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Russell TARG, What I See When I Close My Eyes pp.111-118
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Volume 8 Number 1 Spring 1994
Name: Targ, Russell
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Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration
A Publication of the Society for Scientific Exploration
Volume 8 Number 1 Spring 1994
Society for Scientific Exploration
Name: Targ, Russell

Peter A. STURROCKReport on a Survey of the Membership of the American Astronomical Society Concerning the UFO Problem: Part 1 1-45
Abstract: Refereed journals, to which scientists turn for their reliable information, carry virtually no information on the UFO problem. Does this imply that scientists have no views and no thoughts on the subject, or that all scientists consider it insignificant? Does it imply that scientists have no reports to submit comparable with UFO reports published in newspapers and popular books? The purpose of this 1977 survey of American astronomers was to answer these questions.

Jacques F. VALLÉEAnatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment Fifty Years Later 47-71
Abstract: The "Philadelphia Experiment" concerns the allegedly paranormal disappearance of a Navy destroyer from the docks of the Philadelphia Navy Yard in the late Summer of 1943, followed by disclosures of official contact with extraterrestrial powers. Claims made by purported witnesses of this supposedly secret Navy test directed by Albert Einstein have been repeatedly found to be fraudulent. The author has now interviewed a man who served on a companion ship to the destroyer in question, and who was on the scene the night of its supposed disappearance, which he is able to explain in minute detail. Yet the features of the story are such that it survives in the UFO literature and that it is now being revived under a novel form for the benefit of a new generation of readers. Using this incident as a model of a successful hoax, the present article extracts thirteen parameters that have been instrumental in its remarkable survival over the last fifty years; it compares the features of this fabrication to other questionable episodes of UFO lore; finally, it attempts to draw up a list of suitable measures for their detection, challenge and ultimate exposure.

Larry DOSSEYHealing and the Mind: Is There a Dark Side? 73-90
Abstract: Although intra- and interpersonal intluences have long been acknowledged in medical science to affect an individual's health both positively and negatively, the impact of non-local, transpersonal influences are generally denied in contemporary medical science. The present paper examines anecdotal, ethnographic, anthropological, clinical, and experimental evidence suggesting that non-local, transpersonal influences may exist, and that these may exert a negative and even fatal impact on human health. The possible relationship of these negative influences to scientific findings in other anomalous areas, such as the studies in humanlmachine interaction at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory, are discussed. The author concludes that the evidence favoring the existence of non-local, negative, transpersonal influences is considerable, and that the implications for medical research and clinical practice are profound.

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSAlleged Experiences Inside UFOs: An Analysis of Abduction Reports 91-105
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 8 Number 2 /1994 - Comments on "Alleged Experiences Inside UFOs"
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 8 Number 3 /1994 - Response to Ballester-Olmos
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 8 Number 3 /1994 - Response to Ballester-Olmos
Abstract: Six well-documented UFO abductions reported in Spain are reviewed. Investigation reveals them to be the result of hoax, delusion or psychosis. On a global scale, the annual distribution of abductions plotted according to year of report shows clusters associated with media-related triggers. Abduction narratives seem to proceed from internal sources, representing non-physical experiences of psychological origin inspired by publicized material, plus a significant number of hoaxes. A danger exists that the abduction syndrome may get out of hand.
David M. JACOBSResponse to Juan Ballester Olmos107-109

Russell TARGWhat I See When I Close My Eyes 111-118
Abstract: After two decades of parapsychological research, my purpose in writing this essay is to encourage researchers who are interested in understanding psychic phenomena to look for ways to have ESP experiences themselves. In no other field do experienced and thoughtful researchers set up observational experiments, and then ask inexperienced or randomly chosen passersby to look through the microscope and report what they see. I will describe here some of the things that I have seen. I am a good visualizer. When I close my eyes I usually see reasonably sharp and clear pictures. The bad news is that the images that I see with my eyes open are not much sharper or clearer, although they are much more stable. I would like to share my thoughts about psi perceptions, from the point of view of a legally blind researcher. What that means in my case is that my corrected visual resolution is ten percent of that of a person with normal vision.

Topher COOPERAnomalous Propagation 119-123

Michael EPSTEINThe Skeptical Perspective 125-128

Peter A. STURROCKGuest Column: Activity Since the American Astronomical Society UFO Survey 129-134

Letters to the Editor
Comments on "A Review of Near-Death Experiences"135
Comments on Ball Lightning135-137
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 6 Number 3 Autumn/1992 - Ball Lightning Penetration into Closed Rooms: 43 Eyewitness Accounts [Grigor'ev, A. I.; Grigor'eva, I. D.; Shiryaeva, S. O.]

Book Reviews
Henry H. BAUERBig Foot Prints: A Scientific Inquiry into the Reality of Sasquatch by Grover S. Krantz139-141
Review: Grover S. KRANTZ,BIG FOOT-PRINTS - 1992
Henry H. BAUERStriking the Mother Lode in Science: The Importance of Age, Place, and Time by Paula E. Stephan and Sharon G. Levin141-143
Ian STEVENSONCellular Aspects of Pattern Formation: The Problem of Assembly by G. W. Grimes and K. J. Aufderheide144-145
James WILSONThe Mask of Nostradamus: The Prophecies of the World's Most Famous Seer by James Randi145-146

SSE News Items
Major Physics Article Published By SSE Members147
SSE Member Alexander Receives National Recognition for New Technologies147-148
A New Director Position for SSE Councilor Radin148
Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration149-150
Second Euro-SSE Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration August 24 - 26,1994151-152