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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2024-9-15

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Maidstone, Kent
Vol. 30 N. 4 May 1985

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 30 N. 5 June 1985

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 30 N. 6 August 1985

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 31 N. 1 October 1985

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 31 N. 2 January 1986

32 pp.
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An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 31 N. 3 March 1986

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 31 N. 4 May 1986

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 31 N. 5 July 1986

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 31 N. 6 October 1986

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 32 N. 1 Spring 1986

32 pp.
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An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 32 N. 5 August 1987

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 32 N. 6 November 1987

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 32 N. 2 February 1987

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 32 N. 3 April 1987

32 pp.
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 32 N. 4 June 1987

32 pp.
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The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 33 N. 1 March Quarter 1988

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 33 N. 2 June Quarter 1988

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 33 N. 3 September Quater 1988

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 33 N. 4 December 1988

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 34 N. 1 March Quarter 1989

28 pp.
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no imageno image no image no imageno image no image no imageno image no image no imageno image no image no imageno image no image
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 34 N. 2 June Quarter 1989

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 34 N. 3 September Quarter 1989

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 34 N. 4 December Quarter 1989

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 35 N. 1 March Quarter 1990

28 pp.
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent
Vol. 35 N. 2 June Quarter 1990

28 pp.

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 30 N. 4 May 1985
FSR Publications Ltd, Maidstone, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952); Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Cunnington, Christine; Fox-Strangways, Raymond; Grattan-Guinness, Ivor; Hall, Phyllis D.; Perego, Alberto (1903 - 1981); Powell, David; Ribera, Antonio Jorda (1920 - 2001); Russo, Edoardo (1959); Schwarz, Berthold Eric (1924 - 2010); Smith, Malcolm; Snyder, Richard

Dr Hynek hits the jackpot1

Antonio RIBERAThe Soria abduction
Part II

Correction. Philby & Hollis 11

Ivor GRATTAN-GUINNESSOn sources for the hostility to psychical research 12-15

The Russian again 15-17

Gordon CREIGHTON"Great crosses" over Rome and Washington, D.C., in November 1954 18-22

Richard SNYDERSpanners, monkey wrenches, and the ufologist 23-25

G.c.An important revelation regarding "pulsed light-tracks" 25

Edoardo RUSSOItalian update 1984 26

Mail Bag
Appreciated in New Zealand27
"Delta" or "Boomerang" Over West Yorkshire?27
Unpalatable Truths27

An Italian consultant for FSR 27

Mail Bag
The Valentich Case - Important Further Comment28
"Indirect Hypnosis"?28
From a South African Reader28
Some Remarkable Dream Experiences28-29
Rendlesham, "Revolving Double-Breasted Liars", etc.29

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 30 N. 5 June 1985
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Billois, Eric; Conway, Graham; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Fontanet, Edgardo R.; Greenwood, Barry J. (1953); Grise, Allan; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011); Jamaludin, Ahmad; Liang, Hung; Llewellyn, John D.; Petit, James; Ribera, Antonio Jorda (1920 - 2001); Spanton, D. M.; Spaulding, William H.; Vostrukhin, V.

Our time is short1

Antonio RIBERAThe Soria abduction
Part III (conclusion)

G.c.Jane Thomas (Maria-Angela Thomas Guma) 8

John D. LLEWELLYN"You can bet on it!" 8-9

G.c.Sinister rot? 9-10

Ahmad JAMALUDINThe Malaysian UFO scene: a further report 10-12

Gung LIANGPossible "UFO" accounts in old Chinese country records? 13+23-24

V. VOSTRUKHINFull text of Russian report of UFO seen by aircraft crews on Tbilisirostov-Route 14-16

Will the Earth be struck again soon? 16-19

Eric BILLOISAn unwonted apparition in Spain 20-22
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 28 N. 249-250 Mars-Avril/1985 APPARITION HORS DU COMMUM EN ESPAGNE, pp. 38-41 )

C. G. Jung on UFOs 22

The "piezo-perinatal" scene: a letter from Budd Hopkins to "Fate" Magazine 24-26

Edgardo R. FONTANETAnother "A.V.B." case from Brazil 26-27+23

Mail Bag
Missing Time28
"Clear Intent"28
Getting to the heart of the Matter?28
Personality changes after UFO experiences?28-29
Feds to the Rescue29
Beef Rations29
Goofballs from Ganymede29

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 30 N. 6 August 1985
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Aleixo, Hulvio Brant (1926 - 2006); Benitez, Juan José (1946); Chiumiento, Antonio (1949); Conway, Graham; Cox, Raymond E.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Decker, Rosemary; Fowler, Omar; Homsho, Khaled; Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009); Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992); Pieter, H.; Pushong, C. A.; Ribera, Tony; Scott, Michael; Vanquelef, Geneviève

A Sorry Tale1

Antonio CHIUMIENTOA Landing at Varzi in Northern Italy 2-9

Juan José BENÍTEZEncounter at Talavera La Real. Part I 10-14
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 23 N. 5 February/1978 Encounter at Talavera, pp. 3-6 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Geneviève VANQUELEFEncounter at Talavera La Real: Part II. New Dramatic Material 14-17
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 27 N. 245-246 Novembre-Décembre/1984 Le cas de Talavera la Real (Espagne): un apport d'informations i nédites et dramatiques, pp. 30-32+33 )

Hulvio Brant ALEXIOUFOs, Jinns & Poltergeistery at Joaquin Murtinho 17-19

Omar FOWLERUFO Visitations at a Hampshire Hospital in 1980? 20-24

A Turkish Religious Leader Speaks on UFOs 25

Animal Mutilations 25-26

Mail Bag
Letter Graham CONWAY, Raymond E. COX, Rosemary DECKER, Khaled HOMSHO, John A. KEEL, H. PIETER, C. A. PUSHONG, Tony RIBERA, Michael SCOTT27
Aimé MICHEL"Sociological" Truth32
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVI N. 174 Marzo/1986 L'opinione di Aimé Michel, pp. 8)

