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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Result: 1553, view from 76 to 100 - Page: 4 : 63

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Author: Franco BANDINI
Serie:Storia, biografie e diari
Publisher: Ugo Mursia Editore 2016
Name: Bandini, Franco (1921 - 2004)
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Author: Federico BELLINI
Title: DIARIO DI UN ADDOTTO Storie di Ordinaria Interferenza Aliena
Serie:Gli introvabili n. Volume I
Publisher: Risveglio Edizioni, Vecchiano (Pisa) 2016
Name: Bellini, Federico ; Possenti, Lorenzo
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Author: Rick HILBERG
Title: The Saucer Saga
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications 2016
Name: Hilberg, Rick R. ; Manak, Allan J. ; Owens, Benita C.
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Author: John E. MACK
(PASSPORT TO THE COSMOS Translated (from the English) by Roberta ARRIGONI )
Serie:I ponti di Venexia
Publisher: Venexia, Roma gennaio 2016
Name: Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004)
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Author: Corrado MALANGA
Serie:Nonordinari n. 16
Publisher: Spazio Interiore, Roma Aprile 2016
Name: Malanga, Corrado (1951)
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Author: Roberto PINOTTI
Title: UFO E EXTRATERRESTRI Ufologia e fenomeni connessi, rapporti ufficiali, astrobiologia, intelligence e scenari di contatto alieno
Publisher: De Vecchi (Giunti Editore), Firenze/Milano Nuova edizione aggiornata 2016
Name: Bibolotti, Vladimiro (1960) ; Pinotti, Roberto (1944)
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Author: Roberto PINOTTI
Title: UFO E VATICANO La Chiesa e la vita extraterrestre
Serie:Oscar Nuovi Misteri n. n. 135
Publisher: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano Novembre 2016
Name: Bibolotti, Vladimiro (1960) ; Giustozzi, Carlo ; Pinotti, Roberto (1944)
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Author: Roberto PINOTTI
Title: VIMANA gli UFO dell'antichità Extraterrestri nell'India protostorica?
(VIMANA gli UFO dell'antichità )
Publisher: Uno Editori Aprile 2016
Name: Bauval, Robert (1948) ; Biglino, Mauro (1950) ; Breccia, Stefano (1945 - 2012) ; Jochmans, Joseph Robert ; Manher, Michele ; Perucchietti, Enrica ; Pinotti, Roberto (1944) ; Proietti, Pier Luigi
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Author:Barbra SCHUESSLER SOBHANI (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2016 International UFO Symposium Proceedings UFOs: From Our Oceeans To Outer Space - Orlando, August 25-28. 2016
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Newport Beach 2016
Name: Angiola, Tony ; Costa, Cheryl ; Harris, Paola (1945) ; Hastings, Robert ; Hoffman, Rich ; Marden, Kathleen ; Marler, David ; Miller Costa, Linda ; Moss, Ben ; Powell, Robert ; Rojas, Alejandro ; Schuessler Sobhani, Barbra ; Strand, Erling
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Author: Giuseppe STILO
Title: IL QUINTO CAVALIERE DELL'APOCALISSE - Vol. II La grande ondata UFO del 1954 - Tomo secondo: dal 1° novembre al 31 dicembre
Publisher: Upiar, Torino 2016
Name: Stilo, Giuseppe (1965)
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Author: Jacques VALLÉE
(REVELATIONS Translated (from the English) by Federico LOPIPARO )
Serie:I ponti di Venexia
Publisher: Venexia, Roma Maggio 2016
Name: Vallée, Jacques (1939)
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Author: Jack WOMACK
Title: Flying Saucers Are Real!
Publisher: Anthology Editions, New York September 2016
Name: Daley, Michael P. ; Gibson, William ; Kugelberg, Johan ; McKee, Gabriel ; Womack, Jack
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Author: Enrico BACCARINI
Title: I Vimana e le guerre degli dei La riscoperta di una civiltà perduta, di una scienza dimenticata, di un antico sapere custodito tra India e Pakistan
Publisher: Enigma 2015
Name: Baccarini, Ennrico ; D'Innocenzo, Diego ; Hancock, Graham (1950)
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Author: Alessandra CALANCHI
Title: ALIENI A STELLE E STRISCE Marte e i marziani nell'immaginario USA
Serie:Rewind n. 1
Publisher: Aras Edizioni, Fano (PU) 2015
Name: Calanchi, Alessandra ; Dobner, Tullio
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Author: Andrew COLLINS
Title: LIGHTQUEST La Guida ai Luoghi delle Luci Misteriose, Intelligenze di Plasma, la Risposta alle Abductions e agli UFO
(LightQuest Traslated by Adriano ANGELINI )
Publisher: XPublishing, Roma 2015
Name: Collins, Andrew ; Forgione, Alberto
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Author: Rick HILBERG
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications 2015
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.
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Author: Claudio NIZZI
Title: Le iene di Lamont
Serie:Tex speciale : Collezione storica a colori n. 26
Publisher: Gruppo editoriale L'Espresso, Roma 2015
Name: Bonelli, Gianluigi ; Galleppini, Aurelio ; García Seijas, Ernesto ; Nizzi, Claudio
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Author: Roberto PINOTTI
Title: SIAMO EXTRATERRESTRI! Presenze aliene nel passato dell'umanità e nel nostro futuro
Publisher: De Vecchi (Giunti Editore), Milano/Firenze febbraio 2015
Name: Bibolotti, Vladimiro (1960) ; Pinotti, Roberto (1944)
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Author: Marcello PUPILLI
Title: BIBLIOCAT ICONOGRAFICO 2015 Catalogo illustrato della bibliografia ufologica e paraufologica italiana 1947-2014
Serie:Documenti UFO n. N. 42
Publisher: UPIAR, Torino Giugno 2015
Name: Pupilli, Marcello (1942) ; Russo, Edoardo (1959)
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Author:Barbra SCHUESSLER SOBHANI (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2015 International UFO Symposium Proceedings Expanding UFOlogy: Opening New Doors in Academia, Industry and Media - Irvine, September 24-27, 2015
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Newport Beach 2015
Name: Dennett, Preston E. ; du Tertre, Nancy ; D’Antonio, Marc ; Friedman, Stanton T. (1934 - 2019) ; Hellyer, Paul ; Jones, Cheryll ; Judkins, Aaron ; Maussan, Jose Jaime (1953) ; Meholic, Greg ; Schuessler Sobhani, Barbra ; Zimmerman, Linda
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Author: Jacques VALLÉE
(CONFRONTATIONS Translated (from the English) by Federico LOPIPARO )
Serie:I ponti di Venexia
Publisher: Venexia, Roma Luglio 2015
Name: Vallée, Jacques (1939)
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Title: La guida agli UFO Viaggio nei ritrovamenti ufologici
Serie:Archeo Misteri Book n. N. 4
Publisher: Zona Franca Edizioni 2014
Name: Gulli, Dario Maria ; Pinotti, Roberto (1944)
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Author:AA. VV.
Title: Focus Extra Universo alla ricerca della vita
Serie:Focus Extra n. 65 (Inverno)
Publisher: Gruner+Jahr/Mondadori, Milano 2014
Name: Beltramini, Daniela ; Bignami, Luigi ; Billi, Daniela ; Consoli, Marco ; Ferrari, Marco ; Polidoro, Massimo (1969) ; Ranzini, Gianluca ; Toselli, Paolo (1960) ; Venturoli, Daniele
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Author: Maharishi BHARADWAAJA
Title: VYMAANIKA SHAASTRA L'antico libro delle navi volanti
Publisher: XPublishing; Roma Gennaio 2014
Name: Bharadwaaja, Maharishi ; Malanga, Corrado (1951) ; Salvatici, Stefano (1961)
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Author: Antonio CHIUMIENTO
Publisher: Editoriale Programma, Treviso Novembre 2014
Name: Chiumiento, Antonio (1949) ; Covolo, Manuel ; Pescina, Cristiano ; Serafini, Franco
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Image not availableYear: 1971
Author: Franco BANDINI
ISBN13: 978-88-4255-701-2
Publisher: Ugo Mursia Editore
Serie: Storia, biografie e diari
Year: 2016
Pages: 86
Name: Bandini, Franco (1921 - 2004)
Image not availableYear: 2010
Author: Federico BELLINI
Storie di Ordinaria Interferenza Aliena
ISBN: 978-88-9900-9--
ISBN13: 978-88-9900-915-1
Publisher: Risveglio Edizioni, Vecchiano (Pisa)
Serie: Gli introvabili n. Volume I
Year: 2016
Pages: 132
Name: Bellini, Federico; Possenti, Lorenzo
Image not availableYear: 1992
Author: Rick HILBERG
Title: The Saucer Saga

