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Peter HUSTON, Book Reviews: Skeptics Attack Bug-eyed Monsters from Space! pp.52-53
Skeptical Inquirer
Vol. 22 No 3 May/June 1998
Name: Huston, Peter
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Peter HUSTON, Reviews: What’s Going On with the Country? Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power. By Anna Merlan. New York: Metropolitan Books (Henry Holt and Company), 2019. ISBN 978-1250231277, 288 pp. Softcover pp.57-58
Skeptical Inquirer
Vol. 45 No. 3 May/June 2021
Name: Huston, Peter
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Peter HUSTON, I. Case Studies: Meeting the Abductees: Betty Hill, Richard Price & Others
Authors: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Richard W. HEIDEN
Title: The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony Color Edition
Publisher: UPIAR, Torino 2023
Name: Huston, Peter ; Abrassart, Jean-Michel (1976) ; Albright, Thomas D. ; Ares De Blas, Félix (1947) ; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948) ; Berché Cruz, Carles ; Borraz Aymerich, Manuel (1961) ; Bradfield Douglass, Amy ; Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949) ; Callahan, Tim ; Campo Pérez, Ricardo (1965) ; Carlson, James T. ; Conesa-Sevilla, Jorge ; da Silva, Luiz Augusto L. ; Das, Surabhi ; Delaval, Marcel (1945) ; Dodier, Oliver ; Dumerchat, Frédéric (1954) ; Forrest, David ; French, Christopher ; García Cabria, Ignacio (1955) ; Guasp, Miguel (1953) ; Haines, Richard F. (1937) ; Heiden, Richard W. (1950) ; Ickinger, Jochen (1961) ; Kelley, Stephanie M. ; Keul, Alexander G. (1954) ; Krippner, Stanley (1932) ; Lansley, Hélène ; Leduc, Marc (1947) ; Magin, Ulrich (1962) ; Maillot, Eric (1959) ; Martins, Leonardo B. ; Maugé, Claude (1946) ; Mavrakis, Daniel (1960) ; Meena, Subhash ; Myers, Craig R. ; Newman, Leonard S. ; Nickell, Joe (1944) ; Noll, Richard ; Oberg, James E. (1944) ; Palmer, Susan J. (1946) ; Passot, Xavier (1954) ; Peiniger, Hans-Werner (1957) ; Plaza del Olmo, Julio ; Posner, Gary P. ; Printy, Tim (1959) ; Rabeyron, Thomas ; Raduga, Michael ; Reis, Carlos ; Robé, Raoul (1958) ; Rospars, Jean-Pierre (1948) ; Ruesga Montiel, Josè (1947) ; Scribner, Scott R. ; Sharps, Matthew J. ; Suenaga, Cláudio Tsuyoshi ; Van Utrecht, Wim (1959) ; Watson, Nigel (1954) ; Wheeler, Gregory J. ; White, Luise ; Young, Robert R. (1944)
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Image not available Skeptical Inquirer

Vol. 22 No 3 May/June 1998

Editor: Kendrick FRAZIER
Name: Huston, Peter

Investigative Files
Joe NICKELLAlien Abductions as Sleep-Related Phenomena16-18

Psychic Vibrations
Robert SHEAFFERFrom Ark-eology to UFOlogy, from Ararat to Arizona19-20

Susan BLACKMOREAbduction by Aliens or Sleep Paralysis?
A Roper Poll claimed that nearly four million Americans have had certain "indicator" experience! and therefore had probably been abducted by aliens. But a study of 126 school children and 224 undergraduates shows knowledge of aliens is related more to watching television than to having the relevant experiences.