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 31 N. 1 October 1985
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Dahle, Arvid; Fawcett, George D. (1929 - 2013); Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009); Llewellyn, John D.; Peterson, John R.; Ribera, Antonio Jorda (1920 - 2001); Schönherr, Luis (1927 - 2009); Thomas Guma, Maria Angela; Whitehead, Paul; Wilson, Nancy


Gordon CREIGHTONTop U.S. Scientist Admits Crashed UFOs 2-3
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVI N. 176 Maggio/1986 Importante scienziato statunitense ammette l'esistenza di UFO precipitati, pp. 7)

Antonio RIBERAA "boomerang" in Spain 3-4

Luis SCHÖNHERRUFOs and the Fourth Dimension: a Re-examination 4-7
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVII N. 186 Aprile/1987 Ufo e quarta dimensione, pp. 52-54)

Paul WHITEHEADFrom Atoms to Tachyons and Hyperspace - and back again! 8-10
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVI N. 181 Novembre/1986 Dagli atomi ai tachioni e all'iperspazio, pp. 7-9)

Maria Angela THOMAS GUMAMore reports from Argentina (1984) 11-16

UFO photos and sighting reports from Japan 17-18

C. G.The books of Capt. Bruce L- Cathie 18-19
Book/Magazine:Bruce L. CATHIE,HARMONIC 33 - 1968, Bruce L. CATHIE, Peter N. TEMM,HARMONIC 695. The UFO and Anti-Gravity - 1971, Bruce L. CATHIE,THE BRIDGE TO INFINITY - 1983

John A. KEELThe contactee key 19-22
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVI N. 177 Giugno/1986 Contattismo: la chiave dell'enigma UFO?, pp. 5-8)

G- L- K-A terrifying car trip and other experiences 23-27

Mail Bag
Appreciated in Australia too27
From a Norwegian Reader27-28
"Laika" and UFO 'Dognapping' Reports28
Russian UFO Reports28-29
NSA - The Key Body29
A Letter from John Keel29
A Statement of Faith in Troubled Times29

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 31 N. 2 January 1986
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Arman, Sherly; Atto, M. A.; Buckingham, Margaret ; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Fawcett, George D. (1929 - 2013); Fowler, Omar; Granchi, Irene; Niemtzow, Richard C.; Norman, Paul B.; Powell, T. E.; Taylor, David; Whitehead, Paul

Guest Editorial
The new UFO 'depression'1-2

Omar FOWLERClose encounter on Bagshot Heath2-5
Gordon CREIGHTONThe Bagshot Heath case in the British press5-6

Irene GRANCHIThe case of Antonio Alves Ferreira * physical expereiences, and eleven alleged trips to a strange planet! 6-12

Gordon CREIGHTONIt didn't happen! 12-13

Paul B. NORMANCountdown to reality 13-22

Paul WHITEHEADThe Parallel universe and other Dimensions - New Developments 23
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVI N. 182 Dicembre/1986 L'universo parallelo e altre dimensioni - nuovi sviluppi, pp. 9)

"Clear Intent" 23-25

Reported killing of a UFO entity 25-26

"Flap" in Western Australia 26-27

Mail Bag
From Another New Australian Consultant27
Another Noted Consultant for FSR27
"Indirect Hypnosis"27-28
Horn of Africa28
Spirit Over Matter28
"Boiled or Fried?"28
Personality changes after UFO experiences?28-29
"The Night of Brahma"29
Closed Minds - East and West!29

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 31 N. 3 March 1986
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Bauer-Lammer, Dora; Collins, Perry Robert; Coutts, Rod; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Day, R.B.; do Rosario Real, Luiz; Hill, June; Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992); Richardson, Joan; Schönherr, Luis (1927 - 2009); Shelton, C. R. H.

Dr Hynek1

Perry R. COLLINSThe wave of "wing" reports: more on the "boomerang": "as large as two football field"2-12
G.c.Delta-wings and "boomerangs"12-13

A look at the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and an interview with professor Archibald Roy, * Department of Astronomy, Glasgow University 14-15

Luiz DO ROSARIO REALThe new "A.V.B." case from Brazil: full account 16-24

G.c.A great compliment 25

G.c.Our time is short: Mexico City 26

Universal Life 26

Mail Bag
The Terrifying Car Trip26-27
UFO and the "Paranormal"27
Delta-Wings, Crescents, and "Boomerangs"27
From Luis Schönherr27
The Jinns/Demons/Elementals27-28
Jinns; Elementals; "Alies"29+iii
The UFOs and Biblical Prophecyiii
Grisonne Passesiii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 31 N. 4 May 1986
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Dillon, William P.; Granchi, Irene; Hampton, David; Kels, Peter A.; Ribera, Antonio Jorda (1920 - 2001); Rowley, Marian; Schönherr, Luis (1927 - 2009); Smith, Malcolm; Stacy, Dennis; Whitehead, Paul

Our consultants1

Stop Press 1

The Jinn and the Dolmen
Antonio RIBERAThe most amazing case of abduction yet
This is a preliminary survey of an extraordinary case. Xavier C. (his full name is on my files) is a young man of 23, born in Almeria, on the southern coast of Spain, but now living and working in Barcelona. He is a professional photographer and a draughtsman and, with his brother José Maria C., runs a small studio of industrial drawing and photography. He his married, but with no children
Antonio RIBERAAddedum
In the first instalment of this story, I withheld the name of the subject, Senor Xavier C., as it was thought at that time the he would not permit it to be revealed. However, I am now able to report that in fact he has stated that sh has no objection, so I can say that his full name is Xavier Clarés Jerez, born on August 7, 1961, and thus 24 years old. There are also quite a lot of fresh details which I now am able to give, so I summarize then below.

