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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Jacques VALLÉE, Eric W. DAVIS, Proposition d'un modèle à six niveaux pour les phénomènes paranormaux. La défi des hautes étrangetés pp.24-36
35e année No 113 Decembre 2006
Name: Boitte, Franck (1940 - 2017) ; Davis, Eric W. ; Vallée, Jacques (1939)
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Eric W. DAVIS, “Faster-Than-Light Space Warps & Interstellar Flight: What’s It All About?” pp.194-213
Author:Barbra MAHER (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2013 International UFO Symposium Proceedings Science, UFOs and the Search for ET - Las Vegas, NV July 18-21, 2013
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Cincinnati, Ohio 2013
Name: Davis, Eric W. ; Donderi, Don C. (1937) ; Greer, Steven Macon ; Harris, Paola (1945) ; Harrison, Albert A. ; Jacobs, David Michael (1942) ; Luoange, Frances ; Maher, Barbra ; Peters, Ted ; Powell, Robert ; Westrum, Ronald M. (1945) ; Ziegelmeyer, Debbie
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Ufologie phénomènes spatiaux
35e année No 113 Decembre 2006

Editor: Lucien CLEREBAUT
Name: Boitte, Franck (1940 - 2017); Davis, Eric W.; Vallée, Jacques (1939)

Michel BOUGARDIl y a 35 ans, décembre 1971...2

Gérard GREDETrois agroglyphes à Waterloo 4-13

Gilles DURANDLoir-et-Cher Verdes 16 juin 1990 "L'expérience circulaire" 14-18

Patrick FERRYNAvril 2006 Andenne OVNI ou méprise? 19-23

Jacques VALLÉE, Eric W. DAVISProposition d'un modèle à six niveaux pour les phénomènes paranormaux
La défi des hautes étrangetés
(Translated by Franck BOITTE)

Franck BOITTENote sur la sémiotique-sémiologie 33

Auguste MEESSENLa résolution des énigmes de Nort-sur-Erdre et les méthodes diffamatoires des sceptiques 37-59

Vient de paraître...

Image not availableAuthor: Barbra MAHER (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2013 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
Science, UFOs and the Search for ET - Las Vegas, NV July 18-21, 2013
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Cincinnati, Ohio
Year: 2013
Name: Davis, Eric W.; Donderi, Don C. (1937); Greer, Steven Macon; Harris, Paola (1945); Harrison, Albert A.; Jacobs, David Michael (1942); Luoange, Frances; Maher, Barbra; Peters, Ted; Powell, Robert; Westrum, Ronald M. (1945); Ziegelmeyer, Debbie

Frances LUOANGEGEIPAN Insights and UFO Photo Analysis 21-55
Abstract: In 1977, thanks to the conjunction of several events, the French Space Agency created a department in charge of collecting and analyzing data about Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena. After a few promising years, its resources started decreasing drastically, as well as its efficiency. In 2001, under pressure to stop this “borderline” activity, the Agency’s Director contracted my company to audit the department, i.e. to meet the highest French authorities in all domains potentially concerned by UAPs (Science, Defense, Police, Media), to collect their opinions and to present agreed recommendations. My audit report’s positive arguments, in favor of restarting the activity on a proper basis, resulted in the creation of a new department in 2005. The GEIPAN is now working under control of a Steering Committee and with support from several external groups. Most data are collected through official channels and, after analysis, cases are sorted into categories and published on the Internet. Analysis of alleged UFO photos/videos is a sensitive issue, which has changed considerably over the past decade, with the proliferation of digital cameras and cellphones. The possibilities of fakery became unlimited, through software tools enabling the touching up and synthesis of digital images. On the other hand, technical characteristics of digital pictures differ from those of silver pictures, making visible a large number of small things which remained previously invisible. As a consultant to GEIPAN, I built up an analysis methodology, concretized through the development of a dedicated software (www.ipaco.fr), derived from an established image intelligence operational tool. During my talk I will be sharing insights into GEIPAN from my close working relationship with this organization as well as discussing the analysis of several interesting UFO photographs and images which have been analyzed using this unique software

