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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2025-2-12

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Russell KELLETT, My Chequered Past: Descriptions of the shadow people. pp.18-20
Flying Saucer Review
Vol. 54 N. 1 Spring 2009
Name: Kellett, Russell
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Image not available Flying Saucer Review

Vol. 54 N. 1 Spring 2009
Name: Kellett, Russell

New infra-red film that could change the way we see crop circles 2

More tall humanoids had appeared in a British crop circle a week earlier
Taken from http://thetruthhides.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized

A newly uncovered alien abduction incident in Poland, 1976. Omega. Summer 2009 6-8

Helmut LAMMERTank/tube experiences
An extract taken from “looking behind the alien/military abduction agenda.”

John DUFFIELDUFOs and antigravity 9-11

A possible clue for a "near field" in the region close to a transmitter ‘evanescent wave.
A chance conversation about radar by John revealed the following important description from a witness

Where are the unopened ‘opened’ UK files? 12

Where are the missing 10,000 files? 12

Russell KELLETTNo Name No Pack Drill 12-14

An additional case from 1957.
A complete write up of this case by British researcher David Cayton can be found on Colin Andrews’s web site: http://www.colinandrews.net/UFO-MiltonTorres.html

Another radar case, a gigantic UFO passed over Britain at midnight during a cold war exercise, operation Bulldog in August 1949 14-15

UFO Engineering according to Hill 15-17

Kenneth John PARSONSWhat is the Tilting Secret of the UFO's? 17-18

Who are the Shadow people? 18

Russell KELLETTMy Chequered Past: Descriptions of the shadow people. 18-20

Mass Contacts.
A new book On the Friendship case and giant humanoids by Italian ufologist Stefano Breccia.
Review: Stefano BRECCIA,MASS CONTACTS - 2009

An interview with Stefano Breccia author of Mass Contacts 22

Extraordinary photography taken over late 1950s Italy. 23-24

A Rhodesian abduction case from 1974 with resonance to the theme of the CTRs? 24-25

Italian contactees, Perego and Ghibaudi 26

Mail Bag
An important letter taken from the FSR archive April 196827