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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

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Illobrand VON LUDWIGER, Unidentified Flying Objects and Future Spaceflight Propulsion pp.107-112
Author:Walter H. ANDRUS (ed.)
Title: 1978 MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - Dayton, Ohio, July 29 & 30 UFOs: a Historical Perspective on Close Encounters
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas 1978
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand ; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015) ; Bloecher, Ted (1929 - 2024) ; Hall, Richard H. (1930 - 2009) ; Hynek, Joseph Allen (1910 - 1986) ; Keyhoe, Donald Edward (1897 - 1988) ; Stringfield, Leonard H. (1920 - 1994)
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News 'N' Notes pp.9-10
No 213 January 1986
Name: Biesele, Mildred ; von Ludwiger, Illobrand
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Illobrand VON LUDWIGER, Central European Studies pp.19-20
No 236 December 1987
Name: Von Ludwiger, Illobrand
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Illobrand VON LUDWIGER, T. AUERBACH, Heim's Theory of Elementary Particle Structures pp.217-231
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Volume 6 Number 3 Autumn 1992
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand ; Auerbach, T.
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Illobrand VON LUDWIGER, The Most Significant UFO Sightings in Germany pp.239-303
Authors: Walter H. ANDRUS, Irena SCOTT (eds.)
Title: MUFON 1993 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - Ufology the Emergence of a New Science, Richmond, Virginia, July 2-3-4
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas 1993
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand ; Andrews, Colin ; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015) ; Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948) ; Chiang, Hoang-Yung ; Ellison, Wesley E. ; Hind, Cynthia (1923 - 2000) ; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011) ; Knapp, George (1953) ; Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004) ; Martin, Jorge ; Moulton Howe, Linda (1942) ; O'Herin, Edward ; Sainio, Jeffrey W. ; Schuessler, John F. ; Scott, Irena
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Illobrand VON LUDWIGER, Les lumières de Greifswald pp.28-33
32e année No 107 Décembre 2003
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand
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Image not availableAuthor: Walter H. ANDRUS (ed.)
Title: 1978 MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - Dayton, Ohio, July 29 & 30
UFOs: a Historical Perspective on Close Encounters
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas
Year: 1978
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015); Bloecher, Ted (1929 - 2024); Hall, Richard H. (1930 - 2009); Hynek, Joseph Allen (1910 - 1986); Keyhoe, Donald Edward (1897 - 1988); Stringfield, Leonard H. (1920 - 1994)


Ted BLOECHERA Survey of CEIII Reports for 197714-50
Abstract: Close encounter, Type III, reports (CEIII's) for 1977 are reviewed and listed systematically. A brief background on the historical precedents for CEIII reports is given, and cases are reviewed statistically by month, by time of day, geographically,and by the types of association between entities and objects. Examples from the case material illustrate special features, such as ground traces, animal reactions, physical effects, communication, and other particular features. A table listing all of the CEIII reports now known for 1977 is included, which provides a number of specific pieces of information, including date, time, locale, witness names, number and height of entities, and other special features. Case references are provided for each case.

Richard H. HALL1967: The Overlooked UFO Wave and the Colorado Project52-74
Abstract: A major wave of UFO sightings occurred in 1967; even by official Air Force figures it was the 4th largest in terms of sightings reported, yet no one talks about it. The special significance of the 1967 wave is that it occurred during the one full year of investigations by . the University of Colorado UFO Project, and everyone deferred to the project in looking for "answers." The only answer was the Condon Report. This study analyzes the wave and demonstrates that the Colorado Project had ample case material to investigate during its lifetime, yet failed miserably to accomplish "scientific investigation." At the same time, publicity about the project obscured the sighting wave.

Leonard H. STRINGFIELDRetrievals of the Third Kind77-105
(French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 22 N. 185 Mai/1979 Reconstitutions de cas speciaux du 3ème type (1), pp. 7-14
French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 22 N. 186 Juin-juillet/1979 Reconstitutions de cas speciaux du 3ème type (2 - suite), pp. 3-11
French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 22 N. 187 Août-Septembre/1979 Reconstitutions de cas speciaux du 3ème type (3 - suite e fin), pp. 3-9
Italian translation UFOLOGIA N. 4 Luglio - Agosto/1979 Ritrovamenti del terzo tipo, pp. 2-5
Italian translation UFOLOGIA N. 5 Settembre - Ottobre/1979 Ritrovamenti del 3° tipo, pp. 16-8+23-26
Italian translation UFOLOGIA N. 6 Novembre - Dicembre/1979 Ritrovamenti del 3° tipo, pp. 18+23)

Illobrand VON LUDWIGERUnidentified Flying Objects and Future Spaceflight Propulsion107-112

Joseph Allen HYNEKUFOs as a Space-Time Singularity114-120

Donald Edward KEYHOEBehind the UFO Secrecy122-131

Image not available MUFON UFO JOURNAL
Official Publication of MUFON Mutual UFO Network,Inc
No 213 January 1986
Mutual UFO Network
Name: Biesele, Mildred; von Ludwiger, Illobrand