Paul WHITEHEADScience comes under attack - and the "hologram universe" is proposed 13-14

Dennis STACYUFOs and the C.I.A.: the early years 14-16

Food for Thought: a Letter from a British Reader in the Defence Field 17-18
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVI N. 182 Dicembre/1986 Spunti per riflettere... o discutere, pp. 7-8)

G.c.The "Prince Charles and UFO" Story 18-19

Irene GRANCHISome further notes on Antônio Álves Ferreira 19-20

David HAMPTONDelta-Wings and "Boomerangs" 20-22

G.c.A note on some strange readers of FSR 22-23

J.B.D.A cosmic farmer? 23-25

Luis SCHÖNHERROn the Systematics of Hypotheses Concerning the UFO Phenomenon: Some Thoughts and a Modest proposal 25-27
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XXV N. 285 Luglio/1995 Ipotesi UFO: idee e suggerimenti, pp. 58-59)

One from the past
Landing on Wimbledon Common (South London)?
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 9 N. 6 November - December/1963 Landing on Wimbledon Common?, pp. 20 )

"Men of science" 27

Mail Bag
From a Polish Reader28
The Urantia Book28
From a Reader who understands the Subconscious28
"A Most Important Article" and "A New Kind of Physics"28+iii
The New "Psychosociological Gurus" in Franceiii
A Pagan Voice on "Perverted Technology"!iii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 31 N. 5 July 1986
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Benson, Tom; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952); Cook, Joan; Delgado, Pat; Fitch, C. W.; Haines, Richard F. (1937); Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992); Smith, Malcolm; Smith, Willy (1921 - 2006); Whitehead, Paul

Allen Hynek1-2

Joan COOKThe New York Times, Thursday, May 1, 1986
J. Allen Hynek, astronomer and U.F.O. consultant, dies

Pat DELGADOMystery swirled rings in England(1985) 3-12

The UFO connection
W. CHALKERStartling implications for Australia's North West Cape, and for Australia's security13-18
Bill CHALKERAddendum18-20

Stop press flash
Swirled rings in 1986

Willy SMITHL'affaire Botta 21-22
(French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 29 N. 265-266 Juillet-Août/1986 L'affaire Botta, pp. 28-29)

The UFO crash revelations: an interesting new development 22-23

Paul WHITEHEADSpinning saucers gain credibility 23-27

Mail Bag
Dr. J. Allen Hynek27-28
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 31 N. 6 October/1986 - Dr Hynek: A Correction
Major Donald Keyhoe28
"Indirect Hypnosis" and Sensitives28

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 31 N. 6 October 1986
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Buckingham, Margaret ; Buhler, Walter; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Creighton, Philip; Decker, Rosemary; Finch, Bernard E.; Fowler, Omar; Hansard Crabb, Riley; Hill, June; Michel, Aimé (1919 - 1992); Miller, Bob; Mobey, A.G.E.; Ross, James; Rubtsov, Vladimir V. (1948 - 2013); Schwarz, Berthold Eric (1924 - 2010); Stuttle, Mike; Wallenberg, Harry A.; Whitehead, Paul

"Clear intent" in Western Europe1-2

Omar FOWLERFollow-up on the Bagshot Heath close encounter: hypnosis session with David McMurray 2-6

Gordon CREIGHTONThe photographic record of the mystery "swirled rings" in the corn 6-12

Eve"Ever-decreasing circles"... 12-14

Stop press 12

Paul WHITEHEADOther worlds - Fact, fiction, or beyond human comprehension?
A review of the book "Other Worlds", by Paul Davies (Dent, London, 1980)

Berthold E. SCHWARZPresumed physical mediumship and UFOs 18-22

Walter BÜHLERContinued abductions a Mirassol, Brazil 22-24

Gordon CREIGHTONForteana 24-25

Two South American landing reports from Spanish press
UFO landing in Chile25
A squadron of UFOs land in Argentina25

Another American "boomerang" report from 1981 26

Mail Bag
Dr Hynek: A Correction26
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 31 N. 5 July/1986 - Dr. J. Allen Hynek
The Mystery Swirled Rings26-27
Quantum Mechanics, etc!27
The Jinn and the Dolmen27
From a good friend and supporter of FSR27
Another Letter from a Friend in the U.S.S.R.27
And Support from another FSR reader "right from the very start"27-28
These are the sort of people we can't let down...28
A remarkable suggestion28
The New "A.V.B." Case in Brazil28
Personality Changes after UFO Experiences28+iii
The Parasitesiii
"Malice Abounding"iii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 32 N. 1 Spring 1986
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Bailes, John D.; Dimond, A.; Finch, Bernard E.; Liljegren, Anders (1950); Plana Crivillén, Joan (1956); Richardson, Joan; Scornaux, Jacques (1946); Smith, Willy (1921 - 2006); Telarico, Umberto (1952); Tustin, P.M.; Walters, Philip; Whitehead, Paul

Enigma and menace1-2

J.p. CRIVILLÉNEnormous UFO detected visually and also by radar over Barcelona region of N.E. Spain on night of November 29/30, 1985 2-5
(From: Cuadernos de ufologia Año 4 N. 15 Marzo/1986 Inmenso Ovni detectado por radar en la zona de Tarrasa y Sabadell (Barcelona) la noche del 29 al 30 de Noviembre de 1985, pp. 31-37 )
(French translation INFORESPACE Année 16 N. 72 Avril/1987 Espagne: un cas "radar-optique" de taille!!, pp. 11-17)

Willy SMITHUFO chase in Brazil (May 1986) 6-8
(French translation Lumières dans la nuit Année 31 N. 283-284 Janvier-Févier/1988 L'incident brésilien du 19 mai 1986, pp. 33-35)

An "observing eye" in the house 8-9

Umberto TELARICOClose encounter at Prato di Principato Ultra (Italy), October 1984 9-18
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 29 N. 261-262 Mars-Avril/1986 Rencontre du 38 type à Prato di Principato Ultra (Italie) le 8 octobre 1984, pp. 20-29 )
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 36 N. 4 Winter/1991 - More on Prato di Principato 1984: Signor Cocozza's Shaggy Visitor was an Italian Sonde Balloon! [Creighton, Gordon]