Editor: Carol HILBERG
Cover Artist: Allan J. MANAK, Benita C. OWENS
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications
Year: 2016
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.; Manak, Allan J.; Owens, Benita C.
Image not availableAuthor: John E. MACK
Originally published as: PASSPORT TO THE COSMOS - 1999
Translated (from the English) by Roberta ARRIGONI
ISBN13: 978-88-9768-889-1
Publisher: Venexia, Roma gennaio
Serie: I ponti di Venexia
Year: 2016
Pages: 356
Name: Mack, John E. (1929 - 2004)
Image not availableYear: 1998
Author: Corrado MALANGA
ISBN13: 978-88-9786-482-0
Publisher: Spazio Interiore, Roma Aprile
Serie: Nonordinari n. 16
Year: 2016
Pages: 302 p. ; 22 cm
Name: Malanga, Corrado (1951)

Prefazione alla seconda edizione 9-34

Capitolo 1

Capitolo 2
Gli UFO e l'evoluzione del pensiero scientifico in relazione al potere politico37-52

Capitolo 3
Uova di Pasqua e sorprese53-62

Capitolo 4
E finalmente comincia la storia: un caso perfetto?63-74

Capitolo 5
Il mondo onirico di Valerio75-84

Capitolo 6
La prima seduta d'ipnosi regressiva85-101

Capitolo 7
Un'inattesa svolta nelle indagini103-111

Capitolo 8
Dietro l'angolo della seconda ipnosi113-127

Capitolo 9
Abduction e scienza ovvero: mentre Galileo se la ride Valerio sogna129-144

Capitolo 10
Fino in fondo!145-161

Capitolo 11
La verità, nient'altro che la verità163-170

Capitolo 12
L'altro incontro171-183

Capitolo 13
Dentro di noi c'è la verità187-205

Capitolo 14
Esseri alieni, ricordi falsi e dita delle mani: il bestiario si complica207-223

