| | Editorial | 1 |
| | The most authenticated UFO sighting on record | 2-3 |
| | UFO photographed by Edwards Air Force Base | 3 |
| | U.S. ambassador to Switzerland believes saucers exists | 3 |
| | And so do these famous scientists | 3 |
| | International UFO Observer Corps widens its scope | 4 |
| | World Round-Up |
| | Africa South Africa | 5 |
| | America Canada | 5 |
| | America Puerto Rico | 5 |
| | America U.S.A. | 5 |
| | Asia Japan | 5 |
| | Asia Korea | 5 |
| | Asia Lebanon | 5 |
| | Australasia New Zealand | 5-6 |
| | Europe Germany | 6 |
| | Europe Great Britain | 6-8 |
| | Scrapbook for 1881 | 9 |
| | Flying Saucer Review gets the news! | 9 |
| Arthur CONSTANCE | This Amazing Universe Truth and the troglodytes | 10-13 |
| | A Statement of Fact | 14 |
| | Saucers studied behind Iron Curtain | 14 |
| | Unanswered Questions |
| | No. 7... Why do UFOs enter and leave the ocean | 15 |
| H. Percy WILKINS | The Planet Mars A world famous astronomer discusses the controversial "canal" | 16-19 |
| Derek D. DEMPSTER | Operation Deepfreeze America's major contribution to International Geophysical Year | 20-22 |
| | Our latest International Flying Saucer Sighting Day | 22 |
| Helen REEVE, Bryant REEVE | Crossing the Cosmic Barrier | 23-25 |
| W. SCHROEDER | From an Astronomer's Notebook | 26-28 |
| | Panorama spotlights space events |
| | More Mystery Explosions | 29 |
| | Australian Saucers in Earnest | 29 |
| | Danish UFO Journal | 29 |
| | New Canadian Saucer Club | 29 |
| | Earth Satellite Programme Delayed? | 29 |
| | Selected Books |
| Brinsley LE POER TRENCH | Review | 30-31 |
| | Mail Bag |
| | Seguence | 32 |
| | A Call for Action | 32 |
| | What a Monstrous Order! | 32-33 |
| | A trap to be Avoided | 33 |
| | Late News |
| | Was Atlas plucked out of Sky? | iv |
| | Air Ministry Mystified Again | iv |
| | Vicar backs Saucers | iv |