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Jean-Jacques Velasco, 1946 age 79 years

Entretien avec Jean-Jacques Velasco, OVNI Présence N. 52, 1993 pp. 14-24

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Authors: Philippe BESSE, Manuel JIMENEZ, Jean-Jacques VELASCO
Title: ENQUÊTE 81/02
Serie:Note Technique n. 11
Publisher: CNES/GEPAN, Toulouse 1981
Name: Besse, Philippe ; Jimenez, Manuel ; Velasco, Jean-Jacques (1946)
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Authors: Dominique AUDRIERE, Jean-Jacques VELASCO
Title: ENQUÊTES 81/07 ET 81/09
Serie:Note Technique n. 12
Publisher: CNES/GEPAN, Toulouse 1982
Name: Audrerie, Dominique ; Velasco, Jean-Jacques (1946)
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Jean-jacques VELASCO, GEPAN - A Statement by Its Director pp.5+12
International UFO Reporter
Volume 10 number 2 March/April 1985
Name: Velasco, Jean-jacques (1946)
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Jean-jacques VELASCO, Report on the Analysis of Anomalous Physical Traces: The 1981 Trans-en-Provence UFO Case pp.27-48
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Volume 4 Number 1 1990
Name: Velasco, Jean-jacques (1946)
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J. Jacques VELASCO, Interpretazioni e Prospettive Tecniche: Bilan et prospectives de l'etudes des phenomenes aerospatiaux non identifies en France [ French] pp.49-68
Notiziario UFO
Anno XXVIII N. 119+120 gen/apr + mag/dic 1993
Name: Velasco, Jean-Jacques (1946)
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Jean-jacques VELASCO, Revenir au 5 Novembre 1990 pp.67-71
27e année No 96 Mai 1998
Name: Velasco, Jean-jacques (1946)
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Image not availableAuthors: Philippe BESSE, Manuel JIMENEZ, Jean-Jacques VELASCO
Title: ENQUÊTE 81/02
Publisher: CNES/GEPAN, Toulouse
Serie: Note Technique n. 11
Year: 1981
Pages: 63
Name: Besse, Philippe; Jimenez, Manuel; Velasco, Jean-Jacques (1946)
Image not availableAuthors: Dominique AUDRIERE, Jean-Jacques VELASCO
Title: ENQUÊTES 81/07 ET 81/09
Publisher: CNES/GEPAN, Toulouse
Serie: Note Technique n. 12
Year: 1982
Pages: 66+21
Name: Audrerie, Dominique; Velasco, Jean-Jacques (1946)
Image not available International UFO Reporter

Volume 10 number 2 March/April 1985

Editor: Jerome CLARK, Joseph Allen HYNEK
Name: Velasco, Jean-jacques (1946)

Jerome CLARKA Ufology for the 1980s2
International UFO Reporter Volume 10 number 4 July/August /1985 - Letters

D. ROGO SCOTTIMMGINARY FACTS: The Case of the Imaginary Abductions 3-4+5
International UFO Reporter Volume 10 number 4 July/August /1985 - Letters

Jean-jacques VELASCOGEPAN - A Statement by Its Director 5+12

Bruce MACCABEE"BLACK HOLE" Over Baltimore 6-9

Letter 9+11

J. Allen HYNEKTracking the Hessdalen Lights 10-11

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration

Volume 4 Number 1 1990

Editor: Bernhard M. HAISCH
Name: Velasco, Jean-jacques (1946)

Michel C. L. BOUNIASBiochemical Traumatology as a Potent Tool for Identifying Actual Stresses Elicited by Unidentified Sources: Evidence for Plant Metabolic Disorders in Correlation With a UFO Landing 1-18
Abstract: Following an accurate testimony of a "UFO" landing, samples of a wild strain of Alfalfa were collected at the epicentre and at various increasing distances of the trace left on the ground 4 and 40 days after the observation. An additional batch of similar samples collected 730 days after the observation was then used as an a posteriori control of the natural variability on the same area. Biochemical determinations included: photosynthetic pigments, free carbohydrates, and free amino acids. Statistically, significant results were observed by plotting concentrations versus distances from the epicentre, and various characteristic subtypes of doseleffect relationships were evidenced. Functional relationships between photosynthetic pigments, amino acids and carbohydrates, were reversed at D + 40 by comparison with D + 730 samples which exhibited a normal shape. Thus, the described principles of Biochemical analysis give evidence: (a) that something did happen; (b) that the influence of the unidentified source decreased with increasing distance from the epicentre; (c) of accurate symptoms that can be further compared with those elicited by known causes.

Jacques F. VALLÉEReturn to Trans-en-Provence 19-25
(French translation OVNI Présence N. 46 Aout/1991 Retour à Trans-en-Provence, pp. 5-10)
Abstract: The site of the 198 1 Trans-en-Provence UFO case was visited again during 1988. Soil samples taken at the time of the initial investigation were analyzed in an American laboratory in an effort to validate the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) study of the case. The results of the interviews with the witness and his wife, and the examination of samples taken at the surface and below the surface of the physical trace support the findings of the CNES team and the truthfulness of the witness' testimony. In particular, it was found that the surface sample only differed from the depth sample by the presence of biological (plant and insect) material on the surface. Calcium and silicon were the dominant elements in all fields examined, with aluminum and iron also present. No indication was found of cement powder, oil, or chemical contaminants that could have indicated the presence of tractors or other industrial vehicles at the site.