Capitolo 15
Sfondiamo il muro dei ricordi!225-242

Capitolo 16
Usi e abusi: ma gli alieni sono buoni o cattivi?243-255

Capitolo 17
Uomini o cavie?257-270

Capitolo 18
Una storia fantastica? No grazie!271-287

Conclusioni 289-290

Mauro MORETTIIl parere dell'ipnologo 291-294

Il parere dello psicologo
R. BONOMO, P. CONCERTO, S. SANTORO, G.M. SFERRAZZAA proposito di un modello psicologico d'intervento nei casi di "adbuction"295-302

Image not availableYear: 2011
Author: Roberto PINOTTI
Ufologia e fenomeni connessi, rapporti ufficiali, astrobiologia, intelligence e scenari di contatto alieno

Preface: Vladimiro BIBOLOTTI
ISBN13: 978-88-4120-968-4
Publisher: De Vecchi (Giunti Editore), Firenze/Milano Nuova edizione aggiornata
Year: 2016
Pages: 511 p., [16] carte di tav. : i
Name: Bibolotti, Vladimiro (1960); Pinotti, Roberto (1944)

Vladimiro BIBOLOTTIPrefazione5-8

Premessa dell'autore 9-10

Parte prima - Il fenomeno UFO tra ieri e oggi
Gli UFO ante litteram13-43
La storia del fenomeno44-94
Il volto del fenomeno: aspetti di una casistica ricorrente95-279

Parte seconda - Il fenomeno tra documenti, pareri, personaggi, implicazioni e scenari
I documenti ufficiali: una panoramica globale283-315
Personaggi e opinioni316-360
Prospettive extraterrestri361-382
Scenari di contatto383-413

Parte terza - Dizionario di ufologia: nomi, eventi, protagonisti415-498

Bibliografia 499-511

Image not availableAuthor: Roberto PINOTTI
La Chiesa e la vita extraterrestre

Preface: Vladimiro BIBOLOTTI
ISBN13: 978-88-0466-543-4
Publisher: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano Novembre
Serie: Oscar Nuovi Misteri n. n. 135
Year: 2016
Pages: 292 p., [4] carte di tav. ; 20
Name: Bibolotti, Vladimiro (1960); Giustozzi, Carlo; Pinotti, Roberto (1944)

Vladimiro BIBOLOTTIPrefazione5-6

Gli alieni oggi: soggetti di diritto e possibili vicini 9-25

UFO crashes 26-41

Una paventata invasione 42-47

A caccia di extraterrestri 48-70

Extraterrestri e UFO 71-77

Messaggi nei campi? 78-87

Tracce nella storia: apparizioni e culti 88-107

Dalle manifestazioni di Fatima agli UFO e gli alieni di ieri e di oggi 108-121

Alieni e teologia 122-136

Prospettive internazionali 137-148

Religioni e UFO 149-155

Una "scolarizzazione planetaria" 156-163

Un'epocale opportunità per il cristianesimo: dagli angeli ali alieni 164-197

USA, Europa, Santa Russia e Vaticano 198-228

I destini del mondo 229-241

Carlo GIUSTOZZIGesù Cristo ed extraterrestri: assurdità o sfida per la fede cristiana?243-279

Image not availableAuthor: Roberto PINOTTI
Title: VIMANA gli UFO dell'antichità
Extraterrestri nell'India protostorica?
(Gia' pubblicato come: VIMANA gli UFO dell'antichità)
ISBN: 88-988296-8-X
ISBN13: 978-88-9882-968-2
Publisher: Uno Editori Aprile
Year: 2016
Pages: 280 pp.
Name: Bauval, Robert (1948); Biglino, Mauro (1950); Breccia, Stefano (1945 - 2012); Jochmans, Joseph Robert; Manher, Michele; Perucchietti, Enrica; Pinotti, Roberto (1944); Proietti, Pier Luigi

Robert BAUVALPrefazione 7-10

Stefano BRECCIAI vimana e le loro armi11-30

Pier Luigi PROIETTIInvito alla lettura critica delle scritture sacre dell'induismo31-60

Premessa dell'autore
Roberto PINOTTII perché di questo libro: chiarire e approfondire oltre il sensazionalismo61-91

Astronavi, extraterrestri e bombe nucleari nell'India protostorica?

Roberto PINOTTI2
Tradizioni Indo-Ariane e storia dell'astronautica

I vimana a Mohenjo-Daro oggi: domande e risposte

Appendice 1
Joseph Robert JOCHMANSTracce di un 'antichissima era nucleare?183-209

Appendice 2
Michele MANHERLe armi Mahâbhârata211-230

Mauro BIGLINOPostfazione 231-232

Image not availableAuthor: Barbra SCHUESSLER SOBHANI (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2016 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
UFOs: From Our Oceeans To Outer Space - Orlando, August 25-28. 2016
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Newport Beach
Year: 2016
Pages: 238
Name: Angiola, Tony; Costa, Cheryl; Harris, Paola (1945); Hastings, Robert; Hoffman, Rich; Marden, Kathleen; Marler, David; Miller Costa, Linda; Moss, Ben; Powell, Robert; Rojas, Alejandro; Schuessler Sobhani, Barbra; Strand, Erling

