Editorial The FSR Team 1-2 Aimé MICHEL The UFOs and HistoryReflections on a programme of possible research 3-4 (Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON ) (Italian translation Notiziario UFO N. 47 Settembre-Ottobre/1972 Riflessioni su un programma di possibile ricerca, pp. 15-16 ) Gordon CREIGHTON Ufo with multiple beams of light 4-8 Gordon CREIGHTON Brazil learns at last about A.V.B. 9-12+13 Book review Charles BOWEN The scientist and UFOsDr. Hynek's long cool look at the subject after twenty years of Blue Book confusion 13-14 Review: J. Allen HYNEK,THE UFO EXPERIENCE - 1972 Ergun ARIKDAL A Turkish report: UFOs over Istanbul 15-16 (From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 14 N. 115 Décembre/1971 Enquête a Istanbul (Turquie), pp. 16-17 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON) Norman E. G. CRUTTWELL Unidentified Submarine Object of Papua 17-18 Jerome CLARK, Loren COLEMAN Serpents and UFOs 18-19+20 Janet BORD Are Psychic People more likely to see UFOsA case history, in the witness's own words with commentary 20-22 Gordon CREIGHTON Some thoughts on "Thinking Globes" 23-24 Gordon CREIGHTON A new FSR Catalogue The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures.Part 13 25-27 Serie: Vol. 16 N. 1 January - February/1970 A New FSR Catalogue: The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 1 Vol. 16 N. 2 March - April/1970 A New FSR Catalogue: The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 2 Vol. 16 N. 3 May - June/1970 The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures Part 3 Vol. 16 N. 4 July - August/1970 The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 4 Vol. 16 N. 5 September - October/1970 The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 5 Vol, 16 N. 6 November - December/1970 The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 6 Vol. 17 N. 1 January - February/1971 A New FSR Catalogue. The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 7 Vol, 17 N. 2 March - April/1971 A New FSR Catalogue: The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 8 Vol. 17 N. 3 May - June/1971 The effects of UFOs on Animals, birds, and smaller creatures. Part 9 Vol. 17 N. 4 July - August/1971 A New FSR Catalogue - The effects of UFOs on animals, birds and smaller creatures Vol. 18 N. 1 January - February/1972 The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 11 Vol. 18 N. 2 March - April/1972 The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 12 Vol. 18 N. 3 May - June/1972 The effects of UFOs on Animals, Birds, and smaller creatures. Part 13 World Round-Up England Discs follow car27 England "Tennis ball" UFOs at Swinton27 England Aerial puzzle at Stockport27 Norway UFO bathes girl in light27-28 Zambia Merging UFOs over Central Africa28 Spain Shape-changing UFO28 United States of America UFO followed plane28 Barry H. DOWNING Radiation symptoms in Exodus 29-30 Mail Bag Letter 31 Related: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 18 N. 1 January - February/1972 - Doubts about the Lifjell film [Bowen, Charles]About Dr. "X" 31 A New teleportation? 31 UFOs and Tv 31 More on researchers "secrecy" 31-32 The Dr. "X" triangle 32 Related: FLYING SAUCER REVIEW Special Issue N. 3 September/1969 - The Strange Case of Dr. "X" [Michel, Aimé]Possible defence against humanoids ? 32 Strange UFO coincidence 32 Condensation of Matter 32-33 Correction 33 Related: FSR CASE HISTORIES N. 8 December/1971 - Landing on Winkleigh Airfield