On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.
For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).
(From: Notiziario UFO Anno XXVIII N. 119+120 gen/apr + mag/dic/1993 Il caso di Castelleale. Indagine retrospettiva su un caso di incontro ravvicinato del terzo tipo del 1974, pp. 44-46 )
Il "Grande Gioco"
(From: Relazione presentata al 4° Congresso Internazionale sugli UFO - San Marino 5/1996 )