From the Editor2

John SCHUESSLERUfology: Situation red? 3-4+18

James OBERGThe McDivitt Sighting 5-8+10

News 'N' Notes9-10

DIA Security Poster 12

Sighting reports 12-13

Walt ANDRUSDelphos Revisited
Part II
MUFON UFO JOURNAL 209 September/1985 - Delphos, Kansas Case [Phillips, Ted]

Letter William T. SHERWOOD17

The Night Sky18
Walt ANDRUS20-19

Image not available MUFON UFO JOURNAL
Official Publication of MUFON Mutual UFO Network,Inc
No 236 December 1987
Mutual UFO Network
Name: Von Ludwiger, Illobrand

From the Editor2

Dennis STACYReassessing the Meier Case 3-4+22

James W. DEARDORFFOccultness & Ambiguity 5-10

Barry GREENWOODMJ-12 Magic Act 10-16
(From: Just Cause )

Bob GRIBBLELooking Back17-18

Illobrand VON LUDWIGERCentral European Studies 19-20

Irena SCOTTUFOs Scientifically Legitimate 20-22

Dennis STACYUFOs: 1947-1987 Reviewd 23+22
Review: Hilary EVANS, John SPENCER (eds.),UFOs 1947-1987: THE 40 YEAR SEARCH FOR AN EXPLANATION - 1987

Walt ANDRUSDirector's Message24+23

Image not available Journal of Scientific Exploration
A Publication of the Society for Scientific Exploration
Volume 6 Number 3 Autumn 1992
Society for Scientific Exploration
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand; Auerbach, T.

SSE News Items
Highlights of the 1992 European SSE Meeting205-211
Next SSE Meeting211
SSE Council Member Radin Work Cited211

Michael EPSTEINThe Skeptical Perspective 213-216

Illobrand VON LUDWIGER, T. AUERBACHHeim's Theory of Elementary Particle Structures 217-231
Abstract: Heim's theory is defined in a 6-dimensional world, in 2 dimensions of which events take place that organize processes in the 3 dimensions of our experience. A very small natural constant, called a "metron", is derived, representing the smallest area that can exist in nature. This leads to the conclusion that space must be composed of a 6-dimensional geometric lattice of very small cells bounded on all sides by metrons. The existence of metrons requires our usual infinitesimal calculus to be replaced by one of finite areas. The unperturbed lattice represents empty vacuum. Local deformations of the lattice indicate the presence of something other than empty space. If the deformation is of the right form and complexity it acquires the property of mass and inertia. Elementary particles are complex dynamical systems of locally confined interacting lattice distortions. Thus, the theory geometricizes the world by viewing it as a huge assemblage of very small geometric deformations of a 6- dimensional lattice in vacuum. The theory also has significant consequences for cosmology

Michael EPSTEIN, Luigi GARLASCHELLIBetter Blood Through Chemistry: A Laboratory Replication of a Miracle 233-246
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 7 Number 1 Spring/1993 - Comments on Better Blood Through Chemistry
Abstract: -The recent simulation of the miracle liquefying blood of Saint Januarius is shown to be viable from both historical and scientific standpoints. The history of the holy blood is traced and means and motivation for the simulation are provided. Spectral analysis of the simulated blood, a thixotropic gel of iron hydroxide (FeO(OH)), shows the absorption spectrum to be similar to old blood. Many reported characteristics of the holy blood can be explained by the behavior of a thixotropic gel. Modifications of the preparation procedure are attempted to bring the simulation into agreement with fourteenth century alchemical knowledge. A critical evaluation of previous spectroscopic studies of the miracle blood is presented.

Suitbert ERTELThe Gauquelin Effect Explained? Comments on Arno Miiller's Hypothesis of Planetary Correlations 247-254
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 4 Number 1 /1990 - Planetary Influences on Human Behavior ("Gauquelin Effect"): Too Absurd for a Scientific Explanation? [Müller, Arno]
Abstract: Arno Müller's "hypothesis of the planetary klite" (Müller,1990) amended Gauquelin's "midwife hypothesis", which suffered from weaknesses. The approach is a welcome contribution to the persistent problem of how to explain planetary correlations with human births (the Gauquelin effect). However, it is inconsistent with empirical observations: (1)Gauquelin effects are unrelated to character traits. Miiller's hypothesis explains a correlation that does not exist. (2) Sometimes planetary effects decrease with eminence. This is inconsistent with Muller's idea that more eminent as compared to less eminent people should have cultural and biological advantages. (3)Birth frequencies can be infrequent instead of abundant when the planet is rising or culminating. This is inconsistent with Muller's assumption that in prehistorical times the births of children were desired, not avoided, when the divine planet was so placed. (4) The doctrine of planetary heredity-the basic precondition of Muller's hypothesis-is probably invalid. (5) The Gauquelin effect is weakest for Venus. Muller's claim of an impact of planetary appearances on the evolution of the Gauquelin effect would predict the opposite. (6) Muller's model covers only the evolution of conditioning between planetary sensitivity and character traits. It does not explain the evolution of planetary sensitivity prior to such conditioning. Gauquelin's original midwife hypothesis as well as Muller's new version of it could be refuted straightforwardly if further tests showed that the Gauquelin effect occurred undiminished in eminent births induced by obstetric drugs.
Arno MÜLLERThe Gauquelin Effect Explained? A Rejoinder to Ertel's Critique 255-259

A. I. GRIGOR'EV, I. D. GRIGOR'EVA, S. O. SHIRYAEVABall Lightning Penetration into Closed Rooms: 43 Eyewitness Accounts 261-279
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 8 Number 1 Spring/1994 - Comments on Ball Lightning
Abstract: 43 Eyewitness Reports on the ability of ball lightning to penetrate into rooms through window glass (very often leaving no holes) and to enter houses through radio and electric sockets are presented.

