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Brad Steiger, 1936 - 2018 (Eugene E. Olson)

Biography and Photos of Speakers, MUFON '72 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - June 17, 1972 Quincy, Illinois , 1972 pp. 4-16
Gene STEINBERG, Brad Steiger, Caveat Emptor N. 17, 1989 pp. 9-13

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Publisher: Award, New York 1967
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018) ; Whritenour, Joan
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Brad STEIGER, Joan WHRITENOUR, Unidentified Underwater Saucers pp.34-37+55-57
June 1968
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018) ; Whritenour, Joan
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Brad STEIGER, Joan Whritenour, The Flying Saucers Missionaries pp.53-54
N. 2 June 1969
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018) ; Whritenour, Joan
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Brad STEIGER, Flying Saucer Missionaries pp.73-82
Authors: Walter H. ANDRUS, Joseph GURNEY (eds.)
Title: MUFON '72 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - June 17, 1972 Quincy, Illinois
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Quincy, Illinois 1972
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018) ; Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015) ; Brill, Joseph M. ; Downing, Barry H. (1938) ; Fawcett, George D. (1929 - 2013) ; Gurney, Joseph ; Leonard, Cedric ; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020) ; Saunders, David R. (1923 - ?) ; Schuessler, John F.
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Brad STEIGER, Joan WHRITENOUR, Il mistero delle lettere Allende pp.169-192
Author:Jay DAVID (editor)
Title: GLI UFO Cosa sono, chi li pilota, da dove vengono - La meccanica degli UFO - All'interno di un UFO - Gli UFO subacquei - Gli extraterrestri e il sesso - Il mistero delle "lettere Allende" - La Bibbia e i dischi volanti - Perché vengono - Il tetto della morte - L'opinione degli scienziati
(FLYING SAUCERS HAVE ARRIVED! Translated (from the English) by Antonio BELLOMI )
Serie:Ai confini della realtà
Publisher: Armenia, Milano Febbraio 1974
Name: Whritenour, Joan ; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018) ; Adamski, George (1891 - 1965) ; Bethurum, Truman (1898 - 1969) ; Binder, Otto O. (1911 - 1974) ; Chambers, Howard V. ; Comella, Thomas M. ; Cramp, Leonard G. ; David, Jay ; Downing, Barry H. (1938) ; Gaddis, Vincent H. (1913 - 1997) ; Gibbons, Gavin (1922 - 1978) ; Hall, Richard H. (1930 - 2009) ; Heard, Gerald (1889 - 1971) ; Kor, Peter ; Lorenzen, Coral E. (1925 - 1988) ; Lorenzen, Jim (1922 - 1986) ; Maney, Charles A. (1891 - 1966) ; Reeve, Bryant ; Reeve, Helen ; Sanderson, Ivan Terence (1911 - 1973) ; Wilkins, Harold Tom (1891 - 1960) ; Young, Norton
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Authors: Hayden HEWES, Brad STEIGER (eds.)
Publisher: Pocket Books, New York 1976
Name: Hewes, Hayden C. ; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
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Author: Brad STEIGER
Title: ALIEN MEETINGS Eywitness reports of meetings with alien beings!
Publisher: Ace, New York 1978
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
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Author: Brad STEIGER
Title: DEI DELL'ACQUARIO Una nuova sconvolgente ipotesi sulla relazione tra gli UFO e la civiltà umana
(GODS OF ACQUARIUS Translated (from the English) by Giorgio PAGLIARO )
Serie:Nuovi Mondi
Publisher: SIAD, Milano 1978
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
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Beyond Reality
No 3 1980
Editor: Henry BELIL
Beyond Reality Magazine, New York
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
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Author: Scott MANDELKER
Title: FROM ELSEWHERE: BEING E.T. IN AMERICA The Subculture of Those Who Claim to be Non-Earthly Origins
Publisher: Birch Lane Press, New York 1995
Name: Mandelker, Scott Richard ; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
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Brad STEIGER, The Men in Black: The Early Days--Paranoia, the Paranormal, and Alien SS pp.4-7
The Night Search
September 2008
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
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Author: Brad STEIGER
Title: I misteri del tempo e dello spazio
(MYSTERIES OF TIME AND SPACE Translated (from the English) by Federico LOPIPARO )
Serie:I ponti di Venexia
Publisher: Venexia, Roma 2018
Name: Calais, Ron ; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
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Image not availableAuthors: Brad STEIGER, Joan WHRITENOUR
Publisher: Award, New York
Year: 1967
Pages: 160
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018); Whritenour, Joan
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June 1968
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018); Whritenour, Joan

Brad STEIGER, Joan WHRITENOURUnidentified Underwater Saucers 34-37+55-57

Image not available FLYING SAUCER REVIEW Special Issue
Beyond Condon
N. 2 June 1969
Flying Saucer Service Ltd, London

Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018); Whritenour, Joan

Charles BOWENA Complex Problem1

John A. KEELUFOs in 1952 2

W. HICKMAN, E. TURNERProject "A" Report 3-5

Leo R. SPRINKLEPersonal and Scientific Attitudes. A Study of Persons interested in UFO Reports 6-10