Ted PETERSScience, SETI and UFOlogy 55-80
Abstract: It is high time that Astrobiologists and Ufologists attend the same BBQs. These two groups could enjoy one another’s company and swap stories about their respective work. What they share in common is scrupulous attention to facts and a common desire to solve a mystery. But, their zeal for the scientific method should be subjected to analysis, an analysis revealing that both operate from a shared cultural worldview that incorporates mythological dimensions. Specifically, the set of assumptions frequently include (1) placing the origin of life within the theory of evolution [Darwinian evolution describes speciation, not the origin of life]; (2) importing the doctrine of progress into biology so that simple organisms are allegedly destined to evolve into intelligent organisms [the dominant view among evolutionary biologists is that no direction or purpose or progress is discernible in evolution]; (3) presuming that an extra-solar planet with a longer evolutionary history is likely to have developed higher intelligence; (4) positing that high intelligence leads to the development of science; and, finally, (5) asserting that advanced science leads to advances in all quarters of life so that highly evolved extraterrestrial intelligences may have achieved prosperity, medical perfection, long life, societal peace, and a benevolent or altruistic ethic. This worldview exhibits uncanny resemblances to the ancient gnostic-redeemer myth, minus the mysticism. The future may prove that these scientific assumptions are confirmed, to be sure; however, in the meantime, pointing out their inherent mythical structure may illuminate the way we terrestrials think.

Albert A. HARRISONTruth and Consequences: Disclosure, Denial and Extraterrestrial Life 81-98
Abstract: Over fifty years have passed since the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space expressed concern about adverse public reactions by the public to the discovery of extraterrestrial life. For many UFOlogists, government’s expectations of widespread social chaos and psychological disintegration rank high among the reasons for possible stonewalling, subterfuge and duplicity. Frightening scenarios of public reaction can be traced to Orson Welles’ 1937 “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast that, according to newspaper reports of that day, triggered national panic. However, examination of a broad range of episodes when it was widely believed that extraterrestrial life had been discovered, survey research results and other findings suggest that under a wide range of detection scenarios public meltdown is unlikely. Both non-disclosure and disclosure offer advantages and disadvantages, and it is in no way clear that non-disclosure offers the greater net benefits. Problems inherent in governmental agencies and other large bureaucracies may strengthen wide-spread beliefs in a UFO cover-up.

Robert POWELLThe Stephenville, Texas Incident: Multiple Visual Sightings Supported by Radar 99-103
Abstract: The events that unfolded in Stephenville, Texas, on January 8, 2008, caught the attention of the media world-wide. This is the story of one of the most intriguing UFO cases in recent times. On January 8, 2008, over twenty different witnesses at a dozen different locations, at different times, saw lights perform maneuvers that cannot be explained by conventional aircraft based on our understanding of physics. Witnesses included the police and a chief of police, a pilot, a constable, a former air traffic controller, and several business people. But most impressive of all—FAA provided radar data supported their claims. What happened that night between 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. remains a mystery today. In his presentation, Robert Powell will walk us through the events of that night and place you behind the radar screen as you watch the flight of F-16 jets from the base formerly known as Carswell AFB as well as the approach of unknown objects into Erath County, Texas and their highly unusual flight characteristics caught on radar. You be the judge!

Ron WESTRUMScience and Hidden Events 104-117
Abstract: In the Introduction to Raymond Moody’s Life After Life he calls near-death experiences an example of a phenomenon that is “widely experienced but seldom reported.” This is a perfect definition of the range of phenomena that I have learned to call “Hidden Events.” A hidden event may be experienced by thousands of people, but still remain largely hidden beneath the surface of social consciousness. Classic examples of this are meteorite sightings before 1800 A.D. and the “battered child syndrome,” both of which will be described in my talk. “Pluralistic ignorance” in which people think their sighting is unique (and thus don’t report it) may be followed by controversy and sometimes acceptance, but the dynamics of reporting are seldom understood by science. Even while scientists’ expressed doubts and premature negative conclusions discourage sightings, scientists don’t realize that there may be a huge number of hidden events. The dynamics of reporting, the impact of controversy and the nature of scientists’ decision-making will all be explored in my talk.”

Steven GREER“Disclosure: Newest Evidence about the Atacama Humanoid” 118-126
Abstract: Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure movement, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Sirius Energy Advanced Research will share the results of the skeletal & DNA studies done on the Atacama Humanoid – a 6” humanoid skeleton found in the Atacama Desert of Chile. These studies have been performed by top scientists in the United States. Dr. Greer was able to see and handle the skeleton in 2009, but it was only made available to him for scientific study in the fall of 2012, and is featured in the historic film “Sirius” to be released this year. The film was inspired by Dr. Greer’s work.

