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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Harry TOKARZ, Are UFOs Boon or Curse to Medicine? pp.8-11
Canadian UFO Report
vol 4 no 7 (31) Summer 1978
Name: Tokarz, Harry
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Harry TOKARZ, Hard Choice for Witnesses pp.9-12
Canadian UFO Report
vol 4 no 8 (32) Fall 1978
Name: Tokarz, Harry
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Harry TOKARZ, UFO witnesses: public property? pp.7-8+13+14
New Series N. 11 (45) Summer 1978
Name: Tokarz, Harry
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Harry TOKARZ, I testimoni: pubblico dominio? pp.19-23 (MUFOB New Series N. 11 (45) Summer/1978 UFO witnesses: public property?, pp. 7-8+13+14)
Anno II N. 11 Settembre - Ottobre 1978
Name: Tokarz, Harry
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Lawrence J. FENWICK, Harry TOKARZ, Joseph MUSKAT, Canadian Rock-Band Abducted? pp.2-9
Flying Saucer Review
Vol. 29 N. 3 March 1984
Name: Muskat, Joseph ; Fenwick, Lawrence J. ; Tokarz, Harry
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Maja GIORGINI, Notiziario Ufologico estero pp.17-20 (Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29 N. 3 March/1984 Canadian Rock-Band Abducted?, pp. 2-9)
Il Giornale dei Misteri
Anno XV N. 166 Giugno 1985
Name: Giorgini, Maja ; Fenwick, Lawrence J. ; Tokarz, Harry ; Muskat, Joseph
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Mail Bag: President Assad a UFO Buff! (Mail) p.27
Flying Saucer Review
Vol. 32 N. 2 February 1987
Name: Tokarz, Harry
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Mail Bag: A Rallying call (Mail) p.26
Flying Saucer Review
Vol. 38 N. 1 Spring 1993
Name: Tokarz, Harry
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Image not available Canadian UFO Report
A Study of Flying & Other Aerial Phenomena
vol 4 no 7 (31) Summer 1978

Editor: John MAGOR
Name: Tokarz, Harry

Visitors of All Grades

Florin GHEORGHITAReport from Romania
Mystery Of Flying Globes

Northern Lights New Show 3-5

'Scouting' Globe Cases Recalled 5-6

Matching Cases 6-7

Alan MARCHComments On Alleged UFO Crash In Peru 7-8

Item From Albuquerque 8

Harry TOKARZAre UFOs Boon or Curse to Medicine? 8-11

Photos by ESP 12-13

Unidentified People 13
Canadian UFO Report vol 4 no 4 (28) Summer/1977 - The Moon - Key to the UFO Problem? [Wilson, Don]

Irene GRANCHIReport from Brazil
Antonio's Ordeal

Another 'Bell-Jar' 19

John Brent MUSGRAVEThe Behavior and Origins of Can ad ian UFO Occupants and Critters
(Second of two pa rts)

Franklin R. Jr RUEHLAbout Every Star, A Planetary Family 23-24

Brinsley LE POER TRENCHYou and Me 24

For Your Book Shelf
The Force in Your Life - What It is and How To Master It. By Don Wilson24-25

Letter Back Cover

Image not available Canadian UFO Report
A Study of Flying & Other Aerial Phenomena
vol 4 no 8 (32) Fall 1978

Editor: John MAGOR
Name: Tokarz, Harry

Psychic Sasquatch

Airborne Sasquatch? 1-3

Graham CONWAYAnother Dimension via Film? 3-6

Wido HOVILLE, Don DONDERIClose Encounter Near Ottawa 7-8
(From: UFO Quebec No 14 2e trimestre (juin)/1978 CE III sur la route 17, pp. 19-20 Translated by John MAGOR)

Critters Examine Farmer

Harry TOKARZHard Choice for Witnesses 9-12

Matching Cases 12+14

Beatrice M. ZIMMERToo Much - Too Soon 12-14

Franklin R. Jr RUEHLAre UFO's From Another Dimension, Another Time, or Another Stratum? 15-17