John A. KEELThe "Flap" Phenomenon in the United Stats. An Examination and Analysis 11-27
(Reprint THE FLAP PHENOMENON IN THE UNITED STATES /1989 An examination and Analysis, pp. 1-16)

Richard HACKUFO Stories of the North Western Indians 28-30
(Reprint Canadian UFO Report vol 1 no 5 September - October/1969 UFO Stories of Northwest Indians, pp. 18-20)

Disc Draws Water 30

Gordon William ALLENThe 1968 Surveillance of Seattle 31-33

The Great Circle Route - Circa 1950 34-35

Jennifer STEVENSMystery on the Mohawk 35-38

Mort YOUNGUFO Watchers: the Lonely Crowd 39-41

Otto BINDERPeople Who See UFOs 42-45

Berthold Eric SCHWARTZUFOs; Delusion Or Dilemma? 46-52
(Italian translation Gli Arcani Vol. VII N. 7/8 Luglio – Agosto/1978 Quattro misteri UFO, pp. 36-48)

Brad STEIGER, Joan WhritenourThe Flying Saucers Missionaries 53-54

Jerome CLARKReturn of the "Monster" 55-56

John A. KEELThe Cape May Incident 57-62

John A. KEELThe Glendale, California, Contact Claim 63-65

W. GRAYSTONECanada's UFO Poltergeist 66-68+70

Allen H. GREENFIELDThe "Alternate Reality" Theory 69-70

Charles BOWENBeyond the Conventional Horizon 69

Joseph ULEThe Key West Incident 71-72

A Final Word fronm the Founder of Ufology 73

Image not availableAuthors: Walter H. ANDRUS, Joseph GURNEY (eds.)
Title: MUFON '72 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - June 17, 1972 Quincy, Illinois
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Quincy, Illinois
Year: 1972
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018); Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015); Brill, Joseph M.; Downing, Barry H. (1938); Fawcett, George D. (1929 - 2013); Gurney, Joseph; Leonard, Cedric; Phillips, Ted (1942 - 2020); Saunders, David R. (1923 - ?); Schuessler, John F.

Biography and Photos of Speakers 4-16

Walter H. ANDRUSMidwest UFO Network (MUFON)17-19

John F. SCHUESSLERUFO's - A Procuct of Alien Intellect? 20-39
Abstract: Unidentified Flying Objects do exist. If you doubt that statement just ask any of the millions of witnesses or thousands of UFO researchers/investigators; or read the recorded data and evaluate just a few pounds of that data. People generally agree that UFOs do in fact exist, but they disagree greatly in their opinions on what they are, where they are from, or why they are here. Many theories have been advanced to explain the UFO and it's antics. The one that appears most logical to me is that they are a product of alien (to the earth) intelligence; otherwise known as Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI). My acceptance of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) is based on data; the actual UFO. reports, backed by sufficient research and analysis.

Ted PHILLIPSLanding Traces - Physical Evidence for the UFO 40-61

Cedric LEONARDUFOs In Antiquyity 62-72

Brad STEIGERFlying Saucer Missionaries 73-82

Joseph M. BRILLUFOs Behind the Iron Curtain 83-97

George D. FAWCETTQuarter Century of UFOs in North Carolina 98-115
Abstract: (Fawcett in recent years has been specializing in such quarter-century studies of UFO activities in such areas as Florida, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Instead of con- centrating on one city like John G. Fuller did at Exeter, New Hampshire and like Arthur Shuttlewood did in Warminister, England, or concentrating on one year, 1947, like Ted Bloecher or on one country like James Holledge did with Australia or one area on the globe like Coral and Jim Lorenzen did with North and South America, Fawcett has pursued a study of different states one at a time. Much fruitful information can be obtained by this method and by individuals living in the different states.)

Barry H. DOWNINGUfos As A Religious Phenomenon 116-129

David R. SAUNDERSSome New Lines for UFO Research 130-145

Image not availableAuthor: Jay DAVID (editor)
Title: GLI UFO
Cosa sono, chi li pilota, da dove vengono - La meccanica degli UFO - All'interno di un UFO - Gli UFO subacquei - Gli extraterrestri e il sesso - Il mistero delle "lettere Allende" - La Bibbia e i dischi volanti - Perché vengono - Il tetto della morte - L'opinione degli scienziati
Originally published as: FLYING SAUCERS HAVE ARRIVED! - 1970
Translated (from the English) by Antonio BELLOMI
Publisher: Armenia, Milano Febbraio
Serie: Ai confini della realtà
Year: 1974
Pages: 363 p. ; 20 cm.
Name: Whritenour, Joan; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018); Adamski, George (1891 - 1965); Bethurum, Truman (1898 - 1969); Binder, Otto O. (1911 - 1974); Chambers, Howard V.; Comella, Thomas M.; Cramp, Leonard G.; David, Jay; Downing, Barry H. (1938); Gaddis, Vincent H. (1913 - 1997); Gibbons, Gavin (1922 - 1978); Hall, Richard H. (1930 - 2009); Heard, Gerald (1889 - 1971); Kor, Peter; Lorenzen, Coral E. (1925 - 1988); Lorenzen, Jim (1922 - 1986); Maney, Charles A. (1891 - 1966); Reeve, Bryant; Reeve, Helen; Sanderson, Ivan Terence (1911 - 1973); Wilkins, Harold Tom (1891 - 1960); Young, Norton