Jean-jacques VELASCOReport on the Analysis of Anomalous Physical Traces: The 1981 Trans-en-Provence UFO Case 27-48
Abstract: Following information received through law enforcement channels, the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Study Group (GEPAN) of the French National Center for Space Studies decided to investigate an observation of an unusual flying object made on 8 January 1981. The witness reported that the phenomenon had left a circular imprint on the ground. Samples gathered within this "ring" were independently analyzed by four laboratories and were compared to reference samples collected outside the trace. These analyses led to the conclusion that a significant physical phenomenon had indeed interacted with the environment at the site, producing abrasions, thermal impact and unexplained effects on plants.

Henry H. BAUERPhysical Interpretation of Very Small Concentrations 49-53
Abstract: Reported observations of allergy-like responses by basophils at extreme dilutions were treated as unbelievable and compared with homeopathy. However, in several "mainstream" fields of science accepted formulations also imply action by substances present at the level of much less than a single molecule or ion.

John S. DERR, Michael A. PERSINGERLuminous Phenomena and Seismic Energy in the Central United States 55-69
Abstract: Luminous phenomena (LP) that occur in seismically active regions appear to be temporally related to seismicity, even when the LP are not obviously earthquake lights (EQL). Within a time frame that required aggregates of monthly or annual increments of analyses, moderately strong (0.50 < r < 0.75) correlations existed over a 19 year period between the amount of seismic energy released and the numbers of reported LP within a central region of the United States. Other anomalous reports from the same data base were not significantly correlated with the energy release. Neither LP nor the other classes of anomalous events were significantly correlated with the release of seismic energy in the surrounding region that contained comparable area and seismicity. Thus, some types of reports of LP may be geophysical phenomena that reflect the temporal and spatial characteristics of tectonic strai

Richard F. HAINES, Jacques F. VALLÉEPhoto Analysis of an Aerial Disc Over Costa Rica: New Evidence 71-74
Abstract: The original negative of the Costa Rica film of an oval aerial disc-like object was obtained and carefully analyzed. Not only was there no evidence of optical defects, deliberate hoax, or support for other prosaic explanations for the disc image, but interesting new surface details were found, all of which possess the same oblique orientation. The disc shaped object remains unidentified.

John H. McGREW, Richard M. McFALLA Scientific Inquiry Into the Validity of Astrology 75-83
Abstract: -Six expert astrologers independently attempted to match 23 astrological birth charts to the corresponding case files of 4 male and 19 female volunteers. Case files contained information on the volunteers' life histories, full-face and profile photographs, and test profiles from the Strong-Campbell Vocational Interest Blank and the Cattell 16-P.F. Personality Inventory. Astrologers did no better than chance or than a nonastrologer control subject at matching the birth charts to the personal data; this result was independent of astrologers' confidence ratings for their predicted matches. Astrologers also failed to agree with one another's predictions.

Arno MÜLLERPlanetary Influences on Human Behavior ("Gauquelin Effect"): Too Absurd for a Scientific Explanation? 85-104
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 6 Number 3 Autumn/1992 - The Gauquelin Effect Explained? Comments on Arno Miiller's Hypothesis of Planetary Correlations [Ertel, Suitbert]
Abstract: Starting points are the investigations of the Gauquelins into planetary influences on human beings and the attempt at a scientific explanation by Michel Gauquelin. Aside from the fact that so far no physical link connecting planets and human behavior has been discovered, there are six other facts that resist integration into Gauquelin's explanatary model. In the model put up for discussion here, which includes not only physical and hereditary, but also cultural-historical, psychological, and evolutionary aspects, these critical points are reconciled with reality and at the same time the physical problems are simplified.

Jacques F. VALLÉEFive Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects 105-117
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 4 Number 2 /1990 - Comments on Vallee's Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects
Abstract: Scientific opinion has generally followed public opinion in the belief that unidentified flying objects either do not exist (the "natural phenomena hypothesis") or, if they do, must represent evidence of a visitation by some advanced race of space travellers (the extraterrestrial hypothesis or "ETH"). It is the view of the author that research on UFOs need not be restricted to these two alternatives. On the contrary, the accumulated data base exhibits several patterns tending to indicate that UFOs are real, represent a previously unrecognized phenomenon, and that the facts do not support the common concept of "space visitors." Five specific arguments articulated here contradict the ETH: (1) unexplained close encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth; (2) the humanoid body structure of the alleged "aliens" is not likely to have originated on another planet and is not biologically adapted to space travel; (3) the reported behavior in thousands of abduction reports contradicts the hypothesis of genetic or scientific experimentation on humans by an advanced race; (4) the extension of the phenomenon throughout recorded human history demonstrates that UFOs are not a contemporary phenomenon; and (5) the apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer alternatives, three of which are proposed in outline form as a conclusion to this paper.

