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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Denis MONTGOMERY, A New Pattern of Behaviour p.15
Flying Saucer Review
Vol. 1 N. 4 September - October 1955
Name: Montgomery, Denis
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Image not available Flying Saucer Review

Vol. 1 N. 4 September - October 1955
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London

Editor: Derek D. DEMPSTER
Name: Montgomery, Denis


Let's talk space
Test show cosmic ray are not harmful2
U.S. backs Canadian saucer plane2
Fleet over midlands3
Is Jupiter alive?3
Saucer in the Andes3
Russia prepares to launch satellite4
Postmaster sketches saucer4
U.S. jets scramble for U.F.O.4-5
As big a jet - with windows5
Landed disch entered in Argentine5
The review in America5

Spaceman lands in Norway? 6-7
(Reprint Flying Saucer Review Vol. 34 N. 2 June Quarter/1989 Spaceman lands in Norway?, pp. 2-3)

Earl NELSONWhat? Whence? Why? 8-11

Max B. MILLERA New trend in Space Traverl 12-15

Denis MONTGOMERYA New Pattern of Behaviour 15

W, J. BROWNFlying Saucers and Politic 16-17

W. SCHROEDERCurrent events in the Heavens 18-21

Meade LAYNE"MAT and DEMAT" etheric aspects of U.F.O. 22-23

Georges GAUTHIERA Russian scientist talks about U.F.O.s...24-25
... And Desmond Leslie slams him25

D.D.D.Mysteries of Science, by John Rowland26
B. le. P.T.The Case for the U.F.O.26
Review: Morris K. JESSUP,THE CASE FOR THE UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects - 1955
D.D.D.The Imprisoned Spendour, by Raynor C. Johnson26

Build up Your Flying Saucer Library Free! 27-28

World Round-Up29-31

Mail Bag
Letter J. BARNES, Richards HARRIET, Morris K. JESSUP, Charles A. MANEY, John McCOY32