Roland ANDERSENUFO's of Ancient Greece Return Today 17-22

Identified Flying Object 22

Letter 22-24

Ad Briefs 24

Image not available MUFOB

New Series N. 11 (45) Summer 1978

Editor: John RIMMER
Name: Tokarz, Harry

PREditorial notes2

Nigel WATSONAnatomy of a Percipient
Investigates the remarkable case of Paul Bennett

Harry TOKARZUFO witnesses: public property? 7-8+13+14
(Italian translation UFO AND FORTEAN PHENOMENA Anno II N. 11 Settembre - Ottobre/1978 I testimoni: pubblico dominio?, pp. 19-23)

Intcat - An International Catalogue of Type I UFO Reports
Peter ROGERSONPart 169-12

Roger SANDELLNotes and quotes14

Paul SCREETONA Newspaper Looks at the Airship 17-18

Book Reviews
PRBUFORA, Proceeding of the 2nd National Research & Investigation Conference, Birmingham, 5-7 November 197619-20

Supplemento a CLYPEUS n. 52
Anno II N. 11 Settembre - Ottobre 1978

Editor: Edoardo RUSSO
Name: Tokarz, Harry


Joseph Allen HYNEKLo stato della ricerca ufologica in Italia 2+5
(From: International UFO Reporter Volume 3 number 6 June/1978 THE STATE OF UFO RESEARCH IN ITALY, pp. 3+i+iv )

Jean-Louis DEGAUDENZIIl primo documento ufficiale sovietico sugli UFO 3-5
(From: Nostra n. 323 14/6/78, p. 16, "Le premier document officiel sur les OVNI en URSS" )

Jenny RANDLESUna pletora di gruppi ufologici 6-8
(From: Awareness Vol 07 No 2 Summer/1978 A Plethora of UFO groups, pp. 13-15 )

Ancora sondaggi: negli USA...9
... e in Australia9-10
"Un milione di sterline per un disco volante"10-11
Hynek lascia l'Università11
L'ONU crea un comitato ufologico11-12
Ancora sull'UFO di Carter12

Peter KORIl vero mistero UFO 13-16+23
(From: Forum N. 143, primavera 1977, p. 25, "The Real Flying Saucer Mistery" )

Pierre VIÉROUDYI testimoni: soggetti psi? 17-18+23
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 20 N. 168 Octobre/1977 Les témoins d'OVNI sont'ils des sujets PSI?, pp. 5-7 )

Harry TOKARZI testimoni: pubblico dominio? 19-23
(From: MUFOB New Series N. 11 (45) Summer/1978 UFO witnesses: public property?, pp. 7-8+13+14 )

Casistica recente
Giganti tipo "Michelin"24+iv coper.

HorusClyppyiii coper.

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of reports of Unidentified Flying Objects
Vol. 29 N. 3 March 1984
FSR Publications Ltd, Maidstone, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Muskat, Joseph; Fenwick, Lawrence J.; Tokarz, Harry

A momentous question1-2

Lawrence J. FENWICK, Harry TOKARZ, Joseph MUSKATCanadian Rock-Band Abducted? 2-9
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XV N. 166 Giugno/1985 , pp. 17-20)

Allen J. HYNEKThe BUFORA and ICUR meeting at High Wycombe 10-11

Thomas E. BULLARDNewly discovered "airship" waves over Poland
This article concerns a wave of "phantom airship" sightings over Russian Poland in 1892, and the recurrence of similar phenomena over that same regions in 1913. Mr Eddie Bullard, of Bloomington, Indiana, USA, States that, so far as he knows, he is the first investigator to have drawn attention to these interesting reports

Donald THOMASSightings and strange doings in Oxfordshire15-17
G.c.Postscript to the Witney Story17-18

Halûk Egemen SARIKAYAA recent UFO "flap" in Turkey 18-21

Richard C. NIEMTZOWAlleged medical injuries from UFOs
Project UFOMD Report No. 1

A note on the romanization of Chinese 25-26

Pekka TEERIKORPICE-III report from Finland (Part II) 26-28

Mail Bag
Mystery Ringsiii
Those Vanishing Library Booksiii

Image not available Il Giornale dei Misteri

Anno XV N. 166 Giugno 1985
Corrado Tedeschi, Firenze

Editor: Laura BEI, Giulio BRUNNER
Name: Giorgini, Maja; Fenwick, Lawrence J.; Tokarz, Harry; Muskat, Joseph