Robert HASTINGSUFOs and Nukes: A History and Update 21-59

Richard THIEMEAgainst the Wind: Why People Can't Think Seriously About UFOs 60-70

Erling STRANDThe Hessdalen Phenomenon and Project Hessdalen – what has been achieved? 71-81

Kathleen MARDENUFOs: Two Sides to Every Story 82-110

Robert POWELLMUFON’s Top Cases Submitted in 2015 111-126

Rich HOFFMANUnknown Target: The 2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP Case Study 128-158

Bill SCHROEDERThe 1967 Florida UFO Flap 159-168

Cheryl COSTA, Linda MILLER COSTAThe Nationwide UFO Magnitude Study 169-174


Alejandro ROJASOfficial Government UFO Research Organizations 179-199

David MARLERThe Flying Saucer Invasion of 1950 –Farmington, New Mexico and Beyond 200-222

Paola HARRISFrom Our Oceans to Outer Space: An international perspective on astronaut testimonies about space travel and underwater bases 223-238

Image not availableAuthor: Giuseppe STILO
La grande ondata UFO del 1954 - Tomo secondo: dal 1° novembre al 31 dicembre
Publisher: Upiar, Torino
Year: 2016
Pages: 504 pp., ill.
Name: Stilo, Giuseppe (1965)
Image not availableAuthor: Jacques VALLÉE
Originally published as: REVELATIONS - 1991
Translated (from the English) by Federico LOPIPARO
Publisher: Venexia, Roma Maggio
Serie: I ponti di Venexia
Year: 2016
Pages: 279 p. : ill. ; 22 cm
Name: Vallée, Jacques (1939)
Image not availableAuthor: Jack WOMACK
Title: Flying Saucers Are Real!

Editor: Michael P. DALEY, Johan KUGELBERG, Gabriel McKEE
Foreword: William GIBSON
ISBN: 1-944860-00-4
ISBN13: 978-19-4486-000-4
Publisher: Anthology Editions, New York September
Year: 2016
Pages: 286
Name: Daley, Michael P.; Gibson, William; Kugelberg, Johan; McKee, Gabriel; Womack, Jack
Image not availableYear: 2014
Author: Enrico BACCARINI
Title: I Vimana e le guerre degli dei
La riscoperta di una civiltà perduta, di una scienza dimenticata, di un antico sapere custodito tra India e Pakistan

Afterword: Diego D'INNOCENZO
Foreword: Graham HANCOCK
ISBN13: 978-88-9930-300-6
Publisher: Enigma
Year: 2015
Pages: 324
Name: Baccarini, Ennrico; D'Innocenzo, Diego; Hancock, Graham (1950)
Image not availableAuthor: Alessandra CALANCHI
Marte e i marziani nell'immaginario USA

Afterword: Tullio DOBNER
ISBN13: 978-88-9861-575-9
Publisher: Aras Edizioni, Fano (PU)
Serie: Rewind n. 1
Year: 2015
Pages: 348 p.
Name: Calanchi, Alessandra; Dobner, Tullio
Image not availableAuthor: Andrew COLLINS
La Guida ai Luoghi delle Luci Misteriose, Intelligenze di Plasma, la Risposta alle Abductions e agli UFO
Originally published as: LightQuest -
Traslated by Adriano ANGELINI
ISBN: 88-972861-3-5
ISBN13: 978-88-9728-613-4
Publisher: XPublishing, Roma
Year: 2015
Pages: 271 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Name: Collins, Andrew; Forgione, Alberto

Ringraziamenti 6-7

Capitolo 1 - Marfa
Le Luci del Mistero9
La Chiave è il Plasma16
Sorti della Terra22
La Luce della Stella39

Capitolo 2 - Avebury
Le Luci dell'Alba49
Ripensare Avebury54
Globi Giocosi62
Great balls of Fire69

Capitolo 3 - Alton Barnes
Luci su Alton Barnes81
Luci dalla Terra Sorgono87
L'Incidente di Boreham Down93
Universi di Passaggio100

Capitolo 4 - Warminster
Il Motociclista Fantasma112
Misterioso Territorio117
Il Regno delle Fate124
Evocando Magonia132

Capitolo 5 - Aveley
Il Rapimento di Aveley142
Saltare lo Spazio-Tempo151
Ridefinire Aveley165

Capitolo 6 - Il Distretto di Peak
Il Viaggio Indesiderato172
Le Luci Danzanti di Dove Dale178

Capitolo 7 - Allagash
I Quattri di Allagash186
il Dopo Allagash191
Il Mistero di Rapid Waters201

Capitolo 8 - Indian Head Rock
Origini del Rapimento209
Creare un Universo Bolla215
... E loro Sono Noi224

I Luoghi delle Luci
Consigli per visitare i luoghi delle luci presentati in questo saggio

Bibliografia 261-268

Image not availableAuthor: Rick HILBERG
Publisher: R. Hilberg Publications
Year: 2015
Pages: 42
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.


