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John CLEARY-BAKER, On Taking Over - An Editorial Note p.2 John CLEARY-BAKER, Editorial pp.3-4 J. C-B., UFO Sighting Reports - An Explanation & Apology p.11 J. C-B., Obituary. George Adamski pp.18-19 BUFORA Journal and Bulletin Volume I N. 4 Spring 1965 | | Name: Cleary-baker, John
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J. C-B., Book Reviews pp.9-10 UFO Sightings in South America p.12 J. C-B., UFOs & The Antarctic Icecap pp.14-16 J. C-B., Publications Received pp.16-17 J. C-B., UFO Sighting in the Antartic pp.18-19 J. C-B., UFO Stops the Clocks p.19 BUFORA Journal and Bulletin Volume I N. 5 Summer 1965 | | Name: Cleary-Baker, John
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J. C-B., Report on Warminster pp.6-8 J. C-B., UFO Report from Caistor, St. Edmunds, Norfolk - 9th. June, 1965 p.8 J. C-B., The Scorriton Affair pp.10-14 J. C-B., UFO Report from Queensland, Australia - 23rd. MAY, 1965 pp.14-15 BUFORA Journal and Bulletin Volume I N. 6 Autumn 1965 | | Name: Cleary-baker, John
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John CABTREE, Einstein and the Unified Field Theory pp.11-12 J. C-B., Book Reviews p.12 - "THE REFERENCE FOR OUTSTANDING UFO SIGHTING REPORTS" UFO Information Retrieval Centre Inc p.13 - "OTHER WORLDS THAN OURS" by C. Maxwell Cade p.13 J. C-B., Association Jottings: NEW VOLUME - NEW LOOK ! p.16 BUFORA Journal and Bulletin Volume I N. 12 Spring 1967 | | Name: Cabtree, John
; Cleary-Baker, John
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