Robert E. BARTHOLOMEWBefore Roswell: The Meaning Behind the Crashed-UFO Myth
Stories about a crashed saucer in the New Mexico desert are part of a broader myth dating back to at least eighty-five years before Roswell. What makes this myth so appealing
(Spanish/Catalan translation La Nave de los Locos Año 2 No 07-08 Marzo/2001 Antes de Roswell: El significado subyacente tras el mito de los OVNIs estrellados, pp. 9-11)

Bernard D. GILDENBERG, David E. THOMASCase Closed: Reflections on the 1997 Air Force Roswell Report
The Air Force "crash dummy" explanation of the Roswell "bodies" was not a desperate attempt to preserve the Roswell coverup, as UFO promoters would have us believe. Rather, clues that anthropomorphic test dummies may have been mistaken for "aliens" came from testimonies of the Roswell "alien body" witnesses themselves. The 1997 Air Force Case Closed report, and new findings presented in this article, provide intriguing new speculations on the origin of various parts of the Roswell legend

John C. SHERWOODGray Barker: My Friend, the Myth-Maker
Gray Barker, who raised the "Men in Black" concept to prominence in UFO lore, didn't mind if the sensational flying-saucer stories he published were made up—as long as they were presented as fact. To him it was all a joke. Here John Sherwood ("Dr. Richard H. Pratt") for the first time confesses his role in Barker's flying-saucer, "Men in Black" myth-making.

Martha A. CHURCHILLA Skeptic Living in Roswell
Roswell residents generally regard the UFO hoopla as harmless fun and a source of tourist dollars. Local civic leaders ignore the dark side of UFO mania, especially its common roots with sex-abuse hysteria and urban legends such as satanic cults

August Jr. PIPERMultiple Personality Disorder: Witchcraft Survives in the Twentieth Century
Since 1980, some psychotherapists have claimed that thousands of Americans are afflicted with multiple personality disorder. Believing such claims requires ignoring their many serious deficiencies

Book Reviews
Peter HUSTONSkeptics Attack Bug-eyed Monsters from Space!52-53
Review: Kendrick FRAZIER, Barry KARR, Joe NICKELL (eds.),THE UFO INVASION - 1997
David E. THOMASDemolishing the Roswell "Alien" Myth53-54

New Books

Image not available Skeptical Inquirer

Vol. 45 No. 3 May/June 2021

Editor: Kendrick FRAZIER
Name: Huston, Peter

Peter HUSTONWhat’s Going On with the Country?
Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power. By Anna Merlan. New York: Metropolitan Books (Henry Holt and Company), 2019. ISBN 978-1250231277, 288 pp. Softcover
Terence HINESUFO Believers: A Sympathetic Look at Tangled Connections
They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers. By Sarah Scoles. New York: Pegasus Books, 2020. ISBN 978-1-64313-305-8. 248 pp. Hardcove
Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 45 No. 5 September/October/2021 - Visiting Aliens?

Image not availableAuthors: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Richard W. HEIDEN
Title: The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony
Color Edition

Editor: Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Richard W. HEIDEN
ISBN13: 979-12-8144-100-2
Publisher: UPIAR, Torino
Year: 2023
Pages: 711
Name: Huston, Peter; Abrassart, Jean-Michel (1976); Albright, Thomas D.; Ares De Blas, Félix (1947); Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Berché Cruz, Carles; Borraz Aymerich, Manuel (1961); Bradfield Douglass, Amy; Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949); Callahan, Tim; Campo Pérez, Ricardo (1965); Carlson, James T.; Conesa-Sevilla, Jorge; da Silva, Luiz Augusto L.; Das, Surabhi; Delaval, Marcel (1945); Dodier, Oliver; Dumerchat, Frédéric (1954); Forrest, David; French, Christopher; García Cabria, Ignacio (1955); Guasp, Miguel (1953); Haines, Richard F. (1937); Heiden, Richard W. (1950); Ickinger, Jochen (1961); Kelley, Stephanie M.; Keul, Alexander G. (1954); Krippner, Stanley (1932); Lansley, Hélène; Leduc, Marc (1947); Magin, Ulrich (1962); Maillot, Eric (1959); Martins, Leonardo B.; Maugé, Claude (1946); Mavrakis, Daniel (1960); Meena, Subhash; Myers, Craig R.; Newman, Leonard S.; Nickell, Joe (1944); Noll, Richard; Oberg, James E. (1944); Palmer, Susan J. (1946); Passot, Xavier (1954); Peiniger, Hans-Werner (1957); Plaza del Olmo, Julio; Posner, Gary P.; Printy, Tim (1959); Rabeyron, Thomas; Raduga, Michael; Reis, Carlos; Robé, Raoul (1958); Rospars, Jean-Pierre (1948); Ruesga Montiel, Josè (1947); Scribner, Scott R.; Sharps, Matthew J.; Suenaga, Cláudio Tsuyoshi; Van Utrecht, Wim (1959); Watson, Nigel (1954); Wheeler, Gregory J.; White, Luise; Young, Robert R. (1944)