Ian STEVENSONA Series of Possibly Paranormal Recurrent Dreams 281-290
Abstract: In 1986 Dr. Walter D'Souza, an Indian physician living in the United States, had a series of realistic dreams in which his deceased father, who had been buried in India three years earlier, appeared to be leaving his coffin and trying to communicate something to him. After Dr. D'Souza had had three of these dreams, a letter from India informed his mother that his father's bones had not been adequately disposed of. Dr. D'Souza then believed that his dreams had some connection with the matter of his father's bones. He urged his mother to go to India and attend to the burial, but she and his sister minimized the difficulty, and did not wish to spend money on a journey to India. Dr. D'Souza then had a fourth dream similar to the previous three. He told his family about his dreams and insisted that his mother go to India and attend to the disposition of the bones. She agreed to go and the dreams ceased. It seems unlikely that Dr. D'Souza before he had his dreams had any normal awareness that anything further needed to be done for the proper disposition of his father's bones. Paranormal interpretations of the dreams have plausibility. Attention is drawn to the quality of vividness in dreams as a possible marker of paranormality.

Letters to the Editor
Comments on Survival or Super-psi?291
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 6 Number 2 /1992 - Survival or Super-psi? [Braude, Stephen E.]
Are Memories of Alien Abductions Recollections of Surgical Experiences?291-294
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 7 Number 2 Summer/1993 - Comments on James Wilson's Letter to the Editor

Book Review
Ian STEVENSONScientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method by Henry H. Bauer295-297

Erratum 297
Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 6 Number 2 /1992 - Highlights of the Princeton SSE Meeting

Image not availableAuthors: Walter H. ANDRUS, Irena SCOTT (eds.)
Title: MUFON 1993 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - Ufology the Emergence of a New Science, Richmond, Virginia, July 2-3-4
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Seguin, Texas
Year: 1993
Pages: 304
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand; Andrews, Colin; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015); Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Chiang, Hoang-Yung; Ellison, Wesley E.; Hind, Cynthia (1923 - 2000); Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011); Knapp, George (1953); Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004); Martin, Jorge; Moulton Howe, Linda (1942); O'Herin, Edward; Sainio, Jeffrey W.; Schuessler, John F.; Scott, Irena

Cynthia HINDAbductions in Africa - Worldwide Similarities 16-25

Linda MOULTON HOWEMoving Lights, Disks and Animal Mutilations in Alabama 26-40

Hoang-Yung CHIANGUFO Sightings and Research in Modern China 41-58

John F. SCHUESSLER, Edward F. O'HERINTruck Driver Injured by UFO: the Eddie Doyle Webb Case 59-84

Jeffrey W. SAINIOVideoanalysis 85-112

Wesley E. ELLISONDetection and Analysis of Aerial Phenomenon 113-125

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSSpanish Air Force UFO Files: the Secret's End 126-168

Colin ANDREWSThe "Signs" of Change Are Real 169-181

Budd HOPKINSInvisibility and the UFO Abduction Phenomenon 182-201

John E. MACKThe UFO Abduction Phenomenon: What Might it Mean for the Human Future? 202-213

George KNAPPArea 51, Bob Lazar, and Disinformation - A Reevalutation 214-238

Illobrand VON LUDWIGERThe Most Significant UFO Sightings in Germany 239-303

Jorge J. MARTINThe Astounding UFO Experience in Puerto Rico (No Published Paper) 304

Image not available INFORESPACE
Ufologie phénomènes spatiaux
32e année No 107 Décembre 2003

Editor: Lucien CLEREBAUT
Name: von Ludwiger, Illobrand

Michel BOUGARDEditorial2-3

Avis rectificatif 3

Gérard GREDEC'est l'histoire d'un OVNI et d'un étrange caillou... 4-8

Auguste MEESSENLa pyrite incandescente tombée du ciel 9-25

Patrick FERRYNErratum au N. 10626-27
Toute dernière minute27

Illobrand VON LUDWIGERLes lumières de Greifswald 28-33

Franck BOITTEComplément d'enquête
Séquelles à l'affaire d'Assas

Jean-Michel ABRASSARTCréer des ponts entre paradigmes extraterrestre et sociopsychologique
Une tâche impossible?

Ron WESTRUMLes promesses de l'ufologie49-53
(From: MUFON UFO JOURNAL 396 April/2001 The "promise of ufology", pp. 8-10 Translated by Pierre LAGRANGE)
Pierre LAGRANGECommentaire sur l'article de Ron Westrum54-55