Image not availableAuthor: Claudio NIZZI
Title: Le iene di Lamont

Editor: Claudio NIZZI
Cover Artist: Ernesto GARCÍA SEIJAS
Publisher: Gruppo editoriale L'Espresso, Roma
Serie: Tex speciale : Collezione storica a colori n. 26
Year: 2015
Pages: 238 p. : fumetti ; 29 cm
Name: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; García Seijas, Ernesto ; Nizzi, Claudio

Luca BARBIERIQuando i cowboys incontrano gli alieni 9-14

Image not availableAuthor: Roberto PINOTTI
Presenze aliene nel passato dell'umanità e nel nostro futuro

Preface: Vladimiro BIBOLOTTI
ISBN13: 978-88-4120-891-5
Publisher: De Vecchi (Giunti Editore), Milano/Firenze febbraio
Year: 2015
Pages: 303
Name: Bibolotti, Vladimiro (1960); Pinotti, Roberto (1944)

Vladimiro BIBOLOTTIPrefazione7

Premessa dell'autore 8-9

La ETH (Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis) e il passato dell'umanità 11-22

Inviati celesti fra mito, tradizione e anacronismi storico-archeologici 23-34

Anche nella Bibbia: Angeli o alieni? 35-54

Dai "vimana" indù ai carri celesti cinesi all'America precolombiana fino all'Egitto preistorico 55-100

Paleoastronautica, tecnologie anacronistiche e OOPARTs 101-184

Un passato tutto da riscrivere 185-204

Da ieri a oggi: tiriamo le somme 205-242

Apparato iconografico 243-273

Bibliografia essenziale 275-303

Image not availableAuthor: Marcello PUPILLI
Catalogo illustrato della bibliografia ufologica e paraufologica italiana 1947-2014

Preface: Edoardo RUSSO
Con DVD. La parte stampata è la presentazione. Il catalogo è sul DVD come files Word, PDF e Excel
Publisher: UPIAR, Torino Giugno
Serie: Documenti UFO n. N. 42
Year: 2015
Name: Pupilli, Marcello (1942); Russo, Edoardo (1959)
Image not availableAuthor: Barbra SCHUESSLER SOBHANI (ed.)
Title: MUFON 2015 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
Expanding UFOlogy: Opening New Doors in Academia, Industry and Media - Irvine, September 24-27, 2015
Publisher: Mutual UFO Network, Newport Beach
Year: 2015
Pages: 199
Name: Dennett, Preston E.; du Tertre, Nancy; D’Antonio, Marc; Friedman, Stanton T. (1934 - 2019); Hellyer, Paul; Jones, Cheryll; Judkins, Aaron; Maussan, Jose Jaime (1953); Meholic, Greg; Schuessler Sobhani, Barbra; Zimmerman, Linda

Paul Hellyer21
Paul HELLYERUniversal Control and Dominance22-29
Abstract: Extraterrestrial influence may have been felt in Biblical days, but awareness began when we learned that an alien species helped the Germans in World War II. Another species is alleged to have advised the Allies. When the war came to a chilling end with the introduction of nuclear technology, thoughtful people everywhere said “never again.” Unfortunately, we humans seem incapable of learning from our mistakes. Years before World War II ended, the Council on Foreign Relations began plotting a new American Empire even grander than the one Hitler had hoped for. The Council allied itself with the secret Bilderbergers, the banking and oil cartels, CEOs of transnational corporations, elements of intelligence agencies and armed forces in what I call the Cabal, with unprecedented power in the U.S. and beyond. Its end game is a New World Order – a universal dictatorship – achieved through a combination of financial and military might, including spacecraft equipped with ET technology. The plan is proceeding on track, and totally in the dark. Is this a Doomsday scenario destined to end in an Armageddon, if not the extinction of the human species? Or is there something that can be done to stop it? This is the question that must be fully explored before it is too late!

Marc D’Antonio30
Marc D’ANTONIOLight Years to Earth31-39
Abstract: Marc is an expert in many areas. He possesses incredible amounts of knowledge and information. The end result is that at this Symposium, he will lecture about "Light Years to Earth" which explores the current state of our understanding of Exoplanets and how these new finds have sparked an entirely new scientific study. It is designed to find alien civilizations that may have managed to bridge the vast distances and perhaps may have found us. That being said, Marc will discuss the expected number of Earth-like planets in our own galaxy, hinting that the existence of an advanced civilization is very likely quite high. Tantalizing science is before us, therefore, the need to create a scientifically based search program has become a high priority. You have got to be able to “sink your teeth” into this type of formalized plan. Currently, UFO case evidence is scant, with a fuzzy picture or a shaky video. Mark will explain how such problems can be alleviated.

Robert Schroeder40
Robert SCHROEDERHow Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs41-73
Abstract: Robert Schroeder is the author of the book "Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs." The book and his lecture focus on the evolution of modern physics and how recent theories are pointing toward a potential explanation of UFO technology. According to Schroeder, people are often skeptical about the UFO phenomenon. However, they shouldn't be. A subset of historical UFO reports of approximately 5% are from highly credible witnesses who are frequently backed by hard data such as radar tapes or gun camera film. Astronauts Gordon Cooper and Buzz Aldrin, as well as astronomer Clyde Tombaugh who is the discoverer of Pluto, have all publicly described their UFO sightings. They are good examples of individuals who are believable because of their background, knowledge, and education. What is of great interest is that we may be on the threshold of understanding the technology of UFOs. In a nutshell, it was once thought that the idea of extra dimensions was strictly the domain of science fiction. That has all changed in the last several decades since physicists appear to be closing in on a final "Theory of Everything" (TOE) which suggests that we may live in an eleven dimensional universe. These cutting edge theories are now being tested at the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland. Among the theories being tested is one called "Warped Geometry" by a Harvard physicist which may allow for fast interstellar travel in the extra dimensions. Spectrographic data from actual UFO sightings would confirm whether or not these craft are using technology that we are now on the cusp of unraveling ourselves.

