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John F. SCHUESSLER, Edward F. O'HERIN, Truck Driver Injured by UFO: the Eddie Doyle Webb Case pp.59-84
Authors: Walter H. ANDRUS, Irena SCOTT (eds.)
Title: MUFON 1993 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - Ufology the Emergence of a New Science, Richmond, Virginia, July 2-3-4
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas 1993
Name: Schuessler, John F. ; O'Herin, Edward ; Andrews, Colin ; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015) ; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948) ; Chiang, Hoang-Yung ; Ellison, Wesley E. ; Hind, Cynthia (1923 - 2000) ; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011) ; Knapp, George (1953) ; Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004) ; Martin, Jorge ; Moulton Howe, Linda (1942) ; Sainio, Jeffrey W. ; Scott, Irena ; von Ludwiger, Illobrand
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Image not availableAuthors: Walter H. ANDRUS, Irena SCOTT (eds.)
Title: MUFON 1993 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - Ufology the Emergence of a New Science, Richmond, Virginia, July 2-3-4
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas
Year: 1993
Pages: 304
Name: Schuessler, John F.; O'Herin, Edward; Andrews, Colin; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015); Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Chiang, Hoang-Yung; Ellison, Wesley E.; Hind, Cynthia (1923 - 2000); Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011); Knapp, George (1953); Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004); Martin, Jorge; Moulton Howe, Linda (1942); Sainio, Jeffrey W.; Scott, Irena; von Ludwiger, Illobrand

Cynthia HINDAbductions in Africa - Worldwide Similarities 16-25

Linda MOULTON HOWEMoving Lights, Disks and Animal Mutilations in Alabama 26-40

Hoang-Yung CHIANGUFO Sightings and Research in Modern China 41-58

John F. SCHUESSLER, Edward F. O'HERINTruck Driver Injured by UFO: the Eddie Doyle Webb Case 59-84

Jeffrey W. SAINIOVideoanalysis 85-112

Wesley E. ELLISONDetection and Analysis of Aerial Phenomenon 113-125

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSSpanish Air Force UFO Files: the Secret's End 126-168

Colin ANDREWSThe "Signs" of Change Are Real 169-181

Budd HOPKINSInvisibility and the UFO Abduction Phenomenon 182-201

John E. MACKThe UFO Abduction Phenomenon: What Might it Mean for the Human Future? 202-213

George KNAPPArea 51, Bob Lazar, and Disinformation - A Reevalutation 214-238

Illobrand VON LUDWIGERThe Most Significant UFO Sightings in Germany 239-303

Jorge J. MARTINThe Astounding UFO Experience in Puerto Rico (No Published Paper) 304