John M. PRYTZ, Flaps: A New Approach pp.2-7 John M. PRYTZ, The Sociolology of Ufology. Part 1 pp.25-29 FLYING SAUCERS No. 80 Spring 1973 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Close Encounters: The Reality behind the Movie pp.2-4 John PRYTZ, Just Whistling in the Dark: Explanations of the recent NZ cases pp.7-9 ACOS Bulletin N. 17 February 1979 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, So where's the Logic? pp.1-2 John PRYTZ, Alien Psychology pp.6-10 John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number One- General Exobiology pp.14-16 John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number Two - About Dr. Carl Sagan, Exobiologist pp.14-16 ACOS Bulletin N. 18 April 1979 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Where is everybody? Speculations on the non-prevalence of extraterrestrials in the universe pp.4-12 John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number 3 - UFOs (Journals, Transcripts etc.) pp.15-16 ACOS Bulletin N. 19 June 1979 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Embarrassment of Riches continued pp.11-12 John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number 4 -"Monsters" pp.15-17 ACOS Bulletin N. 20 August 1979 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, An Australian Flight 19? pp.6-7 John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Number 5: Space Colonies (plus updates) pp.15-17 ACOS Bulletin N. 21 October 1979 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Human-Alien Sex: Close Encounters of the Foreign Kind pp.8-11 John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.15-16 The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies vol 1 no 3 June 1980 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, The Bermuda Triangle: A Statistical Analysis with reference to possible UFO correllation pp.6-12 John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.14-16 The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies vol 1 no 4 August 1980 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Information Needs of Ufologists pp.2-9 John PRYTZ, The Fly In The C.E.T.I. Soup pp.11-15 John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.16-18 The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies vol 1 no 5 October 1980 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Opinion Polls & UFOs (1947-1977) pp.5-9 John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.14-16 The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies vol 1 no 6 December 1980 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, The Significance of early Sightings pp.9-10 John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Sewrvice pp.13-14 The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies vol 1 no 1 February 1980 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, UFOs and the Australian Parliament pp.7-9 John PRYTZ, ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.13-15 The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies vol 1 no 2 April 1980 | | Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, America's "Sonic Boom" Mystery of 1977-1978 pp.10-12 John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.17-18 The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies vol 2 no 1 February 1981 | | Name: Prytz, John
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