Linda Zimmerman74
Linda ZIMMERMANHudson Valley UFOs: A Century of Sightings75-80
Abstract: For over 100 years, residents of New York’s Hudson Valley have been experiencing startling UFO encounters and sightings. From the “mysterious airships” of the early 1900s, to “missing time” cases since the 1920s, to the wave of massive triangles in the 1980s, to fascinating presentday cases, author Linda Zimmermann’s research points to the possibility that this region may be the most active in the country. Her interviews with hundreds of eyewitnesses have uncovered detailed accounts from lawenforcement, military personnel, pilots, doctors, law professors, teachers, and elected officials who know they have encountered things that defy conventional explanations. In addition, Zimmermann has recorded numerous multi-generational abduction/contactee cases, which has led her to refer to the valley as “Abduction Alley.” The most famous wave of sightings occurred in the Hudson Valley in the 1980s and 1990s, when tens of thousands of witnesses stopped their cars on highways to watch in awe as massive, silent triangular-shaped craft hovered silently overhead, as close as treetop level. But cases go far beyond those decades, with the cigar and disc-shaped craft of the 1950s-1980s. In recent years, huge rectangular-shaped UFOs have been seen, as well as cylindrical objects that appear to have no form of propulsion, yet can hover in place for hours. In short, the history of Hudson Valley sightings includes every manner of shape and experience, and extends for a period of more than a century. Is it the number one hotspot for UFO activity in the county? After hearing the evidence, you decide.

Cheryll Jones81
Cheryll JONESETs, UFOs and the Media....Past, Present and Future82-93
Abstract: On July 8, 1947 the Roswell Daily Record published a front page story with a world famous headline, "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region.” Within hours other newspapers were picking up the story off the news wires and reporters were making travel arrangements to New Mexico. Had those reporters made their way to Roswell and interviewed the scores of witnesses to the week's events, the world might have learned of the extraterrestrial presence in 1947. The next day the Record published a new story with the headline, "Gen. Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer.” The reporters on their way to New Mexico turned around, went home and the world has waited 68 years to learn a profound truth is still withheld. These two headlines and the stories behind them perfectly bracket the history of the media dilemma regarding the extraterrestrial presence aspect and the government imposed truth embargo on that issue. Imagine... a third headline that might soon complete the circle, "We Are Not Alone!" The type would be very large. It would fill the entire front page. How has the Fourth Estate, a group or institution such as the media who has influence that is not necessarily recognized officially, failed the American people and its own journalistic code? What, if anything, can be done to help American journalism be the leading force Joseph Pulitzer envisioned? Broadcast journalist and veteran CNN news anchor/meteorologist Cheryll Jones will examine the media's engagement of the UFO/extraterrestrial issue since 1947… and what roles MUFON and the media might play in ending the truth embargo the media has enabled for 68 years. Cheryll is a polished professional journalist not afraid to acknowledge her great interest in the extraordinary issues surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomena and exopolitics. ______________________________________________

Greg Meholic94
Greg MEHOLICAdvanced Space Propulsion Concepts for Interstellar Travel95-130
Abstract: The presentation begins by examining just a few of the compelling reasons why humans should explore the heavens beyond the bounds of the solar system. Certain terms and issues are defined to clarify the requirements of such daunting journeys. The talk then centers around the key technology required to make such missions possible—propulsion. To start with, a brief discussion is given on the state of the art of in-space chemical propulsion systems to develop a foundation of where engine technology is today. The talk then takes an evolutionary approach by exploring some of the more advanced engine systems intended for long-range solar system exploration, such as nuclear engines, antimatter engines and interstellar ramjets, which define the capability limits of chemical propulsion. After comparing the predicted performance of these advanced concepts to the requirements for interstellar journeys, the focus will then shift to describe a new paradigm of “propellantless” propulsion schemes that have their basis in modern theoretical physics and cosmology. If found attainable, concepts such as space-time manipulation, faster-than-light travel, wormholes, quantum drives, and so on, may provide the only viable propulsion options to enable reasonable trip times to distant stars. To show that these ideas are not merely the dreams of science-fiction, brief descriptions will be given on the latest, global, experimental efforts to explore the fundamentals behind some of these intriguing concepts. The talk will end with some inspiring conclusions and hopefully instill the belief that mankind will someday move beyond the bounds of our solar neighborhood.

Nancy du Tertre131
Nancy DU TERTREExolinguistics: How to Speak to an Alien132-146
Abstract: Much of the field of ufology has been focused on forensic reconstruction of UFO sightings and crashes. Even the study of alien abductions is based upon reconstructing old memories. There has been little to no discussion to date about how to communicate with other intelligent species. Why is that? If alien species have the capability to shut down nuclear missile sites and nuclear power plants, abduct people from their beds at night, violate airspace with impunity, engage military jets in fruitless dogfights, mutilate cattle and livestock, cause spontaneous healing of diseases and injuries, bring technological advances beyond our wildest dreams, and transfer information from other planets and dimensions, wouldn’t it be in our best national interest to figure out how to communicate with them? The purpose of Nancy's extraordinary lecture is to talk about the practicalities of communication with alien species and how we, as humans, can learn how to do this. Her unique background as an attorney, trained intuitive, and remote viewer give her some interesting insights into ways to approach this issue – particularly in light of the fact that many reports of alien communication involve telepathy.

