| Robert HASTINGS | UFOs and Nukes: A History and Update | 21-59 |
| Richard THIEME | Against the Wind: Why People Can't Think Seriously About UFOs | 60-70 |
| Erling STRAND | The Hessdalen Phenomenon and Project Hessdalen – what has been achieved? | 71-81 |
| Kathleen MARDEN | UFOs: Two Sides to Every Story | 82-110 |
| Robert POWELL | MUFON’s Top Cases Submitted in 2015 | 111-126 |
| Rich HOFFMAN | Unknown Target: The 2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP Case Study | 128-158 |
| Bill SCHROEDER | The 1967 Florida UFO Flap | 159-168 |
| Cheryl COSTA, Linda MILLER COSTA | The Nationwide UFO Magnitude Study | 169-174 |
| Ben MOSS, Tony ANGIOLA | THE ROAD TO SOCORRO | 175-178 |
| Alejandro ROJAS | Official Government UFO Research Organizations | 179-199 |
| David MARLER | The Flying Saucer Invasion of 1950 –Farmington, New Mexico and Beyond | 200-222 |
| Paola HARRIS | From Our Oceans to Outer Space: An international perspective on astronaut testimonies about space travel and underwater bases | 223-238 |