| | Research Articles |
| Neil DAGNALL, Kenneth DRINKWATER, Andrew PARKER | Alien Visitation, Extra-Terrestrial Life, and Paranormal Beliefs | 699-720 |
| | Abstract: The present paper investigated the nature and structure of extraterrestrial beliefs. Respondents completed a booklet containing items measuring belief in extra-terrestrial life, alien visitation, and paranormal belief
(Revised Paranormal Belief Scale, R-PBS; and the Australian Sheep Goat
Scale, ASGS). Responses were analyzed using principal component analysis
(PCA), and a three-factor structure emerged: alien visitation, belief in extraterrestrial life, and the search for extra-terrestrials. Further analysis revealed
that males scored higher than females on belief in extra-terrestrial life and
the search for extra-terrestrial life. No difference was observed for alien visitation. Correlational analysis found signifi cant positive associations between
each of the extra-terrestrial life factors and alien visitation. In addition to this,
the extra-terrestrial life factors and alien visitation were found to correlate
with overall paranormal belief (ASGS), and the two factors of the R-PBS
(Traditional Paranormal Belief and New Age Philosophy). Alien Visitation
was more strongly correlated with the paranormal belief measures than the
extra-terrestrial belief factors; these were found to be negatively correlated
with the paranormal belief measures when Alien Visitation was controlled for.
These fi ndings indicate that only more extreme Alien Visitation beliefs were
associated with belief in the paranormal. |
| Gerson PAIVA, Carlton TAFT | Color Distribution of Light Balls in Hessdalen Lights Pheomenon | 735-746 |
| | Abstract: Hessdalen lights (HL) are unexplained light balls usually seen in
the valley of Hessdalen, Norway. In this work, we present a model to explain
the spatial color distribution of luminous balls commonly observed in HL
phenomenon. According to our model, these light balls are produced by electrons accelerated by electric fi elds during rapid fracture of piezoelectric rocks
under the ground. Semi-relativistic light balls in the HL phenomenon are produced by ionic acoustic waves (IAW) interacting with a central white-colored
light ball of HL phenomenon. |
| | Historical Perspective |
| Luca GASPERINI | Ernesto Bozzano: An Italian Spiritualist and Psychical Researcher | 755-773 |
| | Abstract: Ernesto Bozzano (1862–1943) was a luminary in psychical and
spiritualistic studies in Italy, to which he contributed numerous publications
that were also distributed abroad, and for more than forty years he tirelessly
defended “human survival after death” against its critics. This article, after a
brief look at the studies dedicated to him, furnishes a profi le of the life and
thinking of Bozzano, paying particular attention to the events that brought
him to the eyes of the international community of psychical researchers. |
| | Obituary |
| Patrick HUYGHE | In Memory of William Corliss | 775-777 |
| | Book Review |
| Massimo BIONDI | Dizionario Enciclopedico delle Classificazioni Analitiche della Biblioteca Bozzano De Boni [Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Analytical Classification of the Bozzano De Boni Library] edited by Silvio Ravaldini and Giulio Caratelli | 857-858 |
| | Articles of Interest |
| Mark RODEGHIER | Is “Alien Abduction” Extraterrestrial Visitation? Developing Prospective Study Designs to Gather Physical Evidence of Alleged “Alien Abduction” by Martin Hensher. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 63 (2010), 307–315. | 866 |