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William B. BLAKE, The Avro VZ-9 "Flying Saucer". Did the US. ever attempt to build and fly a manned flying saucer? The answer is yes pp.287-291
Skeptical Inquirer
Vol. 16 No 3 Spring 1992
Name: Blake, William B.
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William B. BLAKE, Part One - The UFO Enigma: The Avro VZ-9 "Flying Saucer" pp.61-65 (Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 16 No 3 Spring/1992 The Avro VZ-9 "Flying Saucer", pp. 287-291)
Authors: Kendrick FRAZIER, Barry KARR, Joe NICKELL (eds.)
Title: THE UFO INVASION The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions and Governament Coverups
Publisher: Prometheus, Amherst, N.Y. 1997
Name: Blake, William B. ; Baker, Robert A. ; Bartholomew, Robert Emerson (1958) ; Bauer, Joseph A. ; Briazack, Norman J. ; Dawes, Robyn M. ; Emery Jr., C. Eugene ; Faulkes, Zen ; Fischer, John F. ; Frazier, Kendrick (1942 - 2022) ; Karr, Barry ; Klass, Philip J. (1919 - 2005) ; Mulford, Matthew ; Nickell, Joe (1944) ; Oberg, James E. (1944) ; Ridpath, Ian ; Sheaffer, Robert (1949) ; Simón, Armando ; Stires, lloyd ; Stokes, Joseph ; Thomas, David E. ; Weaver, Richard L. ; Young, Robert R. (1944)
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Image not available Skeptical Inquirer

Vol. 16 No 3 Spring 1992

Editor: Kendrick FRAZIER
Name: Blake, William B.

William B. BLAKEThe Avro VZ-9 "Flying Saucer"
Did the US. ever attempt to build and fly a manned flying saucer? The answer is yes
(Reprint THE UFO INVASION /1997 The Avro VZ-9 "Flying Saucer", pp. 61-65)

Image not availableAuthors: Kendrick FRAZIER, Barry KARR, Joe NICKELL (eds.)
The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions and Governament Coverups
ISBN: 1-573-92131-9
Publisher: Prometheus, Amherst, N.Y.
Year: 1997
Pages: 315
Name: Blake, William B.; Baker, Robert A.; Bartholomew, Robert Emerson (1958); Bauer, Joseph A.; Briazack, Norman J.; Dawes, Robyn M. ; Emery Jr., C. Eugene; Faulkes, Zen; Fischer, John F.; Frazier, Kendrick (1942 - 2022); Karr, Barry; Klass, Philip J. (1919 - 2005); Mulford, Matthew; Nickell, Joe (1944); Oberg, James E. (1944); Ridpath, Ian; Sheaffer, Robert (1949); Simón, Armando; Stires, lloyd; Stokes, Joseph; Thomas, David E.; Weaver, Richard L.; Young, Robert R. (1944)

Kendrick FRAZIERIntroduction9-12

Part One - The UFO Enigma
Robert E. BARTHOLOMEWThe Airship Hysteria15-28
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 14 No 2 Winter/1990 The Airship Hysteria Of 1986-97, pp. 171-181 )
Philip J. KLASSThe Condon UFO Study29-43
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 10 No 4 Summer/1986 The Condon UFO Study: A Trick or a Conspiracy?, pp. 328-341 )
Armando SIMÓNPsychology and UFOs44-56
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 8 No 4 Summer/1984 Psychology and UFOs, pp. 355-367 )
Philip J. KLASSThe "Top-Secret UFO Papers" NSA Won't Release57-60
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 14 No 1 Fall/1989 The "Top-Secret UFO Papers" NSA Won't Release, pp. 65-68 )
William B. BLAKEThe Avro VZ-9 "Flying Saucer"61-65
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 16 No 3 Spring/1992 The Avro VZ-9 "Flying Saucer", pp. 287-291 )

Part Two: The Crash at Roswell
Philip J. KLASSCrash of the Crashed-Saucer Claim67-72
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 10 No 3 Spring/1986 Crash of the Crashed-Saucer Claim, pp. 234-241 )
Philip J. KLASSThe MJ-12 Crashed-Saucer Documents73-80
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Winter 1987-88 )
Philip J. KLASSMJ-12 Papers "Authenticated"?81-86
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Spring 1989 )
Philip J. KLASSNew Evidence of MJ-12 Hoax87-93
(From: Skeptical Inquirer Winter 1990 )
C. Eugene EMERY JR.Top-Secret Balloon Project Looms over TV Movie94-97
(From: Skeptical Inquirer January 1995 )
Richard L. WEAVERAir Force Report on the Roswell Incident98-112
(From: Skeptical Inquirer January 1995 )
David E. THOMASThe Roswell Incident and Project Mogul113-122
(From: Skeptical Inquirer July/August 1995 )
Philip J. KLASSThe GAO Roswell Report and Congressman Schiff123-128
(From: Skeptical Inquirer November 1995 )
David E. THOMASThe "Roswell Fragment" - Case Closed129-133
(From: Skeptical Inquirer November 1996 )

Part Three: Roswell and the "Alien Autopsy"
Joe NICKELL"Alien Autopsy" Hoax135-140
C. Eugene EMERY JR."Alien Autopsy" Show-and-Tell141-145
Joseph STOKESHow to Make an "Alien" for Autopsy146-153
Joseph A. BAUERA Sougeon's Viewof the "Alien Autopsy"154-159

Part Four: Other UFO Cases
James E. OBERGThe Great East Coast UFO of August 1986161-165
Ian RIDPATHThe Woodbridge UFO Incident166-170
Philip J. KLASSFAA Data Sheds New Light on JAL pilot's UFO Report171-176
Robert R. YOUNG"Old Solved Mysteries:" The Kecksburg UFO incident177-183
Robert SHEAFFERGulf Breeze UFO Case184-186
George A. KINGSTONThe Big Sur "UFO": An Identified Flying Object187-193
Joe NICKELLUFO "Dogfight": A Ballooning Tale194-195
Philip J. KLASSThat's Entertainment! TV's UFO Coverup196-201

Part Five: Alien Abdcutions
lloyd STIRES3.7 Million Americans Kidnapped by Aliens?203-206
Philip J. KLASSAdditional Comments about the "Unusual Personal Experiences Survey"207-209
Robert A. BAKERThe Aliens Among Us: Hypnotic Regression Revisited210-227
Robyn M. DAWES, Matthew MULFORDDiagnoses of Alien Kidnappings that Result from Conjunction Effects in Memory228-229
Robert A. BAKERStudying the Psychology of the UFO Experience230-234
Philip J. KLASSTime Challenges Jhon Mack's UFO Abduction Efforts235-236
Joe NICKELLA Study of Fantasy Proneness in the Thirteen Cases of Alleged Encounters in John Mack's Abduction237-244
C. Eugene EMERY JR.Nova's Alien Abduction Program Shows Questionable Technique245-248
Robert A. BAKERNo Aliens, No Abductions: Just Regressive Hypnosis, Waking Dreams, and Anthropomorphism249-267

Part Six: Crop Circles
Norman J. BRIAZACK, John F. FISCHERThe Crop-Circle Phenomenon269-285
Joe NICKELLCrop-Circles Mania Wanes286-289
Joe NICKELLLevengood's Crop-Circles Plant Research290-293

Part Seven: Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Interview with Thomas McDonough
Zen FAULKESIs intelligence Inevitable?303-313