David JACOBS“Science, UFOs and the Search for ET Hybrids” 127-142
Abstract: Since the Antonio Vilas Boas case in 1957, the abduction phenomenon has consistently presented itself as being reproductively oriented. In the early 1980s Budd Hopkins coined the word “hybrids” to designate the offspring of those reproductive activities. He also discovered that the abduction phenomenon was intergenerational. Therefore, the children of abductees will in turn be abductees themselves and so on through the generations. My research has confirmed this. I have recently formulated a theory about hybridization that might reconcile the differences in personnel involved with abductions with the intergenerational features of the phenomenon. The theory is based on examination of hundreds of accounts that I have received over the past twenty-seven years. The new theory suggests that the hybridization program is more important and extensive than has been known and that it has a direct bearing on the intergenerational aspects of abductions and our future.

Don DONDERIThe UFO and Abduction Evidence Should Reorient Science and Change Public Policy 143-158
Abstract: I report research carried out with my late colleagues Budd Hopkins and Stuart Appelle that reinforces the hypothesis that the crews of some extraterrestrial UFOs “catch and release” humans in order to study them. Science has evolved away from its nineteenth-century roots in inductive reasoning, and the work of philosopher of science Thomas S. Kuhn and social psychologist Leon Festinger explains why modern scientists are easily persuaded to ignore UFO observations and research evidence. R. V. Jones, head of Air Scientific Intelligence in MI6 during World War II (and a UFO skeptic) explained how a scientist should evaluate new intelligence information, and I apply Jones’ own method to evaluate some of the bestdocumented recent evidence for extraterrestrial UFOs and ET abductions. The evidence is convincing. I also argue that anyone whose vision is not restricted by professional blinders should come to the same commonsense conclusion. Finally, I consider the implications of the fact that we are in occasional contact with extraterrestrial civilizations; on government policy, on ourselves, and on our future on the planet.

Paola HARRISCrash at Ground Zero: Re-Examining the 1945 San Antonio UFO Crash 159-193

Eric W. DAVIS“Faster-Than-Light Space Warps & Interstellar Flight: What’s It All About?” 194-213
Abstract: Numerous space propulsion studies have shown that advanced nuclear propulsion for sub-relativistic and relativistic interstellar flight is not viable because of the enormous propellant mass requirement, subrelativistic multiple human-lifetime flight, and relativistic-flight time dilation problems for star travelers. A viable solution is the implementation of faster-than-light (FTL) interstellar travel via traversable wormholes or warp drives which requires the engineering of spacetime into very specialized local geometries, and are loosely called “FTL space warps”. The analysis of these via Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity demonstrates that such geometries require the use of “exotic” matter. One can appeal to quantum field theory to find both natural and phenomenological sources of exotic matter. Such quantum fields are disturbed by the space warp geometry they produce, which has implications on the construction of the space warp under study. Related issues are the problems of turning space warps on and off, controlling them, and navigating through space at FTL speed. There are also the issues of incoming Doppler-blueshifted galactic radiation and cosmic microwave background radiation, and potential space debris impact at FTL speed. Also, the production, detection and deployment of natural exotic quantum fields are seen to be key technical challenges in which basic first steps can be taken to experimentally probe their properties. FTL space warps also possess features that challenge the notions of momentum conservation and causality. The status of these important issues is addressed, and recommended next steps for further theoretical and experimental investigations are identified in an effort to clear up a number of technical uncertainties in order to progress the present state-of-the-art in FTL space warp physics.

Debbie ZIEGELMEYERMissouri’s “UFO Flap” and The Environment – Is there a relationship between the two? 214-227
Abstract: In October of 2011, Missouri experienced an unusually large number of UFO sighting reports totaling a record 87 with the peak of these occurring in the greater Kansas City, Missouri area on October 4th. Missouri MUFON CMS sighting reports rose from 139 in 2010 to 253 reports in 2011 and 263 reports in 2012. Along with this increase in UFO sighting reports came an unusual amount of “strange” environmental related occurrences across the State starting in January 2011. This began with a large number of unexplained bird and fish deaths and continued throughout the year with record storms, earthquakes, unusual orange balls of light being reported and “strange, loud mechanical sounds” in the night sky. In January 2012 the report of a cattle mutilation near Whiteman AFB was reported by the news media and investigated by Missouri MUFON. The environmental “oddities” continued with reports of the “strange mechanical sounds” in the sky being heard both day and night worldwide. The mid-west, including Missouri, experienced drought conditions, water shortages, low Mississippi River levels, another earthquake and a view of the Northern Lights from Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. After reviewing the large number of CMS sighting reports and experiencing some of the environmental oddities personally, I decided that this comparison needed further investigation which I will share with you during my presentation.