| Doug SKINNER | Introduction | ix-xii |
| | June 1989 Is There a Ghost in Your Computer | 1-5 |
| | July 1989 Mysterious Influences | 7-10 |
| | August 1989 Phantom Circuses | 11-15 |
| | September 1989 Magic Stones | 17-20 |
| | October 1989 Great Balls of Fire | 21-25 |
| | November 1989 Signals from Space | 27-31 |
| | December 1989 Disappearing Stars | 33-36 |
| | January 1990 The Day of the Nerds | 37-41 |
| | February 1990 Heaven and Its Inhabitants | 43-46 |
| | March 1990 The Fugo Balloons | 47-54 |
| | April 1990 Dumb Animals and Smart Plants | 55-59 |
| | May 1990 Into the Void | 61-69 |
| | July 1990 Now it Can Be Told | 71-75 |