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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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John M. PRYTZ, Flaps: A New Approach pp.2-7
John M. PRYTZ, The Sociolology of Ufology. Part 1 pp.25-29
No. 80 Spring 1973
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Are There Too Many UFOs? pp.7-10
ACOS Bulletin
N. 16 December 1978
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Close Encounters: The Reality behind the Movie pp.2-4
John PRYTZ, Just Whistling in the Dark: Explanations of the recent NZ cases pp.7-9
ACOS Bulletin
N. 17 February 1979
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, So where's the Logic? pp.1-2
John PRYTZ, Alien Psychology pp.6-10
John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number One- General Exobiology pp.14-16
John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number Two - About Dr. Carl Sagan, Exobiologist pp.14-16
ACOS Bulletin
N. 18 April 1979
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Where is everybody? Speculations on the non-prevalence of extraterrestrials in the universe pp.4-12
John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number 3 - UFOs (Journals, Transcripts etc.) pp.15-16
ACOS Bulletin
N. 19 June 1979
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Embarrassment of Riches continued pp.11-12
John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Service - Number 4 -"Monsters" pp.15-17
ACOS Bulletin
N. 20 August 1979
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, An Australian Flight 19? pp.6-7
John PRYTZ, ACOS Bibliography Number 5: Space Colonies (plus updates) pp.15-17
ACOS Bulletin
N. 21 October 1979
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Human-Alien Sex: Close Encounters of the Foreign Kind pp.8-11
John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.15-16
The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
vol 1 no 3 June 1980
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, The Bermuda Triangle: A Statistical Analysis with reference to possible UFO correllation pp.6-12
John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.14-16
The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
vol 1 no 4 August 1980
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Information Needs of Ufologists pp.2-9
John PRYTZ, The Fly In The C.E.T.I. Soup pp.11-15
John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.16-18
The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
vol 1 no 5 October 1980
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, Opinion Polls & UFOs (1947-1977) pp.5-9
John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.14-16
The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
vol 1 no 6 December 1980
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, The Significance of early Sightings pp.9-10
John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Sewrvice pp.13-14
The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
vol 1 no 1 February 1980
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, UFOs and the Australian Parliament pp.7-9
John PRYTZ, ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.13-15
The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
vol 1 no 2 April 1980
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, America's "Sonic Boom" Mystery of 1977-1978 pp.10-12
John PRYTZ, The ACUFOS Bibliography Service pp.17-18
The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
vol 2 no 1 February 1981
Name: Prytz, John
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John PRYTZ, UFO Genesis pp.10+11-14
No 175 September 1982
Name: Prytz, John
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Image not available FLYING SAUCERS
Mysteries of the space age
No. 80 Spring 1973
Palmer Publications, Amherst
Name: Prytz, John

John M. PRYTZFlaps: A New Approach 2-7

George D. FAWCETTMount Airy's Own UFO Enigma puzzles Many (1947-1972 7-13

Kenneth Lloyd LARSONUFOs and Time of the End Patterns
(Some Comments on the Bible and Book of Mormon)

John M. PRYTZThe Sociolology of Ufology
Part 1

Richard S. SHAVERStar Command 30-33

George D. FAWCETTDramatic Worldwide Increase Brings UFOs Back Into News Again 34-37

Where The Reader Has His Say
Letter 39-62

Image not available ACOS Bulletin
Journal of Australian Co-Ordination Section, Centre for UFO Studies
N. 16 December 1978
Centre for UFO Studies - Australian Co-Ordination Section, Godsford

Editor: Harry GRIESBERG, David A. J. SEARGENT
Name: Prytz, John


J. Allen HYNEKEditorial 2

Harry GRIESBERGValentich - The Facts to Date 2-4

Keith BASTERFIELDSome thoughts on the Valentich Case 5-7

John PRYTZAre There Too Many UFOs? 7-10

David SEARGENTThe Lama, The UFO & The Cosmologist 11-12

David RENEKE1947 - 1978 ... What Now? 12-15

Holly I. GORISSWhere Did All The Photoes Go? 15-16

David SEARGENTKeith Basterfield's Hypnopompic Imagery Theory - A Comment 17

Holly I. GORISSDeceptive Trends 18

A.C.0.S. News (An open letter ) 19


Image not available ACOS Bulletin
Journal of Australian Co-Ordination Section, Centre for UFO Studies
N. 17 February 1979
Centre for UFO Studies - Australian Co-Ordination Section, Godsford