Anders LILJEGRENProject 1946: the "ghost rocket" documents reveased by the Swedish Defence staff 19-24
(Italian translation UFO - Rivista di informazione ufologica Anno II N. 3 Giugno/1987 I "razzi fantasma" del 1946, pp. 30-36)

Paul WHITEHEADLife on Mars, UFOs, SETI, SETA - and Scientist Claims the Paranormal is for Real! 24-25
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVII N. 189 Luglio/1987 Notizie di interesse ufologico in un recente "dizionario dello spazio" (sintesi), pp. 58)

Paul WHITEHEADAliens, Laser Beams And Clones 26
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVII N. 189 Luglio/1987 Viaggiare nello spazio su raggi laser, pp. 57-59)

Mail Bag
The "Swirled Rings"27
"Flying Wings"27
Crescents, Delta-Wings and "Boomerangs"27-28
Two "Boomerangs" Seen Seven Year Ago28+iii
"Out Like Light"iii
Lukewarm Responseiii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 32 N. 5 August 1987
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Baskerville, R.; Blomqvist, Håkan (1952); Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009); Markert, Hans Herrmann; Mesnard, Joël (1943 - 2022); Peiniger, Hans-Werner (1957); Rodrigues, Antonio; Siregar, Muslim; Sottomayor, José; Thomas, Donald

A serious question1

John A. KEELKenneth Arnold and the F.B.I.
(From documents obtained by Peter Gersten and CAUS)

Jose SOTTOMAYOR, Antonio RODRIGUESClose Sightings by Portuguese Aur Force Pilots (November 1982) 12-13

Håkan BLOMQVISTAn abduction in Sweden? 14-16
(From: AFU Newsletter 29 /1986 Abducted by UFO entities?, pp. 1-3 )

Joël MESNARDThe "steel airship" at Bois-de-Champ (April 1954) 16-19
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 30 N. 275-276 Mai-Juin/1987 Un "dirigeable en acier": l'affaire de Bois-de-Champ (Vosges) en avril 1954, pp. 27-30+31 )

Muslim SIREGARUFO and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge 19-23

Donald THOMAS"Parallel Worlds": Recent Comment from an Eminent Oxford Physicist 23-24

Sects and UFOs in the Andes 24-25

More Poltergeistery in Brazil 25

Gordon CREIGHTONWeird Faculties 26-27

Gordon CREIGHTON"Through the Looking Glass" 28

Forteana Department
Meteor Cooks a Goose

Mail Bag
"Clear Intent"29
Appreciation from a FSR reader29
The "Mystery Rings" in the Cornfield29

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 32 N. 6 November 1987
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Andrews, Colin; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Delgado, Pat; Dillon, William P.; Hirst, E. J.; Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009); Lade, John M.; Shelton, C. R. H.; Skov, G.E.; Taylor, F. C.; Vallée, Jacques (1939)

"Above top secret"1-2
Book:Timothy GOOD,ABOVE TOP SECRET - The Worldwide UFO Cover-up - 1987

Pat DELGADOThe mystery circles in the corn: preliminary report (January - September, 1986) 3-5

Pat DELGADO1986 mystery circles: final summary 5-9

Colin C. ANDREWSCircles in the corn: strong evidence of a "UFO connection" 9-13

An interesting letter from "busty" Taylor
In view of the foregoing article by Colin Andrews, I think FSR readers may be provided with more food for thought by the following letter from :r. F. C. Taylor

Tentative list of UFO sightings seemingly associated with nearby circle phenomena 15-16

Gordon CREIGHTONHedgehogs, Australians, or cows? More mystery circles down on the farms 17

G.c.Further news-flash: bovine flatulence in Hampshire 17

Gordon CREIGHTONUFO chase in China 18-23

Jacques VALLÉEThe Bogotà specimen: a new physical investigation 23-26

Spanish motorists chased for fine hours 26-27

Mail Bag
The linear Motor: Gravity Defeated?27-28
SETI and the "In Proximity" School of Thought28
From Our Former Danish Correspondent28-29
Mystery Rings in the Fields29
An American Sighting of 190929
"The Re-Discovery of the Wheel"29

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 32 N. 2 February 1987
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Beletskiy, Aleksandr; Bemelmans, Hans; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Haines, Richard F. (1937); Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009); Klopp, Thomas A.; Martin, Ray; Mcmurray, Stephen; Pebley, Myrtis; Quickfall, Ray; Taylor, David; Tokarz, Harry; Vilinbakhov, Vadim; Webb, Dave; Whitehead, Paul

Still "alive and kicking"1-2

Gordon CREIGHTONSaved by Jupiter 2-4
(Reprint Flying Saucer Review Vol. 45 N. 3 Autumn/2000 Saved by Jupiter, pp. 11-13)

Richard F. HAINESA review of proposed explanatory hypotheses for unidentified aerial phenomena 4-8

Aleksandr BELETSKIY, Vadim VILINBAKHOVAn aerial invasion: or what did they see, seventy years ago?8-12

G.c.Note by editor, FSR
What did P.C. Kettle see?

