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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Mail Collection: Libriufo

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vol 1 no 1 February 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith ; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952) ; Griesberg, Harry ; Prytz, John ; Seargent, David A. J.
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vol 1 no 2 April 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith ; Griesberg, Harry ; Merritt, Fred ; Prytz, John ; Whitehurst, Lindy
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vol 1 no 3 June 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith ; Griesberg, Harry ; Moravec, Mark ; Prytz, John ; Seargent, David A. J.
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vol 1 no 4 August 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948) ; Basterfield, Keith ; Griesberg, Harry ; Moravec, Mark ; Prytz, John ; Seargent, David A. J.
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vol 1 no 5 October 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith ; Griesberg, Harry ; Prytz, John ; Seargent, David A. J.
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vol 1 no 6 December 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith ; Dick, Matthew C. ; Griesberg, Harry ; Prytz, John
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vol 2 no 1 February 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith ; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952) ; Dick, Matthew C. ; Griesberg, Harry ; Moravec, Mark ; Prytz, John
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vol 2 no 2 March/April 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 2 no 3 May/June 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 2 no 4 July/August 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 2 no 5 September/October 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 2 no 6 November/December 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 3 no 1 January/February 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 3 no 2 March/April 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 3 no 3 May/June 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 3 no 4 July/August 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
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vol 3 no 5 September/October 1982
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 3 no 6 November/December 1982
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 4 no 1 January/February 1983
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 4 no 2 March/April 1983
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 4 no 3 May/June 1983
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 4 no 4 July/August 1983
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 4 no 5 September/October 1983
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 4 no 6 November/December 1983
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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vol 5 no 1 January/February 1984
Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
ACUFOS, Prospect
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Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 1 February 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford

Name: Basterfield, Keith; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952); Griesberg, Harry; Prytz, John; Seargent, David A. J.

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDIntroduction/Editorial 1-2

David SEARGENTGuest editorial 2

Bill CHALKERThe Australian Physical Evidence Study Group (APSG)
(A research study group affiliated with thr Astralian Centre for UFO Studies)

Keith BASTERFIELDImagery as a possible psychological Explanation for Reported Closae Encounters with the UFO Phenomenon 4-8

John PRYTZThe Significance of early Sightings 9-10

Bill CHALKERThe UFO Question - Not Yet Answered 10-13

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Sewrvice 13-14

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 2 April 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford

Name: Basterfield, Keith; Griesberg, Harry; Merritt, Fred; Prytz, John; Whitehurst, Lindy

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

Lindy WHITEHURSTRadar Influences UFOs 2-6
(French translation INFORESPACE Année 9 N. 53 Septembre/1980 Le radar et les OVNI, pp. 30-34)

John PRYTZUFOs and the Australian Parliament 7-9

Fred MERRITTStatistical Notes from UFOCAT: Sighting Duration by Report Type (Part 2) 9-12

UFO Research Australia - Newsletter13
TUFOIC's new address13
Australian UFO Research Fund13

John PRYTZACUFOS Bibliography Service 13-15

Reports from around Australia 15-16

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 3 June 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith; Griesberg, Harry; Moravec, Mark; Prytz, John; Seargent, David A. J.

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

David SEARGENTMeteor Debris from Halley's Comet 2-3

Keith BASTERFIELDA Look at the available information on the 21st December 1978New Zealand Incident 3-7

John PRYTZHuman-Alien Sex: Close Encounters of the Foreign Kind 8-11

Mark MORAVECMental Communications and Psychological Disturbance (Part 1) 11-14

UFO Conference 5 14

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 15-16

Australian UFO Reports 17

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 4 August 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Basterfield, Keith; Griesberg, Harry; Moravec, Mark; Prytz, John; Seargent, David A. J.

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

David SEARGENTWhy are most humanoids small? 2

Mark MORAVECMental Communications and Psychological Disturbance (Part 2) 2-6

John PRYTZThe Bermuda Triangle: A Statistical Analysis with reference to possible UFO correllation 6-12

Vicente-Juan BALLESTER OLMOSDeficiencies in the Hypnopompic Hypnagogic Model to Explain UFO Experiences at Close Range 12-13

David A. J. SEARGENTMegalithic Marvels 13-14

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 14-16

Australian UFO Reports 17

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 5 October 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith; Griesberg, Harry; Prytz, John; Seargent, David A. J.

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

John PRYTZInformation Needs of Ufologists 2-9

Keith BASTERFIELDA Short Review of Australian Radar Cases 1954-1969 9-10

UFOCON 5 - Australia's 5th annual UFO conference 10

John PRYTZThe Fly In The C.E.T.I. Soup 11-15

David SEARGENTOther Suns, Other Earth? 15

Message from the American Centre for UFO Studies to the US Government 16

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 16-18

Ufo Reports from Australia 18

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 1 no 6 December 1980
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith; Dick, Matthew C.; Griesberg, Harry; Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

Harry GRIESBERGUFOCON 5 - 1980 2

Keith BASTERFIELDThe 1978 Missing Cessna Event
A Review Report

John PRYTZOpinion Polls & UFOs (1947-1977) 5-9

Matthew C. DICKSome Biological Explanations for UFO Trace Cases and Related Phenomena (Part 1) 10-13

Publications available from ACUFOS 13

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 14-16

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 2 no 1 February 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Name: Basterfield, Keith; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952); Dick, Matthew C.; Griesberg, Harry; Moravec, Mark; Prytz, John

Harry GRIESBERG, Keith BASTERFIELDEditorial1-2

Matthew C. DICKSome Biological Explanations for UFO Trace Cases and Related Phenomena (Part II) 3-7

K. BASTERFIELD, W. CHALKERThe 30th September 1980 Rosedale Victoria Event 7-10

John PRYTZAmerica's "Sonic Boom" Mystery of 1977-1978 10-12

Mark MORAVECEvaluating UFO Reports 13-15

Bill CHALKERHistorical Reports in Australia (I) 15-16

John PRYTZThe ACUFOS Bibliography Service 17-18

Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 2 no 2 March/April 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 2 no 3 May/June 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 2 no 4 July/August 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 2 no 5 September/October 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 2 no 6 November/December 1981
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 3 no 1 January/February 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 3 no 2 March/April 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 3 no 3 May/June 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 3 no 4 July/August 1982
The Australian Centre for UFO Studies, Gosford
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 3 no 5 September/October 1982
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 3 no 6 November/December 1982
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 4 no 1 January/February 1983
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 4 no 2 March/April 1983
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 4 no 3 May/June 1983
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 4 no 4 July/August 1983
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 4 no 5 September/October 1983
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 4 no 6 November/December 1983
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE
Image not available The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies

vol 5 no 1 January/February 1984
ACUFOS, Prospect

Editor: Frank GILLESPIE