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Richard W. HEIDENIntroduction 9-18

Leonard S. NEWMANForeword 19-22

I. Case Studies
Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSMemory Games: A False Recall Episode
Abstract: The event under study appears to be of an exceptional nature. Though initially undefined by the witness, it was later purported to correlate with a more than modest UFO sighting that occurred in the middle of the Spanish summer and that remained unexplained due to lack of information. Subsequent telephone and e-mail interviews with the witness over the years revealed astonishing new sighting data. A press search yielded an unexpected solution to one part of the witness’s account. Analysis of the narrative suggests that the event is consistent with a false memory incident.
Tim CALLAHANThe Phoenix Lights: The Fallibility of Human Perception and Memory
Abstract: : The Phoenix Lights, which appeared in the night sky in Phoenix, Arizona on March 13, 1997 were perceived by several onlookers as the leading edge of a large V-shaped flying craft, which flew directly over their heads. The witnesses described the unlit portion of this UFO as obscuring the stars above it as it passed, slowly and silently. These witnesses were, for the most part, reputable and they were not suffering from any delusions; nor were they suffering from sleep paralysis or any other temporary psychological disruption of either their cognitive or perceptual abilities. However, videos taken of the lights show them appearing one at a time, hovering close to the western horizon in a ragged line, then winking out one by one. Research carried out by psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, as well as by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simmons, among others, demonstrates the subjectivity of both perception and memory. Shared experiences of an unusual event are often transformed into a coherent dramatic narrative. Despite admission on the part of the United States Air Force that the lights were military flares dropped by parachute and the disconfirming videos taken in 1997, belief that the Phoenix Lights were the leading edge of a huge UFO remains strong 25 years after the incident.
James T. CARLSONMissile Flights and Fantasies
Abstract: Discusses the numerous disconnects between very consistent witness confirmations alleged by a single individual and the very inconsistent claims presented by that individual over an extended period of time. The case study involves an incident in which UFOs reportedly interfered with the status of nuclear missiles within multiple silos and squadrons at Malmstrom AFB in the State of Montana, United States of America. These differences later proved to be the key factor proving the falsity of the claims, because they ultimately provided sufficient cause to interview all of the witnesses separately — a resolution that was impossible to assert when the case was first described due to the anonymity of the witnesses discussed. Anonymity should always provoke doubt.
Peter HUSTONMeeting the Abductees: Betty Hill, Richard Price & Others
Alexander G. KEULInvestigating Ball Lightning Eyewitness Report
Eric MAILLOT, Jean-Michel ABRASSARTVery Close Encounter with a UAP in Levitation
Claude MAUGÉThe Raël Rael, UFO Contactee and the Last Prophet
Craig R. MYERSThe MUFON-ian Candidate: The Gulf Breeze UFO Case as Political Contest
Joe NICKELLThe Pascagoula Abduction: A Case of Hypnagogia?
James OBERGMisinterpretations of Fireball Swarms from Satellite Reentries
Susan J. PALMERWhen Testimony Becomes Testament: The Case of Raël, UFO Prophet, and the Question of Witness Reliability
Gary P. POSNERThe Legendary Cash-Landrum Case: Radiation Sickness from a Close Encounter?
Tim PRINTYThe Weinstein Catalog: Ufological Bullion or Fool's Gold?
Josè RUESGA MONTIELThe Changing Case of Próspera Muñoz: An Abduction Remembered Over 41 years?
Wim VAN UTRECHTLunar Terror in Poland: A Doctor's Dilemma
Nigel WATSONOn The Credibility of the Barney & Betty Hill Abduction Case
Robert R. YOUNGMetamorphosis: Claimed Witness Accounts of the Great Lakes Fireball Of December 9, 1965