G.c."Clear intent" 14

G.c.More pictures of the mystery circles 14-16

Paul WHITEHEADFrom dust, alien consciousness may arise! From afar, aliens may be here! From other dimensions, UFOs may emanate!
A look at what may be happening right now, and a warning (ref. "Clear intent") from an N.S.A. Analyst

G.c.The Jinn and Dolmen (post-script) 20-21

Hans BEMELMANS"Indirect Hypnosis"21-22
G.c.Further interest in "indirect hypnosis"22

Gordon CREIGHTONAn alarming episode 23-24

Gordon CREIGHTONFinding the right address 24

G.c.Transitions 25

Squadron of UFOs over Patis, September 23, 1986 25

The valour of ignorance 26

Mail Bag
Ormazd and Ahriman26-27
President Assad a UFO Buff!27
The Mystery Rings27
Dead Bird, Dead Mice, etc.28
From John Keel28
From a Reader who perceives the Truthiii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 32 N. 3 April 1987
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-Juan (1948); Bodimead, J. B.; Crain, T. Scott Jr.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Fernandez Peris, Juan Antonio; Forest, Jean-Louis; Forestier, Patrick; Granchi, Irene; Little, David C.; Orlando, Calogero; Plana Crivillén, Joan (1956); Starrr, Dudley D.; Tagblatt, Darmstadter; Villa, Fabrizio; Whitehead, Paul

Those "crashed disc" reports1-2

V. J. BALLESTER OLMOS, J. A. FERNANDEZ PERIS, J. PLANA CRIVILLÉNThe attitude of the Spanish authorities towards the UFOs 3-7

Jean-Louis FORESTA brutal "touch-down"... 8-10

Gordon CREIGHTONThe "two lost hours" of Mademoiselle Hélène10-11
Patrick FORESTIERUfology: kidnapped by extraterrestrials. what are we to think of the adventure experienced, near Valencia, by this twenty-year-old girl?11-13

T. Scott Jr. CRAINAircraft accidents and UFOs: a review of some UFO-related aircraft disaster 14-18

Irene GRANCHICloning by aliens: to what purpose? 18-21

Paul WHITEHEAD"Mind and the new physics"
A review of the book

Paul WHITEHEADScientists confirm: there may be a parallel universe 23-24

A noteworthy West German case from March 1982 24-25

J. Plana CRIVILLÉNFollow-up on the huge UFO over Spain (November 1985) 25

Fabrizio VILLA, Calogero ORLANDOA CE-III encounter in Firenze in Summer 1985? 26

G.c.A link between UFOs and poltergeists? 27

A UFO entity seen in Malaysia (1986) 27

Paul WHITEHEAD"An unidentified flashing object" 28

A veritable "UFO wave" over Italy in 1985 28

Mail Bag
Another "Tiny Entity" Claim (Washington State, USA)iii
The "Guardians"iii
UFO or Ball-Lighting?iii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
An international journal devoted to the study of Unidentified Flying Objects and their Occupants
Vol. 32 N. 4 June 1987
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Bernardini, Ezio; Chalker, William (Bill) Clifford (1952); Chiumiento, Antonio (1949); Conway, Graham; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Giudici, Antonio; Lina, Juri; Lollino, Gianfranco; Pinotti, Roberto (1944); Sani, Pier Luigi (1927 - 1999)

Gordon CREIGHTONThe Road Ahead1

Bill CHALKERThe "Bent Headlight Beams" Case Revisited

Ezio BERNARDINIBruno Facchini: A Famous Italian CE-III Case From 1950 Re-examined 7+10-13
(From: Notiziario UFO Anno XX - XXI N. 104 Marzo 1985 - Gennaio/1986 Facchini: un CE3 rivisitato, pp. 4-7 )

Antonio GIUDICIThe Case of Bruno Facchini 8-10
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 20 N. 6 April/1975 The Case of Bruno Facchini, pp. 29-31 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Pier Luigi SANIThe Case at the "Villa Radicchia" 13-17
(From: U.F.O. AI CONFINI DELLA REALTÀ JP4 DOSSIER Mensile di Aereonautica/1986 Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo in Italia, pp. 75-77 )

Juri LINAUFO Study in the URSS 17-19

Juri LINATsiolkovskiy and The Wellsprings of UFO Sightings 20

Gordon CREIGHTONRussia's "Polluted Environment" 21-22

Antonio CHIUMIENTOEncounter on an Italian Chicken Farm 23-24

Gianfranco LOLLINOThe "Flying Man" at Castelleale (Italy) 25-26
(From: Notiziario UFO Anno XXI N. 106 Gennaio - Giugno/1987 Il caso di Castelleale, pp. 10-12 )

"Martian in Milano" 27-28

Graham CONWAYAngie's Close Encounter 28

Mail Bag
Letter Graham CONWAYiii

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 33 N. 1 March Quarter 1988
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Mail: Bruno MANCUSI
Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Amos, Joan; Barish, Joy; Bissette, Susan ; Buckingham, Margaret ; Chiumiento, Antonio (1949); Crawford, Tom; Essex, Laurence R.; Good, Timothy (1942); Hampton, D. J.; Harder, James A. (1926 - 2006); Leslie, Desmond (1921 - 2001); Mancusi, Bruno (1960); Mantle, Philip (1958); Rzepecki, Bronislaw; Whitehead, Paul

Your new FSR1

Antonio CHIUMIENTOAn Italian Pilot's sighting: and another Italian Government cover-up? 1-4

Bronislaw RZEPECKIUFO Reports from Poland 4-10

Recent Reports of Sightings over Poland 10

James A. HARDERMainstream Science and the Strangeness of the Universe 10-14

Paul WHITEHEADThe Debate on Extraterrestrial Life "Hots Up" and Scientist Claims our Galaxy is Dominated by a Superior Civilization 14-16

Paul WHITEHEADManned Flight to Alpha Centauri Proposed - At 92 per cent the Speed of Light! 16-17

Paul WHITEHEADWorld Without End - Amen 17-18

Another Swedish Landing Report 18

The Gallup Poll
Only a third deny existence of UFOs, Extraterrestrial life

G. C.The Spanish Scene 19-20

G. C.Peculiar Death if British Scientist 20-21

"Be Prepared to Meet thy Aliens!" 21

Dorothy Kilgallen - Another Strange Twist? 21+23

Desmond LESLIE"Ufoball": yet another "observing eye in the house " 22

Mail Bag
Small Entities- Fairies, etc.23
"Parallel Universes"23
"The Unidentified Flashing Object"23
An Interesting Sighting in Southern Ireland24
Kenneth Arnold's Sighting24
The "Meteor" seen over Europe on September 23, 198624
The Search For "Goodies"24-25
"Goodies" and "Baddies"25
Another Interesting Irish "Meteor" Report25
Support for FSR25

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 33 N. 2 June Quarter 1988
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Andrews, Colin; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Deadorff, James W.; Decker, Rosemary; Delgado, Pat; Devismes, Claude ; Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020); Harper, A. Ceil; Herr, Jan Eric; Hopkins, Budd (1931 - 2011); Norman, Paul B.; Petit, Jean-Pierre (1937); Winder, R. H. B.

