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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Mike McHUGH, Conspiracy Theory in American History. I was reading through the Feature Review on witchcraft books on the Magonia Website, where I was pleased to find a review of one of Robert Thurston's books. Thurston was one of my professors in graduate school and I was an assistant in one of his classes on Modern Russian H istory, which is his speciality. He always theorised that the Stalinist purges and show trials of the 1 930s were very similar to the witchcraft persecution of the 1 6th and 17th Centuries, in the sense that the masses really DID believe that agents of evil were at work in both cases: literal agents of the Devil in the witchcraft trials versus agents of Germany, Japan and other imperialist powers in the case of Stalin's Russia. In other words, the ruling elite did not simply orchestrate these situations, and even shared in the delusions themselves, in a mutually reinforcing cycle of paranoia. pp.13-15
N. 79 October 2002
Name: Mchugh, Mike
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Michael McHUGH, Alien Mimicry in Popular Culture. If aliens ever came to earth to trade, raid or simply take pictures for Galactic Geographic magazine, it always seemed to me that they would do so by disguising themselves and their technology in such a way that they simply blended in with the natives as much as possible. Either that, or they would hire locals to do much of the work for them and act as guides and interpreters. Even on earth, people who need to work or do business in foreign countries do this all the time, and also try to learn something of the native language and customs before they go. pp.9-14
N. 86 November 2004
Name: Mchugh, Mike
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Image not available MAGONIA
Interpreting Contemporary Vision and Belief
N. 79 October 2002

Editor: John RIMMER
Name: Mchugh, Mike

Editorial Notes
Ufologists: how nutty are we?2

Chris AUBECKDesperately Seeking Rudolf
This article describes my attempts to trace an incident of 'time travel' or 'teleportation' that allegedly took place in New York many years ago. The paper trail that led me to the original source is a classic example of how labyrinthine such searches can be. Oddly enough, the paper trail begins not in New York but in Spain

Mike McHUGHConspiracy Theory in American History
I was reading through the Feature Review on witchcraft books on the Magonia Website, where I was pleased to find a review of one of Robert Thurston's books. Thurston was one of my professors in graduate school and I was an assistant in one of his classes on Modern Russian H istory, which is his speciality. He always theorised that the Stalinist purges and show trials of the 1 930s were very similar to the witchcraft persecution of the 1 6th and 17th Centuries, in the sense that the masses really DID believe that agents of evil were at work in both cases: literal agents of the Devil in the witchcraft trials versus agents of Germany, Japan and other imperialist powers in the case of Stalin's Russia. In other words, the ruling elite did not simply orchestrate these situations, and even shared in the delusions themselves, in a mutually reinforcing cycle of paranoia.

Letter Gareth J. MEDWAY16
Letter John KOOPMANS16
Letter Michael BUHLER16

Book Reviews
Peter ROGERSONWaiter Stephens, Demon Lovers: witchcraft, sex and the crisis of faith. University Press, 2002.17
Review: Hilary EVANS,Seeing Ghosts - 2002
Peter ROGERSONJames Houran and Rense Lange (editors). Hauntings and Poltergeists: multidisciplinary perspectives. McFarland and Co., 200118-19
Peter ROGERSONMichelle Stacey. The Fasting Girl: a true Victorian medical mystery. Jeremy P Tarcher/Putman, 200219

The pelican writes
The Pelican Pecks at Faulty Logic 20

Image not available MAGONIA
Interpreting Contemporary Vision and Belief
N. 86 November 2004

Editor: John RIMMER
Name: Mchugh, Mike

Editorial Notes2

David SIVIERVisions Before Midnight. Witchcraft. Folklore and the Prehistory of the Abduction Phenomenon
Ever since Vallee and Keel put pen, or typewriter ribbon to paper in the 70s, it's been an axiom among proponents of the psychosocial hypothesis that the UFO phenomenon is merely the modem variant of a range of paranormal encounters and visitations by supernatural others. Despite their technological trappings, modem UFO sightings are merely the scientistic expression of deep religious and mystical impulses from within the human psyche, impulses, which have given rise to previous ages' myths of encounters with angels, demons, elves and ghosts.

Michael McHUGHAlien Mimicry in Popular Culture
If aliens ever came to earth to trade, raid or simply take pictures for Galactic Geographic magazine, it always seemed to me that they would do so by disguising themselves and their technology in such a way that they simply blended in with the natives as much as possible. Either that, or they would hire locals to do much of the work for them and act as guides and interpreters. Even on earth, people who need to work or do business in foreign countries do this all the time, and also try to learn something of the native language and customs before they go.

25 Years Ago14

The pelican writes
Scrutinising the Sceptics 15

Readers' Letters
Letter Colin BENNETT16
Letter Gareth J. MEDWAY16

Book Reviews
William Roll and Valerie Storey. Unleashed: Of poltergeists and murder, the curious story of Tina Resch. Paraview Pocket Books, 200417
Alex Owen. The place of Enchantment: British occultism and the culture of the modern. University of Chicago Press, 2004. Corinna Treitel. A Science for the Soul: occultism and the genesis of the German Modern. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.18
Review: Raymond E. FOWLER,SYNCHROFILE - 2004
Dubbed by some academics 'unofficial history', the base material of folk stories is neither necessarily true nor necessarily untrue. The narratives tend to dramatize emotions rather than be forensically picky as to facts
(From: The Shooter's Journal [No 48, Summer 2004 )
Review: David CLARKE,THE ANGEL OF MONS - 2005

Hold the back page
Quaker Notes20