Editor: Harry GRIESBERG, David A. J. SEARGENT
Name: Prytz, John


John PRYTZClose Encounters: The Reality behind the Movie 2-4

David SEARGENTComet Clusters and UFO F1aps 5

Keith BASTERFIELDA Short Summary of Australasian Entity Reports for 19?B 5-6

John PRYTZJust Whistling in the Dark: Explanations of the recent NZ cases 7-9

David SEARGENTWhy do they rotate? 9-10

David RENEKEUF0 Reports from Russia 10-13

Mark MORAVECThe Ethics of UFO Investigation 13-16

David SEARGENTIs there an embarrassment of riches? 16-17



Image not available ACOS Bulletin
Journal of Australian Co-Ordination Section, Centre for UFO Studies
N. 18 April 1979
Centre for UFO Studies - Australian Co-Ordination Section, Godsford

Editor: Harry GRIESBERG, David A. J. SEARGENT
Name: Prytz, John

John PRYTZSo where's the Logic? 1-2

David SEARGENTUFOs Vs God 2-4

Holly I. GORISSInstamatics Rule - O.K. ? 4-6

John PRYTZAlien Psychology 6-10

David RENEKEGraphology: Another Tool For UFO Research? 10-11

Russ BOUNDYMin-Min Lights - UFOs? 12-13

David RENEKEAngel Hair-Extremely rare or extremely common? 13-14

John PRYTZACOS Bibliography Service - Number One- General Exobiology 14-16

John PRYTZACOS Bibliography Service - Number Two - About Dr. Carl Sagan, Exobiologist 14-16

Wich Bone are you 16

What was the Petrozavodsk Phenomenon? 16

David SEARGENTHelpful Suggestions 16

Keith BASTERFIELDNotes on Fungi and other causes of markings 17

Reports from around Australia 18

Image not available ACOS Bulletin

N. 19 June 1979
Centre for UFO Studies - Australian Co-Ordination Section, Godsford

Editor: Harry GRIESBERG, David A. J. SEARGENT
Name: Prytz, John

David RENEKEGuest Editorial 1-2

R. MOLNARKnuckle-Bones, Min-Min Lights and Angel Hair 2-3

John PRYTZWhere is everybody? Speculations on the non-prevalence of extraterrestrials in the universe 4-12

David SEARGENTA Possible CE3/Monster Case... Or was it something else? 12-14

Mark MORAVECA Note Hypnopompic and Hypnagogic Imagery 14-15

John PRYTZACOS Bibliography Service - Number 3 - UFOs (Journals, Transcripts etc.) 15-16


Image not available ACOS Bulletin
Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
N. 20 August 1979
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford

Editor: Harry GRIESBERG, David A. J. SEARGENT
Name: Prytz, John


David SEARGENTThe Visionary & the UFO 2-3

W. CHALKERThe Royal Australian Air Force Investigations of UFOs 3-8

David RENEKEUFOs in Newsprint. A Historical Feature 8A

Keith BASTERFIELDUFO entities in Australasia - 1977 - A Summary 9-10

John PRYTZEmbarrassment of Riches continued 11-12

David RENEKEPerception 12-14

Moira McGHEEAmnesia in Close Encounter witnesses 14-15

John PRYTZACOS Bibliography Service - Number 4 -"Monsters" 15-17


Image not available ACOS Bulletin
Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies
N. 21 October 1979
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford

Editor: Harry GRIESBERG, David A. J. SEARGENT
Name: Prytz, John


Don HERBISON-EVANSExtraterrestrial Isotope Ratios 2-3

Keith BASTERFIELDReported Observations from Aircraft over Australasia, 1977-1979 3-6

John PRYTZAn Australian Flight 19? 6-7

Mark MORAVECPsychological Influences on UFO "Abductecee" Testimonies 7-9

David SEARGENTComets and Superstitions 10-11

V. I. SANAROVUFO Probe in the Kremlin? 11

David RENEKEMysterious Disappearances - Or Are They? 11-15

John PRYTZACOS Bibliography Number 5: Space Colonies (plus updates) 15-17


Would You Believe! 18

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 3 June 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

