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On this site, you will find a list of books and magazines about UFOs and related subjects that are part of my collection.

For each book and magazine, publication details and cover images are provided. For many books and magazines, the table of contents is also included. If a digital version of the publication exists, a link to download it is provided. (Digital versions are NOT downloadable from the site).

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Last update 2025-2-12

Mail Collection: Libriufo

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Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1950: January - March (Supplemental Notes) The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 2000
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1951 (Supplemental Notes) The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 2000
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: July - September The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 2000
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: October - December The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 2000
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
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Author: Rick R. HILBERG
Title: The Forgotten Flap 1964
Publisher: UAPA 2000
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.
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Author: James R. LEWIS
Title: UFOS AND POPULAR CULTURE An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Myth
Publisher: ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, CA  2000
Name: Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949) ; Lewis, James R.
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Authors: Jenny RANDLES, Andy ROBERTS, David CLARKE
Publisher: London House, London 2000
Name: Clarke, David (1966) ; Randles, Jenny (1951) ; Roberts, Andy (1956)
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Immagine non disponibile3
Author: Nigel WATSON
Title: THE SCARESHIP MYSTERY A Survey of phantom Airship Sightings 1909-1918
Publisher: Domra, Corby - Northamptonshire 2000
Name: Bartholomew, Robert Emerson (1958) ; Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949) ; Clarke, David (1966) ; Mr X ; Nelson, Gilbert ; Oldroyd, Granville ; Watson, Nigel (1954)
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Image not available
Authors: David Hatcher CHILDRESS, Richard S. SHAVER
Title: LOST CONTINENTS & THE HOLLOW EARTH I Remember Lemuria & The Shaver Mystery
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois 1999
Name: Childress, David Hatcher ; Palmer, Raymond (1910 - 1977) ; Shaver, Richard S. (1907 - 1975)
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Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: August September The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 1999
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: May-July The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 1999
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: November - December The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 1999
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: October The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 1999
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: April - June The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 1999
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
no imageno image no image
Image not available
Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: January -March The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 1999
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
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Image not available
Author:John INNES (ed.)
Publisher: John Brown Publishing, London 1999
Name: Innes, John
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Author: John A. KEEL
Publisher: Galde Press, Lakeville MN 1999
Name: Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009)
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Authors: Helmut LAMMER, Marion LAMMER
Title: MILABS: Military Mind Control & Alien Abduction
Publisher: IllumiNET, Lilburn, Georgia 1999
Name: Lammer, Helmut ; Lammer, Marion
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Author: Alec MACLELLAN
Publisher: Souvenir, London 1999
Name: MacLellan, Alec
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Author: George PICCARD
Title: LIQUID CONSPIRACY - JFK, LSD, the CIA, Area 51 & UFOs
Serie:Mind Control /Conspiracy Serie
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois 1999
Name: Piccard, George ; Thomas, Kenn
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Author: Nick POPE
Title: THE UNINVITED: An Exposé of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon
Publisher: Dell, New York 1999
Name: Pope, Nick (1965)
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Immagine non disponibile3
Author: Kenn THOMAS
Title: MAURY ISLAND UFO:The Crisman Conspiracy
Publisher: IllumiNET, Lilburn, Georgia 1999
Name: Thomas, Kenn
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Author: Dolores CANNON
Title: THE CUSTODIANS Beyond Abduction
Publisher: Ozark Mountain Pub, Huntsville, AR 1998
Name: Cannon, Dolores
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Author: Timothy GOOD
Title: ALIEN BASE Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrials
Publisher: Century, London 1998
Name: Good, Timothy (1942)
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Author: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1957: December
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif. 1998
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
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Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1950: January - March (Supplemental Notes)
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 2000
Pages: A4, 61 p., ill.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1951 (Supplemental Notes)
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 2000
Pages: A4, 70 p., ill.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: July - September
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 2000
Pages: 103 p. : ill.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: October - December
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 2000
Pages: A4, 81 p., ill.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Rick R. HILBERG
Title: The Forgotten Flap 1964
Publisher: UAPA
Year: 2000
Pages: 32
Name: Hilberg, Rick R.
Image not availableAuthor: James R. LEWIS
An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Myth

Preface: Thomas Eddie BULLARD
ISBN: 1-576-07265-7
Publisher: ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, CA 
Year: 2000
Pages: 393
Name: Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949); Lewis, James R.
Image not availableAuthors: Jenny RANDLES, Andy ROBERTS, David CLARKE
ISBN: 1-902809-35-1
Publisher: London House, London
Year: 2000
Pages: 224
Name: Clarke, David (1966); Randles, Jenny (1951); Roberts, Andy (1956)


David CLARKEOnce Upon a Time in the West15-32
The Kenneth Arnold Sighting18
The Roswell Crash30+31

David CLARKEThe Howden Moor Incident33-51
Thomas Mantell - Jet Pilot Killed by UFO?43

Jenny RANDLESA Perfect Case?52-75
UFO Crash at Aztec, New Mexico55
The Spitsbergen UFO Crash66

David CLARKESpearhead from Space?76-93
The Silpho Moor Saucer78
The Kecksburg UFO Crash90

Andy ROBERTSBetween a Rock and a Hard Place
The Cracoe UFO Photograph
The Willamette Pass Photo103

David CLARKEThe Isle of Lewis Mystery110
Police Pursuit114
The Welsh Triangle126

Andy ROBERTS, David CLARKEFlash, Bang, Wallop - Wot a Picture!
The Alex Birch photograph
The Rossendale Anomaly138

