| | New infra-red film that could change the way we see crop circles | 2 |
| | More tall humanoids had appeared in a British crop circle a week earlier Taken from http://thetruthhides.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized | 3-6 |
| | A newly uncovered alien abduction incident in Poland, 1976. Omega. Summer 2009 | 6-8 |
| Helmut LAMMER | Tank/tube experiences An extract taken from “looking behind the alien/military abduction agenda.” | 8 |
| John DUFFIELD | UFOs and antigravity | 9-11 |
| | A possible clue for a "near field" in the region close to a transmitter ‘evanescent wave. A chance conversation about radar by John revealed the following important description from a witness | 12 |
| | Where are the unopened ‘opened’ UK files? | 12 |
| | Where are the missing 10,000 files? | 12 |
| Russell KELLETT | No Name No Pack Drill | 12-14 |
| | An additional case from 1957. A complete write up of this case by British researcher David Cayton can be found on Colin Andrews’s web site: http://www.colinandrews.net/UFO-MiltonTorres.html | 14 |
| | Another radar case, a gigantic UFO passed over Britain at midnight during a cold war exercise, operation Bulldog in August 1949 | 14-15 |
| | UFO Engineering according to Hill | 15-17 |
| Kenneth John PARSONS | What is the Tilting Secret of the UFO's? | 17-18 |
| | Who are the Shadow people? | 18 |
| Russell KELLETT | My Chequered Past: Descriptions of the shadow people. | 18-20 |
| | Mass Contacts. A new book On the Friendship case and giant humanoids by Italian ufologist Stefano Breccia. | 21 |
| | Review: Stefano BRECCIA,MASS CONTACTS - 2009 | |
| | An interview with Stefano Breccia author of Mass Contacts | 22 |
| | Extraordinary photography taken over late 1950s Italy. | 23-24 |
| | A Rhodesian abduction case from 1974 with resonance to the theme of the CTRs? | 24-25 |
| | Italian contactees, Perego and Ghibaudi | 26 |
| | Mail Bag |
| | An important letter taken from the FSR archive April 1968 | 27 |