David SEARGENTMeteor Debris from Halley's Comet 2-3

Keith BASTERFIELDA Look at the available information on the 21st December 1978New Zealand Incident 3-7

John PRYTZHuman-Alien Sex: Close Encounters of the Foreign Kind 8-11

Mark MORAVECMental Communications and Psychological Disturbance (Part 1) 11-14

UFO Conference 5 14

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 15-16

Australian UFO Reports 17

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 4 August 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

David SEARGENTWhy are most humanoids small? 2

Mark MORAVECMental Communications and Psychological Disturbance (Part 2) 2-6

John PRYTZThe Bermuda Triangle: A Statistical Analysis with reference to possible UFO correllation 6-12

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSDeficiencies in the Hypnopompic Hypnagogic Model to Explain UFO Experiences at Close Range 12-13

David A. J. SEARGENTMegalithic Marvels 13-14

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 14-16

Australian UFO Reports 17

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 5 October 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

John PRYTZInformation Needs of Ufologists 2-9

Keith BASTERFIELDA Short Review of Australian Radar Cases 1954-1969 9-10

UFOCON 5 - Australia's 5th annual UFO conference 10

John PRYTZThe Fly In The C.E.T.I. Soup 11-15

David SEARGENTOther Suns, Other Earth? 15

Message from the American Centre for UFO Studies to the US Government 16

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 16-18

Ufo Reports from Australia 18

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 6 December 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

Harry GRIESBERGUFOCON 5 - 1980 2

Keith BASTERFIELDThe 1978 Missing Cessna Event
A Review Report

John PRYTZOpinion Polls & UFOs (1947-1977) 5-9

Matthew C. DICKSome Biological Explanations for UFO Trace Cases and Related Phenomena (Part 1) 10-13

Publications available from ACUFOS 13

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 14-16

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 1 February 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford

Name: Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDIntroduction/Editorial 1-2

David SEARGENTGuest editorial 2

Bill CHALKERThe Australian Physical Evidence Study Group (APSG)
(A research study group affiliated with thr Astralian Centre for UFO Studies)

Keith BASTERFIELDImagery as a possible psychological Explanation for Reported Closae Encounters with the UFO Phenomenon 4-8

John PRYTZThe Significance of early Sightings 9-10

Bill CHALKERThe UFO Question - Not Yet Answered 10-13

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Sewrvice 13-14

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 2 April 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford

Name: Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

Lindy WHITEHURSTRadar Influences UFOs 2-6
(French translation INFORESPACE Année 9 N. 53 Septembre/1980 Le radar et les OVNI, pp. 30-34)

John PRYTZUFOs and the Australian Parliament 7-9

Fred MERRITTStatistical Notes from UFOCAT: Sighting Duration by Report Type (Part 2) 9-12

UFO Research Australia - Newsletter13
TUFOIC's new address13
Australian UFO Research Fund13

John PRYTZACUFOS Bibliography Service 13-15

Reports from around Australia 15-16

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 2 no 1 February 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

Matthew C. DICKSome Biological Explanations for UFO Trace Cases and Related Phenomena (Part II) 3-7

K. BASTERFIELD, W. CHALKERThe 30th September 1980 Rosedale Victoria Event 7-10

John PRYTZAmerica's "Sonic Boom" Mystery of 1977-1978 10-12

Mark MORAVECEvaluating UFO Reports 13-15

Bill CHALKERHistorical Reports in Australia (I) 15-16

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 17-18

Image not available MUFON UFO JOURNAL
Official Publication of MUFON Mutual UFO Network,Inc
No 175 September 1982
Mutual UFO Network
Name: Prytz, John

From the Editor2

Walt ANDRUSNOVA: Director's Open Letter3-4
MUFON UFO JOURNAL 180 February/1983 - Editor Error
Allen J. HYNEKNOVA: Guest Editorial4-5

W. Bill CHALKERUFOs and the RAAF - The Inside Story
Part I

John PRYTZUFO Genesis 10+11-14

Nebraska Fortean Conference 14

Fund for UFO Research 14

California Report
John DEHERRERAResolving the Issue of Hypnosis15+16

Rick HILBERGProposed Federation of UFO Groups 17

MUFON Stamp Program 18

Close encounter of the flippered kind 18

UFO Teaching Materials 18

Editorial Notes 18

Lucius FARISHIn Others' Words19

Walt ANDRUSDirector's Message20+18+19