Freedom to Think and Speak1

Pat DELGADOThe Nightmare of the Knowles Family on the Nullabor Plain, Australia,and other Recent Cases
I. The Nullabor Encounter
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVIII N. 206 Dicembre/1988 Ufo solleva auto con quattro persone a bordo, pp. 52-53)
Paul B. NORMANII. On the UFO Trail: Activity over the Nullabor4
Gordon CREIGHTONIII. - And Yet Another Report from Western Australia4-5
Another Alaskan Report?5+13

R .H. B. WINDERObituary
Charles Bowen

G. C.Obituary
Tim Dinsdale

Colin ANDREWSThe Lost Harrier Jet and the Cornfield Rings: Exclusive! 7-13

Budd HOPKINSWhat They're Doing to Us 14-17

Ann DRUFFELLetter to the Editor MUFON UFO Journal 18

Recent astronomical reports from Russia 19-20

Gordon CREIGHTONThe New "French Disease"20
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XVIII N. 206 Dicembre/1988 L'ufologia in Francia: L'inganno del GEPAN, pp. 53-54)

New discovery by Canadian astronomers 21-22

Mail Bag
In search of the "Goodies"(1)22-23
In search of the "Goodies"(2)23-24
Violent disappearence of a car in Germany24
(1) Time Dilatation and (2) Refuelling of Aircraft24+iii
John Keel's Report on the Arnold Sighting:(1) Also the "Cornfield rings"iii
John Keel's Report on the Arnold Sighting:(2)iii

Stop Press iv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 33 N. 3 September Quater 1988
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Aspden, Sally; Buckingham, Margaret ; Byrne-Finch, Patricia; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Delgado, Pat; Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020); Fawcett, George D. (1929 - 2013); Grattan-Guinness, Ivor; Hampton, D. J.; Harder, James A. (1926 - 2006); Harper, A. Cecil; Havers, James R.; Herr, Eric; Hill, J.; Mills, Raymond E.; Oliver Moxon, J.P.; Plana Crivillén, Joan (1956); Sherwood, William T.; Taylor, F.C.; Whitehead, Paul

A cold douche1+4-5

Ann DRUFFEL"Can we battle these entities" 1-4

Gordon CREIGHTONA brief account of the true nature of the "UFO entities" 5-8
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29 N. 1 October/1983 A brief account of the true nature of the "UFO entities", pp. 2-6 )

Paul WHITEHEADCosmology, UFOs, CE4s and the fourth dimension 8-10

Pat DELGADOThe flattened circles in the crops: report on the phenomenon for the year 1987 10-12

G.c."Be Prepared to Meet thy Aliens!" (2) 12

Two Historic Letters to FSR 13-14

James A. HARDERObituary
Coral Lorenzen

Book reviews
Review: Philip J. IMBROGNO, Joseph Allen HYNEK, Bob PRATT,NIGHT SIEGE - 1987

J. PLANA CRIVILLÉNThe official study of the UFO phenomenon in Spain 16-18

J. PLANA CRIVILLÉNAnother Spanish youth claims abduction by alien 18-19

G.c.Banana skins for "Orion" 18-19

Syria's president Hafez Assad and UFOs 19

Gordon CREIGHTONLeonard Stringfield's reports on crashed discs and dead occupants 21+iv

Mail Bag
A Letter from one of FSR's Founders21
The Search For "Goodies"21-22
More Claims for the "Goodies"22
Sighting by "Busty" Taylor in December 198723
V-shaped object with red lights over Wales23-24
Something over Suffolk in 161424
1. Why FSR continues to exist 2. The Circles in the Corn24
A new FSR reader "on our doorstep" - plus some more in Canada too?24
FSR Aficionados in California24+iii
Readers can help to advertise FSR locallyiii
Who's for the Museum?iii
"Flak for FSR"iii

G.c.Stop press iv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 33 N. 4 December 1988
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Ballester Olmos, Vicente-juan (1948); Barish, Joy; Bauer-Lammer, Dora; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Druffel, Ann (1926 - 2020); Fernandez Peris, Juan Antonio; Fowler, Omar; Hampton, David; Jamaludin, Ahmad; Lacanal, Denise; Norman, Paul B.; Plana Crivillén, Joan (1956); Revel, Théodore; Rubtsov, Vladimir V. (1948 - 2013); Ursul, A. D.; Vallée, Jacques (1939); Wingfield, George

"The crunch"1

George WINGFIELDDid Avebury UFO produce the Silbury Hill corn circles? 1-6

Denise LACANAL, Théodore REVELThe Demon who admitted it! Close encounter in France in 1987 6+20-22
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 31 N. 291-292 Septembre-Octobre/1988 RENCONTRE DU TROISIÈME TYPE PRÈS DE NARBONNE, pp. 35-38 )

More on the Nullarbor Desert case
On the UFO trail
(From: The Australian UFO Bulletin September/1988 , pp. 7-11 )
Editorial in The Australian UFO Bulletin (September 1988)
(From: The Australian UFO Bulletin September/1988 , pp. 2-6 )

Gordon CREIGHTONThe Calvary of the knowles family 9-10

Jacques VALLÉESanctus agobardus, ora pro nobis!
Some lesson from the 9th century abductions in France

FSR consultant Dr Jacques Vallée on FSR and on the Americans 12-13

Omar FOWLERA visit to Nazca 13-16+iii

Book review
G. C.Rubtsov, V. V. & Ursul, A. D.:Problema Vnezembykt Tsivilizatsii16-17

