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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Robert L. HALL, Part III - Social and Psychological Aspects: Sociological Perspectives on UFO Reports pp.213-223
Authors: Carl SAGAN, Thornton PAGE (eds.)
Publisher: Norton Library, New York 1974
Name: Hall, Robert L. ; Baker, R. M. L. Jr. ; Drake, Frank D. (1930 - 2022) ; Grinspoon, Lester ; Hardy, Kenneth R. ; Hartmann, William K. ; Hynek, Joseph Allen (1910 - 1986) ; Mcdonald, James E. (1920 - 1971) ; Menzel, Donald H. (1901 - 1976) ; Morrison, Philip ; Page, Thornton (1913 - 1996) ; Persky, Alan D. ; Price-Williams, Douglass R. ; Roach, Franklin ; Sagan, Carl (1934 - 1996) ; Sullivan, Walter (1918 - 1996)
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Robert L. HALL, On Mass Panic and Other Favorite Events pp.61-71
Author:Walter H. ANDRUS (ed.)
Title: MUFON 1990 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - UFOs: The Impact of E.T. Contact Upon Society, Pensacola, Florida - July 6-7-8
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas 1990
Name: Hall, Robert L. ; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015) ; Baker, Carey H. ; Brandenburg, John E. ; Downing, Barry H. (1938) ; Gotlib, David A. ; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011) ; Huneeus, Antonio J. (1950) ; Laibow, Rima E. ; O'Leary, Briant T. ; Schmitt, Donald R. ; Spencer, John (1954) ; Walters, Ed
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Image not availableYear: 1972
Authors: Carl SAGAN, Thornton PAGE (eds.)
Publisher: Norton Library, New York
Year: 1974
Pages: 310 p.
Name: Hall, Robert L.; Baker, R. M. L. Jr.; Drake, Frank D. (1930 - 2022); Grinspoon, Lester; Hardy, Kenneth R.; Hartmann, William K.; Hynek, Joseph Allen (1910 - 1986); Mcdonald, James E. (1920 - 1971); Menzel, Donald H. (1901 - 1976); Morrison, Philip; Page, Thornton (1913 - 1996); Persky, Alan D.; Price-Williams, Douglass R.; Roach, Franklin; Sagan, Carl (1934 - 1996); Sullivan, Walter (1918 - 1996)

Contributors ix-x

Carl SAGAN, Thornton PAGEEditor's Introduction xi-xx

Selected UFO Cases xxi-xxxi

Part I - Background
Thornton PAGEEducation and the UFO Phenomenon3-10
William K. HARTMANNHistorical Perspectives: Photos of UFO's11-22
Franklin ROACHAstronomers' Views on UFO's23-33

Parte II - Observations
J. Allen HYNEKTwenty-one Years of UFO Reports37-51
James E. McDONALDScience in Default: Twenty-one Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations52-122
Donald H. MENZELUFO's - The Modern Myth123-182
Kenneth R. HARDYUnusual Radar Echoes183-189
R. M. L. Jr. BAKERMotion Pictures of UFO's190-210

Part III - Social and Psychological Aspects
Robert L. HALLSociological Perspectives on UFO Reports213-223
Douglass R. PRICE-WILLIAMSPsychology and Epistemology of UFO Interpretations224-232
Lester GRINSPOON, Alan D. PERSKYPsychiatry and UFO Reports233-246
Frank D. DRAKEOn the Abilities and Limitations of Witnesses of UFO's and Similar Phenomena247-257
Walter SULLIVANInfluence of the Press and Other Mass Media258-262

Parte IV - Retrospective and Perspective
Carl SAGANUFO's: The Extraterrestrial and Other Hypotheses265-275
Philip MORRISONThe Nature of Scientific Evidence: A Summary276-290

Addendum: Discussion 291-302

Image not availableAuthor: Walter H. ANDRUS (ed.)
Title: MUFON 1990 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - UFOs: The Impact of E.T. Contact Upon Society, Pensacola, Florida - July 6-7-8
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas
Year: 1990
Pages: 201
Name: Hall, Robert L.; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015); Baker, Carey H.; Brandenburg, John E.; Downing, Barry H. (1938); Gotlib, David A.; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011); Huneeus, Antonio J. (1950); Laibow, Rima E.; O'Leary, Briant T.; Schmitt, Donald R.; Spencer, John (1954); Walters, Ed

Briant T. O'LEARYExtraterrestrials and the New Science 12-23

David A. GOTLIBWho Speaks for the Witness? Medical and Ethical Issues 24-35

John L. SPENCERThe differences Between Perceptions of Ufology in America and Europe 36-44

Barry H. DOWNINGET Contact: the Religious Dimension 45-60

Robert L. HALLOn Mass Panic and Other Favorite Events 61-71

Ed WALTERSCurrent Gulf Breeze Events 72-84

Carey H. BAKERThe Fyfe Alabama Experience 85-91

Budd HOPKINSUFO Abduction Cases in the Gulf Brezee, Florida Area 92-99

Rima E. LAIBOWExperienced Anomalous Trauma: New Directions 100-113

John E. BRANDENBURGThe Rainbow Declaration and Human Destiny in the Cosmos 114-153

Donald R. SCHMITTNew Revelations from Roswell 154-168

Antonio J. HUNEEUSRed Skies: the Great 1989 UFO Wave in the U.R.S.S. 169-201