGLOVE (ed.)
ISBN: 0-9638691-0-8
Publisher: New Being Project, Berkeley CA
Year: 1995
Pages: 333
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954); Abbott, Edwin A.; Adamiak, Shari; Barker, Bill; Barnes, Carolyn; Bishop, Gregory D.; Drasin, Daniel; Ferguson, Marilyn; Freer, Neil; Greer, Steven Macon; Grosso, Michael; Herbert, Nick; Klimo, Jon; Krippner, Stanley (1932); Laibow, Rima E.; Le Canard, Charles; Leary, Thimothy; Lindemann, Michael; Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004); Mckenna, Terence (1946 - 2000); Mundy, Jean; O'Leary, Briant T.; Olian; Pursglove, Paul David; Rojcewicz, Peter M.; Salter Jr., John R. ; Shachter, Howard M.; Slater, Philip; Sprinkle, Leo Ronald (1930 - 2021); Stillings, Dennis; Strieber, Whitley (1945); Taff, Barry E.; Tenen, Stan; Underwood Spencer, Paula; White, John; Wilson, Robert Anton (1932 - 2007)

Frontispiece 3

Acknowledgements 4-5

Paul David PURSGLOVEIntroduction 12-19

Michael GROSSOClose encounter of the Jazz kind22-32
Stanley C. KRIPPNERAn Anomalous Sighting?32-39

Science, Sense and Zen
Daniel DRASINZen... And the Art of Debunkery43-58
A. Square (Edwin A. Abbott)How the Stranger Vainly Endeavoured to Reveal to Me in Words the Mysteries of Spaceland59-66
Nick HERBERTFringe Science67-69

Crop Glyphs and Higher Strangenesses
Steven M. GREERClose Encounters of the 5th Kind: Contact in Southern England July, 199272-101
Bill BARKERCartoon102

Whitley STRIEBERfrom Extreme Strangeness104-107
John E. MACKfrom "Other Realities: The 'Alien Abduction' Phenomenon"108-110

Missing Up What's "Real"
Rima E. LAIBOWExcerpt from "Psychological and Psychodynamic Components of EAT"112--115
Neil FREERIn the Middle of Whose Ship Are You Standing?116-126
Gregory D. BISHOPfrom " Interview with Robert Anton Wilson"127-131

Psychosocial Zen-Alerts
John R. SALTER JR.One Good Reason They Haven't Landed on the White House Lawn134-135
John WHITEThe Danger of "Gods from Outer Space"136-140
Whitley STRIEBERAre Enormous Changes on the Way?141-145
Barry TAFFUFOs on Trial: Evidence 'Beyond Reasonable Doubt'146-154
Michael LINDEMANNUFOs and the Global Situation155-157
Philip SLATERfrom "Hands Off"158-161

Is It Going Anywhere?
Leo R. SPRINKLEThe Significance of UFO Experiences164-165
Keith THOMPSONThe Rock Is Still Rolling166-177
Terence McKENNAOn Psychedelic Mushrooms and the End of History178-182

Scholarly Paths
Peter M. ROJCEWICZBetween One Eye Blink and the Next: Fairies, UFOs and Problems of Knowledge185-202
(Spanish/Catalan translation La Nave de los Locos Año 4 No 21-22 Marzo/2003 Hadas, OVNIs y problemas del conocimiento, pp. 15-22)
Dennis STILLINGSMythopoeia an a Few Short Anomalies204-213
Jon KLIMOReality Creation and the Unified Field in Otherworldly Experience214-234

Two Poems and a UFO-Dharma Tale
Howard M. SHACHTERthe last alien236-239
Paula UNDERWOOD SPENCERSeparation240-241
Charles LE CANARDJoy Ride242-257

Calisthenics In Non-Doing With UFOs
Stan TENENControlled Folly260-264
Brian O'LEARYfrom "Agriglyphs and Agraffiti"265-266
Shari ADAMIAKClose Encounter Zen Lab267-275
Paul David PURSGLOVEYou Koan for Today: What Do the Crop Glyphs Means?276-285

The Truth
Marilyn FERGUSONCommentary: Crop Circles in a Trackless Field288-292

Us Not Getting It
Thimothy LEARYThe Parable of the Five Caterpillars and the Butterfly294
Mission Control and Diiana Luppifrom "How to Use this Manual" (E.T 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual)295
Robert Anton WILSONfrom a letter to Saucer Smear296-297
Daniel DRASINGuy in Times Square on New Year's Eve298
Gallagher (the comedian)Why the Flying Saucers Are Not Landing299

Making Serious Fun
From an Ersatz Dodo Comedy Team Performance302-308
Jean MUNDYHey UFOLKS, Allee, Allee, All in Free-ee!309-319
Carolyn BARNESfrom "Trauma and Transformation"320
Carolyn BARNES"What, If Anything,Is the Role of Play In CSETI Activities? Explain"321-322
Michael GROSSOMind in the UFO Blender323-327

Selected Bibliography332-333

Image not available La Nave de los Locos

Año 2 No 10 Julio 2001
Name: Thompson, Keith (1954); Zúñiga, Diego C.

'La ufología es como el mito de Sísifo' 3-6
(From: The Excluded Middle Nº 5 - Translated by Diego C. ZÚÑIGA)
Abstract: This interview exposes the Keith Thompson's ufological thinking, and relates his "intromission" in the ufological world.

Martin S. KOTTMEYERMentes varicosas: entrando en una zona gris 7-13
(From: MAGONIA N. 62 February/1998 Varicose Brains: Entering a Grey Area, pp. 8-11 )
Abstract: Martin Kottmeyer proves that the "grey aliens" are in the historical culture and they are part of the human imagination.

Wilfred KINCAID, Ron WESTRUMAbducciones "en la misma noche" 14-15
(From: MUFON UFO JOURNAL 353 September/1997 "Same Night" Abductions, pp. 6-7 Translated by Luis R. GONZÁLEZ MANSO)
Abstract: The authors proposes a study to investigate the allegated "nights abduction", when the aliens break into the room and kidnapped people.

Dennis STILLINGSMitogénesis en algunas breves anomalías 16-19
(From: Ufología Racional, N° 2, CIFO, Rosario, 1996, pp. 47-51 Translated by Diego R. VIEGAS)
Abstract: Dennis Stillings analyses supposed cattle mutilations and his connection with the atomic explotions

(Avatares de la ufología estadounidense)
Abstract: The american ufology doesn't mean only abductions and aliens. There are many others investigators that add rationalism to the debate, too.

Willy SMITHRobert Sheaffer vs. El 'Chupacabras'23
Abstract: Willy Smith refuses Robert Sheaffer's article about the "chupacabra". Immediately, Sheaffer exposes his arguments in this discussion about the skeptical work in the ufology.
Robert SHEAFFEREl chupacabras: Sólo un mito24
(Translated by Diego C. ZÚÑIGA)