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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Brian INGLIS, A Unified Approach to the UFO pp.12-13+iii
Flying Saucer Review
Vol. 4 N. 6 November - December 1958
Name: Inglis, Brian
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Critical Commentaries pp.102-142
N. 10 December 1982
Name: Pinch, Trevor ; Krippner, Stanley (1932) ; Fine, Gary Alan ; Cohen, Daniel (1936 - 2018) ; Neher, Andrew ; Smith-Cunnien, Susan ; Bauer, Henry H. ; Rosenthal, Robert ; Mackall, Roy P. ; Eysenck, H. J. ; Grim, Parick ; Corliss, William R. (1926 - 2011) ; Dixon, Norman ; Grover, Sonja ; Hoebens, Piet Hein ; Harman, Willis W. ; Hardin, C. L. ; Greenwell, Richard J. (1942 - 2005) ; Goran, Morris ; Hovelman, Gerd H. ; Inglis, Brian ; Wallis, Roy ; Eberlein, Gerard L. ; Wescott, Roger W.
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Image not available Flying Saucer Review
Incorporating Flying Saucer News
Vol. 4 N. 6 November - December 1958
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London

Editor: Brinsley LE POER TRENCH
Name: Inglis, Brian

International UFO Observer Corps ii


Two men who plan to make history in 1959 and beat the rockets!
Carr and Aho Set Date for Their Moon Flight
Man-made Saucer uses free-energy

Moon Rocket 79,212 Miles 2

Britain Building Flying Saucer 2

Richard Ogden "Visited" 3

British Audiences Like Williamson 3

Gaumount-British News Features Saucers 3

Schmidt Claims More Contacts
From Charles McK. Longcraft in Canada

Mighty Fast Work 4

Pie-maker Flew to Red Planet 4

Symposium on Space Medicine 4+5

This is a regular feature of "Flying Saucer Review" to reassure you that sapce ships have always been with us throughout history

World Round-Up
Saucer photographed over Norway
She never saw it!
Glowing Object over German Town6
Burning White Spinnig Top7
Gaily Coloured Discs over Canada7
Elongated Egg over Bognor7
Remarkable Sighting Near Rugby7
White Object Snapped near Manchester7

Wilbert B. SMITHWhay I Believe in the Reality of the Spacecraft 8-10+11

Unanswered Question - No. 13
Would Free Energy affect World Economy?

Brian INGLISA Unified Approach to the UFO 12-13+iii

G. H. WILLIAMSONWritten specially for "Flying Saucer Review" just prior to our contributor's departure for the U.S.A.
Preliminary report on my World Tour

Philip LONGBOTTOMThe Silpho Moor Mystery 15-16

Text of the Scrolls 16-17

Dino KRASPEDONHow some of the saucers fly 18-21+32

John PITTHave spacemen come to save us?
This report on Dr. G.H. Williams's lecture at London's Caxton Hall is reproduced by permission in full from the n"Psychic News" of September 27

Alexander BLADESon of the Sun
This article originally appeared in the November, 1947, issue of 'Fantastic Stories' and si reproduced here from the August-September, 1958, issue of 'Round Robin', published by the Borderland Science Research Associates (BSRA)

W. SCHROEDERFrom an Astronomer's Notebook 26-29

Selected Books
Brinsley LE POER TRENCHReview29-30

U.S. Research into Brain Waves 30

Panorama spotlights space events
BBC Tell Children about UFOs31
Plan for Peaceful Space Exploration31
Mengers Hold Space Convention31

Mail Bag
Too Far?iii
Perpetual Motioniii

Late News
We straighten the Recordiv

Image not available ZETETIC SCHOLAR
Journal of the Center for Scientific Anomalies Research
N. 10 December 1982
Name: Pinch, Trevor; Krippner, Stanley (1932); Fine, Gary Alan; Cohen, Daniel (1936 - 2018); Neher, Andrew; Smith-Cunnien, Susan; Bauer, Henry H.; Rosenthal, Robert; Mackall, Roy P.; Eysenck, H. J.; Grim, Parick; Corliss, William R. (1926 - 2011); Dixon, Norman; Grover, Sonja; Hoebens, Piet Hein; Harman, Willis W.; Hardin, C. L.; Greenwell, Richard J. (1942 - 2005); Goran, Morris; Hovelman, Gerd H.; Inglis, Brian; Wallis, Roy; Eberlein, Gerard L.; Wescott, Roger W.


Piet Hein HOEBENSThe Mystery Men from Holland, III: The Man Whose Passport Says Clairvoyant 7-16

Aidan A. KELLYThe Invention of Witchcraft: Uses of Documentary and Oral Historical Sources in Reconstructing the History of the Gardnerian Movement 17-26

Harvey H. NININGERUFOs, Fireballs and Meteorites 27-34

Leonard ZUSNE"Fingertip Sight": A Bibliography 35-42

R. A. McCONNELL, T. K. CLARKGuardians of Orthodoxy: The Sponsors of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal 43-49

Richard KAMMANNThe True Disbelievers: Mars Effect Drives Skeptics to Irrationality 50-65

On the Mars Effect
Belgian Committee PARAA Last Answer to M. Gauquelin66
Michel GAUQUELINResponse to the Statement of the Committee PARA67-71
Michel GAUQUELINA Proposal72-73
Marcello TRUZZIPersonal Reflections on the Mars Effect Controversy74-81


Ron WESTRUMCrypto-Science and Social Intelligence about Anomalies89-102
Critical Commentaries102-142

Marcello TRUZZIChinese Parapsychology: A Bibliography of English Language Items 143-146

Charles SULLIVANOn "Patterns of Belief in Religious, Psychic and Other Paranormal Phenomena"147-149
J. SOBAL, C. F. EMMOSReply to Charles Sullivan149-150

On UFO Theories154-155
On Defining UFOs155-157
On Defining UFOs157
More on UFO Theories158

Book Reviews
Ron WESTRUMRaymond E. FOWLER, THE ANDREASSON AFFAIR - The Documented Investigation of a Women's Abduction Aboard a UFO , Ann DRUFFEL, D. Scott ROGO, THE TUJUNGA CANYON CONTACTS , Budd HOPKINS, MISSING TIME 164-165
Review: Raymond E. FOWLER,THE ANDREASSON AFFAIR - The Documented Investigation of a Women's Abduction Aboard a UFO - 1979, Ann DRUFFEL, D. Scott ROGO,THE TUJUNGA CANYON CONTACTS - 1980, Budd HOPKINS,MISSING TIME - 1981