Howard V. CHAMBERSEmissari del passato 7-18

Barry H. DOWNINGIl Vecchio Testamento e i dischi volanti 19-24

Vincent H. GADDISIl mistero dei dischi volanti 25-41

Coral LORENZEN, Jim LORENZENUFO subacquei 43-55

Richard HALLL'atteggiamento del mondo scientifico 57-79

Otto O. BINDERGli extraterrestri e il sesso 81-94

Gavin GIBBONSA New York con un disco volante 95-108
(Reprint Gli Arcani Vol. III N. 22 Marzo/1974 A New York con un disco volante, pp. 29-33)

Truman BETHURUMSono stato all'interno di un disco volante 109-112

Helen REEVE, Bryant REEVEContatti spaziali 113-131

Harold T. WILKINSMessaggi dallo spazio? 133-143

George ADAMSKIPerchè sono venuti 145-156

Harold T. WILKINSIl "tetto della morte" 157-168

Brad STEIGER, Joan WHRITENOURIl mistero delle lettere Allende 169-192

Otto O. BINDERI dischi volanti possono provocare danni fisici 193-198

Tom COMELLAGli arei scomparsi 199-205

Leonard G. CRAMPLa meccanica degli UFO 207-239

Ivan Terence SANDERSONCosa fanno? 241-263

Charles A. MANEYIl fenomeno dei capelli d'angelo 265-272

Vincent H. GADDISGli UFO animati 273-283

Leonard G. CRAMPIl decollo degli UFO 285-296

Gerald HEARDL'origine degli UFO 297-327

George ADAMSKILa Bibbia e gli UFO 329-345

Gerald HEARDGli equipaggi e i loro punti di vista 347-359

Norton YOUNG"Essi" estistono 361-365

Image not availableAuthors: Hayden HEWES, Brad STEIGER (eds.)
ISBN: 0-671-80529-0
Publisher: Pocket Books, New York
Year: 1976
Pages: 173
Name: Hewes, Hayden C.; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
Image not availableAuthor: Brad STEIGER
Eywitness reports of meetings with alien beings!
Publisher: Ace, New York
Year: 1978
Pages: 213
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
Image not availableAuthor: Brad STEIGER
Una nuova sconvolgente ipotesi sulla relazione tra gli UFO e la civiltà umana
Originally published as: GODS OF ACQUARIUS - 1976
Translated (from the English) by Giorgio PAGLIARO
Publisher: SIAD, Milano
Serie: Nuovi Mondi
Year: 1978
Pages: 301+32
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
Image not available Beyond Reality
UFO Special Issue
No 3 1980
Beyond Reality Magazine, New York

Editor: Henry BELIL
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
Image not availableAuthor: Scott MANDELKER
The Subculture of Those Who Claim to be Non-Earthly Origins

Foreword: Brad STEIGER
ISBN: 1-559-72304-1
Publisher: Birch Lane Press, New York
Year: 1995
Pages: 256
Name: Mandelker, Scott Richard; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)
Image not available The Night Search
"The Tenn Files" the Official Newsletter for Tennessee MUFON Included in Each Issue
September 2008

Editor: Richard SMITH
Name: Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)

Andrew HENNESSEYScottish X files

Steve BRASNight Search Edge
Chupas - Mysterious Flying Menace in Brazil's Countryside

Brad STEIGERThe Men in Black: The Early Days--Paranoia, the Paranormal, and Alien SS4-7
Paul Dale ROBERTSInterview with Mr. Q. Former MIB (Men In Black)7-8


Stan GORDONMore Huge Flying Creature Sightings In Pennsylvania 9-10

Paul Dale ROBERTSVisitation of the Gods 11

Tim KELLYTNW’s Review
http://tnwparanormal.com - September 12, 2008 Sightings near Chattanooga earlier this year

Sandy NICHOLSFourteen A Glowing and Moving Orb, A Witches Howl, 101st Airborne Soldiers 14-19

The Mothman Photographer’s newsletter 21-24

Image not availableAuthor: Brad STEIGER
Title: I misteri del tempo e dello spazio
Originally published as: MYSTERIES OF TIME AND SPACE - 1973
Translated (from the English) by Federico LOPIPARO
Con una specifica ricerca archeologica di Ron Calais
ISBN13: 978-88-9986-316-6
Publisher: Venexia, Roma
Serie: I ponti di Venexia
Year: 2018
Name: Calais, Ron; Steiger, Brad (1936 - 2018)