Editorial notes 2 Alan W. SHARP More Ghosts in the MachineExamining the Statistics 3-5 Related: MUFOB New Series N. 12 (46) Autumn/1978 - Re-examining the Statistics [Johnson, Donald A.]Nigel WATSON The Folklore Connection 5-6 Intcat - An International Catalogue of Type I Reports Peter ROGERSON Part 13 7-10 John FLETCHER Vision and Visionaries 6+11 Notes Quotes & Queries 11+6 Books PR Donald H. MENZEL, Ernest H. TAVES, THE UFO ENIGMA 12 Review: Donald H. MENZEL, Ernest H. TAVES,THE UFO ENIGMA - 1977 Roger SANDELL Berlitz Blitzed 12 Review: Charles BERLITZ,WITHOUT A TRACE - 1977 PR Stephen JENKINS, THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY 13 Review: Stephen JENKINS,THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY - 1977 PR Berthold Eric SCHWARZ, UFO CONTACTEES STELLA LANSING - Possible Medical Inesplications of her Motion Picture Experiments 13 Review: Berthold Eric SCHWARZ,UFO CONTACTEES STELLA LANSING - Possible Medical Inesplications of her Motion Picture Experiments - 1983 JR D. Scott ROGO, THE HAUNTED UNIVERSE - A Psychic Look at Miracles, UFOs and Mysteries of Nature 13-14 Review: D. Scott ROGO,THE HAUNTED UNIVERSE - A Psychic Look at Miracles, UFOs and Mysteries of Nature - 1977 PR Brad STEIGER (ed.), PROJECT BLUE BOOK 14 Review: Brad STEIGER (ed.),PROJECT BLUE BOOK - 1976 JR Len ORTZEN, STRANGE STORIES OF UFOs 14 Review: Len ORTZEN,STRANGE STORIES OF UFOs - 1977 PR Coral E. LORENZEN, Jim LORENZEN, ENCOUNTERS WITH UFO OCCUPANTS 14 Review: Coral E. LORENZEN, Jim LORENZEN,ENCOUNTERS WITH UFO OCCUPANTS - 1976 PR David TANSLEY, OMENS OF AWARENESS 14-15 Review: David TANSLEY,OMENS OF AWARENESS - 1977 A Field Guide to the Little People 15 PR Alan LANDSBURG, IN SEARCH OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS 15 Review: Alan LANDSBURG,IN SEARCH OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS - 1976 John RIMMER Phenomenalist Success 15 Review: John MICHELL, Robert J.M. RICKARD,PHENOMENA - A Book of Wonders - 1977 Corliss, William. The Sourcebook Project 15 Book received 15