Andy ROBERTSFire on the Mountain
The Berwyn Mountain UFO Crash - A British Roswell?
Circular Logic150+151
The Trans-en-Provence UFO Landing163

Jenny RANDLESRendle Shame Forest164-222
Gulf Breeze Encounters174
Belgian Waffle186
Mexican Wave196
Alien Autopsy206
Up in the Air218

Image not availableAuthor: Nigel WATSON
A Survey of phantom Airship Sightings 1909-1918

Preface: Gilbert NELSON
ISBN: 0-9524417-8-0
Publisher: Domra, Corby - Northamptonshire
Year: 2000
Pages: 176 p.
Name: Bartholomew, Robert Emerson (1958); Bullard, Thomas Eddie (1949); Clarke, David (1966); Mr X; Nelson, Gilbert; Oldroyd, Granville; Watson, Nigel (1954)

Ghost in the Sky

David CLARKETh Scare in the Air: The British Airship Scare of 1909

The New Zeland Invasion

"Were You Flying You Airship Last Night?" . Phantoms over the USA 1909-1910

Did a German Airhip Fly over Sheerness in 1912?

"Here Comes the Airship!". The British 1912-1913 Scare

Granville OLDROYDDangerous Rumors. First World War Scares in Britain

Aeroplane Ahoy! The Mystery Aeroplane of South Africa

Mr XThe Spyng Aviators. Canada, World War One

The Shooting stars. USA 1914-1918

Robert BARTHOLOMEW, Thomas BULLARDA Real Nigthmare, or a Flight of Fancy?

Notes and References

Futher Reading

Image not availableAuthors: David Hatcher CHILDRESS, Richard S. SHAVER
I Remember Lemuria & The Shaver Mystery
ISBN: 0-932813-63-1
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois
Year: 1999
Pages: 344
Name: Childress, David Hatcher; Palmer, Raymond (1910 - 1977); Shaver, Richard S. (1907 - 1975)

David Hatcher CHILDRESSIntroduction i-viii

Richard S. SHAVERForeword to the 1948 edition 1

Richard S. SHAVER, Raymond PALMERI Remember Lemuria 5

Richard S. SHAVER, Raymond PALMERThe Return of the Sathanas 111

Shaver's Alphabet 214

David Hatcher CHILDRESSThe Shaver Mystery 217

David Hatcher CHILDRESSThe Search for the Hollow Earth 237

David Hatcher CHILDRESSUFOs and Antarctica 257

David Hatcher CHILDRESSTunnels Systems Beneath South America 275

David Hatcher CHILDRESSThe Underground World of the Central Asia 303

Bibliography & Footnotes 329-333

Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: August September
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 1999
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: May-July
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 1999
Pages: 105 pp.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: November - December
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 1999
Pages: 74 p. : ill.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1958: October
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 1999
Pages: 109 pp,
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: April - June
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 1999
Pages: 90 p : ill.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1959: January -March
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 1999
Pages: 110 p. : ill.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)
Image not availableAuthor: John INNES (ed.)
Publisher: John Brown Publishing, London
Year: 1999
Pages: 96
Name: Innes, John
Image not availableYear: 1971
Author: John A. KEEL
ISBN: 1-88009-016-3
Publisher: Galde Press, Lakeville MN
Year: 1999
Pages: 208
Name: Keel, John A. (1930 - 2009)
Image not availableAuthors: Helmut LAMMER, Marion LAMMER
Title: MILABS: Military Mind Control & Alien Abduction
ISBN: 1-88153-218-6
Publisher: IllumiNET, Lilburn, Georgia
Year: 1999
Pages: 168
Name: Lammer, Helmut; Lammer, Marion
Image not availableAuthor: Alec MACLELLAN
ISBN: 0-285-63498-4
Publisher: Souvenir, London
Year: 1999
Pages: 192
Name: MacLellan, Alec
Image not availableAuthor: George PICCARD
Title: LIQUID CONSPIRACY - JFK, LSD, the CIA, Area 51 & UFOs

Preface: Kenn THOMAS
ISBN: 0-932813-57-7
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois
Serie: Mind Control /Conspiracy Serie
Year: 1999
Pages: 193
Name: Piccard, George; Thomas, Kenn
Image not availableYear: 1997
Author: Nick POPE
Title: THE UNINVITED: An Exposé of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon
ISBN: 0-440-23487-5
Publisher: Dell, New York
Year: 1999
Name: Pope, Nick (1965)
Image not availableAuthor: Kenn THOMAS
Title: MAURY ISLAND UFO:The Crisman Conspiracy
ISBN: 1-88153-219-4
Publisher: IllumiNET, Lilburn, Georgia
Year: 1999
Pages: 287
Name: Thomas, Kenn
Image not availableAuthor: Dolores CANNON
Beyond Abduction
ISBN: 1-88694-004-5
Publisher: Ozark Mountain Pub, Huntsville, AR
Year: 1998
Pages: 556 p.
Name: Cannon, Dolores
Image not availableAuthor: Timothy GOOD
Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrials
ISBN: 0-7126-7812-3
Publisher: Century, London
Year: 1998
Pages: 419
Name: Good, Timothy (1942)
Image not availableAuthor: Loren E. GROSS
Title: UFOs: A HISTORY - 1957: December
Publisher: P.P., Fremont, Calif.
Year: 1998
Pages: 101 pp.
Name: Gross, Loren E. (1938)