V. J. BALLESTER OLMOS, J. A. FERNANDEZ PERISThe UFOs as a material phenomenon 17-18+24

V. J. BALLESTER OLMOS, J. A. FERNANDEZ PERISThe luminous properties of UFOs 19-22

Ahmad JAMALUDINUFO reports from Malaysia, 1981-1987 22-23

J.p. CRIVILLÉNSome recent reports from the Spanish press 23-24
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 34 N. 2 June Quarter/1989 - Correction to two French reports

G.c.Staffordshire sightings of 1967 24

Mail Bag
A Sighting near Oxford?iii
"Battling the Entities"iii
"Crashed disc" and Cloned Occupants as a Hoax?iii+iv
More Claims of "Goodie" Contactsiii+iv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 34 N. 1 March Quarter 1989
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Conway, Graham; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Fewich, Lawrence J.; Laurino, Joan H.; Line, Chris; Plana Crivillén, Joan (1956); Pratt, Bob (1926 - 2005); Squareman, John; Taylor, Frederick C.; Whitehead, Paul

"Cosmic brothers"1

Graham CONWAYReport from British Columbia, Canada: an emerging epidemic? 1-4

F. C. TAYLORThe circles in the corn: summary report for 1988 4-5

Gordon CREIGHTONThe strange Brazilian scene 5-6

Bob PRATTAn extraordinary field-investigation trip to Brazil (1986) 7-12

(Reprint Flying Saucer Review Vol. 45 N. 2 Summer/2000 AIDS, pp. 5)

B. K. L.Aids... and the UFO connection: a possible plan for genocide? 12-14+6
(Reprint Flying Saucer Review Vol. 45 N. 2 Summer/2000 Aids... and the UFO connection: a possible plan for genocide?, pp. 5-6)

J. PLANA CRIVILLÉNEncounters in Spanish air-space between aircraft and UFOs 15-23+iv

John SQUAREMANA perfect mole? 24

Paul WHITEHEADWormholes and faster-than-light travel: latest news 24-25

Chris LINEInteresting phenomenon noted on a Chinese train Iii

Mail Bag
Aliens in Danger from Aids?Iv
"Banana Skins for Orion"Iv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 34 N. 2 June Quarter 1989
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Andrews, Colin; Collins, Perry Robert; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Drake, Raymond Walter (1913 - 1989); Lidstrom, Anton; Maugé, Claude (1946); Norman, Paul B.; Olsen, Thomas M.; Proctor, Geraldine; Taylor, Frederick C.; Trotter, John; Tuersley, Donald; Whitehead, Paul

The search for true "cosmic brothers"1

Gordon CREIGHTONMosjøen: an early Norwegian CE-II case1
Spaceman lands in Norway?2-3
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 1 N. 4 September - October/1955 Spaceman lands in Norway?, pp. 6-7 )
Anton LIDSTROMUFO report from Norway
A Norwegian close encounter of the third kind:Mosjøen 1954

Paul B. NORMANOn the trail (continued) 7-9

Gordon CREIGHTONMajor Donald Edward Keyhoe, U.S. Marine Corps, Ret'd9-10
Peter F. Johnson10

Paul WHITEHEADUFO - No, they're not simply visitors from another planet. It's worse than that, say Dr Vallée in his new book
A review of "Dimensions"
Review: Jacques VALLÉE,DIMENSIONS - 1988

Thomas M. OLSENSighting alert in Ohio 11-12

"Brave new world"
The British "doctor's paper", The G.P. had the following sombre little piece in its issue of July 15,1988

"Angels' Hair" or - as the critics say - detergent? 12

FSR on exhibition in Moscow 13

Perry Robert COLLINSThe double deception 14-18

Dr Roberto Pinotti in India 18

Frederick C. TAYLORThe circles in the corn: extended report, 1985-1988

Refutation 20-21

Thomas M. OLSENComment on the "swirled rings" from a U.S. physicist21-22

Stop Press
A few recent stories22+23

Has your head exploded lately? 23

Hypnosis decried 23

Raymond DRAKEUFOs fought for Charlemagne! 24

Mail Bag
The Knowles Family's Nightmare on the Nullarboriii
"Cornfield Circles" not an ancient phenomenoniii
"Above top secret"iii
Correction to two French reportsiii+iv
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29 N. 1 October/1983 - G.E.P.A.N. Quietly Delivers the Goods!
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 33 N. 4 December/1988 - Some recent reports from the Spanish press [Crivillén, J.p.]
The Jinns (Extract from letter)iv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 34 N. 3 September Quarter 1989
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Arts, Steven A.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Herr, Eric; Sani, Pier Luigi (1927 - 1999); Taylor, Frederick C.; Trotti, Hugh H. Jr.

The outlook1

Reports of sightings and landing in Central Russia 1

Physicists confirm: "Time-travel may be possible via 'worm holes'" 2

Gordon CREIGHTONThe end of a chapter? 2-3

Top experts fail to see eyeball-to-eyball 3

Frederick C. TAYLORThe Silbury Cornfield Circles (1988) 4-6

A Documentation of Paranoia and Persecution Complex7-14
Gordon CREIGHTONStatement by editor of Flying Saucer Review14

Eric HERRGeorge Adamski: An Historical Note 15
(Italian translation Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XX N. 221 Marzo/1990 Adamski smentito, pp. 61-62)

Pier Luigi SANIThe "Great Martian Scare"... French Ufologists Who "now Think Better" and Have Changed Their Minds! Part I
The problem
(From: Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XV N. 166 Giugno/1985 La "grande paura marziana" di... due ufologi pentiti, pp. 9-12 )