Letters to the Editor
Comments on "Expanding Ball of Light (EBL) Phenomenon"(Haines, 1988)119-120
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 2 Number 1 /1988 - Expanding Ball of Light (EBL) Phenomenon [Haines, Richard F.]
Comments on Stevenson's "A Case of Severe Birth Defects Possibly Due to Cursing" 121-122
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 3 Number 2 September/1989 - A Case of Severe Birth Defects Possibly Due to Cursing [Stevenson, Ian]

Image not available Notiziario UFO
Anno XXVIII N. 119+120 gen/apr + mag/dic 1993
Centro Ufologico Nazionale, Bologna
Name: Velasco, Jean-Jacques (1946)

Fabio DELLA BALDAGiornalismo e U.F.O.5-6
Roberto PINOTTIU.F.O.: i perchè di uno studio ultraquarantennale7-8
Stato Maggiore Aeronautica - 2° Reparto(Non classificati) - Oggetti volanti Non Identificati (O.V.N.I.) - Rilevazione statistica (1979-1990)10-15
Mario CINGOLANIU.F.O., Autorità, Scienziati e Ufologi16-18
Giulio PERRONEU.F.O.; scienza, conoscienza e coscienza19

Interpretazioni e Prospettive di cronaca
Massimo ANGELUCCICasistica ufologica in Emilia-Romagna: segnalazioni 1947 - 1990 da Rimini a San Marino22-23
Salvatore MARCELLETTIFenomeni aerei anomali24-26
Ion HOBANAStraordinario balletto di luci nei Carpazi romeni27-28
Michel BOUGARDImpression sur une vague... [French]29-33
Giorgio PATTERADue luci abbaglianti squarciano la notte a Parma: incontro ravvicinato del primo tipo del 3 Giugno 199234-37
Antonio RIBERALas fuerzas armadas españolas y los OVNIS [Spanish/Catalan]38-43
Gianfranco LOLLINOIl caso di Castelleale. Indagine retrospettiva su un caso di incontro ravvicinato del terzo tipo del 197444-46
(Reprint Dossier Alieni N. 4 Dicembre-Gennaio/1996 Ci fissammo negli occhi, pp. 47-50)

Interpretazioni e Prospettive Tecniche
Richard F. HAINESU.F.O.: una rassegna degli effetti elettro-magnetici riscontrati su aerei in volo (sintesi)48
J. Jacques VELASCOBilan et prospectives de l'etudes des phenomenes aerospatiaux non identifies en France [French]49-68
Umberto TELARICOAnalisi di casi con tracce in Italia: nuove conferme da Luogosanto a Cicciano69-80
Alessandro DATTILO, Vincenzo IorioU.F.O. e Teoria dei "Campi Modulati"81-84
Giorgio PATTERAInconsueti fenomeni su animali a Varzi (Pavia) in concomitanza all'atterraggio di un presunto U.F.O.85-87

Interpretazioni e Prospettive Scientifiche
Maria Paola GRAZIANIConcetti nello stupore90-93
Francesco PICCARDIIl concetto di superiorità applicato agli U.F.O.94-96
Giorgio BUONVINOIl problema U.F.O.97-98
Roberto PINOTTIU.F.O. nello spazio? Intervista a Gennadiy Strekalov99
Alfredo MAGENTAU.F.O. e prospettive di comunicazione con possibili visitatori da altrove100-106
Dino DINIGli U.F.O. e lo spazio infinito ancora un mistero per la scienza del 2000107-111
Giuliana CONFORTOL'Universo multidimensionale e gli U.F.O.112-114
Roberto FONDIManifestazioni ufologiche e risonanze archetipe115-120
Stefano BRECCIAMen vs. U.F:O.'s (Uomini contro U.F.O.)121-124
Corrado MALANGAGli U.F:O. e l'evoluzione del pensiero scientifico in relazione al potere politico125-131

Interpretazioni e Prospettive Politiche
Javier SIERRAU.F:O. e Informazione (sintesi)134
Maurizio BAIATAU.F.O. e audiovisivi: la verità attraverso le immagini135-136
Stanton T. FRIEDMANUn "Watergate Cosimco" è alle porte137-138
Cesare FALESSIU.F:O. : siamo alle solite?139-140
Tullio REGGEU.F.O. e Parlamento Europeo141-143

Tullio REGGEProposta di risoluzione146-152

Un muro di ... paura? 1+10

Mario CINGOLANIEditoriale2

Angelo GENOVESE, Corrado MALANGAUFO nei cieli del Belgio: Umani o Alieni? 3-7

Roberto PINOTTIL'ondata ufologica del 1993 in Italia 8

Dalla stampa9

Image not available INFORESPACE
Ufologie phénomènes spatiaux
27e année No 96 Mai 1998

Editor: Lucien CLEREBAUT
Name: Velasco, Jean-jacques (1946)

Michel BOUGARDEditorial2-3

Jean SIDERAutopsie d'un phénomène polymorphe et ubiquiste 4-21

Michel BOUGARD5 Novembre 1990
Une vague dans la vague

Jean-jacques VELASCORevenir au 5 Novembre 1990 67-71