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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Flying Saucer Review
Vol. 1 N. 3 July - August 1955
Editor: Derek D. DEMPSTER
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London
Name: Barton, Lewis ; Constance, Arthur ; Daniels, Wilfred ; Daniels, Wilfrid ; Dempster, Derek D. ; Hamilton, Robert ; Le Poer Trench, Brinsley (1911 - 1995) ; Leslie, Desmond (1921 - 2001) ; Nelson, Robert A. ; Russell, R. R. ; Schroeder, W. ; Siegmond, Warren ; Thayaht, Ernesto (1893 - 1959) ; Wilson, Wilfred
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Image not available Flying Saucer Review

Vol. 1 N. 3 July - August 1955
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London

Editor: Derek D. DEMPSTER
Name: Barton, Lewis; Constance, Arthur; Daniels, Wilfred; Daniels, Wilfrid; Dempster, Derek D.; Hamilton, Robert; Le Poer Trench, Brinsley (1911 - 1995); Leslie, Desmond (1921 - 2001); Nelson, Robert A.; Russell, R. R.; Schroeder, W.; Siegmond, Warren; Thayaht, Ernesto (1893 - 1959); Wilson, Wilfred


Let's talk space
Warren SIEGMONDFlying saucer over New York2-4
Ernesto THAYAHTThree Sightings in Italy5-6
Cedric Allingham seriosly ill6
U.F.O. crash in Britain?6
Ukraine sighting7
Yugoslav U.F.O.7-8
Duke of Edinburgh asks for saucer details8
Dam-busting doctor designs saucerplane9
Atomic powered aircraft on the way9
Channel observatory9
D.D.D.Film review9

R. R. RUSSELLU.F.O. tracks American bomber 10

1953 Sussex sighting comes to light 10

International saucer congress 10

Lewis BARTONIf it moves - Shoot 11

Arthur CONSTANCETowards new conceptions of the cosmos 12-15

Wilfrid DANIELSFlying saucers and the psychic 16-17

Publications from abroad 17

W. SCHROEDERCurrent events in the heaven
A bi-monthly review of th night-sky

Mars alive say soviets 21

Desmond LESLIEAstronomy and space-men 22-26

B. le P.T.Mysteries of space and time26

Build up your flying saucer library free! 27-28

Croat paper explains saucers 29

World Round-Up30-33

Mail Bag
Letter Robert HAMILTON, Robert A. NELSON, Wilfred WILSON32