II. Psychological Perspectives
Thomas D. ALBRIGHTOn Eyewitness Reports of Extraterrestrial Life241
Jorge CONESA-SEVILLAClose Encounters of the "Other" Kind: On the Psycology of "Alien Abdcutions"257
Oliver DODIERDissociation and Alien Abduction Allegation266
David FORRESTAlien Abduction: Takeaways275
Christopher C. FRENCHHypnotic Regression and False Memories283
Stanley C. KRIPPNERAliens, UFOs, and Personal Schemas295
Hélène LANSLEY, Thomas RABEYRONClinical Approach to UFO Sightings and Alien Abductions299
Claude MAUGÉManuel Jimenez and the Perception of UFOs: Hypotheses and Experiments313
Subhash MEENA, Surabhi DASCognition and Memory Distortion Behind UFO Testimonies331
Giulio PERROTTAClinical Evidence in the Italian Phenomenon of Alien Abduction339
Scott R. SCRIBNER, Gregory J. WHEELERFrom "I Witnessed..." to Established Hypothesis: UFO Cultures and Contexts355
Matthew J. SHARPSForensic Cognitive Science and the UFO Phenomenon368

III. On Witness Testimony
Manuel BORRAZ AYMERICHUFOs: The Role of Perceptual Illusions in the Endurance of an Empirical Myth387
Thomas E. BULLARDCalibrating the Instrument: How Reliable Is Eyewitness Testimony?402
Ricardo CAMPO PÉREZBizarre Accounts: Remarkable Missile Sightings from the Canary Islands in the 1970s419
Luiz Augusto L. DA SILVASome Considerations About the Behavior and Reliability of UAP Eyewitnesses433
Marcel DELAVALUFO Myth Propagation Before the Arrival of Social Networks440
Richard F. HAINESWitness Reliability: Accuracy - Reliability of Pilots - Personal Honor447
Jochen ICKINGERMemories Are not Documentaries: The Weakest Link in the Chain of UFO Evidence454
Ulrich MAGINThress Simple Tests of Eyewitness Reliability467
Daniel MAVRAKISReliability of UFO Witness Testimony in Extreme Close Encounters: "Abductees" and "Contactees"472
Richard NOLLSatanists, Aliens and Me488
Xavier PASSOTThe UFO Testimony Reliability from 2000 GEIPAN Reports497
Julio PLAZA DEL OLMOData are Worth a Thousand Accounts504
Cláudio Tsuyoshi SUENAGAThe Objectivity of Witnesses and the Subjectivity of Testimonies513
Luise WHITEAliens Are Good to Talk With524

IV. Empirical Research
Carles BERCHÉ CRUZAlien Delusions: Some (Real) Clinical Cases531
Stephanie KELLEY-ROMANO, Amy BRADFIELD DOUGLASSMemory Distortion in a Social Judgement: People who Report Contact with Aliens are More Susceptible537
Hans-werner PEINIGERIt Was as Large as the Full Moon551
Hans-Werner PEINIGERWhen a Fire Balloon Transforms in a UFO556
Michael RADUGABedtime Alien Abduction Stories: A Checklist to Detect its Dreaming Nature562
Raoul ROBÉFantasy Imagery and UFO Testimonies570
Jean-Pierre ROSPARSAbilities and Limitations of Eyewitnesses Assessed on Atmospheric Entries of Meteoroids and Artificial Satellites585

V. Anthropological Approach
Ignacio CABRIAInside a Spaceship: Cognitive and Social Adpects of an Alien Contact605
Frédéric DUMERCHATAlien Big Cats and UFO Testimonies: Similarities and Questions615
Carlos REISBelief in Aliens and the Imaginary: A Transdisciplinary Approach632

VI. Metrics and Scaling
Vicente-juan BALLESTER OLMOS, Miguel GUASPMeasuring the Subjectivity of UFO Testimony651
Marc LEDUCThe Reliability of the UFO Sighting Story656

VII. Epistemological Issues
Félix ARES DE BLASOn The Fallacy of the Residue673
Leonardo B. MARTINSScientific Case Studies: Research Guidelines for Dealing with the Lack of Reliability of UDO/UAP Testimonies681