Aaron Judkins147
Aaron JUDKINSReturn of the Nephilim148-155
Abstract: There is a strange phenomenon that has been occurring on our planet throughout history. Yes, I’m talking about UFO’s. I know what you’re thinking. “We’ve heard all there is to hear regarding the UFO phenomenon.” But have you really? You may be surprised to learn what you don’t know. As we look at the UFO phenomenon, you should know right from the start UFOs also have a religious overtone to them. They are referenced to the Bible, Ezekiel and the book of Genesis by every writer of UFO material. In order to understand the UFO phenomenon, you need to understand that there were "gods" on this earth before the flood of Noah's day and they will appear on this earth again before the 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ. These "gods" cohabited with human women and produced a race of giants and they will be back as well. Goliath and King Og was of the remnant of these giants after the Flood who inhabit Canaan in Numbers 13:33. The names of these gods have survived in myth form in Greek, Roman and Babylonian mythology. The "gods" are the fallen Angels who produced the giants, which they will do again! Will we see the return of the Nephilim? This is not just another look at UFO’s. It answers a very critical question. Why are they here? What is their intent? Let’s look behind the scenes of the UFO phenomenon and the Fallen Angel connection

Preston Dennett156
Preston DENNETTIs There an Undersea UFO Base Off the California Coast?157-171
Abstract: Dennett wrote an article about under water UFOs for Fate Magazine, and then appeared on the History Channel's Deep Sea UFOs. The result was that he received a flood of e-mails, calls, and letters from new witnesses detailing many dramatic USO (Unidentified Submersible Object) cases that had never been revealed before. Dennett discovered that the Southern California Coast is one of the world's leading producers of undersea USO. The reports stretch back to the late 1940's and continue to this day. After years of researching and interviewing hundreds of witnesses, he has come to the startling conclusion that there is an undersea UFO base in the Santa Catalina Channel. Dennett will reveal the incredible results of his investigation in his exciting presentation. He will tell you about his first hand cases of undersea USO activity in Southern California and around the world. He is going to provide evidence of government surveillance and cover-up. He will present photographs of UFOs and artwork based on eyewitness accounts. You are going to get a "behind the scenes" look at his involvement with the History Channel's Deep Sea UFOs I & II, UFO Hunters, and much more. How big is this alleged USO base? When was it made? Where exactly is it located? Is anyone inside of the base? If so, who is in it? What does our government know that they are not telling us? Dennett will answer all of these questions and much more.

Jaime Maussan172
Jaime MAUSSANVideo Evidence the UFOs are Real173-186
Abstract: As a well-known UFO journalist and global TV personality for the past 40 years Jaime has received UFO photographs and video footage from tens of thousands of people from all over the world. Jaime will present the most recent Developments of The UFO Field supported by photographic and video evidence, Including Intelligent Spheres, UFOS captured using advanced technology like Infrared, Flir Cameras, Security Cameras. UFOs and Airplanes Security. UFOs seen near Volcanic Activity and The Aftermath of The Presentation of the “Roswell Slides”. If you want to see what is being reported around the world in a highly visual presentation this is it. You be the judge.

Stanton T. Friedman187
Stanton T. FRIEDMANMaking UFOlogy Respectable188-197

Image not availableAuthor: Jacques VALLÉE
Originally published as: CONFRONTATIONS - 1989
Translated (from the English) by Federico LOPIPARO
ISBN13: 978-88-9768-884-6
Publisher: Venexia, Roma Luglio
Serie: I ponti di Venexia
Year: 2015
Pages: 252 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Name: Vallée, Jacques (1939)
Image not availableAuthor:
Title: La guida agli UFO
Viaggio nei ritrovamenti ufologici

Foreword: Dario Maria GULLI, Roberto PINOTTI
Publisher: Zona Franca Edizioni
Serie: Archeo Misteri Book n. N. 4
Year: 2014
Pages: 112
Name: Gulli, Dario Maria; Pinotti, Roberto (1944)

Dario GULLI, Roberto PINOTTIIntroduzione 3

Maury Island

Fukuoka (Giappone)

Barra da Tijuca





Shag Harbour


Berwyn Montain

North Bergen







Gulf Breeze

L'ondata belga




Ciudada del Carmen e Copalar

Tinley Park

Contea di Morris


Gli altri luoghi da vedere 86-112

Image not availableAuthor: AA. VV.
Title: Focus Extra
Universo alla ricerca della vita
Publisher: Gruner+Jahr/Mondadori, Milano
Serie: Focus Extra n. 65 (Inverno)
Year: 2014
Pages: 115
Name: Beltramini, Daniela; Bignami, Luigi; Billi, Daniela; Consoli, Marco; Ferrari, Marco; Polidoro, Massimo (1969); Ranzini, Gianluca; Toselli, Paolo (1960); Venturoli, Daniele

Gianluca RANZINIVicini alla risposta definitiva 5

Gianluca RANZINISiamo davvero soli nel cosmo?
Una domanda filosofica che l’uomo si pone da sempre. E alla quale la scienza potrebbe trovare presto risposta

Marco FERRARIL'universo vivente
La scienza è ancora alla ricerca del vero E.T. Ecco come (e dove) potrebbe trovare altri pianeti abitati.