UFO in Italia
Sergio CONTIAncora avvistamenti nella Lucchesia5-8

Pier Luigi SANILa "grande paura marziana" di... due ufologi pentiti9-12
(English translation Flying Saucer Review Vol. 34 N. 3 September Quarter/1989 The "Great Martian Scare"... French Ufologists Who "now Think Better" and Have Changed Their Minds! Part I, pp. 15-19)

Riviste e bollettini ricevuti12+62

Ufologia e ricerca spaziale
Marcello COPPETTIUna ridda di bugie13-14

SUF Notizie
Statistica ufologica15

SUF Notizie - Dai nostri rappresentanti
Da Trieste15
Dalla Lombardia15
Marcello CRINÒDalla Sicilia: Il "Maximo portento" del 153115-16

SUF Notizie - Casistica ufologica
Fernando LAMPERIPeriodo 198016-17

Maja GIORGININotiziario Ufologico estero17-20
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29 N. 3 March/1984 Canadian Rock-Band Abducted?, pp. 2-9 Translated by Maja GIORGINI)

Simboli ierofanici
Solas BONCOMPAGNILa croce a svastica21-23

Oltre la realtà
Enza MASSANel mondo dell'invisibile30-32

Vittorio DI CESAREIl segreto di Glastonbury63-66

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 32 N. 2 February 1987
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Tokarz, Harry

Still "alive and kicking"1-2

Gordon CREIGHTONSaved by Jupiter 2-4
(Reprint Flying Saucer Review Vol. 45 N. 3 Autumn/2000 Saved by Jupiter, pp. 11-13)

Richard F. HAINESA review of proposed explanatory hypotheses for unidentified aerial phenomena 4-8

Aleksandr BELETSKIY, Vadim VILINBAKHOVAn aerial invasion: or what did they see, seventy years ago?8-12

G.c.Note by editor, FSR
What did P.C. Kettle see?

G.c."Clear intent" 14

G.c.More pictures of the mystery circles 14-16

Paul WHITEHEADFrom dust, alien consciousness may arise! From afar, aliens may be here! From other dimensions, UFOs may emanate!
A look at what may be happening right now, and a warning (ref. "Clear intent") from an N.S.A. Analyst

G.c.The Jinn and Dolmen (post-script) 20-21

Hans BEMELMANS"Indirect Hypnosis"21-22
G.c.Further interest in "indirect hypnosis"22

Gordon CREIGHTONAn alarming episode 23-24

Gordon CREIGHTONFinding the right address 24

G.c.Transitions 25

Squadron of UFOs over Patis, September 23, 1986 25

The valour of ignorance 26

Mail Bag
Ormazd and Ahriman26-27
President Assad a UFO Buff!27
The Mystery Rings27
Dead Bird, Dead Mice, etc.28
From John Keel28
From a Reader who perceives the Truthiii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 38 N. 1 Spring 1993
FSR Publications Ltd, High Wycombe, Bucks

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Tokarz, Harry

Salvador Freixedo1

Paul WHITEHEADBook review1+22

Richard F. HAINES, Gregory SMITHReverse engineering a UFO sighting: what can and can't be learned 2-5

Gordon CREIGHTONThe Roesternberg Story (1954) 6-9

Gordon CREIGHTON'Fringe' image is a danger to science! 9+14+25

T. Vince MIGLIORE'Channelled' Literature: What the Psyche are Saying about UFOs 10-14

Leonard CRAMPMystery over Labrador (June 1954) 15-17
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 1 N. 1 Spring/1955 Mystery over Labrador, pp. 6-8 )

Pierre GUÉRINSETI: A manipulation? 17-20
(Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Bronislaw RZEPECKISome recent UFO sightings in Poland 20-23

Strange report from a woman officer in the U.S. Army in Germany 24-25

Mail Bag
A Rallying call26
The Battle against powers of darkness26
Magnetic Compass and Detector Reports26