Pier Luigi SANIThe "Great Martian Scare"... French Ufologists Who "now Think Better" and Have Changed Their Minds! Part II
A double retraction - The mystery of the bent grass - Inconsistent arguments - An attempt that failed
(From: Il Giornale dei Misteri Anno XV N. 167 Luglio- Agosto/1985 La "grande paura marziana"... di due ufologi pentiti (2° parte), pp. 9-11 )

Stop Press
First Cornfield Circles in Hertfordshire

Steven A. ARTSAirships of the 1890s 23-25+iv

Mail Bag
The Claims of George Adamskiiv
"Missing Persons" on Shipsiv
Two Small Beingiv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 34 N. 4 December Quarter 1989
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Name: Aksyonov, Lev; Brandley, Malcom F.; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Edwards, C.; Harder, James A. (1926 - 2006); Line, Chris; Whitehead, Paul; Zverev, Boris

Strange and interesting times1

News from Muscovy
The UFO landings at Voronezh
The "Moscow News" report (full text)
Moscow News, N. 43. Topic of the day (October 22, 1989). Aliens visit Voronezh. Eyewitness accounts
Crisis over! Problem finally solved...
From Mainichi Daily News (Tokyo) (English edition) Monday, October 30, 1989. Soviet Study finds no proof of UFO visit
Last word
Tail-piece on Voronezh

Book review
Paul WHITEHEADThe Tujunga Canyon Contacts11-12

Chris LINEThe Jinn - From a scientific (?) viewpoint 13-18

James A. HARDERA histroy of U.S. Government secrecy regarding UFOs 19-24

An animal mutilation case in Sweden

Stunned New Zealand golfers see "green monkey-like beings" on the fairway iii

Mail Bag
A "Snooper" Disturbed?iv
"Has your head explodes lately"iv
Charles Boweniv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 35 N. 1 March Quarter 1990
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Andrus, Walter H. (1920 - 2015); Arbel, Hadassa; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Goold, Rita; Goold, Steve; Hall, Barry J.; Harper, A. Cecil; Moorman, S.D.; Norman, Paul B.; Plana Crivillén, Joan (1956); Redón, Pedro (Pere) (1941); Reid, Robert E.; Stuckert, Frank H.; Wingfield, George


Paul NORMANAustralia: on the UFO trail: IV 1-4

Cornfield circles reports
Robert E. REIDI. an American cornfield circle5-7
Paul NORMANII. an now... cornfield circles in Australia7-8
III. and more cornfield circles in Canada8-9
Rita GOOLDIV. Some notes on cornfield circles at two sites in Leicestershire, (1988 and 1989)10-11
Rita GOOLD, Steve GOOLDV. "A ferris wheel in the sky"11-12
Gordon CREIGHTONVI. and... an earlier "ferris wheel" seen flying over the downs near Winchester during the night of July 6, 197512
VII. yet another possible "ferris wheel" in the sky?13
A. Cecil HARPERVIII. The fourth dimension (... and beyond?)13

Gordon CREIGHTONThe expert13
Gordon CREIGHTONFollow-up on the landings at Vironezh (Russia)14
More coming on Russia14

Gordon CREIGHTONCows' blood transfusions for humans? 15

Walter ANDRUSThe development of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network, Inc.)
Director' message
(From: MUFON UFO Journal 259/1989 )

J. PLANA CRIVILLÉNThe official "notes" on UFOs issued by the Spanish authorities 16-18

Gordon CREIGHTONThe uses of mist and fog
Case 1. The landing on the target-range at Las Bardenas Reales, Spain (night of January 2, 1975)

Gordon CREIGHTONUFO lands on Spanish Air Force target range
What's more, the Spanish Government admitted it

Pere REDÓNThe landing near Burgos 21-23
(From: Flying Saucer Review Vol. 23 N. 2 August/1977 The landing near Burgos, pp. 22-24+27 )

J. PLANA CRIVILLÉNThe identification of unknown echoes detected by radar 24

UFO pulls plug on cop radios iii

Mail Bag
Circles in the Courgette Field...iii
The "Cornfield Circles" explained?iii
Claims of Frank Barnes Demolishediii
"The Double Deception": Eduard Meier, the "Pleiadians", etc.iii+iv
Why don'tthe "ETs" save us from iur destructive selves?iv

Image not available Flying Saucer Review
The international journal of cosmology and eschatology and for the discussion of reports of unidentified flying objects and their alien occupants
Vol. 35 N. 2 June Quarter 1990
FSR Publications Ltd, Snodland, Kent

Editor: Gordon CREIGHTON
Name: Clamp, John; Cowan, T.; Cox, Patricia; Cox, Raymond; Creighton, Gordon (1908 - 2003); Fawcett, George D. (1929 - 2013); Jacobs, Robert; Line, Chris; Mesnard, Joël (1943 - 2022); Moravec, Mark; Sani, Pier Luigi (1927 - 1999); Tolosano, Marc


Gordon CREIGHTONBelgium Haunted for Months Past by Huge low-Flying Triangular Craft 1-2

A. The Three British Press Reports 2-3

Joël MESNARDB. The UFO "Wave" of November/December 1989 over Eastern Belgium 3-10
(From: LDLN 300/1989 Translated by Gordon CREIGHTON)

Gordon CREIGHTONA Slight Case of "Anticipation"? 10

George D. FAWCETTUFOs Continues to Visit U.S. Nuclear Energy Sites 11-14

Robert JACOBSDeliberate Deception: the UFO Filmed at Big Sur, California
A Critical Analysis of the Curious Events at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, in September 1964

UFO Reports from Lake Eyre (South Australia) 21-22

Marc TOLOSANOThey Say They Know all our Languages!: A CE-IV Case at Sospel, South-Eastern France (1983) 23-24+iii
(From: Lumières dans la nuit Année 32 N. 299 Septembre-Octobre/1989 L'affaire de Sospel, pp. 28-30 )

Mail Bag
Parapsycology, etc.iii+iv
"The Great Martian Scare"iv
"Science" and the UFOsiv
"Like the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle"?iv
Baffled readeriv
Undeserved Approbation?iv