Luigi BIGNAMISe i nostri vicini fossero dei pesci...
La ricerca su Marte è ancora in corso. Ma la vera sorpresa potrebbe arrivare da Europa, una luna ghiacciata di Giove che ospita un vasto oceano.

Li vedremo da qui
Strumenti presenti e futuri che scandagliano il cielo in cerca (anche) di esseri viventi.

Luigi BIGNAMIMondi molto lontani
Uno dei campi più effervescenti della ricerca attuale che riguarda la vita nell'universo è quello dei pianeti fuori dal Sistema solare. Ne conosciamo già 2 mila.

Daniele VENTUROLISiamo figli delle stelle
Molecole arrivate sulla Terra a cavallo di asteroidi e comete? Una volta era un’idea fantascientifica, oggi è diventata una solida ipotesi di ricerca.

Daniele VENTUROLII mattoni della vita
Nello spazio si formano composti organici semplici, ma fondamentali per spiegare l'origine dei viventi. Anche sulla Terra.

Daniela BILLIQuasi immortali
Batteri e licheni riescono a sopravvivere in ambienti in cui l'uomo morirebbe. Per questo sono presi a modello per i viventi di altri pianeti.

È il luogo più interessante dove cercare, ma è anche... bellissimo. Il pianeta rosso dà il meglio di sé in queste foto
Arte o Marte?

Luigi BIGNAMIAl via le nuove navette per portare l’uomo nello spazio. Così, tra privati e agenzie spaziali, tutto il settore è in fer
Gli eredi degli Shuttle

Rendere verde il pianeta rosso
Trasformare Marte in un pianeta abitabile non sarà semplice, ma è possibile. Ecco come potremmo riuscirci, in due fasi.

Daniela BELTRAMINITutti i rischi del mestiere
Gli astronauti perdono massa ossea, hanno problemi alla vista e possono ammalarsi di tumore. Ma la ricerca ha già trovato alcuni rimedi per ridurre il più possibile i danni.

Paolo Nespoli: sulla Iss sono stato così 72

Se esistessero, ci avrebbero trovati?
Gli alieni non sono ancora arrivati. Secondo Enrico Fermi, ne avrebbero avuto tutto il tempo...

Paolo TOSELLIMa gli Ufo non possono volare
Molti degli oggetti avvistati in questi anni non potrebbero reggersi in aria. E non è l’unica ragione per dubitare della loro esistenza...

Hawking: «Ma forse sarebbe meglio non incontrarli» 79

Massimo POLIDOROFantasie piovute dal cielo
Cerchi nel grano, piramidi, dischi volanti... c’è chi vede l’intervento degli extraterrestri dappertutto.

Ufo nell'arte: la clipeologia 85

Marco FERRARIEcco come sono fatti gli alieni: devono avere occhi, cervello, zampe e scheletro. Al resto, pensa la natura.
Creature di altre galassie

Quegli adorabili marziani
Gli abitanti del pianeta rosso sono gli alieni per antonomasia. È un’avventura tra scienza e fiction.

Schiaparelli: le sue mappe con i canali 99

Marco CONSOLISono videogame, ma sempre più spesso basati su dati reali. E in alcuni c’è addirittura lo zampino della Nasa.
Mondi per gioco

Marco CONSOLILe scoperte e le ipotesi degli astronomi contemporanei sono già arrivate al cinema.
Scienza sul grande schermo

Luigi BIGNAMICercasi alieno sulla Luna
Secondo un famoso scienziato si dovrebbero cercare manufatti di E.T. sul nostro satellite.

La Luna e la vita terrestre 111

In diretta dal profondo
Collisioni tra galassie, esplosioni di supernovae, nebulose turbolente. In questo scenario non certo “ospitale” si formano tutti i componenti fondamentali per la vita.

Image not availableAuthor: Maharishi BHARADWAAJA
L'antico libro delle navi volanti

Editor: Corrado MALANGA, Stefano SALVATICI
Preface: Corrado MALANGA, Stefano SALVATICI
ISBN13: 978-88-9728-610-3
Publisher: XPublishing; Roma Gennaio
Year: 2014
Pages: 175 p. , ill.
Name: Bharadwaaja, Maharishi; Malanga, Corrado (1951); Salvatici, Stefano (1961)
Image not availableAuthor: Antonio CHIUMIENTO
ISBN13: 978-88-6643-287-6
Publisher: Editoriale Programma, Treviso Novembre
Year: 2014
Pages: 161 p., XIV p. di tav. : ill. ; 21 cm
Name: Chiumiento, Antonio (1949); Covolo, Manuel; Pescina, Cristiano; Serafini, Franco


Capitolo primo
Episodi inerenti all'osservazione di una stranissima e altissima creatura11-53

Capitolo secondo
Franco SERAFINIDue relazioni dell'astrofilo Franco Serafini54-135

Capitolo terzo
Manuel COVOLOIndagini effettuate da Manuel Covolo, collaboratore dell'autore137-148

Capitolo quarto
Cristiano PESCINAUn contributo di Cristiano Pescina, collaboratore dell'autore149-159

Ringraziamenti 161

Photo gallery i-xvi